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Thread Number: 4251
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"TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"

Posted by Jims02 on 09-24-13 at 10:31 PM

We're Back!

Yes, we here at the TAR Casino Game are back again for another season of wagering, bonusing, awarding, and bad-joking. We are like clockwork... Autumn comes and so does the TAR Casino Game. We shall be doing this until TAR is either canceled or all of our logins suddenly stop working.

Speaking of which, if anyone is still having trouble logging in, just make sure you don't select the "Remember Me" button and it should work for ya.

A tiny bit of housekeeping, first of all, for the last Casino Game that I wanted to straighten-up. Looking over the wagers from the last finale, I accidentally miscored sarah1234's bet as regular bet instead of a bonus wager. She let me know about it via PM and I didn't actually see the message until much later.

So the corrected final scores are:

1. IanQuentin - 2600
2. KwietOne - 2529
3. Jims02 - 2248
4. flipxcyd - 2000
5. Molaholic - 1937
6. Ontheroadagain - 1860
7. sarah1234 - 1070
8. vennui - 1024
9. alemattos - 900
10. FFantasyFX - 740
11. louislam - 458
12. taffnic - 92

Sorry about the mix-up, sarah!

Anyway, a big Welcome Back to all our returning players, as well as an equally-sized Hello to all newbies who have stumbled onto this thread. To any new folks who may be confused by this whole thing, let's start with...

What's the TAR Casino Game?

The TAR Casino Game is a game in which players make wagers on the outcome of each leg of The Amazing Race. If you make good wagers and your teams do well, then you'll gain more points to use next week. If they don't as well, you'll go back a little bit. But even if you have a couple bad weeks, there's always time to catch up to the other players. We've seen people win the game after losing almost half their points in the first week!

Every player is given 20 points from the start, with the goal of accumulating as many points as possible until the end the game. The player with the highest total at the finale is the winner, and gets the prize of Supreme Bragging Rights until next season rolls around.

Last year's champ was IanQuentin, who is now a two-time winner. Can IanQuentin become the first person ever to win three TAR Casino Game titles? There's only one way to find out!

So, if you're new to these parts and are just checking us out, go ahead and register! Play a few rounds of the game, see how much you like it. Worst case scenario, you're out 5 minutes of your week. But it really is a lot of fun to make your picks and root for them each week. I recall during a few footraces to the finish line last year that were really exciting because of it.

Here be the full rules to the game.

Ye Olde Rules

1. Each player in Week 1 starts with 20 points. In every subsequent week, this amount decreases, so join now. Also, these are the only points you get, so don't waste them. Once you run out of points, you're out of the game.

2. Every week, you may choose to wager your points on the various teams. Later on, there will be limits on the max bet you can lay down, which will be covered in full next week.

3. You don't have to bet all your points. Any points you don't wager are banked, and will be carried over to the following week without risk.

4. Decimals are evil. All wagers must be a whole number. Also, in scoring your entries, all decimal points will be rounded up. It makes the scoreboard prettier that way. No one wants to see a final score of 693.22463 to 612.1935.

5. Absenteeism sucks. If you miss three straight entries, you're eliminated from the game. If you're going to be on vacation, send me a note and I'll keep the records.

6. All entries must be entered before showtime: Sunday, September 29th, 8 PM Eastern Time. Any entries after that time will not be counted. Any edits to an existing entry after the deadline will be penalized. The clock is based on the clock on this message board.

7. Your wagers will be scored based on the almighty Payout Table. The Payout Table gives a multiplier value to each ranking, and determines the return on your wagers. Each of your individual wagers are multiplied by their appropriate multipliers, and then totaled together.

For example, here's the Payout Table for Week 1.

Week 1 Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - 1.6x
3rd place - 1.3x
4th place - 1.2x
5th place - 1.1x
6th place - Break even
7th place - .9x
8th place - .8x
9th place - .7x
10th place - .4x
11th place - 0x

This is going to be based off of the final rankings at the end of the episode when they arrive at the Pit Stop.

Fictionalized Modern Life Example - You've got 20 points and you choose to wager them on the following fictional teams...

10 points - Rocko/Spunky
5 points - Heffer/Filburt
3 points - Ed/Bev
Bank 2 points.

Now let's pretend Rocko/Spunky finishes 2nd, Heffer/Filburt 9th, and Ed/Bev 11th.

Rocko/Spunky - 10 points * 1.6 (2nd place) = 16
Heffer/Filburt - 5 points * .7 (9th) = 3.5
Ed/Bev - 3 points * 0 (11th) = 0
+2 points banked

Total = 16 + 3.5 + 0 + 2 = 21.5 = 22 pts (rounding)

Overall, in this example, you'd manage to eek out a 2 point gain for the week and would start with 22 for next week. No a bad start, I'd say.

Here are the teams you will be wagering on.

TAR23 Teams Remaining

And that's it for me. Good luck everyone!

First TAR Casino Entry in my new condo and on my new computer. Clearly 2013 has been a year of transition.

Table of contents
  • Sample Entry,Jims02, 10:34 PM, 09-24-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Molaholic, 00:58 AM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Georjanna, 01:12 AM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Starshine, 11:13 AM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Estee, 11:15 AM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,esquire, 11:21 AM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,KwietOne, 10:48 PM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,flipxcyd, 11:11 PM, 09-25-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,mikey, 00:00 AM, 09-26-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,floyd2, 01:06 PM, 09-26-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,ARnutz, 04:30 PM, 09-26-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,taffnic, 00:39 AM, 09-28-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,MzTee, 04:25 PM, 09-28-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,vennui, 09:56 PM, 09-28-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Corvis, 09:48 AM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,louislam, 01:52 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Jims02, 02:51 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,sarah1234, 03:21 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Snidget, 04:03 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,bbenzenberg, 04:03 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Ontheroadagain, 04:32 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,jbenz, 04:47 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,chiubakka, 05:13 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Yogi, 06:56 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,kduck, 07:25 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,beau_30, 07:44 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,pepperz, 07:50 PM, 09-29-13
  • RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!,Belle Book, 07:50 PM, 09-29-13

Messages in this discussion
"Sample Entry"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-24-13 at 10:34 PM
All players start with 20 points.

12 points - Ally/Ashley
3 points - Brandon/Adam
3 points - Chester/Ephraim

Bank 2 points.

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Molaholic on 09-25-13 at 00:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-13 AT 01:00 AM (EST)

Hoot Daddy -- I get to be the first better. (or is that bettor?) What could be better, my dear bettee?

Not even going to look at profiles, just going for it.

15 on Leo/Jamal.

Rest on account, please.

2013 National League West Champions

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Georjanna on 09-25-13 at 01:12 AM
Beginning ~ 20 Points

Leo and Jamal ~ 5
Jason and Amy ~ 5
Tim and Marie ~ 5
Ally and Ashley ~ 5

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Starshine on 09-25-13 at 11:13 AM
Yay! The casino is back!

Thanks Jims


Leo and Jamal 10 points

Ally and Ashley 10 points

Lovely cheese Mooney

Where are Voice of the Beehive when we need them?

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Estee on 09-25-13 at 11:15 AM
I was slightly worried that one of your example teams was going to be Uncle Grandpa/Giant Realistic Flying Tiger.

Twenty points on Leo & Jamal. Why? Because I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce Hoskote.

(Not even remotely surprised that Ed & Bev finished last.)

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by esquire on 09-25-13 at 11:21 AM
Jims -

I am glad to see the game is back.

All 20 on Leo/Jamaal

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by KwietOne on 09-25-13 at 10:48 PM
Hey JIMS - thanks for hosting again.

ALL IN on Leo/Jamal

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-25-13 at 11:11 PM

20 on Boston Strong (aka Jason/Amy)

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by mikey on 09-26-13 at 00:00 AM
I never seem to last anywhere near the final standings. Anyway, new season, everyone is tied.

All in on Jamaleo

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by floyd2 on 09-26-13 at 01:06 PM
10 on Travis/Nicole
10 on Leo/Jamal

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-26-13 at 04:30 PM
20 on Leo & Jamal

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by taffnic on 09-28-13 at 00:39 AM

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by MzTee on 09-28-13 at 04:25 PM
Brandon & Adam 5 points
Leo & Jamal 5 points
Tim & Danny 10 points

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by vennui on 09-28-13 at 09:56 PM
Hey Jim,

Thanks for doing this again

20 points on Leo /Jamal

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Corvis on 09-29-13 at 09:48 AM
I'm going with:

Leo and Jamal 10 points
Ally and Ashley 10 points

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by louislam on 09-29-13 at 01:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-13 AT 01:57 PM (EST)

Jims, thanks for opening this casino again!!

1st week, random picks~

8 on Jason/Amy
8 on Travis/Nicole
4 on Leo/Jamal

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-29-13 at 02:51 PM
Time for the ol' first week hedge that I do almost every year.

15 points - Leo/Jamal
5 points - Ally/Ashley

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by sarah1234 on 09-29-13 at 03:21 PM
Yay for the casino game! Thanks for the score update Jims, I forgot all about it already. Now I have to defend my top 10 rank I guess.

I read through/watched the teams bios/interviews. And at the end I was like, what? those are all the choices? Hopefully the cast becomes more likable to me tonight during the show!

Chester/Ephraim - 5 points
Tim/Danny - 5 points
Leo/Jamal - 5 points
Tim/Marie - 5 points

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Snidget on 09-29-13 at 04:03 PM
All in Brandon & Adam

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by bbenzenberg on 09-29-13 at 04:03 PM
Yay Race!

20 to start

Ally & Ashley - 10
Travis & Nicole - 10

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 09-29-13 at 04:32 PM
Hey, Jims, Thanks for hosting the casino for the umpteenth time. Now where are my margaritas?

10 on Jason and Amy (gonna support Boston Strong)
10 on Nicole and Travis

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by jbenz on 09-29-13 at 04:47 PM
12 points - Tim/Danny
8 points - Brandon/Adam

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by chiubakka on 09-29-13 at 05:13 PM
10 Chester/Ephraim
10 Jason/Amy

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Yogi on 09-29-13 at 06:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-13 AT 07:00 PM (EST)

Thanks for running the Casino again Jims!

Leo/Jamal x 10
Travis/Nicole x 10

Congrats on the new Condo!

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by kduck on 09-29-13 at 07:25 PM
Ephraim and Chester - 7
Adam and Brandon - 7
Travis and Nicole - 6

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by beau_30 on 09-29-13 at 07:44 PM
Welcome Back. I almost forgot. But luckily i didn't.
So I'm going to go
10 on Leo/Jamal
10 on Tim/Danny

Banks for dummies. Unless we can rob them this year.

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by pepperz on 09-29-13 at 07:50 PM

"RE: TAR23 Casino Game - Shuffle Up and Deal!"
Posted by Belle Book on 09-29-13 at 07:50 PM
I'm going to try again, so:

10 on Leo & Jamal &
10 on Jason & Amy