I have a dark suspicion whispering that I may be the only one who does...Part of it is probably that I've been waiting for this team for a long time: this is the first shot for the dating female couple and if they don't work out, it may be another sixteen seasons before we get the next pair. Given that, I almost have to push for them to make a decent showing just so the category doesn't get closed out. But...
They seem to work well together. They're definitely in tune with each other's personalities: this relationship has been going for a while. They recognize their flaws and own them. (I could knock them down a bit for joining in on the Caite bashfest, but Caite pretty much re-earned it in the end, so...)
I just hope they stick around a while. And if at all possible, it would be nice if they didn't prove me completely wrong about everything for at least the next five minutes.
Four minutes?
...next preview commercial?
Well, at least it'll be an interesting exit interview.
That is all.
I'm pretty sure we're not going to Paris this year.
Doesn't matter...that shrill probably could have been heard from Paris.
Maybe I wasn't paying as close attention as I thought I was, but I don't understand why so many people dislike them so much so soon. I like them, too, but right now I don't think there are any teams that I really dislike. I don't mind the Caite-bashing from any team because I find it hilarious.
He!! really is freezing over.
Estee says she likes someone? really? Is this a first?
I just registered so I'm tying to figure this site out and how to post. Please bare with me, or is that bear, lol. Thanks
Well WELCOME ABOARD Khipp!! Always great to get new points of view.
Capn2patch put me in motion!
Thank you. Still looking around the site. Looking for how to make a profile. Any suggestions? Thanks again
Hi Kipp (can I call you Kipp? or are your more a hipp?) and welcome!
lurve us some newbie faces!I don't know how to make the siggies - there are many around here tho who do.....
Survivor DAW
for talking a lot? me? Jan 2010
There's a Help Forum that will give you some ideas about the technical aspects of the forums.Ferociously purrfected by thndrkttn
I missed the Brandy and Carol hate.So far they are pretty amusing. I could see where the high maintenance thing could get irritating at some point, but so far so good.
IMO, they overreacted to every single thing - like they were trying to hard. *shrug*
Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
Well they wont win . Thats for sure.
I'm on the fence. One more week should determine if they belong in the "Llllllllennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" category or not.
This probably belongs in the bashers section but I didn't want to start a new thread just for this.Was anyone else thinking what I was thinking when one of them said she has a gag reflex? I know she was referring to the sour kraut, but still, that was an...um....interesting quote. Had there been polish sausage in the challenge I may have fallen out of my chair.
Very funny! And yes, you aren't the only one that thought of that association ;)I was also thinking - with aLOT of the teams last night - especially those to let their partner do more than their fair share of both the sauerkraut and beer - SUCK IT UP PEOPLE! This is for a MILLION DOLLARS! I love beer - but much milder. But I think I could chug a boot of Guiness if I had to!
Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl
I thought Kate and Pat in season 12 were the first female couple. Although they were married, not dating. So, never mind.
Either these gals are real b*tches or they are getting the proverbial 'bad edit'. All the griping about crawling through the dirt (wasn't even mud!). Even running to the mat there was a snide comment from one to the other (still don't care which is which). Sure seems to me they are having the least amount of fun of all the teams this season. Of course, it could be the editing, but I think, like usual, they may have the most amount of bad moments and snarky quotes of all the teams, so maybe that makes it easier for the editors to make them look bad.
They sure don't seem to be having any fun.
These two are far worse than Ericka from last season could ever hope to be, and yet people were far worse on Ericka. At least Ericka didn't antagonize the other teams just for their past a la the sniping at Brent and Caite (bravo to them for not sending similar snipes their way.)Also, they were way off-base on the Detour. Smart people crawl. People forced into it do Morse code.
Stupid, stupid people.
What bothers me about that sniping is that all we've ever seen is other people reporting it to Brent & Caite. The camera has never shown Brandy & Carol saying it -- and given the storyline, you'd think that would be a natural shot.I don't think they've reached Ericka's level yet (and don't think she was that bad either), but I was disappointed by the comment about not having signed up for this. You sign up for whatever the clue says to do. If you want to sit in a semi-comfortable house for three months, wait until summer.
On the other hand, saying that only stupid people would do the crawl and having it immediately followed by Brent & Caite showing up was a piece of editing magic.
It also seems to be about a single comment not multiple comments. I'd agree that the tiara comment was snide and not very nice but Caite's reaction to hearing it secondhand is over the top. I would think most people could laugh off a comment like that and put it behind them. Caite is too young to be so bitter.
At this point, bitterness isn't the primary suspect.
So, estee, tell us what you really think of the gals now.
I didn't care for them in the beginning and even less now. So, so much negitivity. You got u-turned by a team that didn't like you, deal with it and move on, but the snide comments just kept coming and coming.
And just for the record, I can't stand the team that u-turned them. + I think the 'they have been mean to us the whole trip' was pretty much BS. If there had been any meanness we would have seen it, meanness = ratings, right?
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-10 AT 10:47 AM (EST)So, estee, tell us what you really think of the gals now.
No problem. I still like them more than half the teams remaining. As said on last night's ECST, everyone gets mad when they're U-Turned, so I wasn't surprised by their reaction -- but at the same time, we saw enough venom come out during that to put a little doubt as to what potentially could have been said at other times. I don't think what we saw last night makes them horrible people -- and as far as I'm concerned, they're still better than Brent & Caite in that very raw department -- but it does make them human. Angry humans with a grudge. Turned backs on the final mat are now just about guaranteed.
I won't argue against their having been catty. It's just that most (to potentially all) of the clawing came out after they were attacked -- or at least that's what we were shown.
Is there now some doubt as to who said what and when? Yes, and we're never going to get the footage to confirm. For all we know, this was a very long-term play by, of all people, Dan & Jordan. But Caite was looking for any excuse -- and if there hadn't been any, wouldn't have bothered to invent her own. 'They're lesbians!' would cover it every time.
It's an ugly race this year. But I don't consider Carol & Brandy to have been ugly Racers -- even when I'm not comparing them to what's left in the field.
"It's an ugly race this year."Boy howdy has it ever. Last night seemed to be the worst I think I've ever seen. Loads and loads of bad karma all over the place. If karma has a say in this race then the cops and their wolf cubs are not going to win and the cowboys and brothers are in good shape.
Back on the topic at hand, even though I didn't care for Brandy and Carol, I sort of agree that they weren't shown being ugly to other racers nearly as much as the sniping between the two of them. Not sure what actually led to them being the villians (bigotry is certainly high on my list of suspects though), could have been stuff that was not shown, but I still go back to the nasty stuff gets the ratings, so if it was there it would have been shown.
I thought it was hilarious when Brandy started spouting the venom and Carol could not even look at the camera, she was laughing.I really, really dislike Caite and Brent. Enjoyed their rivalry.
Brandy and Carol: the worst reality show fodder California has produced since Stephen Fowler.For those who don't know what I'm talking about, go to www.stephenfowlersucks.com if it's still up.
For those too lazy: Wife Swap, 1/30/2009. Picture Simon Cowell's voice double badgering a rural woman from Missouri for about an hour.
Carol and Brandy's superior attitude smacks of that. Glad to see them go - if an all-female couple is to win the Race, thank Dog it's not them.
I think one reason we never actually saw a clip of Carol & Brandy being mean or rude was because Caite's perception of what is mean or rude is probably different from other peoples. I think Caite has been a spoiled little princess all of her life, fawned over by everyone. In her mind, Carol & Brandy were rude because they didn't treat her as anything special. That and she's a bigot.
Agree on both counts.
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-10 AT 09:49 AM (EST)reposted here:
A more appropriate thread, I think.
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-10 AT 12:22 PM (EST)I had no idea until I read the exit interview that they were such 'victims.' Nothing drives more nuts that someone on a reality show that feels cheated somehow because someone else won and they didn't. And the part about Caite being jealous of one of them because of looks.....plaaaaaeeeeeeessssse. Not in this lifetime. I don't normally pick on people because of looks, but since they brought it up, those broads were Ugly with a capital U. And mean. And nasty. I think true colors come out in adverse situations (getting u-turned) and we saw their true colors there and what I saw was a very, very dark shade of black.
I would say that Carol/Brandy are absolutely right knowing the reason they were u-turned was because Caite wants to get all attention as the only female remaining in the Race. That is just so dumb and stupid. In fact, if Steve/Allie were still in the Race, I would say that I prefer watching Allie much more than Caite, so maybe she's glad somehow Allie's gone.I agree with all posters above about the negative comments Carol/Brandy got, it was just some personal perception by Caite and manipulation by Michael, there was obviously nothing there as no footage of this has been shown and Carol/Brandy did confirm that they tried to act friendly to everyone and they also said so in insider clips, I am sure they are clever enough about not making enemy. I still remember last leg Brandy were in good company with Michael at the roadblock right? The only negativity Caite got was because C/B did not consider her as anyone special, Caite just wants to get attention from everyone but C/B obviously did not care.
I think C/B did great in the Race considering their age and physical abilities, Brandy's reaction after U turn was understandable, I think it's quite legitimate to be angry and she got a strong personality so it's kind of expected and fun to watch her reaction on screen, it makes good TV in my opinion.
About the beauty comment, I think Carol just wants to compliment Brandy a bit (and she did modeling before). Anyway, I think you cannot compare a 40-year-old woman with a 20-year-old?
The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!