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"TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"

Posted by ARnutz on 05-02-11 at 07:40 AM

Reading IS Fundamental!!!

Why must I use this title every.fricken.season?

This week, teams stayed for a spell in Zermatt, Switzerland, so there was no airport bunching! Of course, there was some helicopter and train bunching at different points.

Up first, teams had to take a copter ride to the Matterhorn where they were faced with the detour: Search – use a beacon to find the correct location, dig a hole until you find a body, then get it out (even if you have to break it in half) – or – Rescue – one team member rappels down into a crevasse, guided by the other, then attaches a hook to a stranded person, then they haul him out.

After the detour, teams had to ride a train back into town, then find Le Petit Cervin where they performed the roadblock – paint a mold the proper colors of the Travelocity gnome, get it filled with chocolate, and then freeze it outside in the snow for 30 minutes.

Once completed, it was off to the shack, uh… pit stop – a 300 year old Swiss cabin, complete with a greeter dog! (I wonder if the dog had brandy in his barrel?)

Don’t forget to check out kidflash's stats from week 9!

On to the list! (I am happy with the final four. I like them all!)

rank. Names (last week)

1. Zev/Justin (1) – So glad they were safe! They had a bad day. I would have been upset if they were gone.

2. Herb/Nate (2) – Worst to first again, even with the missing half of the gnome mold. Good job!

3. Kisha/Jen (3) – Good job this week… and really, for the last few weeks.

4. Gary/Mallory (4) – Mallory still needs to tone it down. Gary is awesome!

Philiminated: Kent/Vyxsin (5) – OMG… YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been 2 Patched!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by kidflash212 on 05-02-11 at 07:51 AM
1)Zev & Justin - Whew. I am glad they were saved. I would be very happy if they were to win this race.

2)Kisha & Jennifer - Drama free and under the radar. Still have the feeling they may be champions. They've gotten all the "million dollar" quotes this whole race - similar to the doctors "tastes like a million dollars" quote.

3)Gary & Mallory - Very surprised they are in the final four. They never struck me as a team that could win.

4)Herbert & Nathaniel - The jerks who taunted a terrified Mika were back. The lisping and mocking of Kent & Vyxsin went too far in my opinion. I was hoping they would take a cab as well.

Philiminated: Kent & Vyxsin, not all that sad to see them go. Liked them better than the Trotters but was relieved that their taxi error saved Zev & Justin.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Starshine on 05-02-11 at 08:48 AM
I like these couples

1. LaKisha and Jennifer - No drama, racing really well, and actually enjoying the race

2. Gallory and Mallory - Gary is just superhuman, when he ripped that dummy in half I was like "whoa!". Mallory isn't at all what I would expect a pageant girl to be, not at all precious, and both of them seem to be really enjoying the race and each others company.

I don't like this couple at all

3. Zev and Justin - Not at all entertaining or endearing, I don't get the lvoe, Justin is OK, but Zev just seems like an entitled little prat.

I despise this couple

4. Trotters - From what I could see Vyxsyn was the only person who couldn't have taken your gnome. The bullying and what appeared to be homophobia were well beyond forgiveable.

Lovely cheese Mooney

Just another Sleeperbloke

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by altpeach on 05-02-11 at 09:08 AM
I will be happy with either of these teams winning. I just wanted a dramatic, nail-biting ending.

1. Kisha/Jen- They may get that first 1st place at the right time.
2. Gary/Mallory- I really like Mallory. She seems fun. Her dad is cool.
3. FT/BE- BE was harsh this week but at least he didn't go behind backs to make his negative remarks like Kynt.
4. Zev/Justin- Didn't like Zev's unkindness to the candy lady. It wasn't neccessary.

K/V- Kynt left me loathing him. I hate the way he disrespects Vyksin. She literally carried him as he continually whined but it's her fault they were eliminated. Then to top it all off she claims to have had the best racing partner.

Note #1: My heart leaped when J/Z came around the building.
Note #2: Vyksin is either in deep denial or she has no clue what makes a great partner.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by KwietOne on 05-02-11 at 10:00 AM
#1 Zev/Justin - nothin' but love for you guys even though you guys almost came in last.

#2 Gary/Mallory - meh

#3 Jen/Kisha - meh

#4 FT/BE - BULLIES - CRY BABIES....waaaa....cry me a river

Phlm'd - Kent/Vyxsin: Wished it was FT/BE, but you two committed one of the cardinal sins of TAR - read the dang clue!

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by emydi on 05-02-11 at 10:11 AM
1. Zev/Justin (2)(2)(1)(4)(3)(2)(2)(1)(1)- Well, they were saved thank Dog! St. Bernard! Again Zev cracked me up. "well that's comforting"..."Thanks, Captain Obvious" Zev was useless at the detour though. But Justin paid him back for the cheese.

2. Flight Time/Big Easy (4)(4)(2)(2)(1)(1)(1)(3)(4) - They did well. I couldn't understand how FT could have "lost" his mold somebody had to have stolen it??? Also, did FT have a Million dollar quote?

3. Gary/Mallory (5)(6)(5)(1)(5)(3)(3)(2)(3)-Gary did great on the detour..tough task. Mallory and the dog were cute at the Mat.

4. LaKisha/Jennifer (7)(5)(4)(3)(2)(5)(4)(4)(2) - meh The one (I still don't know the names) afraid of helicopter was obnoxious this week at road block etc

Philiminate Kent/Vyxsin (3)(3)(3)(7)(4)(4)(5)(5)(5)- STOP! STOP! yelling Kent. He was horrible to her and Vyxsin is delusional she thinks he's the best partner what planet does she live on.

I thought that it would have been evil if they had made the other race eat the chocolate gnome afterwards!!

Posted by samboohoo on 05-04-11 at 09:06 AM
Agree completely.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by TARFAN76 on 05-02-11 at 01:28 PM
1. Justin/Zev - I, too, was extremely pleased to see them come around the corner before the penalty was up. That digging in the snow almost did them in and poor Justin didn't appear to get a lot of help. It was sweet of Justin to give a shout-out to his 12-year old sister for knitting them hats.
2. Gary/Mallory - Mallory's smile is infectious even if her laugh can be a big overwhelming at times. Her dad is a honey.


Trotters/Sisters - The sisters are usually rather boring but efficient and the Trotters are doing well but I didn't dig the unsportsman-like behavior of Big Easy. I would like to know who really did grab the wrong gnome out of the oven (haha)but he just wouldn't let it go. And Flight Time rebounded rather well.
Question: Why wouldn't they have had their gnome storage places labeled/separated?? They were set up for that very sort of mix-up. And I agree that Vyxsin was not the likely culprit.

Goodbye Pink People - As always, Vyxsin was the best and had to tolerate a lot of nonsense. It was nice to see that at the end their relationship will survive this race. (And even with all his crazy-ness, I still had a fondness for Kent.)

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by milkachulina on 05-02-11 at 03:48 PM
1) Kisha & Jenn (Last Week #1): Once again, Kisha & Jenn ran a nice race. I enjoy seeing them every week, and I hope that they win the $1 million prize.

2) Zev & Justin (Last Week #2): I like these two guys, but Zev's can't do attitude is disturbing. He was pitiful during the search challenge. Zev, you call that shoveling? It's as if he was a three-year old child who really didn't want to be there in the first place. I don't like that behavior at all. Nonetheless, I was so happy to see these two guys make it to the pit stop before the 30 minute penalty ended on Kent & Vyxsin.

3)Flight Time & Big Easy (Last Week #4): I still think they are as dumb as a bag of rocks, I am tired of the singing and dancing, and I don't want to see them win (because they have received too much assistance from other teams). Having said that, they ran a good race. The mystery over the stolen gnome part remains unsolved, but things worked out in the end.

4) Gary & Mallory (Last Week #3): Nice race from this team. I don't wish them any harm, they are simply my least favorite team of the remaining four.

O-U-T - Vyxsin & Elvira: I could go on for daaaaays about this team, but I won't. I just have a few things to say. 1) Karma is the real deal. Kent's "yo, yo, yo" rant and other distasteful jive talk revealed a side of him that he should have kept hidden. Kent is pathetic. What a shame he ended his run on The Amazing Race with that type of image painted on television screens across America. Kent, I was embarrassed for you. You are probably to clueless to feel any shame for yourself. I am sure that many fans laughed at Kent’s animated portrayal. I feel sorry for them, too. 2) Kent is also a punk for blaming Vyxsin for the penalty. I can’t believe this guy said: “You read it first." How old is he? 3) Vyxsin is insane if she expects me to believe that she and Kent have a real relationship. Kent is beyond gay. It's 2011 Kent. If you want to wear make-up, you can do it without hiding behind the guise of goth. Good-bye Kent, and I hope we never, ever, have to see you again. Vyxsin, perhaps the pink dye has damaged some of your brain, but you need a reality check as soon as possible. Kent doesn’t belong in your life, if you hope to be happy.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Nume on 05-02-11 at 07:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-11 AT 07:30 PM (EST)

1. Gary/Mallory - I love this team. I enjoy their positive attitude, and they just seem like people I'd enjoy spending time with .
2. Zev/Justin - Like them too. I'd prefer for G/M to win but if Zev/Justin did I'd be ok with that.
Kisha/Jen - They're an ok team. I dont particularly dislike them, but I don't really like them either . Just a kinda meh teamm.
-Big Gap-
Globetrotters - Really starting to dislike this team. They act so cocky and loud all the time, and seem to believe they are God's gift to mankind, yet any time they have to use their brains at all they are horrible at it, only to be saved by other teams (stupidly) giving them all the answers.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by cahaya on 05-02-11 at 07:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-11 AT 07:52 PM (EST)

1. Gary/Mallory - Surprised to see these two in the Final Four, but then again, they've deserved it, with style. Gary is tougher than he looks and Mallory is the perfect foil for him.

2. LaKisha/Jennifer - Another team I didn't expect to see in the Final Four, racing steadily in the midst of the pack all season, with a little sisterly love to boot.

3. Zev/Justin - An odd couple who either win the leg or go on the brink of elimination without very many results in between. Good edit on the humor.

4. Herb/Nate - Not as enamored with these two as I was at the beginning or middle of the season, but a good team to round out the Final Four.

(eta) Philiminated: Almost forgot to mention these two. Well, now that they're out, let's forget about them anyway.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Belle Book on 05-02-11 at 07:58 PM
You're asking the wrong person why you have to use that title every season! I sure don't know -- and I wish I did. Anyway, here are the rankings:

1. Gary & Mallory -- they did really well this week even if they didn't choose the right Detour.

2. Zev & Justin -- Zev didn't behave so great, but he was probably frustrated -- and as someone with Asperger's, I know plenty about how frustration can make people who have the disorder behave.

3. Kisha & Jen -- just like them less than the first two.

4. Flight Time & Big Easy -- I don't really hate them, I just like them least of all.

Gonzo: Kent & Vyksin. FINALLY! Kent's gone and I couldn't be any happier! I really hope Vyksin comes to her senses and dumps Kent as a boyfriend.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-03-11 at 09:38 AM
Honestly, there's not a team left in this group I don't like.

1. Zev and Justin - Zev's one-liners are hilarious, and as uncomfortable as he is in some situations, at least he does things that make him uncomfortable. Only gripe - Zev. Help your teammate out more.

2. Flight Time and Big Easy - Mostly for the entertainment value - you just know they'll do something amusing. Only gripe - Big Easy. Chill pill.

3. Gary and Mallory - Mostly for the underdog factor and the fact that I rooted for them in their season. Would be awesome to see them win, but my money's on either the Globetrotters or the Team with No Nickname, a.k.a. Zev and Justin. Only gripe - too many errors, and they did survive the Speed Bump.

4. Kisha and Jen - Them being in last isn't an indication that I don't like them, which is a shock, since I hated them in their first season, and I was hardly alone. Only gripe - Kisha. Shut up and do the Race, OK?

OUT: They're Pinky and the Brain, their Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the others...wait, they're actually both insane. Vyxsin calling Kent "the best teammate"? WTF? Was Flo already taken? And she's not much better - she looked like something out of a bad Legend of Zelda game and acted like a nincompoop. They should stay together - they're the only people who will put up with each other.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Toban on 05-04-11 at 01:01 AM
1. Kisha/Jen - I love these two and hope they win. They are 100% more positive and fun than their first race.

2. Zev/Justin - Decent guys. Hot or cold. I'd be happy if they won.

3. Gary/Mallory - No Jesus references and less screeching and I now actually like this team.

4. Globetrotters - Ugh. Whiny bullies. This would be the only team left that would annoy me if they won.

Philiminated - Kent/Vyxsin - I read in their post-race interview that Kent actually cracked his ankle bone during a fall in the dinosaur task. If this is true, he really got a worse edit than he deserved and would explain why, in the last half of the race, he perfomred so poorly. Despite their flaws and probably because of their weird appearance, I wish they would have made it to the finals.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by TARFAN76 on 05-04-11 at 03:36 PM
That would also explain why Vyxsin was giving him a ride on the luggage wagon last week. It's too bad that rather significant details like an injury are hidden from the viewers! Thanks for sharing.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by featherfish81 on 05-04-11 at 10:20 PM
There was a brief mention of an injury at the luggage wagon, but it was so brief it came across (at least to me) as "My leg hurts" (whining), not "I hurt my ankle" (legit).

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by Max Headroom on 05-04-11 at 02:36 PM
1. Zev/Justin (1)
2. Flight Time/Big Easy (2)

3. Gary/Mallory (3)
4. LaKisha/Jennifer (4)

Don't like:

Philiminated: Kent/Vyxsin (5) - The long-awaited end to hearing Kent whine endlessly.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by featherfish81 on 05-04-11 at 10:06 PM
No change this week:

1. Zev/Justin (3,1,skipped,1,s,3,3,3,1) - The detour was tough, but you managed to survive.
2. Gary/Mallory (5,5,s,3,s,2,2,2,2) - The screeching is starting to come back, but otherwise a good team.
3. Lakisha/Jennifer (9,7,s,5,s,6,5,4,3) - Still flying under the radar, but seem like a strong team.
4. Flight Time/Big Easy (11,8,s,8,s,5,4,5,4) - Way to whine about someone taking your stuff. Ad nauseam.

Philiminated: Kent/Vyxsin (6,4,s,4,s,4,6,6) - I guess she loves him, but I don't see it. To each his own, I suppose.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10"
Posted by beau_30 on 05-06-11 at 06:38 PM
1 Zev/Justin
2 Gary/Mallory
3 Globetrotters
4 Kisha/Jen - Their just there.

"Week 10 results!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 05-08-11 at 10:52 PM
On the final week, Zev & Justin manage to take first place again with 9 first place votes keeping Gary & Mallory in second and Kisha & Jen grabbing third place.

The bottom dwellers are Nathaniel & Herbert with 9 last place votes.

First Place Votes
Last Place Votes
Zev & Justin
Gary & Mallory
Lakisha & Jennifer
Herbert & Nathaniel

Capn2patch put me in motion!