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"TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"

Posted by kircon on 10-06-10 at 02:51 PM
Express Pass: Entry will only cost you 4 points this week only!

The Amazing Race 17 PTTE

What's a PTTE, you ask? Well PTTE means:
Picks To The End

New players are always welcome, and for new folks who want to play the PTTE game this season, here's how it works:

Here's the goal:

Post your prediction about the ENTIRE elimination order for the season, starting with the first team to be eliminated and ending with the winner. Please put WINNER next to the team that you think will win.

This doesn't need to have any analysis, although you're welcome to throw anything in that you want. With any spoiler information available to you, coupled with your own intuition, see how well you can do.

The game won't close for a few weeks, but all picks made after the first episode begins will incur a point penalty... the earlier you enter, the less points you can earn, so enter early!
Remember, the goal is to end the season with the fewest points.


Here's the way that the scoring works:

1) You do NOT want points... they're bad... it's like golf. Every point counts against you in the standings, so try to avoid them.

2) Points will be awarded to every contestant in the game after each episode of The Amazing Race 17. They will be awarded as the difference between where you thought this week's eliminee would finish and where the eliminee actually finished.
If it is a non-elimination episode, then no points will be scored for that week, and if there is a double-elimination episode, the eliminees will be scored according to the order they were eliminated.

For example: If you think Ron & Tony will come in 5th, and they actually come in 11th, you'll receive 6 points (the difference between 11th and 5th) for that week's episode.

3) You will be given 4 penalty points every time you change your PTTE list after the first episode has aired, but it's only 4 points so change your list if you think it will help you out.

4) If you do not enter before the first episode (well now it’s the second episode), you will start with a score equivalent to 8 points per episode you missed. That means that it's possible to join the game after several episodes, but you have better chance of getting a good score if you enter before the first episode.

5) After the first show has aired, please do not edit your post to make changes. Just make a new post if you want to change your PTTE list. If my computer crashes (like it did last season), it's the only proof I have of your changes.

6) I will post a few tiebreaker questions in the event of ties at the end of the season. These are important, as tiebreakers have decided the winner in seasons past! More information to follow.

The Last Team to Arrive

Andie & Jenna

I wish this Mother & Daughter much happiness with their new found relationship.

Now on to the scores:

Place – Name – Score on current list
Upward movement ^
In case of ties, I alphabetize.

1. ARnutz – 0
1. Belle Book – 0
1. kidflash – 0
1. Ontheroadagain – 0
1. taffnic – 0
1. vennui – 0
1. Yogi – 0

8. louislam – 1

9. kircon – 2

10. Starshine - 3

If you have any questions post them in this thread or PM me.
(Private Message located top right on page, larger envelope icon.)

Post your list and number them from 1 to 9.

Sit back and enjoy the next episode of:
The Amazing Race 17

I will lock in your new list or list changes at
8:01 pm EDT on Sunday, October 10, 2010.
Good luck to everyone!

Notes from kircon:
Please DO NOT post any spoiler information inside this thread, as it is in the Fanatics Forum. If you want to talk about spoilers, go to the Spoiler/Speculation Forum and post there.

I post a list and score it, because I love playing the PTTE game. Do not worry, I am playing just for fun.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-06-10 at 09:09 PM
How exactly does one get the Express Pass?

"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by kircon on 10-06-10 at 11:18 PM
It's just for those who have not entered the game yet. Sorry.

I'll work on something for the rest of you.

"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by warp_core breach on 10-07-10 at 00:19 AM
Yes! I'll take the Express Pass! I was away and couldn't remember my password!

9 - Gary & Mallory
8 - Nick & Vicki
7 - Kevin & Michael
6 - Connor & Jonathan
5 - Katie & Rachel
4 - Chad & Stephanie
3 - Nat & Kat
2 - Jill & Thomas
1 - Brook & Claire - Winners

A Seana Halloween Special - Bouncies by IceCat

"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by beau_30 on 10-07-10 at 02:07 PM
9 - Chad & Stephanie
8 - Nick & Vicki
7 - Kevin & Michael
6 - Katie & Rachel
5 - Gary & Mallory
4 - Connor & Jonthan
3 - Nat & Kat
2 - Jill & Thomas
1 - Brook & Claire - Winners

Express pass please. I couldn't get in last week.

"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-07-10 at 05:29 PM
REQUEST express pass

I posted my list, but still technically was late.

"RE: TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes"
Posted by esquire on 10-10-10 at 00:12 AM
9. Michael & Kevin
8. Nick & Vicki
7. Gary & Mallory
6. Connor & Jonathan
5. Jill & Thomas
4. Nat & Kat
3. Chad & Stephanie
2. Brook & Claire
1. Katie & Rachel - Winner