LAST EDITED ON 05-11-14 AT 09:01 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 05-11-14 AT 09:00 PM (EST)
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-14 AT 08:56 PM (EST)
We have gone down this route before, but the more races we see the more we think about changes to make.
My choices:
1) No U-Turns, they just seem to cause strife.
1a) If there must be U-Turns get rid of the single ones, double U-Turns leave us with two teams both with delays racing.
1b) No U-Turns after the second half of the race, give people the chance to move ahead.
2) Speed-Bumps: Good idea but some have been too easy and rarely some have been too hard. More thought in their designs is clearly needed.
3) Yields: While not used lately I prefer them over U-Turns, your thoughts?
4) Navigation: There are times when using the Internet and/or asking locals for directions should be banned. Give them a map and ask them to find their own way.
5) Answers giving: Ban it, ban it, ban it. I don't mind teams watching how other teams solve a problems, but one team telling another team an answer without that second team not doing the work of their task - Ban. If it can't be banned add a time penalty at the pit-stop
6) No Intersections period.
7) None transportation bunch points: Always have a sign-in board or tickets with start times to ensure teams continue in the same order they arrive. On second thought always make it tickets, I love it when a hasty team grabs a ticket for a later departure time instead.
What did I miss.
No Yields or U turns, but I would bring back the one fast forward a leg/one FF a team. It adds an extra layer of startegy, without causing the ridiculous canned drama of the U-Turn or Yield. The one FF a leg wouldn't need to be a huge task or a costly task, becasue the Fast Forward is all about a startegic choice.
I agree with losing the U-turn. Racers should succeed or lose on their own. Teams should not be able to affect other teams that way.Speed Bumps are tricky. They are much better than taking all their money and possessions, forcing teams to beg. Never enjoyed seeing any team beg. They could be left out - you go in knowing some legs are non-elim, why must there be a penalty?
The easy cure for answer sharing is not having every team have the same answer. If each team had to figure out a unique answer (easier later in the race with fewer teams), sharing wouldn't be helpful.
1. Either no U-Turns or put them at the start of the leg. Also make it a rule a team can only be U-Turned once in a season.2. The Fast Forward. Give teams a chance to get back in the game.
3. Try to avoid bunching points whenever possible.
4. Ban begging. Not an issue so much now but still needs to be done.
>>If there must be U-Turns get rid of the single ones,
>>double U-Turns leave us with two teams both with
>>delays racing.I get the rationale for the double u-turn.
After all, if you have two teams racing for last, and one of them gets to the uturn board first, that pretty much seals the deal.
At least with the double u-turn there is the potential for someone to u-turn a team, and allow that team to u-turn someone else to keep it a race.
1. I loved the fast forwards, but now there is only one a season, if that. If teams are limited to one, and they were on all the legs except the first and the last two, that would put more strategy into the game.
2. I prefer the Speed Bumps to the other options they had for last place NEL teams. No one wants to see the beggers come back.
3. Brunch points are unavoidable to some degree and likely needed so that some teams aren't running a couple days behind other teams. But bunch points should only happen early in a leg.
4. I like it when teams get clues they have to figure out. There should be more of that.
NELs - Nay
Superlegs - Yay!
I love the navigation idea, especially if a map is included in the clue. Sometimes a location isn't well known enough to appear on a regular map, so they end up having to ask someone. I'd also be okay with an internet cafe and a printer, just as long as they don't ask anyone else.And I agree with answer banning, but think you should penalize the team that gives the answer, not the team that gets it. Otherwise teams could just tell another team the answer, causing them to be penalized even though they didn't do anything wrong - a back door yield, if you will.