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"TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"

Posted by ARnutz on 02-26-07 at 07:46 AM

I just have to say... you guys rock! I can't remember the last time we had so many peeps participate in the Lvoe List! Keep up the good work!

This week, the teams flew from Ecuador to Chile. Making a stop in Santiago just to do a puzzle! Yes it was an actual puzzle for the Roadblock! They had to gather letters around aboard room and unscramble them then match those letters to one of the pictures on the wall, which happened to be their next destination.

They went to Chiquita... ummm... Chiqatana or something and had to face the Detour. It was a choice between putting 3000 lug nuts on a huge tire or driving a front loader to transport gravel to a place marked with a stick.

After that, they raced (at 40 km/h) through the valley of the moon to the Pit Stop where Phil would send home his next victims!

Rank. Team (Last Week's Rank) ~ Keeping it short this week. I may be back to add more comments later.

1. Oswald & Danny (1) ~ Love them. Love them. Love them!

2. Dustin and Kandice (2) ~ They tried to work with the shrieking shrew and help pay for the taxi driver they were following, but noooooo. *rolls eyes*

3. Uchenna & Joyce (3) ~

4. Joe & Bill (4) ~

5. Teri & Ian (5) ~

6. Eric & Danielle (6) ~

7. David and Mary (7) ~

8. Romber (10) ~ Not as bad as...

9. Charla & Mirna (9) ~ My ears are bleeding!

Philiminated: Kevin and Drew (8) ~ We (and Drew) are now out of our misery!

Now it's your turn, people! This is a lvoe list! ... you know what to do!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by ladybugen on 02-26-07 at 08:56 AM
Rank. Team (Last Week's Rank) ~

1. Oswald & Danny (2) ~ I really like them and with no mistakes, it's easy to put them first.

2. Dustin and Kandice (1) ~ Still my favorite, They get second for....um I'm not really sure why.....making a wrong turn I guess.

3. Romber (5) ` I'm having a hard time accepting how much I'm liking them this time around. But Rob has been much less evil and I LOVED how Amber stuck up for Eric at the airport line scene. LOL!

4. Joe & Bill (3) ~ No strong feelings on this team so they get 4th.

5. Teri & Ian (8) ~ Same as Joe and Bill. Plus he's not as annoying this season as last time. I'm actually more annoyed by her bad botox.

6. David and Mary (9) ~ Mary gets props for her roadblock work and for keeping her mouth shut on the mat. She was upset, we knew why, but we didn't need to hear her go into it. I still think she needs to not be so harsh on David as if it's his fault when they're having problems on a task.

7. Uchenna & Joyce (4) ~ That roadblock wasn't THAT hard Joyce.

8. Eric & Danielle (6) ~ Again, it wasn't THAT hard.

9. Charla & Mirna (7) ~ What drama queens. Way to act as if the taxi driver saved you from your death. Sheesh! And while it would have been nice if D&K helped split the bill, you didn't have that arrangement set up with them so you can't expect it. Maybe if you hadn't started screaming about it right away they would have paid.

>Philiminated: Kevin and Drew (10) ~ We (and Drew) are now out of our misery! I could not have said it better ARnutz.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by VisionQuest on 02-26-07 at 09:09 AM
1. Romber (1) –
2. Oswald and Danny (2)– didn’t freak out about the plane delay. I like that they seem to stay cool under pressure.
3. Dustin and Kandice (3) – I liked it when Charla was telling them to make a decision about giving them money and D or K just gave her the hand
4. Teri and Ian (4) – Hoo rah!
5. Joe and Bill (5) – need to get ruthless to move up
6. Eric and Danielle – (8)
7. Uchenna and Joyce – (6) – They didn’t annoy me, but they seemed to be just going through the motions – like they couldn’t care less about the game.
8. David and Mary (10)– they moved up a few spaces when she wrote down the names of all the cities and figured out the road block pretty quickly, however they fell back when she said “I think right because it’s got the most words”. They are rearing the next generation of Darwin Award Winners
9. Charla and Mirna (7) – Mirna is insane with that screaming and Charla’s rant about beauty was delusional.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by shilfiell on 02-26-07 at 09:42 AM
I missed out on this list last week but hope I can jump in here -

1. Oswald & Danny ~ The best attitudes and the finest quotes yet again!

2. Rob and Amber ~ Amber helping out at the Roadblock, Amber sticking up for Eric, very nice! But it's the twinkle in Rob's eye when he stirs the pot that makes me adore this team. I love it when people enjoy their evil-doing!

3. Dustin and Kandice ~ They smile at the locals, for one, and get bumped up the list for grace under fire when confronted with Dragon Mirna.

4. Uchenna & Joyce ~ Nice enough people, but yikes, that roadblock....

5. Teri and Ian ~ Because the flashback to the diesel/gas problem gave me the warm fuzzies. They have potential for some great moments, but haven't followed through so far this race. Maybe next week?

6. David and Mary ~ Towing out another team was a nice thing to do, and Mary's surprising skill at the puzzle earns points, but these two shouldn't last much longer.

7. Eric and Danielle ~ Mildly non-offensive.

8. Joe and Bill ~ I don't know why. I don't like them. Never did, probably never will.

9. Charla and Mirna ~
Evil, evil, evil. Mirna's nasty to the locals, to the racers, and to everyone else. Probably one of the few teams I like less than Joe and Bill.

Philiminated: Kevin and Drew ~ Towing out the car and nearly getting dragged to death would have earned them points, but the roadblock eavesdropping incident was cheap and the constant whining will not be missed.


"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Seana on 02-26-07 at 09:43 AM
1. Oswald and Danny (1): Oswald enjoying the scenery, Danny's hilarious quotes... I just love these two.

2. Dustin and Kandice (4): Good job to Dustin for figuring out the RB first.

3. Joe and Bill (5): Also impressive at the RB, though not so much at the Detour.

4. Teri and Ian (2): I LOL'd when they couldn't find the marked cars, but Ian said how they hadn't followed their own Stop, Look, Listen policy, so I thought less bad thoughts about them.

5. Uchenna and Joyce (6): Nice people. But they've never really seemed all that competitive to me.

6. Eric and Danielle (9): She's still a floozy. He's still an as$.

7. David and Mary (8): I liked them before, but they're getting bitter. Well Mary is. If she ever let David speak, maybe we'd know how *he* feels.

8. Charla and Mirna (3): Oh. my. gawd. I don't think I could take another episode like that thing with the guy who wanted to be paid for his time.

9. Romber (10): Don't like 'em.

Philiminated: Kevin and Drew (7) I liked them in the first TAR, but I really don't think they were as enthusiastic this time around.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-26-07 at 10:37 AM
Guess I should do my homework before creating my PTTE list-- I think I was the only one NOT to realize that the Festers were washed up. Oh well, such is life.


1. Dustin/Kandice (1) - That's it, take the high road while Mirna demonstrates just how much of a harridan she is. Overcame their slow work on the giant tire and made it back to the middle of the pack, an ok place to be at this early point in the race.

2. Oswald/Danny (3) - Gotta hand it to these two, they're more entertaining than I expected. And they've raced well too.

3. Romber (2) - The best racing team, and generally fun to watch, but their smugness and arrogance will eventually be their undoing. The only suspense is when that happens.

4. Joe/Bill (4) - Still getting a favorable edit and these two are effective racers. When will they start to show their ornery streaks and get into it with other teams?

5. Teri/Ian (6) - Either Ian has mellowed or they've bribed their camera person, but I'm still waiting for a reason to dislike these two. Teri's bad botox may be it, though...

6. Eric/Danielle (5) - And another thinking challenge overmatches Eric. I don't know if Danielle and her masters degree are any smarter, but this team has to figure out who does the intellectual stuff. Hint: It's not Eric.

7. Uchenna/Joyce (8) - Another UTR edit and respectable performance. Combining their overall racing competence and their edit, these two look to be around for a while as we haven't seen much of them thus far.

8. David/Mary (7) - Mary sure has turned into a shrew since last season! And that gravelly voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard... At least these two are decent people, if crappy racers.

9. Charla/Mirna (10) - Won't be moving from the last-place slot until their Philimination. What a pair of harpies. While Charla gets a few points for toughness and persistence, Mirna gets many more negative points for being so consistently unpleasant to watch.

Philiminated. Kevin/Drew (9) - Washed up. Why did they bother coming back? They weren't even funny this time around.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Joools on 02-26-07 at 10:44 AM
For now, I'll just have to do the rankings and come back later with explanations

1. Danny & Oswald
2. Uchenna & Joyce
3. David & Mary
4. Joe & Bill
5. Teri & Ian
6. Eric & Danielle
7. Dustin & Kandice
8. Rob & Amber
9. Charla & Mirna

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by CattyChat on 02-26-07 at 10:55 AM
I can't see the order of my top 3 teams changing unless (horror!) one of them gets eliminated.

MY TOP 3 Now, Always & Forever (and my F3 Dream)
1. Rob & Amber (1) ~ I love their competitiveness. I love how Rob wants to mess with people's heads in the game (see, Rob isn't meanspirited & doesn't take things personally; he is here to win the race & if messing with mentally unstable competitors helps, so be it.) I love how happy Rob was at seeing Ambuh running the front-end loader. GO ROMBER!!!

2. Oswald & Danny (2) ~ Still my second fave team. I love their dynamics together & their overall demeanor. They are hilarious with their little one liners. How sweet seeing Oswald get all misty-eyed going through the moon valley or whatever it was.

3. Dustin & Kandice (3) ~ They are very similar to Team Romber, in that they're competitive, but not mean-spirited, yet despised by other teams because of how well they do & the fact they are cute. I hope they continue to play smart & not get lost. They need to steer clear of the drama teams that will drag them down.

4. Joe & Bill (4) ~ They're getting back in the groove of the race. I hope we start seeing more of their personalities in upcoming eps.

5. Teri & Ian (10) ~ Could it be that Ian has mellowed in the last few years? Is he on Xanax or something? I'm actually liking them this time around . . . so far . . . especially for renaming "Mirna & Schmirna." They are running a pretty tight race so far.

6. David & Mary (8) ~ I have to give Mary props for her winning strategy at the roadblock. I am surprised & impressed. She's smarter than I thought.

7. Eric & Danielle (5) ~ Who's the "humpty dumbass" in this team??? He's a chauvinist & a dimwit. She's a dimwit for putting up with him. I don't see these two making it very far.

8. Uchenna & Joyce (7) ~ Joyce really blew it this leg. They are already on my nerves for continuing the same pity party of 2 (wah, our marriage is strained; wah, we can't conceive.) Whatever. I don't dislike them, they are just on my nerves.

9. Charla & Mirna (9) ~ There's the Mirna & Schmirna most of us despise. Mirna is the most annoying, irritating person I have ever seen. Everything about her is wrong. Her whining, her b!t@hing, her hating on everyone, her pathetic attempts to pander Charla for pity. Why couldn't Charla have gotten someone else to run this race with her??? I hope they are the next to go.


Leg 2: Kevin & Drew (7) ~ They were just hollow shells of their former selves. Where was their hilarious banter? They grew into grumpy old men waaaay before their time . . . well, Drew, at least did.

Leg 1: John Vito & Jill ~

One nation, under Romber...

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Estee on 02-26-07 at 10:55 AM
1. Danny & Oswald (1): They're just going to walk off with the quote list, aren't they?
2. Rob & Amber (3): Careful... there are times to bring the drama, and there are times to wait. You almost had the Faster Flight Curse come down on your rear: do you really want to find out if karma is a blonde? 'cause we've got a lot of blondes, and if karma turns out to be Mirna...
3. Eric & Danielle (8): Well, this should clear it up once and for all: Danielle is the smart one.
4. Teri & Ian (7): Solid leg, but the foreshadowing is starting to build. I think I know how they'll go out: I just don't know when.
5. Charla & Mirna (4): It must be stressful, knowing that the person who's doing the driving is the one who likes to run full-speed into buildings. Headfirst.
6. Dustin & Kandice (10): Okay, you get an entry on the TAR Glossary thread: 'Taxi Drafting'. (I should probably bump it. Eventually.) You're running a solid Race so far, but neither of you seems to be doing much -- and this alternating between 'love us!' and 'loathe us!' is starting to give me whiplash.
7. David & Mary (9): Great work by Mary at the Roadblock, showing more intelligence than any other Racers demonstrated in the entire challenge. Horrible work by Mary at the Detour, the drive to the Pit Stop, and the whining on the mat. Twenty-five percent is a failing grade, kids. By the way, do the Chos have a shirt left to their names?
8. Uchenna & Joyce (2): Now starring in The Da Vinci Roadblock.
9. Bill & Joe (5): Read. The. Clue.

Out: Kevin & Drew. This did not destroy my memory of the first-season Festers, mostly because Kevin makes a really interesting tow anchor. But Drew tried, he tried...

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by MaryKat on 02-26-07 at 12:04 PM
1. Oswalt and Danny
2. Dustin and Kandice
3. Terri and Ian
4. Bill and Joe
5. Eric and Danielle
6. Joyce and Uchenna
7. Mary and David
8. Rob and Amber
9. Charla and Mirna

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Peetah on 02-26-07 at 12:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-26-07 AT 12:15 PM (EST)

1. Oswald/Danny (1)--An impressive performance: Leaving second, falling to last, and back to second. All with barely a broken nail. They are a hoot, to boot!

2. Dustin/Kandice (2)--Once again, I am placing my fav team second because of a middling performance. Good job, D, with the roadblock, but what happened at the detour? I loved the cut of the girls laughing after Charla's crazy plastic surgery rant. However, what was up with sticking out the tongues at the Festers?

3. Eric/Danielle (3)--Eric continues to be a quick racer, despite his troubles at the roadbock. I am still giving them the benefit of doubt. (Can't wait to see Danielle next week!)

4. Joe/Bill (4)--I am rather enjoying the Guidos. Yikes to the screaming at the detour.

5. Teri/Ian (10)--They weren't so bad this week.

6. Uchenna/Joyce (5)--They get taken down a notch or two for a so-so leg. Uchenna could have been more supportive.

7. Rob/Amber (8)--Still good racers (see Oswald and Danny above). I just don't like people who cause trouble for trouble's sake.

8. Charla/Mirna (6)--OMG. I hatehatehatehate Mirna. She is nuts. Charla's beauty speech was funny in a delusional way, but the behavior with the taxi incident was unexcusable. They are shockingly beat out by...

9. David/Mary (9)--I credit Mary with taking a chance with the roadblock--good job. But I hated every other moment with her in the entire leg. She keeps claiming she's doing this race herself, but she keeps trying to form alliances. NO ONE wants to Cho with you, you slow, stupid cow! Why not try giving some respect to your husband. Btw, it's your fault you fell so far behind at the detour. Get the hell off my tv.

Philiminated--Kevin/Drew (7)--What a disappointment from a once strong team. Their elimination in TAR1 was a truly heartbreaking moment. This time, not so much. At least Kevin had some funny moments.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by redbaronii on 02-26-07 at 12:19 PM
1. (1) Oswald/Danny - Cool even with delays, finished the leg in 2nd (again), etc. etc.
2. (2) Dustin/Kandice - It's Chamirna, so who cares?
3. (3) Teri/Ian - They did not annoy me...
4. (4) Guido - Vanished....
5. (5) Uchenna/Joyce - Yawn #1
6. (6) Eric/Danielle - Yawn #2
7. (7) David/Mary - Seems to be getting better...too bad "nice people" just don't work. What's with the Cho shirts?
8. (10) Romber - I can't believe what I just did...because...
9. (9) Charla/Chamirna - Mirna = god...STFU already!! Well, guess "It's their way of communicating/working".

Philiminated - Kevin/Drew - Not funny, just Grumpy, out-of-shape

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by emydi on 02-26-07 at 12:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-26-07 AT 12:31 PM (EST)

1. Oswald & Danny (1) ~ I love these guys...."I think I was a man in a former life!!" and "My manicurist is going to kill me!"

2. Joe & Bill(2)--I really like these two..Team Guido

3. David and Mary (3)~ I'm liking Mary more on this race...she was the smartest one in the Road Block Anagram puzzle...I love that she is no longer going to help anyone

4. Teri & Ian (5) ~ I really like Teri and love when she calls them Mirna and Schmirna

5. Uchenna & Joyce (4)~ Yikes Joyce and Eric were bad! I liked that no baby talk this ep.

6. Eric & Danielle (6)~ Meh...I think that Eric did this and not Danielle may come back to haunt them later

7. Charla & Mirna (8)~ Mirna is a nut job pure and simple...If I was Charla I would have thrown the step stool at her

8. Dustin and Kandice (9)~ I still don't like them and like that they are not all that this time. I was very close to putting C/M here bc of Mirna...but still don't like these 2 and I do like Charla

9. Romber (10) ~ Ambuh is a troll...I cannot stand that they keep winning stuff...Rob going after Eric was in fun/strategy and Ambuh called him on it. I hope they get their arrogance up and lose big later on!

Philiminated: Kevin and Drew (7)--meh Drew was tiresome...I wish this spot would have gone to another team...the hippies, perhaps?

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by warp_core breach on 02-26-07 at 12:43 PM
1(2). Oswald & Danny - Were these two this likeable on their season? I can't remember... but I'm liking them now. They're funny and good racers. Took the delayed airplane thing in stride.

2(1). Teri & Ian - Still liking these two. Ian's not nearly as annoying as he was in Season 2. What up?

3(3). Rob & Amber - Why are they in this position - again? They're solid racers. Rob hasn't been quite his devious self - yet.

4(4). Uchenna & Joyce - Like these two as people, but their racing ability sucks - like the last time. I'd like to see these two really go for it and make it look like they deserved/deserve to win the million dollars.

5(5). Dustin & Kandace - I want to see these two move up in the finishes like before. They are good racers, but these last two finishes have been "meh" When they finished the Road Block first, I was glad because that was more like them but then they lost their lead.

6(8). Joe & Bill - They haven't done anything (positive or negative) for me yet.

7(7). Eric & Danielle - Eric still reinforces the fact that he's a stupid egg-head and that Danielle is a Stepford girlfriend for putting up with him.

6(8). David & Mary - There's a thread out there about what the all stars should have learned from racing the first time, and Mary definitely hasn't learned anything. Umm, this is a race and it's umm competitive and stuff. Mary still wants to go around wide-eyed with wonder and make a new bunch of friends. Then she's shocked when she gets passed by her "friends". No, Charla & Mirna are going to let you stay in front of them so that you and David can beat them in a foot race. And you didn't need anybody...

9(9). Charla & Mirna - Were these two this annoying the first time around? I mean, I don't remember hating them so much. Total drama queens the both of them. Oh and loved the whole beauty is only skin-deep speech. It seems we have another jealous female team this time around.

Philiminated - Kevin & Drew - I'm really finding it hard to believe that these two were so beloved on Season 1. I found nothing enduring about them at all. I felt sorry for Kevin having to put up with sourpuss Drew. I couldn't believe his attitude... everything was sore - even his feet from driving! He was nothing but a sniveling, whiny cry baby. Oh and nice attitude at the pit stop. I'm glad he's gone. Now fade off into obscurity where you belong.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by zipperhead on 02-26-07 at 12:54 PM
1. Oswald & Danny - Mostly by default, because I don't really love any of these teams right now.

2. Uchenna & Joyce - Watch what the other Racers are doing in a challenge, for cryin' out loud!

3. David and Mary - They might turn into true Racers yet.

4. Charla & Mirna - Was I the only one who got a little turned on when Mirna was on Charla's shoulders?

5. Teri & Ian - Still a good team.

6. Eric & Danielle - Loved it when he got ahead of Rob in the airport line and the whiney sissy boy showed his true colors.

7. Dustin and Kandice - falling out of favor because they're messing with my favorite girl team.

8. Joe & Bill - Well, they outlasted the Festers.

9. Romber - Even Amber said, "stop your whining and take it like a man, ya big baby."

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by LibraRising on 02-26-07 at 01:43 PM
Alrighty. Ya know? I almost don't hate any of the teams yet. Save one.

1. Oswald & Danny (1) -- They've run the race at a solid #2 so far, but they've stayed a solid #1 in my heart.

2. Teri & Ian (3) -- I can't help myself. Maybe I've caught a touch of the Jslice-itus, but I find Ian the Mellow Curmudgeon charming. Nothing at all like his last appearance. And the preview showing his wife going after -- THEM -- next week just boosts them even more.

3. Dustin & Kandace (2) -- I liked them even more now, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Right, Batman?

4. Romber (5) -- God help me. I just can't justify any reason not to.

5. Uchenna & Joyce (7) -- Nice people. Lousy showing thus far, but nice people.

6. Joe & Bill (6) -- I want to see their evil side, dammit!

7. David & Mary (10) -- Could there be any more redneck-ish detour than tightening nuts on a monster truck? And they still couldn't do it right! Hey, why didn't Danny & Oswald get a "tightening nuts" line?

8. Eric & Danielle (8) -- Oh, yeah. It was really exciting when they...Um...That part when...You know, when Eric did the...ZZZZZZZZZZ.

9. Charla & Mirna (9) -- That's right. I remember now. That seething hatred I had for you the last time, if for no other reason, for the obnoxious pidgeon English you revert to any time you speak to someone for whom English is not their primary language. Hint -- you talking worse does not make you easier to understand.

Gone -- the bald grumps. I missed the first season. Were they called "The Festers" because they bring to mind pus-generating, inflamed sores?

A kyngsladye klassic with an IceCat chaser

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by jbug on 02-26-07 at 01:52 PM
1. Oswald & Danny(1) I'm keeping them in my first place.

2. Rob & Amber (2) Still at #2 (just wish in the race, they'd move to this spot & let D&O go in first! LOL)

3. Teri & Ian: (3) Gotta hand it to them - good keeping up.

4. Uchenna & Joyce (6)

5. Dustin and Kandice (7)

6. Eric & Danielle (4) :

7. Joe & Bill (8)

8. David and Mary (10) I would never have thought I'd move them up but Smirna HAD to move down.

9. Charla & Mirna (9)

Philim'd: Kevin & Drew (5) Wish they had not come on AllStars. I would rather have remembered them as the funny guys I enjoyed on their first race. Now they (mostly Drew) have left this bad taste.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Tazluli on 02-26-07 at 02:04 PM
1. Oswald & Danny (1) - Not only are they having fun, but they were so cool, calm and collected about their flight being delayed.

2. Joe & Bill (6) - I am getting a kick out them. I didn't see their season, so I would like to see their evilness come out.

3. Dustin & Kandice (9) - I moved them up because they didn't fight back when Mirna was screeching at them. They also moved up places because I did not hear them talk about wanting to become "the first all female team, blah, blah blah."

4. Teri & Ian (5) - I still do not have an opinion about them.

5. Uchenna & Joyce (2) - I really like them, but Joyce, c'mon, that roadblock! You are smarter than that! Uchenna - don't roll your eyes at your wife. You do not know if you could have done it quicker!

6. David & Mary (3) - They are way too nice. I don't want them to be rotten, I just want them to run the race and not worry about giving or receiving help!

7. Eric & Danielle (8) - They bug me.

8. Rob & Amber (10) - I cannot believe I moved them up a spot. I can't stand them, but they didn't annoy me half as much as.........

9. Charla & Mirna (4) - What in the world was all that screeching about? Why is it the taxi driver's fault for wanting to be paid? The throwing of the purse by Mirna and screaming how she will not eat tomorrow was unbelieveable! What the heck was that speech about beauty from Charla? These two need to get off my tv screen so I can devote all of my time being disgusted by Rob and Amber

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 02-26-07 at 02:12 PM
1. Dustin/Kandice- They're shrewd... one of the few teams that really can be called "the best of the best"
2. Oswald/Danny- Love!
3. Teri/Ian- Like them!
4. Joe/Bill- Miss their old villanous ways!

5. Charla/Mirna- Ridiculous!
6. Rob/Amber- Meh.
7. Uchenna/Joyce- Meh.
8. Eric/Danielle- Meh.
9. David/Mary- Absolute hatred. Horrible, pathetic, gross!

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Road Kill on 02-26-07 at 03:05 PM
1. Rob and Amber - Best team period. If they don't win, it would be a travesty.

2. Danny and Oswald - Second best racers.

3. Eric and Danielle - Danielle will be Eric's downfall in this race.

4. David and Mary - Nice.

5. Charla and Mirna - They are entertaining

6. Teri and Ian -

7. Uchenna and Joyce - Joyce, how do you not see everyone else staring at the picture, running out, and not returning????

8. Dustin and Kandace - oops, just forgot to put them and I don't feel like editing my post

9. Joe and Bill - They think they are as good Rob and Amber.

Philiminated Kevin and Drew - Why take a spot from someone else, when you knew you couldn't run the race?

One nation, under Romber...

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by cahaya on 02-26-07 at 03:20 PM
Speed Limits and Pass, Pass, Pass

Wow, that was a lot of road rallying going on with all the passing. I thought for sure that one team was going to get busted for going over the speed limit the way the speed limit sign got camera time.

1. (1) Teri & Ian: Let's say I like that silly hat of his.

2. (2) Uchenna & Joyce: Looks like the've both mellowed out since the last race and don't argue much, even after Joyce took forever in the boardroom. She should have noticed members of the other teams going to the wall picture a lot sooner. They're still going with the "just don't get in last place to make it to the final leg" strategy.

3. (3) Rob & Amber: Anybody who wants to win a Race should watch these two operate.

4. (5) Danny & Oswald: These guys have come up with the best one-liners in any season of TAR.

5. (4) David & Mary: Their helping others can lead to their running near the back of the pack for quite a few legs - or last place in the next one.

6. (7) Dustin & Kandice: Hey, you just passed Charla & Mirna!

7. (6) Charla & Mirna: I want to see at least another week of their sometimes surprising antics.

8. (9) Eric & Danielle: Props for not showing off too much and focusing on the Race.

9. (8) Joe & Bill: Here by default again.

Philiminated. (10) Kevin & Drew: No surprise they've disappeared.

Wayang Kulit puppet show by Tribe.

Honorable mention: The 40 kph speed limit sign that got so much camera attention but didn't bust anybody (for a time penalty).

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by livingthroughmytv on 02-26-07 at 03:48 PM
1. Team Cha Cha: I love these guys, witty and very race-worthy. I hope they win

2. David and Mary: Nice folks who deserve a break. I think they learned to stop being too nice and race. I hope.

3. Terri and Ian: Look out for the fogeys. Old age and treachery can take down youth and beauty.

4. Beauty Queens: See above

5. Joyce and Uchenna: gonna have to do better than that to stay in the race

6. Bill and Joe: Meh. Not so evil this time. Still waiting for the evil Grampa routine.

7. Eric and Danielle: ick

8. Romber: double ick

9. Mirna and Scmirna: triple ick

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-26-07 at 05:53 PM
1. ROB AND AMBER (2). I’m on the Team Romber bandwagon. They are good racers and a lot of fun to watch. They’re enjoying the race and each other. I even liked Amber this week!
2. OSWALD AND DANNY (1) They had another good leg and are staying focused (yeah to Danny for complaining about his manicure after the fact and not during it!)
3. DUSTIN AND KANDICE (3) Dustin did a great job in the roadblock and they kept their wits about them when confronted by Charla and Mirna and a questionable turn. They need to up their racing skills a notch, but middle of the pack is okay for early in the race.
4. UCHENNA AND JOYCE (5) Kind of a mediocre leg for them, but I like them more than the rest. Joyce was kind to help Ian.
5. JOE AND BILL (6) I don’t like nor dislike them. They had a good leg.
6. ERIC AND DANIELLE (4) Eric is a good racer, but I don’t like his dumb-as$ comments. So far Danielle is just along for the ride.
7. TERI AND IAN (10) I don’t feel the lvoe for them and they had a weak leg.
8. DAVID AND MARY (8) Nice people who are so far outclassed in this race they have no business being there. They can’t get past the comfort of having a buddy to race with.
9. CHARLA AND MIRNA (7) Words cannot express what I thought of Mirna after her freak-out on that poor taxi driver!

Philiminated: KEVIN AND DREW (9) It’s too bad Drew was in so much pain. Kevin is a good sport to put up with him.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by geg6 on 02-27-07 at 09:46 AM
1. Romber - Two weeks in a row!!!!! I love it. And they are starting, for the very first time, to be edited in a way that is more like their real personas. I'm amazed. Amber's assertiveness, a surprise to most everyone, is what I've always seen IRL. And Rob's pride in her abilities was just adorable.

2. Oswald & Danny - Too adorable for words. I want to go out for a night on the town with them. They are the quote machines! And racing really, really well. Level headed and just getting it done. Love it.

3. Dustin and Kandice - I can't believe I have them this high, because I really am not a fan. But they overcame some things (some beyond their control and some just not good decisions) and they did try to be semi-nice to the crazed nut case and her even more delusional sidekick (Mirna, Schmerna, they're interchangeable at this point in the who should die first and most painfully contest). Personally, I'd have punched both those creatures right in the head.

4. Joe & Bill - I still haven't gotten over my hate for them, but they've been pretty quiet so far. So I'm cutting them a break for now. But I'm watching the Guidos with a jaundiced eye. I don't trust them.

5. Eric & Danielle - He's definitely not the brightest bulb in the box. But they seem to get along well and they are decent at tasks that don't take brains. LOL! I actually think they're kinda cute together. But they're middle of the packers. And, eventually, the middle becomes the end.

6. Teri & Ian - I still don't remember these people. I'm trying, but I just don't. They seem okay to me. Not brilliant, will never win. But okay.

7. Uchenna & Joyce - Well, he's still a pig and she still isn't as good as she thinks she is. What a surprise. Gawd, please don't let anyone fix the game for these two again. I really can't stand either one of them.

8. David and Mary - Those poor hillbillies. I again question what they are doing on this show. Mary, surprisingly, was an ace at the puzzle. But too stupid to figure out that you have to put the tire on correctly. They are truly out of their league, but at least they are not hateful.

9. Charla & Mirna - The hateful label goes to these two. What can I say about them? Stupid. Entitled. Bitter. Mean. Delusional. Eardrum piercing. Ignorant. Incompetent. Irritating. Angry. I could do this all day. They cannot leave fast enough. I remember detesting them the first time around. But I had no idea the depth of my hatred for them. Now I do.

Philiminated: Kevin and Drew - I never thought I'd be happy to see the last of the Festers. There's been an interesting evolution with these two. If I hadn't seen them in the first one, I'd never have understood the affection people have had for them all this time based on how whiny they've been and what bad sports they've shown themselves to be. Good riddance!

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by beau_30 on 02-27-07 at 10:31 AM
Lvoe List!

You know every time I type the word love in a post of mine a blog or something. I always end up spelling it Lvoe lol

Anyways on to the list!
1) Danny and Oswald - They came from last to 2nd. That gives them props.

2) Dustin and Kandice - Still my favorite.

3) Romber - X( God I hate putting them here but they went from last to first. That gives them props.

4) Eric and Danielle - ???? I don't have anything to say.

5) Bill and Joe - I didn't like them the first season, but their not getting the villians edit this season. hmmm

6) Charla and Mirna - Tell your cousin Charla. Through that stole at her.

7) Uchenna and Joyce - Blah

8) Terri and Ian - To many mistakes

9) David and Mary - I like David, but Mary's sour attitude puts them in last due to her its a race.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by taffnic on 02-27-07 at 11:27 AM

"Look at That!"
Posted by michel on 02-27-07 at 11:34 AM
I've seen this list somewhere (*Looks down at the next post*) Where you in my computer while I was writing?

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by michel on 02-27-07 at 11:31 AM
1. Romber(1): It's fun to see Lamber have a say even if there is method to Rob's madness! She is a cool truck driver. I liked the Happy Dance.

2. Oswald & Danny(2): These guys are funny and good racers

3. Dustin and Kandice(3): Good work on the Roadblock and on the road.

4. Eric & Danielle(5): Solid finish. They could be contenders and Danielle looks better than the next two teams!!

5. Joe & Bill(6): They are good racers but are mostly ignored.

6. Teri & Ian(4): Without Joyce's help in the Boardroom, Ian would've spilled over and been featured in this week's "Without a Trace" episode.

7. Uchenna & Joyce (7): Boring: Poor leg, good finish. Rob would say: "It's a miserable game, this race."

8. David and Mary (9): Dumb: Mary should listen to David sometimes.

9. Charla & Mirna (10): Insane: The race should be fun. Why do these two make it life and death? Charla is as bad as Mirna.

Philliminated Kevin & Drew(8): You had to get in better shape

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by dabo on 02-27-07 at 11:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-07 AT 01:09 PM (EST)

1. Oswald and Danny (1): These guys are having fun and racing smart.

2. David and Mary (3): Not great racers but fun to watch; David getting upset with Kevin, and Mary getting upset with Charla/Mirna were just precious naive moments.

3. Uchenna and Joyce (5): Still making mistakes, but at least now they're actually in the show.

4. Joe and Bill (6): A much better leg, managed to pull themselves up in finish order by keeping their heads despite their mistakes.

5. Teri and Ian (2): A bad leg for them, at least they managed to not turn into drama queens.

6. Rob and Amber (10): Okay, they are good racers, and they have a plan, but they are still way too full of themselves and the potstirring was flawed (but at least Amberbot caught onto that, though Rob is too much of a show-off to listen).

7. Eric and Danielle (4): Maybe they'll do something interesting next week.

8. Dustin and Kandice (7): Though good racers in many respects, they made some dumb mistakes this time and should have learned better by now.

9. Charla and Mirna (8): Too Much Drama! I still like Charla, though her "beauty skin deep" speech went overboard; Mirna, on the other hand, is becoming the female Jonathan.

eliminated. Kevin and Drew (9): Just no fun at all, I won't miss them.


"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 02-27-07 at 02:26 PM
1. Oswald & Danny (1)
2. David & Mary (6)
3. Uchenna & Joyce (2)
4. Dustin & Kandice (8)
5. Teri & Ian (4)
6. Eric & Danielle (7)
7. Charla & Mirna (3)
8. Joe & Bill (9)
9. Rob & Amber (10)

Kevin & Drew were #5 last week.

an IceCat original

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by bostonrobfan on 02-27-07 at 09:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-07 AT 09:07 PM (EST)

1. Romber

2. Oswald & Danny

3. Dustin and Kandice

4. David and Mary

5. Joe & Bill

6. Teri & Ian

7. Uchenna & Joyce

8. Eric & Danielle

9. Charla & Mirna

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 02-27-07 at 10:55 PM
1. (1) Danny/Oswald. Missed these guys the first time around, but I'm glad I'm catching them now. They're fun-loving, and, so far, good Racers. *takes "nads" away from Megan Linz and awards them to Danny*

2. (6) Joe/Bill. Right now I think the Guidos have a better strategy than before; they're going with the flow and doing well. I'm sure if the need arises, they'll get crafty. And they had fun with the backhoe! (Never let it be said I'm homophobic; I've got both gay teams 1-2 here!)

GAP THE SIZE OF THE ?CHIMICHANGA? MINE (shameless plug for my summary)
Nobody I'm really that enthused about from here on; it's more like who bothers me the least.

3. (7) Dustin/Kandice. Dustin played the bored room well, they didn't fare too badly with the Detour, and they certainly stood their ground against an exploding Charla and Mirna. They were, however, trying to freeload, which isn't illegal, but doesn't always succeed. And they MUST do better at following directions, or they'll be gone again.

4. (5) Uchenna/Joyce. Still like them; Uchenna's reaction to Joyce after her horrible Roadblock was priceless. But a wrong turn cost them a couple spots. I now wonder how much they want it.

5. (4) Teri/Ian. They're hanging tough in their paper skivvies. Ian didn't fare too well in the Roadblock either, but Teri didn't berate him for it. And how did they not find the cars after the Detour? Stop, look, and read the clue, folks.

6. (8) Eric/Danielle. Yet another casualty of the bored room, and what was he thinking with that joke at the start? But they did finish fourth again.

7. (3) Mary. I'm surprised the producers are letting her race alone, and I bet Rebecca is seething about that. But this is not the innocent, enjoying-the-ride Mary we've known and loved. I want her back!

8. (9) Rob/Amber. Keep smirking. It'll bite you in the end.

9. (10) Charla/Mirna. As if they weren't painful enough the first time around. I constantly underestimate their irritability.

Philiminated (2): Kevin/Drew. Almost as painful to watch as that NBA player who blew out his knee. Never should have been on this Race given Drew's condition.

Tribe strikes again!
You've been warned, so don't complain.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by cycles2k on 02-28-07 at 03:45 AM
1. David and Mary (2). Love those underdogs.

2. Uchenna & Joyce (1). Decent people who play hard but fair.

3. Oswald & Danny (4) - At 3, because I hardly know them but they seem great.

4. Eric & Danielle (5) - Danielle is pretty and they treat each other well. I know little else about them.

5. Teri & Ian (7)- Usually I like the older teams, but these people don't interest me. Perhaps in a future episode I will learn why they are "all stars".

6. Joe & Bill (8) - OK so far but.....

7. Dustin and Kandice (9) - The flirting Barbies.

8. Charla & Mirna (6) - Oh my. Medication is needed.

9. Romber. Sorry RomberNation - My wife won't even watch TARAS with me because Rob is on it. Amber has the brains and personality - Rob is the tagalong that believes he is leading the team.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by WilmaF on 02-28-07 at 01:48 PM
Love List Epi 2

1. Romber, they really know how to race. It is hard to believe that some of these teams are so unprepared especially for the 2nd tme around, Romber seem to know what they are doing.

2. Dusten & Kandice - it would be nice to see some girls win and if any of the girl teams deserve it for racing ability it is these two.

3. Oswald and Danny - I was uncertain of these two before the race started but so far they are awesome, they are racing and having fun and seem to know what they are doing.

4. Teri and Ian can go here, have to give them props for keeping up and Ian isn't the tyrant that he was on his orginal season, yet. It is nice to have some conflict between teams, it keeps things interesting but no need to insult and belittle your partner

5. Eric and Danielle. I am only putting them here because I don't know where else to put them. If the rumors are true I look forward to them stepping it up but for now these two seem like boobs. Also I was a little disgusted with Erics Dumbass remark, I guess it was foreshadowing when he was so stupid at the road block. I would have slapped him or maybe pushed him down the hill !!

6. Joe and Bill I have no feelings towards them either way, good or bad, they are boring right now and I would like to see them step it up but my guess is they will fizzle out as the just don't see to have IT anymore.

7. Mary and David. I agree with the others that these two do not compare to the rest of the racers and the spot should have been offered to someone else. Maybe even Dr. Wil and Janelle, that would be funny !!

8. U & J - I am a Romber fan but that is not why U & J are at the bottom, they just don't seem to be in it and again should have declined and left the spot open for a real team that wanted to race. They weren't that entertaining in their original season either though and well were lucky they one, not this time.

9. It is hard to place hte other teams expect that I would like Charla and Mirna to be last last last. Holly mackeral they are annoying. It is like watching one of those sitcoms where people don't talk to each other they yell, like the Bunkers, annoying and the fake accent is pretty odd.

I can't wait for the next episode. There don't seem to be as many people on discussing this season as in the past, are people lossing interest or just have found something better to do !!

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by rlbova on 02-28-07 at 02:13 PM
hey! you guys are awesome! I need some help though. DOes anyone know of a site called adv.com or aldv.com or something like that?? I used to visit it to see clips of BB an TAR! It was pretty good! I know it started with an "a" and it was like initials i think! thanks for any help!

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by sittem on 02-28-07 at 05:00 PM
Discourging week - still haven't been able to see the show and prospects don't look good. Just gotta wing it...

1. Romber
2. DannyO
3. Eric/Danielle
4. UJ
5. Joe/Bill
6. Terri/Ian
7. DusKa
8. DaMa
9. CharMa

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by justmyhumbleopinion on 02-28-07 at 06:21 PM
1. Oswald & Danny (1) - Keep the one-liners coming!
2. Dustin & Kandice (2) - They did great at the roadblock, then lost their lead with a bunching point. Why didn't the producers have the teams DRIVE the 230 miles to the mine instead of fly??
3. Joe & Bill (7) - Here by default.
4. Uchenna & Joyce (5) - Here because we didn't actually see him yell at her after she messed up the roadblock.
5. Eric & Danielle (6) - Here by default.
6. Mary & David (3) - Dropped because I am getting tired of the way she treats David. Also, how many times will you say you're going to run the race without help from other teams before you actually do it?
7. Teri & Ian (8) - Although not as bad yet as in their previous race, the yelling has begun.
8. Mirna & Charla (9) - I have no words to describe...
9. Rob & Amber (10) - Being a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk (or "stirring things up") doesn't make you smart. It just makes you a jerk. Amber was right to chastise him.

Philiminated: Kevin & Drew (4) - After I watched some of the extra video on cbs.com, I can see some of their humor that I enjoyed their first go round. But, Drew (and the producers) had no business coming on the race with those kinds of medical conditions.

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by fullofgrace2470 on 03-03-07 at 08:06 AM
Ok, here goes my first lvoe list for TAR. I don't know many of the older teams, so I had to wait a couple of episodes to form an impression.

1. Romber-proud member of Romber nation. I really hope they win. I was thrilled when U&J won their season, but would have been thrilled with a Romber win too.
2. Oswald & Danny- these guys are great.
3. Uchenna & Joyce- loved them the first time around, still loving them now.
4. Eric & Danielle- I liked that they switched partners. So far so good!
5. Beauty queens- the best of the rest for me.
6. Joe & Bill- I've heard so much about them, I'm a little disappointed they're not living up to all their hype!
7. Teri & Ian- still haven't really formed an opinion, but they're above the last 2 teams!
8. David & Mary- I would like to see a double elim. with them and Chmirna leaving.
9. Chmirna- *giggles at that name* Enough already....please leave.

Philiminated- Kevin & Drew- It sounds like they needed to be done. Poor guy with the herniated disk. Gotta give them props for even trying! I wish it had been team 8 or 9 that left, but what can I do? Just hope for next week

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by louislam on 03-04-07 at 02:22 AM

Have to say that I really like the roadblock this week, but the bunching afterwards is ridiculous and make the first half worthless. Detour is a bit stale and not interesting, hope it will improve next week.

1. Oswald/Danny (2) - They are just great. They are always fun to watch and they didn't get panic even when they were behind. They need to go far to keep this season entertaining.

2. Dustin/Kandice (3) - Slowly moving up because of Dustin's great peroformance in the roadblock. They show that they still have the ability to take the lead even in an all-star season. Sad to see that the lead is lost because of bunching! (Don't know why there's no charter flight to give leading teams a little break) But there's no excuse for poor choice of detour. Also, they were in high risk when they passed Kevin/Drew at the entrance and didn't take the map! Lucky that other teams also taking a wrong turn, otherwise they would have been eliminated! They really need to avoid that happening again.

3. Teri/Ian (1) - Not as refreshing as last week. They are still my favourite and they were smart to discover that they made a wrong turn before other teams did, but Ian's inability to complete the roadblock make them lose first place in this list.

4. Joe/Bill (6) - They are not the focus in these 2 weeks. It seems that they did quite well so far and it's really nice to see that they were still competitive. But I really need to see them more to make a better judgment.

5. Rob/Amber (4) - Still solid performace but I think they were partly saved by the middle bunching. But Rob getting annoyed by Eric at the airport was a stupid move, even Amber did not agree with him. And the dancing at the pit stop was ridiculous. They (or just Rob) need to avoid doing nonsense things to make them look worse.

6. Uchenna/Joyce (9) - Moving up because other teams were worse this week. They are still invisible in the race, and always falling behind, making wrong turn etc. It really makes me puzzled why they won their season.

7. Eric/Danielle (7) - Still indifferent to this team. Eric should learn from his season that he is not good at puzzle, he lost million dollars because of it! Don't know why Danielle didn't do it, probably she was even worse. A boring team by far but the preview suggests that there will be some good things coming up next week.

8. Charla/Mirna (5) - Don't know what's wrong for them. They did not look like that before and now they seem so desperate. Always falling behind, arguing with other teams, whining and getting upset all the time, cursing other people... They just try to do all things possible to make us hate them. The taxi incident showed that they were really out of control, always asking D/K to share taxi money but never mentioned how much it costed until Dustin asked? What would you expect D/K to do?

9. David/Mary (10) - I just can't stand them. They just need to do better job on their own and forget to use tricks on other teams, because they even can't race well!! They were really lucky this time that they were not eliminated.

Philiminated: Kevin/Drew (8) - Sadly that they're gone because they really did better this leg. Not speeding up was just silly because you saw all other teams did that, so even there's really a penalty you would not lose anything more than others. And they really provided a good moment when Kevin towed the car out of mud and Drew forgot to stop the car after that! Though clearly not doing as well as they were in season 1, I think they were at least better than David/Mary in racing ability.

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"RE: TAR All Stars Lvoe List Volume 2"
Posted by sittem on 03-04-07 at 05:21 PM
Only hours before showtime - I'm late and it's bedtime here. I'll just throw up a few things and then move on. It's been a sad week here not being able to see more than a fleeting glimpse of a few brief scenes - less than two minutes and I fear it's not going to change.

We had a nice follow up to the blockbuster first week - 36 peeps. 4 of them were new, but remain nameless this week.

Not even close to a PAP.

On to the rankings. They are listed in order of popularity by the group. After the name is last weeks rank. Each ranking is
given a number 1 through 9. These numbers are added up and are reflected with a raw score. Next you’ll see their average rank.
Then I’ll show you how many (first ranks they had) and <last ranks they had this week.

1. Oswald and Danny (1) 55 – 1.5 – (21) <0>
2. Dustin and Kandace (2) 140 – 3.9 – (2) <0>
3. Rob and Amber(3) 161 – 4.5 - (11) <5>
4. Teri and Ian (5) 265 – 4.6 - (1) <0>
5.5. Uchenna and Joyce (4) 186 – 5.2 (0) <0>
5.5. Joe and Bill (6) 186 – 5.2 - (0) <3>
7. Eric and Danielle (7) 208 – 5.8 – (0) <0>
8. David and Mary (9) 224 – 6.2 – (1) <4>
9. Charla and Mirna (10) 295 – 8.2 – (0) <24>


1. Danny and Oswald have the best ever average rank after the second week of a race - 1.5 which betters BJT after week 2 of TAR 9 when they had a 1.6. However, BJT did receive an astounding 74% of all the first place ranks while OD had just 58%.

2. The only ranking change in the list from the first week had UJ falling from 4 to 5.5, Teri and Ian moving up from 5 to 4 and Joe and Bill moving up a half step to 5.5.

3. CM tripled their last place ranks from 8 to 24. They also fell in average ranking from 7.1 to 8.2 - that's hard to do with one less team - usually most improve somewhat in their average rank unless something dramatic happens. They had 67% of last place ranks.

No proof reading - if there's mistakes so be it!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.