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"Jan 10 Race 30"

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 01-10-18 at 10:54 PM
When they first mention how it would be done I did not like the idea of the teams racing as pairs against each other.

But watching it I found myself on the edge as to who would win and the course caused the racers to make mistakes.

I like it!

What did you think.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by LTLer on 01-11-18 at 05:19 PM
Tough on the team that had to go so many times. Glad that they did get through it. Looks like it will be an interesting season

"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by jbug on 01-18-18 at 11:14 AM
Interesting change. It's been so many seasons now they are trying to come up with new things to keep interest I guess.
I felt bad for them but they kept going and made it.
The race between the final 2 was the hardest. Knowing when they started it was do or die.

"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by featherfish on 01-25-18 at 04:01 PM
I'm still not sure I like it. All the skill of getting done with the rest of the race quickly can be wiped out by some lucky throw from a much slower team. It also creates more of a bunch point, though that would likely just happen later anyway.

"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by kingfish on 01-26-18 at 09:55 PM
I think I like it. It's just another challenge they have to get past, and it does heighten the tension. I also think they need the bunch points, without them one team might get a unsurmountable lead mid-race, then the season would be boring.

"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 02-01-18 at 00:42 AM
That is what happened in one of the first races, the lead team was almost half a day ahead of the other teams.

"RE: Jan 10 Race 30"
Posted by featherfish on 02-01-18 at 01:27 PM
Yeah, I understand having bunch points, but I think doing it through flights or times when things are open is a better way to do it than the head-to-head challenges.