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Thread Number: 3317
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"Tryouts in Lansing, MI on January 5"

Posted by realitybites on 12-26-06 at 10:34 AM
I don't care about this stupid show anymore, but on the off chance that some of you still do, I found this article on the Lansing State Journal's Web site. The article is short, so I encourage you to read it all. But for those of you that are short on time:

* It's at the Lansing Center from 6-8:30 PM during the Boat Show (I'm not touching that one...)
* It's sponsored by the local CBS affiliate, WLNS
* You can bring your own tape or have one taped for you right there
* The day before has tryouts for another CBS reality show that I refuse to name

I guess they're desperate for Midwestern media whores. Good luck, both of you who are interested.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Tryouts in Cabazon, CA. on Jan 10"
Posted by foonermints on 01-04-07 at 11:04 AM
As you are gambling your money away/drinking heavily in the Morongo Casino, you may as well try out for TAR 12. OR take some peyote and wander around in the desert.

I hear that if you show up with an EZ pass you automatically win.