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"Production: Claps & Slaps"

Posted by Estee on 10-01-12 at 11:20 AM
For notes on leg construction, task design, course layout, camera work, and the other elements which go into the actual assembly of the Race. (This is not for commenting on Racer actions unless said actions were directly caused, influenced, or sabotaged by Production.) It's sort of a behind-the-scenes GUFU with occasional positive notes, and it's one thread per season. Sort of like how it's one giant tieup on the Cross-Bronx which doesn't let me get home in time to find that the forecast start of 8:30 was a lie, but that doesn't matter because the DVR misfired and my exposure to the premiere was limited to roughly two minutes. So this time, someone else can have the honor of the initial slapfest, plus any justifiable scattered applause.

I look forward to finding out what happened.

Did anything explode?

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Messages in this discussion
"Did they Change Editors?"
Posted by IceCat on 10-01-12 at 11:25 AM

The frenetic jump-cut-every-two-seconds editing pace combined with the non-stop five different types of background music at the same time topped off with insipid pop-up graphics makes for the worst piece-o-carp editing job that I've ever seen on television.

It's distracting to the extreme.

Absolute garbage!

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-02-12 at 09:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-02-12 AT 09:11 AM (EST)

Clap - Casting did a better job than they have in recent years. No mentally impaired Big Brother rejects, no one came off as the villian just yet (although there was a hint of it with Ryan).

Clap - To the invisible abacus woman. Takes talent to sit under a bright red umbrella in a bright red dress with a red & yellow abacus and still not be seen.

Clap - the groovy bus that delivered them to the starting line.

Slap - The ping pong champion seemed to go easier on the late arrivals.

Slap - Seems like we have a leg in China every race. There are other places in Asia.

Slap - One of the Chippendales reminds me of a buff Ryan Seacrest.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-02-12 at 09:28 AM
LOL. I thought the same thing about the Chippendales.

The only slap for casting for me would be the twins. I can't take any more screaming twins.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by jbug on 10-02-12 at 12:39 PM
I agree about the twins. If the screaming one is that bad in leg one, can you imagine her further down the road?

I can see Agman October 2011

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-02-12 at 01:11 PM
Fortunately for our eardrums, they don't look like a long-term contending team.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-02-12 at 01:15 PM
Clap - No former reality TV participants.

Clap - For casting a team of unabashed TAR fans.

Slap - Though I understand the need to pay the bills through sponsors, I don't like blatant product placements like the Ford vehicles.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by IanQuentin on 10-02-12 at 02:01 PM
Josh and Brent are former reality TV participants.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-02-12 at 03:03 PM
Technically, that's true. But their show was more a documentary on city guys buying a farm not a competition reality show like Big Brother or Survivor.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 10-08-12 at 01:32 AM
In the second leg, I like that as the runners arrived from the airport it was still a race to get numbered tags, and then the tags in use delays the racers in the order they continue the race.

ALL bunch points should end up doing something like this to ensure the race always counts EVER step of taken by the racers.

There is nothing worse than a bunch point that puts the first racers on equal footings to racers who come in four hours later.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-08-12 at 10:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-12 AT 10:05 AM (EST)

Clap - The cow/motorcycle race non-bunch point worked well.

Clap - Props to the twins for solving a sort-and-place task so well. Double props to Phil for the "you guys stink" line.

Slap - The Native Greeter's nails were just creepy. (Yes, I realize that there's a cultural aspect to that, but creepy nonetheless.)

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-08-12 at 10:14 AM
Clap - For the post-task spacing after "Hours of Operation" bunched everyone at the cow race.

Slap - For another team philimination due to getting the wrong taxi driver. Though it's part of the race, taxi lotto stinks.

Clap - Having a balanced set of tasks at a Detour is a rare but good thing. The fish market stall setup seemed to take about the same amount of time as the ice-hauling task.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-08-12 at 12:02 PM
Clap: The way that the "hours of operation" point worked out.

Clap: Natalia & Nadiya for doing the fish task so well and rebounding after a semi-bad first leg to work together so well and win the Express Pass!

Clap: The balanced nature of the Detour tasks, although I would have done the Ice task.

Slap: The horrible taxi cab drivers that the Married Monster Truckers and especially Amy & Daniel had. I always hate the Curse of the Bad Taxi Cab Driver -- even if it's not the fault of Production!

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-08-12 at 02:32 PM
I'll echo the claps here for the Hours of Operation thing - I'd like to see this become a regular thing from now on at all bunching points - either do a task to space it out like they did here or enforce a five-minute spacing in between entrys into some landmark or location. With ten teams, that's a forty five minute gap which is fair considering one team arrived 4 hours later and could have been right back in it as in past years based on how quickly they outran others upon the gates opening.

"RE: Production: Claps & Slaps"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 10-12-12 at 02:44 AM
Just because I did not do it before please another SLAP for the taxi roulette. The part I hate most is even if the racers ask ahead of time is the taxi drivers know where they are going, the drivers will lie just to get the fare.

We have seen a not of good taxi races in this show, but I hate seeing a team lose because the cabbies lied or the vehicle is not up the task - and often they know it.

"3rd Leg"
Posted by jbug on 10-14-12 at 09:20 PM
Production: If there is a chance teams may be divided by several hours due to transportation, at least make the detours such that there is some difficulty involved; give those on the 3 hr later train a chance to catch at least.

Foreign public transportation drivers:
2 legs in a row that teams are eliminated due entirely to the driver they chose. I realize it's a fact of the game, but.....

Natalie & Nadia: one of you is too loud and calling teh Chippendales stupid might come back to haunt you; at least I hope it does.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by Estee on 10-15-12 at 08:21 AM
Slap While the course doesn't run on revenge the way the hamster cage does -- American politics don't even run on revenge the way the hamster cage does -- the U-Turn (and before it, the Yield) always offered a little bit of extra motivation if anyone managed to survive it. But the newest variation means the victims have no idea who did it to them, and very few teams are going to take it out on the entire field. Well, very few this season...

Slap Enough with putting suggested Twitter hashtags on the screen. #ifiwanttotweetilltweet

Slap As noted above, we've had too much reliance on other drivers early. Time to let teams walk, run, and take the wheel already.

No Hand Movement Both branches of the Detour came across as too easy -- but that's not the worst thing when there's a U-Turn involved.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-15-12 at 08:34 AM
Slap For not having enough English-speaking pedicab drivers in Indonesia.

Slap For having insufficiently motivated locals in Indonesia who don't realize THIS IS A RACE FOR A MILLION DOLLRS.

Clap Sometimes karma wins and the ugly Americans are immediately philiminated.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-15-12 at 10:23 AM
Slap - Ditto on the twitter whateverthatis stuff. (I say this as a proud luddite who has no idea how to twit anywho.)

Slap - Make that a b!tch slap to the dumb blonde who still thinks that IF YOU YELL LOUD ENOUGH a non-English speaker will understand you.

Clap - The above dumb blonde got Philiminated.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-17-12 at 10:56 AM
Brit & Cait screaming loudly and slowly at someone was really ugly. If someone spoke to me in that condescending way in French, German or Spanish, I'd have taken them to the wrong place too.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by MissMyth on 10-18-12 at 10:50 PM
I suppose I should be used to it by now. But it still floored me when the dumb b's complained about those people in Indonesia not being able to speak English. When the driver took them down the wrong road I began to wonder if he understood far more then they gave him credit for.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 10-20-12 at 09:30 PM
Wow, now that you mention it, you could be right.

"RE: 3rd Leg"
Posted by Starshine on 10-15-12 at 11:46 AM
I'm remembering that in the old days in some locations the instructions were to take a marked taxi, I'm not sure how those taxis were chosen however it may be a suggestion to the crew that this be reintroduced with American speaking drivers who know the area (although they must be willing to be directed to the wrong place).

Posted by Estee on 10-22-12 at 08:34 AM
No hand movement Probably a good idea not to let them drive their own vehicles around here, but more foot travel would have been helpful for all concerned. One team arriving via the wrong means generally indicates an error by the team. Three is more towards something wrong with the transport system.

Slap 'And we will now join in the great tradition of pretending these buses are even remotely safe!'

No hand movement It's becoming increasingly difficult to get teams going after the Fast Forward: the first one doesn't try it and then nearly everyone else assumes the first one is doing it, so why should they bother? This was a major comedy point a little while back and it hasn't improved since.

Slap Needed more of a sense of time passage on the Detour for both branches. How much pounding did the metal need? How much smoothing of the surfaces took place while we weren't looking? Is it an hour to stuff that mattress? A minute? A nap? The Roadblock had a definite This Is Taking Forever to it: the Detour -- no real feel and thus, no concept of the balance either.

"RE: Bangladesh"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-22-12 at 09:23 PM
Slap To the Monster Truckers -- lose the stupid rolling carts. They slow you down and make you look like prime duffuses (duffi?).

Clap Some actual civility among the racers. Refreshing.

Slap Needle and Thread aplenty but nobody sews up that yap.

"RE: Bangladesh"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-22-12 at 09:33 PM
Slap If this show is supposed to be a travelogue, visiting Bangladesh wasn't a good idea.

Slap Inconsistent application of the rules: Were teams required to take the water ferry or not?

Clap For the teams asking for a "no talking" period of time. Apparently it's not just my ears that bleed whenever "Team Twinnie" is on the screen.

"RE: Bangladesh"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-12 at 08:55 AM
I agree with your first slap. Nothing about this visit made me ever want to visit Bangladesh.

"RE: Bangladesh"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-27-12 at 10:29 AM
A very slight Clap - Although I agree with Estee that the Fast Forward has problems, I think this one was a step in the right direction. Several teams could have competed for it at the same time, which I like since it creates some suspense, and it wasn't too easy either. There was a chance the task could have taken a long time if teams couldn't find the right addresses.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"Bangladesh II"
Posted by Estee on 10-29-12 at 07:36 AM
Clap Most shows do not break isolation for any reason. Allowing a team to communicate with home in order to check on the health of a loved one is a virtually unprecedented action. All credit for letting it take place.

Clap Physically exhausting leg that took an appropriate toll from the racers. Now we know who's serious about this... Bonus clap for providing water on a draining day where at least one team openly declared they wouldn't be getting food.

Slap There are times when 'to the standards of the judges' becomes a little ridiculous. Where does that peg support go again? How many times did a scale have to be turned because it wasn't oriented on the same axis as the model?

Slap Number of natives nearly killed via bamboo whip: a lot. And for some of them, it was repeated encounters with almost-death. In a culture where the traffic horn is a constant companion, we couldn't have gotten one warning blast?

No hand movement You could scent NEL on the wind from the first five minutes on.

Slap What initially seemed to be shaping up as a Helltour lost something when we didn't get a real sense of time passing at the jute processing station.

Clap The return of the dollar leg! Too bad all the teams seem to have been saving money.

Slap Okay, we have beheld the wonder that is Eastern eggplant. We don't care. Why are we wasting a clue stop on this?

"RE: Bangladesh II"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-29-12 at 08:33 AM
Slap Two legs in Bangladesh. 'Nuff said.

Slap For broadcasting a developing-world sweatshop on national TV.

Clap Though I hate non-elimination legs, this was a good place for one. First-place team way ahead due to previous Fast Forward, no bunch point in the leg, limited chances to make up time for teams in the back... well played.

"RE: Bangladesh II"
Posted by Estee on 10-29-12 at 08:43 AM
Disagree on showing the sweatshop: there are times we need reminders on just how well-off many of us are, even in hard times.

"RE: Bangladesh II"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-29-12 at 12:01 PM
If I'd been doing the Bamboo Detour (and I might not have), I'd have urged my partner to yell to the natives, "Please move!" -- and I'd have been yelling it as well!

Posted by qwertypie on 11-06-12 at 03:29 PM
SLAP - No penalty for twinnies grabbing the rockers' money. The debate going on here is whether they stole it or not, but if we watched the episode correctly, the rockers were still in the room. Where do you draw the line? You left your backpack in a closed room outside the bathroom door to go take a leak , so it was fair game? Oops, you turned to talk to your partner and your clue envelope was just sitting there beside you?

Is the rule if a semi-skilled pick pocket could relieve you of your belongings, then it's fair game? I really hope karma bites them in their collective a$$es.

Would there have been a penalty if the rockers couldn't have raised enough money and had missed their flight?

Posted by kidflash212 on 11-06-12 at 04:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-12 AT 07:31 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-06-12 AT 04:20 PM (EST)

A Second Slap - for allowing the theft to go unpenalized. I don't see this as a case of finders keepers. They clearly knew who lost the money. That makes it theft. If I find a wallet that has identification and I keep it - I'm stealing it, not "finders keepers".

Slap - The spa detour. While it gave the viewers a chance to ogle some eye candy, it wasn't an actual task. Teams didn't actually have to do anything but sit there and that meant there was no chance for any teams to make up any ground.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

Posted by MKitty on 11-16-12 at 06:32 PM
TOTALLY...i am still pissed off about that one - evil twins!! Now, just hoping that the rocker dude's passports show up....

Spooked by Agman

Posted by finallytyping on 11-12-12 at 02:07 PM
Wouldn't it be a SLAP to the cab driver who drove off with the Rockers' stuff? He would truly be a stupid thief since the driver could clearly see he was being filmed. It seems the production staff could just show the video to the police or local taxi companies and easily find the guy...

"RE: Russia"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-12-12 at 02:44 PM
Hard to tell how it happened. I think James & Abba said something about losing track of time and the cab driver may have thought they weren't coming back. He is trying to make a living and needs to pick up fares. I also never know when teams ask cabs to wait for them if they have paid them up to that point or not.

"RE: Russia"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-12-12 at 04:56 PM
Slap For the blatant bunch point early in the Russia leg with an opening time of 9:30 am. (Too bad it didn't work.)

Clap Doing the library search task using the Cyrillic alphabet was a unique twist on an old theme.

Slap To be continued...

"RE: Russia"
Posted by Belle Book on 11-12-12 at 08:05 PM
Actually, I might slap the Rockers for not putting their passports in their fanny packs, at least! If they lost track of time but had put their passports in their fanny packs so that only the rest of their stuff was inside the car, they might have been able to check in even without the rest of their stuff, as long as they had their passports with them.

"RE: Russia"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 11-12-12 at 08:08 PM
Slap - My DVR for not recording the show.

"RE: Russia"
Posted by Snidget on 11-14-12 at 08:36 AM
Wait, you have my DVR?

"RE: Russia"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-13-12 at 11:25 PM
Slap The Twins. Just because.

Хлопок Библиотека задачи. Потому что читать кириллицу это весело.

Slap The swimming task. If the powers-that-be decree that locals are involved in learning a task, make sure they speak English.

"Russia, part two"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-21-12 at 03:11 PM
clap, high five, and big old WHOOP! "Pencils Down!" prof.

slap All those dolts that couldn't figure out the time zone map. SHEESH!

slap Maybe it was just editing with the rockers, but the Russian historical figures challenge sure looked way easier (just go up and ask "Are you Lenin?")

clap "The answer is -- INCORRECT!"

Posted by Estee on 11-26-12 at 09:10 AM
No Hand Movement The Double U-Turn is officially broken. It was never a wonderful part of game strategy and high point of every season, but having the rules allow teams to use it on someone they know is ahead of them -- negating a slot which could be used for retaliation -- means it's time to rewrite the book. No negative attaches because this particular abuse hasn't happened before (although you arguably should have seen it coming), but it's like six-finger backdoors: you let it go through once. Fix this or watch your competition fall apart.

Slap Not the best possible Switchback. It's the sort of thing that's generally funny once unless the right people fall into the ditch. And they didn't.

No Hand Movement Given all the flight scattering and the delays inherent in the U-Turn plus the potential time sink of the live tableau Detour branch, I've got one question. What happens to any organ grinder team which has to raise money at night? That did not look like a high-traffic evening party zone in the making.

Slap A lot of clues. A lot of point-to-point travel. Very little actually being done.

"RE: Amsterdam."
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-26-12 at 10:16 AM
Slap In addition to being time-of-day dependent, the organ grinder task was also weather-dependent. I'm sure Abbie and Ryan had lots of foot traffic in the rain.

Begrudging clap To the Magpie Twins, Trey & Lexi, and Jaymes & James for their strategy regarding the double U-turn, and also for the flawless execution.

Slap This would have been a perfect leg for a non-elimination. Think there would've been some drama between Abbie & Ryan and the Chippendales?

Clap No unifying transportation bunch point even with the teams scattered?

"RE: Amsterdam."
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-26-12 at 10:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-12 AT 04:20 PM (EST)

Slap - For a Fast Forward this late in the Race. And in the same leg as a U-Turn. I hope a huge bunch point is coming next leg.

Clap - I really liked the bus that went into the water. I would take a ride on that bus if I ever visit Amsterdam.

"RE: Amsterdam."
Posted by Belle Book on 11-26-12 at 01:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-12 AT 01:40 PM (EST)

Clap: The Chippendales, the Twins and Trey & Lexi for creating their strategy and executing it flawlessly -- even if the Chippendales had some qualms. That said, when I used this kind of strategy in my Amazing Race Winners Edition, I actually had one team U-Turn another that was right behind them and give the indication that the second team was to U-Turn the real targets.

Slap: I agree with the person who put a slap on Production for putting a Fast-Forward and a Double U-Turn on the same leg.

"RE: Amsterdam."
Posted by Molaholic on 11-26-12 at 11:01 PM
Sorry Estee, but I must call this a full-blown SLAP I agree, the Double U-Turn should go the way of the wall-mounted rotory telephone. But the idea that rules allow U-turning a team that has obviously already been there (as part of a conspiracy) is insane.

SLAP The devil-trio involved in that same conspiracy. This isn't Survivor, folks, where deception is part of the game.

CLAP The Goat Farmers. They've shown sportsmanship, compassion, and genuine fortitude throughout the race. Too bad they're probably doomed to be Philiminated next week. If I could, I'd grant them a Super Fast Forward to the final mat.

CLAP The civilian that donated €10 to the cause. (Which begs the question -- EPBvM; please tell us that the money was sent to a worthy local charity...)

Posted by Molaholic on 12-03-12 at 01:13 PM
Clap The powers-that-be for finding a way to put the evil ones to the back of the pack. God bless stick shift.

Slap The same powers for making this an NEL and keeping the evil ones alive.

Clap The Goat Brothers and their stick-to-it-ness throughout the race.

Slap The powers-that-be (again??!!) for giving us the devils -- most entertaining clue stop ever.

Posted by Starshine on 12-03-12 at 05:13 PM
Sorry to disagree, however

Clap The Devils, I really enjoyed them getting into it

No hand movement OK it was a huge bunch point, but at least they let the teams enjoy it instead of making them wait in an airport

Slap Well I thought that Lexi should have been allowed to batter that Matador, after all that is what the bulls want to do

Slap To the team that wanted to go to Majorca (and were presumably dissuaded by the other teams)

Posted by byoffer on 12-03-12 at 05:41 PM
CLAP - to the show for going to Spain, and specifically to Mallorca. I like to travel a little vicariously through the show, and the days in Bangladesh didn't feed my travel appetite. Mallorca? Beautiful, and I was glad they had some free time on the beach.

SLAP - has this race been too easy? Finally a self-driving leg with standard autos. The teams seem way too friendly to each other though, and they shouldn't be by this point in the race.

SLAP - to the Screetchers for their comment that the Goat Farmers are organized because they are gay. (it was a passing comment as the farmers pulled away from the windmill). So racists and bigots. I really don't like those girls. (double SLAP for NEL when they were last!)

Posted by finallytyping on 12-03-12 at 10:10 PM
The teams seem way too friendly to each other though, and they shouldn't be by this point in the race.

That's why this season is so borrrrinnnngg! I couldn't pinpoint it, but you nailed it. I fully expect the teams to race to the final line together, with a conversation such as: "After you! No! Please, after you!"

Posted by Belle Book on 12-04-12 at 12:55 PM
I actually prefer teams that work well together -- and get along well with others. Teams like Jonathan the Jerk and Victoria may be great for TV drama but make me want to shoot myself until they're gone!

Posted by finallytyping on 12-04-12 at 01:20 PM
I also don't like watching mean people and don't enjoy when they behave badly and win. (i.e. "I'm not here to make friends!") I do like watching a healthy competition, though, and it would be nice if it felt more like a competition than a whole bunch of college/high school buddies going on a European vacation.

Posted by udg on 12-04-12 at 08:07 PM
I agree. Abbie/Ryan's partnership with Josh/Brent was a little too much for me (working together is fine, sticking together long after you've finished the task not so much). But overall, the everyone does their best and no backstabbing attitude has been nice.

Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!

Posted by featherfish81 on 12-04-12 at 03:58 PM
I hadn't realized it, but it is really late in the race for the teams to be driving themselves for the first time.

Oh, and I caught that comment too. Thanks for reminding me about another reason not to like them.

Posted by Max Headroom on 12-04-12 at 01:20 PM
Repeated slaps For blowing the opportunity to eliminate Team Magpie.

Clap With the obvious need for a giant bunch point, at least the racers were in a neat place. This would not have been entertaining in Bangladesh.

Clap I liked the windmill repair task, as it separated teams without randomness or searching factored into the outcome.

Posted by Molaholic on 12-10-12 at 01:18 PM
CLAP - Houdini challenge -- Best Road Block ever! (would have been even better if the following teams didn't know about the surprise drop ahead of time.)

SLAP - The final flag/greeting challenge. Why tell teams if they were right/wrong right away? (OK -- if they had to wait until all were up we'd still be there) -- make this a LIGHT WRIST TAP

SLAP - Those poor dogs having to eat food that the evil ones touched.

CLAP SHOUT HAPPY DANCE & WOOO HOOO! Phil telling the evil ones that they have been Philiminated.

Great to see a real underdog team come out on top. Congratulations to the Goat Boys!