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"TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"

Posted by ARnutz on 12-24-07 at 09:02 AM

Saved by the Bell NEL!

With 2 weeks to post, you would think we'd have double the amount of lists, but no! We get 29! We're nothing if not consistent! Don't forget to check out last week's rankings from StatMax!

This week, the teams traveled to Italy. There was no airport bunching, but there was ferry bunching! That bunch allowed Don & Nick to get in the mix after being last. They sprung ahead by using the fast forward, the only one on this race, which was to get FF tattoos!

The Roadblock had the teams flying around in an ultralight searching for their next destination. TK had trouble searching for his clue and had to land a few times for refueling.

The Detour was a choice between "invention" and "tradition". Invention had the teams build a replica of DaVinci's crane - the only team to do this task was TK & Rachel. Tradition had the teams learn a local flag routine.

Kynt & Vyxsin were saved by a non-elimination leg, but were told they would encounter a Speed Bump in the next leg! They won't know when it's coming and they will be the only team to have to complete the extra task.

I'm glad that Kynt & Vyxsin weren't Philiminated, but the PTB lied to us! Just look at this article. They said there would be no non elimination legs! What gives?

Now for the rankings:

Rank. Names (last week's rank) -

01. Donald and Nicolas (04) - I've got to give them props for getting those tattoos! They went from worst to first.

02. Kynt and Vyxsin (02) - Glad they weren't eliminated. Even at their worst, they work it out.

03. Ronald and Christina (01) - Dear old dad is reverting back to his old self. Eep!

04. Rachel and TK (03) - Big mistake at the roadblock cost me some Casino points!

05. JenNathan (05) - I don't care if they got along well this time. It's not enough to erase the bad taste in my mouth over them!

Remember... this is not a discussion thread. Comments are welcomed, but please refrain from going off on tangents. There are plenty of other threads where you can do that.

Now... Get to it, people! Show them some lvoe!!!

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!
Happy Holidayz, everyone!!!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Seana on 12-24-07 at 10:00 AM
1. TK and Rachel (2): They were obviously flustered this leg, but they didn't take it out on each other. They muddled through and got the job done.

2. Kynt and Vyxsin (1): A bit of a crack in their composure this time. I believe Vyxsin when she says it's just a blip. Kynt looks more vacant to me every week, though...

3. Donald and Nicolas (4): Good for them for taking a risk and getting ahead.

4. Ronald and Christina (3): Not much from them this week.

5. Jennifer and Nathan (5): That Blackberry message from Mom explained a lot, didn't it? "If you don't win, don't come home." Yikes.

Merry X-Mas!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-24-07 at 10:58 AM
1. TK and Rachel: Not the best roadblock performance by TK and a bit of an unnerving finish, but glad to see they remained supportive, even when they realized that they might be gone.

2. Kynt and Vyxsin : They are only in second because of Kynt's incompetence at driving a stick (?), and some of the back and forth bickering. BTW, when they showed them in confessional, I realized that Vyxsin is absolutely beautiful! The make up is hiding a really gorgeous girl.

3. Donald and Nicolas: Only because they went ahead with the tattoo. Kind of a cool way to commemorate their experience though.

4. Ronald and Christina: Well, Ronald shows his colors once again doesn't he?

5. Jennifer and Nathan: Surprised they didn't rant at coming in second. Go home, please.

Given that I thought there were no NEL this season, I was pleasantly surprised to see it resurface. I was struggling seeing my two fav's at risk of leaving.

Have yourself a very Agman Christmas!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-24-07 at 11:07 AM
As usual, I agree with bullzeye-- I was also disappointed to see my two favorite teams battling it out for the #4 spot.

1. Kynt/Vyxsin (1) - Still my favorites despite a bad leg. I think they'll recapture their teamwork and be fine.

2. Rachel/TK (2) - Handled adversity well, as usual, but they seem to be wearing down. Hope they can find that extra gear and keep it going.

3. Donald/Nicolas (4) - Kudos for getting the tattoo. Once they got the FF, even Don's grandpa shuffle couldn't slow them down.

4. Ronald/Christina (3) - Still not liking these two too much. Ron is a pain in the butt.

5. Jennifer/Nathan (5) - Perpetual bridesmaids, indeed.

Philiminated. Credibility of spoilers.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by mia rules18 on 12-24-07 at 11:15 AM
1. Rachel and TK...they're so gosh darn cute and good natured...yeah, they made a couple of mistakes, but they stayed level headed, and they took on that Davinci challenge like champs...not afraid to use their heads

2. Kynt and Vyxsin...still like them.

3. Ronald and Christina...still can't stand Ronald.

4. Don and Nick...props for going for the ff and doing it.
Cute tats.

5. Jen Nathan...weren't so annoying, but still don't enjoy watching them. Actually, maybe they're more entertaining when they are at each others throats.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-24-07 at 01:11 PM
Permanent Tattoos seem a little too far to me - Don't you have to keep tattoos clean for awhile after getting them? Hope there are no messy tasks coming up.

My List:

1)Thomas Kyle & Rachel- not the greatest leg but these two are the nicest people on the race and I hope they win. He'll always be Thomas Kyle to me after his moms text message.

2)Kynt & Vyxsin - Hope this was a blip and the Speed Bump can be overcome. This is one time I appreciated a NE, mostly they've always seemed to save a team I hated - like BJ & Tyler.

3)Ronald & Christina - third on my list by default - they saved my butt in the Casino this week by coming in third.

4)Donald & Nicholas - Slowest, least deserving team gets big break - reminds me of Charla & Mirna in All Stars.

5)Nathan & Jennifer - not a bad leg but I harbor residual hate from previous weeks.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 12-24-07 at 01:47 PM
1. Nicolas/Donald - Congrats on getting the FF and for coming in first.
2. TK/Rachel - Only because TK really struggled at the RB.
3. Ronald/Christina
4. Kynt/Vyxsin - It's official. I hate the Goths.
5. Nathan/Jennifer

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by emydi on 12-24-07 at 07:34 PM
1. Donald and Nicolas(3)(4)(3)(2)(3)(3)-you'd think Nicolas in his 20s wd be more freaked about tattoo...they should have made them get tramp stamps! Props to them for doing it.

2. Rachel and TK(1)(1)(2)(3)(2)(2) - Ok they did not have a good leg but they are the most calm racers ever even when things go really wrong...

3. Ronald and Christina (5)(9)(5)(4)(4)(4)- they did pretty well this time...but Old Ronald is coming back next week.

4. Kynt and Vyxsin(2)(2)(1)(1)(1)(1) - I don't know, I just did not like them this week...I wonder what they try to do...mess up R&TK by a flight ruse?

5. Jennifer and Nathan (9)(6)(5)(5)(6)(5)-If the editing is putting in all her "we haven't won any legs" bc they only win the last one, I'll hurl....

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Zimbochick on 12-24-07 at 09:28 PM
1. Kynt/Vyxsin (1)(1)(1) - Everyone bickers a little, that's OK. Still kept it together. Was uber glad it was a NE.
2. Rachel/TK (3)(2)(3) - Such a cute couple, but really need to buck up.
3. Ronald/Christina (2)(4)(5) - Christina seems so nice, I hope Ronald is ashamed watching this at home.
4. Donald/Nicolas (4)(5)(4) - Meh. They had no choice but to do the FF, as they are struggling with roadblocks and detours.
5 million. Jennifer/Nathan (5)(6)(7) - Whatever! Be quiet!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Peetah on 12-26-07 at 01:07 AM
1. Rachel and TK--what a tough day and a perserving attitude. Congrats on making it.

2. Ronald and Christina--Seemed competent enough. But, ugh, return of Ron v2.0!

3. Kynt and Vyxsin--penalized because of a rough day. Still like'em though.

4. Jen and Nate--I just couldn't put them last this time. At least they weren't as bad this week.

5. Donald and Nicolas--I give them credit for first place, but hey, someone has to be last!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by beau_30 on 12-26-07 at 09:48 AM

1) Donald & Nicolas (3) - Way to go Gramps.
2) Jennifer & Nathan (5)-Yeap. Their number twelve.
3) Ronald & Christina (4) - Can't teach old dogs, new tricks.
4) T.K. & Rachel (1) - They are awesome
5) Kynt & Vysxin (2) - They lost some love

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Joools on 12-26-07 at 11:54 AM
Back from a couple of days off and ready to spread some lvoe!

1. TK & Rachel - With TK not being able to find the Vinci clue, both of them having to watch other competitors arrive at the Roadblock after them but leave before them and forgetting their clue at the cafe, it was a run of bad luck for these two and it was so hard to watch. However, they remained supportive and determined and neither of them had a tantrum or took it out on the other. Plus, they were the only ones to even attempt the Invention Detour.

2. Kynt & Vyxsin - I still love them and they are second only by the slimmest of margins because I was so impressed by TK & Rachel. Watching them get lost and bicker was really hard, but I think they'll bounce back next week. After all the talk about there not being any NELs this season, I could have cried with joy when I heard they weren't going to be Philiminated.

3. Donald & Nicolas - I can't really rate their performances this leg since they didn't exactly do anything. But I was impressed that they both sat through the pain of getting a tattoo without appearing to complain too much. Besides, it is a great mememto of their time on the race, whether they win the million dollars or not.

4. Ronald & Christina - This team is a classic example of one that would be ranked higher if one of the members wasn't so awful. Just when I think Ron is getting better he goes and opens his mouth and something stupid and cruel falls out. Next week's preview does not look promising.

5. Jennifer & Nathan - I wanted to throw something at my TV when they were the only ones who got directions that helped them avoid that closed road. Thank goodness for Donald & Nicolas completing the FF because if I had to watch Team Dysfunction win a leg I would have been forced to throw myself off the nearest bridge. Of course, that also means at least one more week of Jennifer's constant whining about not winning a leg yet. Bleah!!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by warp_core breach on 12-26-07 at 08:20 PM
No time for explanations this week...

1. Kynt & Vix
2. Rachel & TK
3. Ron & Chris
4. Don & Nic
5. Jen & Nate

A Tribe-ulous Holiday Creation

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by cahaya on 12-26-07 at 08:43 PM
Well... and I didn't think there'd be an NEL this season. Hmph! Here's my list for this week:

1. Kynt and Vixen - As strange as they look, they're more down to earth than many TAR teams we've seen. They get along well with each other and with others.

2. Donald and Nicholas - Props to gramps for getting over his fear of tattoos. I'm a needlephobe, too, so I can understand why he was sweating it.

3. Ronald and Christina - I really didn't expect them to still be in the Race. Somehow, they always stay in the midst of the pack. Ronald could learn a thing or two about fatherhood, but it seems Christina has already learned to accept him for who he is.

4. Rachel and TK - Whoops, a few blunders and they find themselves almost out of contention. They get along well enough, but the trials of this last leg sure wore on their nerves.

5. Jennifer and Nathan - Meh, they're just there to round out the pack.

A White Christmas from Nutzy

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Tazluli on 12-27-07 at 11:16 AM
1. Donald & Nicholas (4) - Congrats on doing the fast forward.

2. Kynt & Vyxsin (2) - Although they had a meltdown, it was not a trainwreck. I am glad they didn't get eliminated.

3. Rachel & TK (3) - Wow! I just cannot get over how well they handled all of their setbacks. Neither one got upset with the other. Good for them!!

4. Ronald & Christina (1) - They were kind of boring this leg. I think I am punishing them with #4 because of the preview's and Ron's upcoming.

5. Jennifer & Nathan (5) - I cannot stand them. I wish they would be eliminated.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 12-27-07 at 11:05 PM
1. Rachel and TK -Calm and as collected as possible despite MANY setbacks! (I just couldn't believe it when they got a flat tire too!!!! Ack!)

2. Kynt and Vyxsin - Too bad - I hope they aren't eliminated next week. I really like this team! (And the alleged blowup in the previous teaser wasn't much at all.)

3. Donald and Nicolas -Well, at least they went through with the fast forward. I can't believe they are still in this. Kind of wimpy to choose the fast forward in the first place, but kudos for going through with it. (Kept thinking about Brandon and Nicole!)


4. Ronald and Christina - Oh my is he a pain in the A$$! Poor Christina!

05. Jennifer and Nathan - Go home!!!! I kept thinking I wish they had gone for the fast forward - just for the theatrics of her freaking out about the tattoo! That would have been priceless Still thinking about Brandon and Nicole!

Very grateful for the NEL. . . yes, that wasn't supposed to happen this season!

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Sigs by Cig

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 12-29-07 at 02:29 PM
1. Rachel/TK. They move up because they had the most absolutely frustrating leg possible . . . and yet didn't start turning against each other. About time we started seeing more of Thomas Kyle and his wants-to-be-betrothed.

2. Kynt/Vyxsin. Chinks in the armor are starting to appear. I'll grant them that they too had a frustrating leg, but they didn't handle it quite as well as R/TK. But at least they had a good idea about the replacement vehicle, such as that was.

3. Nicolas/Donald. A meh leg for them, even though they got all three FFs. Not sure they're going to last much longer.

4. Nathan/Jennifer. Oh, I'm not suddenly in lvoe with them; it's just that I have to put another team beneath them. Jen was right; they should have gone for the FF, especially if they knew it was the only one on the Race. And they did work well together with the flags.

5. Ronald/Christina. Really, this ranking is for Ronald who needs an IV drip of STFU. Christina is doing well in spite of him. I hope she avoids him for another 20 years or so, although I'm prepared for the mushy, "It was the editing and everything's okay now" interview afterward.

You've been warned, so don't complain.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 01-11-08 at 07:19 PM
You are so awesome Cygnus! I LOVE this so much!: Really, this ranking is for Ronald who needs an IV drip of STFU.

hahaha! I hope Ronald reads this one day!!!

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Sigs by Cig

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by michel on 12-29-07 at 03:34 PM
1- Thomas Kyle and Rachel: He's a fumbling, bumbling idiot but she is really cute. I also liked that they did the "Invention" detour. “Things only fit in certain places, I bet”

2- Nathan and Jennifer: They could be the best racers left and it's funny seeing them bashing each other/ making up/ bashing each other...

3- Kynt and Vyksin: I can't forget that they should've been eliminated. I like her a lot but Kant is just incapable.

4- Nicolas and Donald: They're still not racers but were smart to take the only fast forward available. If they win, the show will have to be renamed "The Amazing Stroll"

5- Ronald and Christina: A couple bashing each other can be funny but, like Rachel said, I have no respect when Dad does it to his daughter.

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-29-07 at 08:27 PM
I feel the need to shake up my love list this week!

1. Rachel and TK - They are a little too mellow for me sometimes, but they work really well with each other and their happiness when something goes their way is fun to watch.

2. Jen and Nate - Forgetting their bad behavior in the past, they did well this week and I could root for them.

3. Don and Nick - I love Don's asides and think their grandfather-grandson relationship is wonderful.

4. Kynt and Vxysin - I really like Vxysin, but this week I found Kynt a little creepy and very, very annoying.

5. Ron and Christina - Ron needs to put a filter on his mouth: 99% of their problems are him!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-30-07 at 02:09 PM
1: Rachel and TK (2,1,2,3,2): So they sucked the episode up and nearly got non-philiminated, but they still managed to not freak out.

2: Donald and Nicolas (4,3,5,4,3): Props on getting those tattooos. More enjoyable this week.

3: Kynt and Vyxsin (1,2,1,5,6): Kind of self-imploded. Kynt needs to learn to drive a stick shift! Nice move running to the next task instead of standing around waiting for another car.

4: Ronald and Christina (3,4,8,1,1): Ron is annoying pain in the butt.

5: Jennifer and Nathan (5,6,9,10,9): I.hate.them.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!

"RE: TAR 12 Lvoe List Volume 7"
Posted by louislam on 12-30-07 at 02:10 PM
1. Rachel/TK (3)
2. Ronald/Christina (1)
3. Kynt/Vyxsin (2)
4. Jennifer/Nathan (4)
5. Nicolas/Donald (5)

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"Week 7 rankings"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-31-07 at 09:43 AM
Well, the holidays are here. Max is tardy with the stats, and a lot fewer peeps came through with their lists-- only 21 this week.

Kynt/Vyxsin's blowup last week cost them the #1 ranking, and Jennifer/Nathan continue to hold onto last place with an iron grip.

TeamRankLast Week RankAvg Rank1st votesLast votes
Rachel and TK12

Kynt and Vyxsin
Donald and Nicolas 343.04
Ronald and Christina4
3 3.603

Jennifer and Nathan