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"TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"

Posted by Max Headroom on 03-13-07 at 10:12 AM
While skimming through the USA Today weekly TV chat transcript, I came across the following question about TAR and its ratings. Here's the text:

"Little Rock, AR: Hello I have tried to watch the recent the Amazing Race but can' get into it because I really don't care about the teams. How are the numbers and are you a fan of this thing, thanks

Robert Bianco: The numbers are terrible, and I tend to believe they're bad (in part, at least) because we had seen enough of these teams the first time around. Even the ones we liked have begun to wear out their welcome from over-exposure. It's a bad "Survivor" idea transplanted to "Race," and it's proving to be damaging. Still, on the subject of bad "Survivor" transplants, I'm sure many "Race" fans were happy to see the last of Rob and Amber. Now, let's pray to the TV gods that we have, indeed, seen the last of Rob and Amber. Talk about wearing out your welcome - these people are the guests who refuse to go home."

Here's a link to the transcript:


As a TAR fan, I'm disappointed but not surprised by the poor ratings of All-Stars. (Wish Robert Bianco would have shared the actual ratings numbers.) Viewership of TAR in general has been declining, and we've already seen the all-star version of Survivor be less than successful. Still, I hope this isn't the end of the line for TAR.

We'll also see if Romber's departure affects the ratings...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by Seana on 03-13-07 at 11:33 AM
I dunno if I want to listen to this guy. He doesn't even know if Starbuck is really dead.

I am surprised that the ratings aren't that good. I was mostly looking forward to this season, though I would have preferred it to be all teams that placed either 1st or 2nd in their season.

Sometimes our very own Webmaster posts ratings news on the front page here. I will watch for one.

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 03-13-07 at 01:31 PM
Although there aren't any numbers, Broadcasting and Cable confirms that the Race isn't faring all that well. For Sunday, March 5:

Amazing Race came in third at 8-9 p.m. behind ABC's Extreme Makeover and the Fox comedies.

Tribe strikes again!
You've been warned, so don't complain.

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by qwertypie on 03-13-07 at 02:37 PM

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-13-07 at 03:30 PM
I think it's this terrible Sunday time slot.....

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by cahaya on 03-13-07 at 05:58 PM
Yup. It'd do better some weeknight slots.

Rays of light by tribe.

I still remember the time when the thing to look forward to on a Sunday night was Walt Disney.

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 03-13-07 at 03:42 PM
It hasn't quite dropped to Apprentice levels.

CBS Has Sunday Win Down 'Cold'

"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" moved ABC into the lead at 8 p.m. with a 7.9/13. CBS dropped to second with "The Amazing Race," 5.9/10. "The Simpsons," 5.3/9, and "The Winner," 4.1/6, finished third for FOX. NBC got a 4.1/7 from "Grease: You're the One That I Want," leaving The CW's "7th Heaven" rerun in fifth.
At 10 p.m., CBS' "Without a Trace" dominated the hour with a 10.8/18. "The Apprentice" posted a 4.9/8 for NBC, and a "Brothers & Sisters" rerun on ABC earned a 4.0/7.

A tribephyl original

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by realwatcher on 03-13-07 at 04:30 PM
total non-sense
Let's see ratings next week without Rob and Amber!!

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by realwatcher on 03-19-07 at 05:27 PM
any info about this episode
Or CBS must get back Rob and Amber?

"RE: TAR-All Stars Ratings & Commentary"
Posted by lordassmonkey on 04-07-07 at 02:41 PM
Seems liek the ratings toook an increase


"Keeping hope alive..."
Posted by Jims02 on 03-22-07 at 01:23 PM
This past week's episode did much better than usual, especially considering that Rob & Amber were booted already.

At 8 p.m., CBS improved to 8.9/14 with "60 Minutes" and "The Amazing Race." A repeat of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," 6.2/10, held onto second for ABC. "Grease: You're The One That I Want" kept NBC in third, slightly ahead of FOX's "Simpsons" rerun, 4.4/7, and "The Winner," 3.6/6. The CW got a 1.3/2 from "7th Heaven."

"The Amazing Race" and the start of "Cold Case" combined for an 8.0/12 on CBS at 9 p.m. NBC moved into second with "Deal or No Deal," 7.2/11. ABC's "Desperate Housewives" rerun, 4.9/8, came in third. FOX held steady with a "Family Guy" rerun, 4.6/7, and a second episode of "The Winner," 3.5/5. A "Top Model" rerun finished the night for The CW.

TAR was also #17 overall this past week. Nice improvement.

"RE: Keeping hope alive..."
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 04-04-07 at 10:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-04-07 AT 10:47 PM (EST)

For 4/1:

"Dateline," 6.0/10, gave NBC the lead in households at 8 p.m., although ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" repeat had more viewers. The first half of a two-hour "Amazing Race: All-Stars" posted a 5.1/8 for CBS. FOX stayed in fourth with "The Simpsons," 4.0/7, and "King of the Hill," 3.9/6. The CW got a 1.2/2 from "7th Heaven."

ABC and NBC switched places at 9 p.m., with a "Desperate Housewives" clip show (6.6/10) leading in households and "Deal or No Deal" (6.5/10) drawing more viewers. The second hour of "The Amazing Race" improved to 5.5/8. A "Family Guy" rerun, 4.2/7, and "American Dad," 3.7/6, kept FOX in front of an "America's Next Top Model" rerun on The CW.

"Cold Case", which followed TAR, was the top-rated show of the night.

So TAR isn't beating either NBC or ABC, but apparently it's not too much of a drag for CBS either. But the numbers are well off from what Jims posted.

Tribe strikes again!
You've been warned, so don't complain.

"RE: Keeping hope alive..."
Posted by realwatcher on 04-07-07 at 01:51 AM
You can't convince me that the episode in which teams were few hours away from other group of teams was exciting.
Yo can't convince me that episode in which fist team stop to buy food and becouse of that Mirna became first ,holds viewers attention!
What lack of action and excitement.