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"TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"

Posted by Jims02 on 01-23-08 at 09:47 PM


I'm sick of Alaska. It's like, every other season the show goes through Alaska. It's probably rivaling India in terms of number of visits by now. The teams seemed to have no trouble with the weather. The whole race eventually came down to a final confusing Roadblock, despite having another location afterwards.

TK & Rachel finished first, winning the million dollars and the Amazing Race. Good for them. They're a fun team.

Finale Results
1st place - TK/Rachel (2x)
2nd place - Ronald/Christina (even)
3rd place - Nicolas/Donald (0x)

Final Results

Surprisingly, none of the teams mentioned the word "million" in their opening confessionals. It's kinda strange to get through all three departures without hearing it. We did eventually hear the word, however, at 10 minutes into the episode. It ended up being Ronald mentioning the word in a confessional, as they were getting on their flight. Ronald & Christina were the bonus team, then. They were an extremely popular pick.

The TK & Rachel victory was a fairly uncommon pick, however, so there was plenty of wiggle room to make a big move.

As for the final results?

Well, here they are.


Nah, just kidding.

The real list is down below.








1. KwietOne - 541
2. flipxcyd - 508
3. bighair - 481
4. beau_30 - 480
5. zombiebaby - 418
6. louislam - 413
7. ARNutz - 380
8. 5cats - 330
9. tvgeek401 - 250
10. cahaya - 232
11. michel - 205
12. Yogi - 180
13. CTgirl - 180
14. Weez - 125
15. vennui - 80
16. Snidget - 73
17. SilverStar - 59
18. kidflash212 - 48
19. Cygnus X1 - 24
20. sittem 18
21. qwertypie - 14
22. Max Headroom - 8
23. Estee - 2
24. keezrfan - 2
25. jbug - 2
26. dreamerbeliever - 0
27. Seana 0
28. IanQuentin 0
29. Jims02 - 0

In the end, KwietOne finished the game with a whopping 541 points, becoming the TAR12 Casino Game Champion. KwietOne started out in 6th place and slipped out of the Top 10 a couple of times. Still, KwietOne definitely peaked at the right part of the game, snagging the top spot in the final few weeks. KwietOne is now welcomed into the TAR Casino Game Hall of Fame.

Previous Casino Game Champions
TAR5 Casino Game - zombiebaby
TAR6 Casino Game - VA Slim
TAR7 Casino Game - esquire
TAR8 Casino Game - Neobie
TAR9 Casino Game - Neobie
TARX Casino Game - bighair
TAR All Stars Casino Game - Higgs
TAR12 Casino Game - KwietOne

In addition, flipxcyd finished 2nd, earning the coveted Bronze Medal, and bighair finished with the Bronze, just narrowly edging out beau_30. This was an extremely competitive season of the TAR Casino Game, so you should all feel very proud. In fact, considering how many people busted out of the game, every finisher should feel that way.

Closing Remarks

I'm having some computer issues, so I'm unable to crunch a lot of numbers tonight. So I'll have to be a little brief.

The reason we have such a great TAR Casino Game every season is because of the continued support by its players. I want to thank every single one of you for playing this season. Without players, there's no game, and then it would just be me talking to myself and posting payout tables. It is fantastic to see all the players come back, season after season, for more fun.

The game can't improve without some feedback, though. Please take a little time to comment on aspects of the game that you think could be improved. For example, the betting structures or some of the bonus games. Or you can shower me with praise. I'll take that too.

Anyway... It's been fun, folks. See you next time!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by KwietOne on 01-23-08 at 10:58 PM
May I hope to be the first to post and to thank Jims02 again for hosting this game! I love Amazing Race, and this game only enhances it! I wasn't really sure who to bet the points on; Ron/Cristina or TK/Rachel. I was banking on the bonus on Ron/Cristina and my ALL-IN bet on Ron/Cristina.

It's been great - I look forward to playing with you all for TAR13.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-26-08 at 10:23 PM
I don't know why I didn't think to do this before. If you would so like:

And if any previous winners would like one, I can arrange that.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by KwietOne on 01-27-08 at 01:25 PM
Awesome Cygnus! Thank you!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by flipxcyd on 01-23-08 at 11:18 PM
Yay! #2!!! I'm cool with that.

As always, thanks for hosting the game again Jims02!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by CTgirl on 01-23-08 at 11:21 PM
Congrats to Kwietone!

Thanks Jims - the casino is always a fun time.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-23-08 at 11:23 PM
Nicely done, KwietOne! I'll have a grape Nehi, thanks.

And I moved into the Top 20!

*looks down*

Which isn't saying much.

All hail the mighty Jims! And I'm sorry I didn't get you any graphics this time around.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Jims02 on 01-24-08 at 00:15 AM
All hail the mighty Jims! And I'm sorry I didn't get you any graphics this time around.

Don't be too hard on yourself. After having graphics every season, it was kinda different just having a banner headline up there each week.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by michel on 01-23-08 at 11:35 PM
Aaaargh! I just missed the top 10!
but I did slide in ahead of my editing thread friend CTgirl!

Congratulations to KwietOne on becoming the richest player this season and on entering the Hall of fame.

Jims, you run a very fun game. Thanks for making a good show even better.

A suggestion for a bonus game: Guess the time interval between the last two teams to leave the pit stop. Each player puts in a certain amount of points and the closest wins it all.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Jims02 on 01-24-08 at 00:18 AM
A suggestion for a bonus game: Guess the time interval between the last two teams to leave the pit stop. Each player puts in a certain amount of points and the closest wins it all.

Oooooh, I like that idea. By watching the previous episode, you could make a reasonable guess. Or maybe we could do the spread between first and last place.

I'm always looking for things to wager on in the show and you found one I hadn't thought of.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 01-24-08 at 00:26 AM
Top 10. Not bad, not bad. Certainly an improvement from last season. Still not as good the bronze and silvers I had behind Neobie, but I have something to look forward to in the next season. *cross fingers*

I want to thank Jims for being a great host yet again this season. This game is one of the biggest motivations for coming to this site and for watching the show every season. I love coming back every season to enjoy the game.

For suggestions, my only one is to have a secret "tvgeek" bonus where I get lots of mysterious points on the last week and end up winning.
I really liked the compromise you made this season between limiting bets and all-ins. The limit on individual team bets but allowing us to bet on as many teams as we'd like was a great idea.
Umm...the bonuses were a lot less challenging this time around. I remember spending *hours* trying to find all the mistakes in your posts or trying to figure out your clues a couple seasons back. It was a lot of fun. I understand the huge amount of time it takes and that time is limited--especially for college students-- but one or two a season would be exciting.

I'd better see you in The Mole forums when the next season starts!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Corvis on 01-24-08 at 10:12 AM
"I'd better see you in The Mole forums when the next season starts!"

The Mole is coming back???

(Congrats, kwietone! and thanks Jims!)

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 01-24-08 at 02:59 PM

Apparently there were problems with the creators of the show in another country that prevented us from being able to show it in the US again.
Anderson Cooper won't be coming back, but it's not the lame celebrity edition.

I'm super excited!

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Molaholic on 01-24-08 at 00:35 AM
Congrats to the lucky skillful winner -- Kwietone, you did good.

Congrats once again to the master bettor 00 -- the host with the boast -- the kwel cat hisself, Jims02. Mahhvalus.

And I too have a suggestion for a betting scam game:

Guess the number of words he nameless Native Greeter utters for the entire episode.

Does anybody remember me?

21 days until the most Glorious four words in the History of words: "Pitchers and Catchers Report"

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-24-08 at 08:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-24-08 AT 08:22 AM (EST)

Congratulations, KwietOne. My big charge in the last few weeks (quadrupled my points) just didn't get the job done.

Thanks for hosting, Jims. Though I stunk (as usual), this is always a fun game, and you do an excellent job with it.

My bonus suggestion is self-serving: provide a few bonus points for people who participate in the weekly Lvoe List threads posted by ARnutz. *nudges Nutzy* We're always looking for more participation!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by SilverStar on 01-24-08 at 09:46 AM
Way to go, Kwiet!

Although I was hoping to finish in the top half, this is by far my best Casino score yet (I usually bust out halfway through) so I'm happy.

Thanks Jims! We all appreciate your hard work in running the game. *smooches*

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by beau_30 on 01-24-08 at 11:57 AM
Thanks Again Jims for hosting another great Casino Game. I can't believe I stayed in the top 10 for the majority of the race. 4th is still good. It seems all my favorite teams end up in either 4th or 6th place during any of the races and it is only fitting for me to come in 4th as well.

Can't wait until next season. Had a blast. again A HUGE THanks to JIMS for the Casino game.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by mia rules18 on 01-24-08 at 12:51 PM
Hey Jims...this was my first time in the casino and I have to admit that I'm an addict. Hooked...it's too bad I didn't make it to the final round but I'm happy that I held on as long as I did...loved the bonuses, all of them and I can't wait to empty my pockets for next time!!!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Snidget on 01-24-08 at 03:26 PM
Thanks for another great game.

I haven't played that long so I dunno if you've done any of these for bonuses.

How many teams will choose the same detour, could either be as long as it is lets say 3 and 6 or it has to be 3 do the first of the two choices and 6 do the second choice.

Pick a person who will do the roadblock (or a how many men or how many women will do the roadblock, could be fun to see who picks more men or women than is possible )

Agman's like a brother, Your best friend forever, Making the sigs, the sigs that you like.

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Estee on 01-24-08 at 05:20 PM

So close to zero...

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by esquire on 01-25-08 at 01:14 PM
Congrats and welcome to the Hall of Fame

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by cahaya on 01-27-08 at 01:32 AM
Grats, KwietOne! It's not an easy game to win, so well done.

Thanks, Jims, for hosting a fun and exciting Casino. I have a few ideas about some bonus or side-bet games similar to the 'straight' bet you put up, so I might post more here or PM you later.

Sherlocked by agman.

Woohoo! I cracked the Top 10!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 01-27-08 at 10:14 PM
Another great game of Jims Casino! Congrats KwietOne, you really played it well! Thanks, Jims, for all that you do. Looking forward to next time!

"RE: TAR12 Casino Game - Results!"
Posted by bighair on 01-28-08 at 06:44 PM
Congrats, KwietOne!

Thanks, Jims, for hosting this again.
I don't remember any cryptic-type bonus this time (unless it was one of the weeks I missed), for which I am eternally grateful