Shut Up, Dave.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually agree with Brenchel.
Seeing Dave cry about his U-Turn for several minutes was pretty embarrassing to watch, especially since they were U-Turned when they were in second place. It wasn't one of those bury-the-guy-in-last-place ones, and they finished before the Globetrotters even appeared. Instead, Dave goes on this pious and mighty rant about his age (like he should be expecting special treatment) and then proceeding to act like a child.
They wanted a first place finish, Dave. Teams do that sometimes. You can be angry about it, but stop acting like a baby about it.
Week 8 Results
1st place - Brendon/Rachel (2x)
2nd place - Jet/Cord (1.5x)
3rd place - Leo/Jamal (1.2x)
4th place - Dave/Connor (.8x)
5th place - Caroline/Jennifer (.5x)
6th place - Flight Time/Big Easy (0x)Uneven Week
It was another one of those weeks where the scores were all over the board. There were several players who did really well, several players who did not-so-well, and a bunch of players who stayed about the same. The bonus game was pretty well spread out too, with maaaaybe about 1/3 to a half of the entries getting it right.
This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to Chiubakka, who climbed up a very nice 4 ranks this week. Way to go!
The Perfect Bet Award also goes to Chiubakka (1.84x), thanks to a great bonus pick and a solid Jet/Cord regular wager. Great job!
1. michiganlargefan - 1926
2. Georganna - 1876
3. Yogi - 1291
4. flipxcyd01 - 1245
5. louislam - 636
6. coldbrewer - 616
7. Ontheroadagain1 - 600
8. FFantasyFX - 544
9. Jims03 - 468
10. IanQuentin - 462
11. taffnic - 381
12. tribephyl - 260
13. Chiubakka - 186
14. MzTee - 183
15. Molaholic - 182
16. sarah12345 - 131
17. starshine - 120
18. bbenz - 114
19. jbenz2 - 65
20. pepperz - 52michiganlargefan is still in the top spot, but Georganna is really nipping at his/her heels. Looks like a two horse race for now, but you never know!
Week 8 Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - 1.5x
3rd place - Break even
4th place - .5x
5th place - 0xMax Individual Bet - 400 points
Ignore Price - .5xYes, we have officially reached the evenly spaced .5x table.
Bonus Game - Bank Bank Bank
Do you feel that you're not getting enough of a thrill in wagering your own points? Well, here's an opportunity for you!
This week, I'll let you borrow up to 500 points, even more than a max bet's worth. What's more, I'll let you bet on whatever team(s) you want with it, even if you've already laid a max bet on them with your own points.
This wager would be completely separate on your other wagers, and would be subject to the same payout table.
Unlike in other years where we've done this bonus, the "Ignore Team" makes the bonus game a little confusing. As with all other bonus games this year, this bonus game is completely independent of the Ignore Team rules, so none of those wagering rules apply. That means, for your bonus game wager only, you may wager on a team you ignored last week. And the team you ignore this week doesn't affect your bonus game's team rankings.
For example, if you had 500 points this week, and you ignored Brendon/Rachel last week, your wager might look like:
400 points - Jet/Cord
100 points - Leo/JamalBorrowing 500 points
500 points - Brendon/RachelIn this example, even though you ignored Brendon/Rachel last week (and cannot regular wager on them), you could still dump your 500 loaned points on them if you still like them. Easy, right?
The only downside? I'm charging 20% interest. Interest sucks, huh?
That means, if you borrow the full 500 points this week, you have to pay back... (a) the 500 points I loaned you, and (b) 100 points (20%) in interest. That would be a total of 600 points I'd be collecting from you next week.
Now, if you turned the 500 points into a cool 1000, paying up wouldn't be such a big deal. But, if it only netted 250 or (gawd-forbid) 0 points... Well, I still want my points back.
Remember, this wager counts separate from your regular wager. If you choose to borrow points, specify the number of points you're borrowing and label that wager separately. No flat 900-point wagers on one team; do it as a regular 400 and a bonus 500. And you don't have to borrow all 500 points. That's just the maximum loan I'm giving.
TAR24 Teams Remaining
Leo/JamalGood luck!
The TAR24 Casino Game: Now with indecipherable rules!
I am thoroughly surprised I'm still in this game. I'm sure I've spent more time at the bar than at the table, yet, I'm still here....weird...12. tribephyl - 260
Max Individual Bet - 400 points260 on Dave/Conner
Borrowing 500 points
500 points - Jet/Cord
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-14 AT 02:30 PM (EST)6. coldbrewer - 616
400 Jet/Cord
216 Leo/JamalBorrow 500 on Jet/Cord
You won't come after me, if I finish in the red, right? Haha
thanks Agman!
Jet/Cord-381Borrowing 500 for Jet/Cord
Really not sure this week, so I'm going to go with the team that is completely absent from all that alliance stuff.400 points - Jet/Cord
68 points - Leo/JamalBorrowing 500 points.
500 points - Jet/Cord
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-14 AT 07:59 PM (EST)400 Jet/Cord
400 Brenchel
400 Leo/JamalIgnore Dave/Connor
Borrow 500 on Jet/Cord
All in on Jet/CordBorrow 500 on Jet/Cord
sarah12345 - 131Regular Bet:
131 on Cowboys
Ignore Leo/JamalBonus: Borrow 500
500 on Cowboys
Not sure if the ignoring thing still applies for my regular bet, so I added it anyway.
Well that was not nice.I'm going to go all in, including the 500 Bonus loan on the Cowboys.
Yee Haw!
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-14 AT 06:30 PM (EST)5. louislam - 636
386 on Jet/Cord
250 on Leo/Jamal
Ignore team: Dave/ConnorBonus Game - Borrrow
500 on Jet/CordThe Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!
Brendon/Rachel x 400
Dave/Connor x 400
Leo/Jamal x 400
Ignore Jet/Cord
7. Ontheroadagain1 - 600
This is a baffling week.
500 on the Cowboys
100 on the Brandon/RachelBonus -- Borrow 500, all on the Cowboys.
Chiubakka 186 pts140 cowboys
46 brendon/RachelIgnore Dave/Connor
Borrow 200 for cowboys.
Beginning ~ 1876REGULAR ~
Brendan and Rachel ~ 400
Conner and Dave ~ 400
Leo and Jamal – 400IGNORE ~ Jet and Cord
BONUS ~ Borrowing 500 Points
Leo and Jamal ~ 250
Dave and Conner ~ 250BANK ~ 676
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-14 AT 08:01 PM (EST)Ignore
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-14 AT 08:00 PM (EST)400-Dave/Connor
Ignore Brenchel
Borrow 500
250 Dave/Connor
250 Leo/JamalI tried to edit and it accidently replied, can this one be my official?
400 points on Brendan/Rachel
Banking 144.Bonus: 500 points on Brendan/Rachel
114 to start64 on Jet and Cord
50 on Dave & ConorBorrow 500
400 Jet & Cord
100 on Brenden & RachelIgnore Caroline & Jennifer
I hope I"m in time!
400 on Dave/ConnorMax Borrow on Dave/Connor