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"TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"

Posted by Jims02 on 05-10-11 at 10:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-11 AT 10:07 PM (EST)

Girl Power

It's kinda neat how The Amazing Race went 16 straight seasons without a female/female team winning and now they've gone two in a row. Kisha and Jen ran a really consistent race, one of the most consistent ever, and managed to win the one that counts.

Especially after being dogged all season about that bathroom break that "cost them the game", they definitely deserve the victory.

Finale Results
1st place - Kisha/Jen (2x)
2nd place - Flight Time/Big Easy (1.3x)
3rd place - Gary/Mallory (.7x)
4th place - Zev/Justin (0x)

A Weird Final

This was one of the weirdest final weeks of scoring. Usually, the last set of wagers are a bunch of All-Ins, but the presence of the bonus game lead to a lot of interesting strategies. Here's a few observations.

1. Gary/Mallory was by far the most popular pick, with the grand majority of players picking them to win. Their 3rd place finish was clearly a surprise to our field.

2. Not a single person picked Gary/Mallory to finish 3rd. And considering that doubles were on in this finale week, that was a potential +350 points left on the table.

3. ARNutz only wagered 167 points on the main game. Considering how close some of the scores were, this was a somewhat surprising development.

4. Two players in the Top 10 went for Kisha/Jen only. With so many Gary/Mallory picks, that's a good opportunity to climb to the top.

5. 4 people busted out of the game. That's actually kinda low for the finale week, especially considering how bloody the regular game was.

Enough teasing the results. It's time to get down to business.

(highlight the Top 10 to see)




1. ARNutz - 1138
2. CTgirl - 852
3. Jims02 - 837
4. Ontheroadagain - 820
5. Yogi - 702
6. Belle Book - 645
7. beau_30 - 607
8. Corvis - 602
9. esquire - 521
10. michel - 509

11. KwietOne - 469
12. vennui - 357
13. flipxycd - 280
14. chiubakka - 190
15. samboohoo - 139
16. bbenzenberg - 120
17. kidflash212 - 108
18. Travelor - 78
19. FFantasyFX - 55
20. kduck - 48
21. Snidget - 38
22. dragonflies - 36
23. louislam - 33
24. Starshine - 23
25. VisionQuest - 18
26. alemattos - 17
27. Element King - 13
28. popeave - 4
29. Scuba Steve - 0
30. cahaya - 0
31. Georjanna - 0
32. jbenz - 0

In the end, it was ARNutz who came away with the win, with CTgirl earning the Silver Medal for 2nd place and, uh, some guy named Jims02 winning the bronze. Both CTgirl and Jims02 played a solid game throughout, sticking around in the Top 10 throughout. CTgirl managed to avoid the big penultimate week shake-out, while Jims02 basically hedged every week worse than a Wall Street stockbroker.

Nice job, CTgirl. Nice job, me.

This win is an appropriate win for ARNutz, since ARNutz is Nutz about, uh, TAR. 'Nutz played a solid game all the way through, with the first big move being in Week 7, climbing into the Top 3. The Week 8 Shakeout tossed a lot of players down the ranks, including ARNutz who fell down to 6th place, but rebounded very nicely the following week. 'Nutz managed to snag the lead in the final week and managed to hang in there with a very astute Globetrotters wager.

Congratulations, ARNutz, you are officially in the TAR Casino Game Hall of Fame!

Previous Casino Game Champions
TAR5 Casino Game - zombiebaby
TAR6 Casino Game - VA Slim
TAR7 Casino Game - esquire
TAR8 Casino Game - Neobie
TAR9 Casino Game - Neobie
TARX Casino Game - bighair
TAR All Stars Casino Game - Higgs
TAR12 Casino Game - KwietOne
TAR13 Casino Game - CTgirl
TAR14 Casino Game - 5cats
TAR15 Casino Game - taffnic
TAR16 Casino Game - Yogi
TAR17 Casino Game - Yogi
TAR18 Casino Game - ARNutz

And you stopped Yogi's hat trick, you meanie.

And the rest of you guys? Well, you all get a Snapple. In addition, I'll sell you guys Snapples for 5 points a piece (and 4 points for you, popeave).

Overall, this was a pretty bloody season of the TAR Casino Game, with 12 of our original 44 players getting whacked before the final week. So, really, just making it to the final week is a nice accomplishment.

Playing the Corny Music

If this were a sitcom, this would be the part where they play the sappy music and we all learn a lesson. And, really, if there's anything we ever learn from this game is that gambling increases enjoyment of entertainment... The best moral there could be.

Seriously, though, I say it every year but it's true. It's the players that keep this game going, year after year, so I'd like to thank every single one of you for playing. It's kinda interesting how millions and millions of people watch TAR each week, but such a small percentage have a rooting interest in the outcome each week. It's almost like an underground club we have here.

But don't worry, unlike Fight Club, you're allowed to talk about the TAR Casino Game.

As always, I like to get feedback on the game each season so I can further improve it. I make it a point to make every version of the game a little different, with a grand overarching gimmick. So this is way for me to gauge what people like and don't like, so I can come up with new ideas for you all.

So here's a quick survey you can answer (if you so desire).

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game?

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers?

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back?

4. What is your favorite color?

That's it for me. Turn in your surveys at the front desk and one of my aides will pick it up later. As for me, it's time for a vacation.

I'm going to admit this here, but I actually crunched the numbers to figure out what to wager last week (hence the 53 point wagers). If Gary/Mallory would have finished 1st, I would've edged out CTgirl by 2 points for the win.

(But then Gary/Mallory finished 3rd and my 53 point wager cost me 2nd place. So I think I deserve losing that spot in the rankings.)

My wager would've also screwed with ARNutz if she woulda gone Gary/Mallory too (and it would've come down to bonus picks), but Nutzy was too clever for me and went Globetrotters.

Table of contents
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,cahaya, 00:22 AM, 05-11-11
    • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Jims02, 06:31 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,samboohoo, 08:54 AM, 05-11-11
    • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Jims02, 06:34 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Ontheroadagain, 04:13 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,esquire, 04:19 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,CTgirl, 05:51 PM, 05-11-11
    • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Jims02, 06:42 PM, 05-11-11
      • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,ARnutz, 07:04 PM, 05-11-11
  • Are you $h!tt!n' me?!?!?,ARnutz, 06:58 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Belle Book, 08:20 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Yogi, 10:36 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,michel, 10:43 PM, 05-11-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Max Headroom, 08:23 AM, 05-12-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,Corvis, 12:04 PM, 05-13-11
  • RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!,popeave, 04:30 PM, 05-14-11

Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by cahaya on 05-11-11 at 00:22 AM
Grats, Nutzy! Well deserved after all of the Lvoe you've passed around to the Racers all these seasons!

Easy come, easy go, for me.

For Jims...

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? You scaled the limits pretty well this season. I'm not sure how you determined it (a percentage of top score maybe), but it worked well.

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? Nice touch, I thought. A good chance to either boost the score or go bust.

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? I kind of missed the statistically experimental variety of side bets you had in the past, even if deriving the odds formula is a challenge of its own. I love side bets. I mentioned FF earlier, so how about drafting a "team" of (say, three) TAR teams to begin the season, and getting a chance to swap for one "off the wire" each week? You'd get points based on combined placings of the teams on your "team" each week. Make this a minor side bet with the max bet being fairly modest.

4. What is your favorite color? Why, orange, of course!

Thanks for hosting, Jims!

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Jims02 on 05-11-11 at 06:31 PM
You scaled the limits pretty well this season. I'm not sure how you determined it (a percentage of top score maybe), but it worked well.

Oh, that's always based on the median score each week. It gives the bottom half of the rankings the opportunity to double-up in an individual week (2x), whereas some of the top players can only max out at 1.5x overall. I'm really into the game design of giving players in the bottom a "relative" advantage, with the trade-off of having to deal with more risk.

The bonus wagers were usually scaled to score half of a regular bet. If a normal bet could net you +100, an individual bonus wager would be about +50.

I mentioned FF earlier, so how about drafting a "team" of (say, three) TAR teams to begin the season, and getting a chance to swap for one "off the wire" each week? You'd get points based on combined placings of the teams on your "team" each week. Make this a minor side bet with the max bet being fairly modest.

This was kind of similar to how the original idea for the game was (I was thinking of stocks, myself) but the game concept and scoring got really messy and obtuse. I like the idea overall, but I don't know if the texture of that kind of game works with this current format. It almost sounds like it could work as its own stand-alone game... Nailing out the rules could be tough.

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-11-11 at 08:54 AM
Congrats Nutzy, CTgirl and Jims!

Thanks Jims for hosting again. I was thrilled to make it all the way this time.

Still somewhat new to the casino game, I liked all of it. I liked the limits. The only thing I would change concerning the bonus game is to allow bets for a team only on one place. While it gives you a better chance to earn points by betting on a team to finish 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, I think it would be more of a challenge to only be able to bet on one spot.

See you next season!

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Jims02 on 05-11-11 at 06:34 PM
The only thing I would change concerning the bonus game is to allow bets for a team only on one place. While it gives you a better chance to earn points by betting on a team to finish 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, I think it would be more of a challenge to only be able to bet on one spot.

Hmmmm, this might be a good idea. I liked the Individual Bets myself, but my biggest criticism with it was that the multiple picks seemed to eat up a lot of my available points each week.

The only downside to doing just 1 pick would be that you would lose the ability of hitting that big payday like FFantasyFX did awhile back (going 4 for 6).

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 05-11-11 at 04:13 PM
Congrats to Arnutz, CTgirl and Jims.
Believe this is the best I ever did.
And thanks again to Jims for another fun season in the casino.

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? Limit. Prevents someone from running away with it, keeping more people in contention.

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? Liked it. Snap!

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? No, sorry , braindead at the moment.

4. What is your favorite color? Blue

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by esquire on 05-11-11 at 04:19 PM
Congrats ARNUTS in joining us in the Hall of Fame.

Thanks Jims for running a great game. Its great being back in the top 10.

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? Limit

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? I liked the individual bonus wages

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? No and NO

4. What is your favorite color? Blue

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by CTgirl on 05-11-11 at 05:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-11 AT 05:55 PM (EST)

Congrats to Arnutz! You deserve to be in the hall of fame. You are such a fixture on the TAR boards! Nice gambling this season!

Nice try Jims! I have to admit that I wondered about your 53 point bets (shades of final Jeopardy?!) but didn't have time to figure it out. Thanks for running the casino again.

Since I still have money left over even though I bet most of it on Gary and Mallory, the drinks are on me! Until next season-have a great summer.

ETA questions:

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game?
I prefer a limit. It keeps one person from opening up an insurmountable lead. I loved it that I had no idea who won until you posted today.

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers?
Like it.

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back?
Any gimmick that gives us conniptions on how to wager is okay with me!

4. What is your favorite color?

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Jims02 on 05-11-11 at 06:42 PM
Nice try Jims! I have to admit that I wondered about your 53 point bets (shades of final Jeopardy?!) but didn't have time to figure it out. Thanks for running the casino again.

Haha, I completely got what I deserved on that one!

There was a lot of spoilery stuff going on about Gary/Mallory finishing 1st and Zev/Justin finishing 4th, so I reasoned that the game would come down to the 2nd and 3rd bonus picks. So I went Globetrotters (2nd) and Kisha/Jen (3rd) and bet the minimum to stay above your score if you picked the same way (but max betted).

And, ironically, if ARNutz would've max-betted the same picks as well, I could have won if we got the Globetrotters and Kisha/Jen flip-flopped (because I would've only lost 106 on them instead of 140). But of course, ARNutz completely fooled me and made a Globetrotters bet instead. And then Gary/Mallory tanked and my 53 point wager cost me 2nd place.

It's sad I thought out my wager that much.

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-11 at 07:04 PM
Oh man! I had headaches figuring out my final bets too. I obsessed for days!

In the end, I reasoned that it was either going to be Jen/Kisha or The Globetrotters in 1st and 2nd because from the previews I saw, there were seemingly no taxi shots of Gary/Mallory in FLA. It was hard, but even when I heard rumors of G/M winning, I stuck to my gut, which actually served me well this season.

I decided that even if I was wrong, I would bank 500 so I would not lose it all again and hoped to at least be in the top 3.

"Are you $h!tt!n' me?!?!?"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-11 at 06:58 PM
OMG! I am overjoyed to be in such fine company as a winner of Jims Casino game! I cannot believe I won! I've come close, but always choke on the finale bets. Twice (I think), I lost it all and twice, I came in 2nd. I suppose, in some way, I had my own 'Unfinished Business' here!

This is my favoritest game in the world and makes my lvoe of TAR that much more lvoelier!

Thanks for all the grats all! I have lots of JimsBucks now to spend on Snapples for each of you! pssst... there may or may not be vodka and/or rum in some of them.

...and now the survey

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? Limit because nobody can run away with it.

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? I loved the bonus game! There was not only the challenge of deciding what to wager, but also in figuring out who would place where each week.

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? No, but I will say... don't ever bring back the 'last poster before 8pm wins' bonus. I hated that one.

4. What is your favorite color? Whatever color those JimsBucks are!

BIG *smoochies*, Jims! ...and thanks for running this game each season!

I've been 2 Patched!

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Belle Book on 05-11-11 at 08:20 PM
Should've stuck with all the points for Kisha & Jen! But still, I finished in 6th. That was pretty good!

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Yogi on 05-11-11 at 10:36 PM
Big congrats to ARnutz for winning this season!

As well congrats to CTgirl and Jims (so close) for rounding out the top 3.

> 1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game?

> 2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers?
It was okay. I guess I would be more enthused if I didn't do so poorly at it.

> 3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back?
I always liked the last bet before 8 pm.

As usual Jims your game makes the show much more enjoyable to watch. Watching TAR would
not be the same without it.

Many, many thanks for your efforts!

See ya next season,

- Yogi

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by michel on 05-11-11 at 10:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-11 AT 10:45 PM (EST)

Great game Arnutz. Congratulations!

Congratulations also to CTGirl and Jims.

I'm happy with 10th place. It's really fun to part of this little group. Thanks for all your work Jims.

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game?
The Limit games are always closer, aren't they?

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers?
Too many possibilities. I'd suggest you simply pick a finish position and have us place one bet on which team we think finishes in that position.

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back?
The first 3 finishers this season should start with 5 points next season!
Or maybe we could place bets on which team get to the detour/roadblock first.

4. What is your favorite color? Orange!

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 05-12-11 at 08:23 AM
1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? limit

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? liked it

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? you need to add a special "Max Headroom 100 point free re-buy in" around week 5, since that's when I always bust out of the game.

4. What is your favorite color? brown

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Corvis on 05-13-11 at 12:04 PM
That was a lot of fun. A top ten finish! I feel good.

1. Do you prefer a limit or no limit game? Limit

2. What did you think of the gimmick this season of opening up the wagers to Individual Bonus Wagers? I liked it although I don't think I did very well at it...

3. Do you have any ideas for future gimmicks/bonuses I haven't tried? Are there any you remember that I should bring back? Bet on who gets to the roadblock or detour first?

4. What is your favorite color? Blue.

"RE: TAR18 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by popeave on 05-14-11 at 04:30 PM
Congrats to you big guns at the top of the table! Feeling like West Ham, but at least I'm not relegated to "The Bachelor" casino or whatever would be a lower division.

I'll take my Four Point Snapple! Thanks for the special rate.

And thanks for hosting the game again! I am never in contention, but I always have fun, and it does make watching the show that much more fun.

Yes, keep the betting limits in place. Not that it really matters for me because I'm usually on the low end of the median, but I like that it keeps anyone from running away too far ahead of the pack.

I like the individual bonus wagers, but I don't know if it's needed every week. Maybe just a couple times in the season? It helped me win a perfect bet award!!

Gimmicks/new ideas: I mentioned a few weeks ago the idea of a win/place/show type of bet. I really don't know how you could work the payoffs for that, though. Other horse racing-type bets like exacta or trifectas could be interesting? Someone used to run a game here for TAR that was something like "Anti-eliminee" game, and every week you could win a couple bonus points by correctly picking which team or which racer said the title of the episode. That could be a fun side bet opportunity - one payout if you want to bet on which team says the title and a higher payout if you bet on which individual. Probably should not be a big payout multiplier, though.


See you next time!!