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Thread Number: 3315
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Original Message
"Lyn Robbed!"

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 12-20-06 at 04:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-20-06 AT 04:46 PM (EST)

Wow, was reading a TAR site only to see:


Direct Link:

Her house is unlivable at present! Not even Karlyn deserves this after finishing the race, much less Lyn. Sorry to read this.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Lyn Robbed!"
Posted by Snidget on 12-20-06 at 06:50 PM
The direct link didn't work but this should http://tinyurl.com/y3b597

Hall's Decked by Tribe!

"RE: Lyn Robbed!"
Posted by cahaya on 12-20-06 at 11:39 PM
But, the popularity she gained after being seen by millions of viewers, week after week, and even in a huge write-up in a local newspaper may have made her a target for thieves.

Last week, just days before traveling to New York for the finale weekend, she came home to find her house in shambles.

"The house was wide open. Someone had forced their way through the front door, everything was in the floor, nothing was untouched, even food out of the cabinets, and taken the plumbing from under the house," said Turk.

Wow, they took everything except the kitchen sink! I wonder if any of the other teams that won any prize money (or not) would contribute to helping Lyn out, maybe even the Cho Bros.

A wonderful sig-gift from Nutz.

Such are the hazards of being a RTV contestant.

"RE: Lyn Robbed!"
Posted by dabo on 12-21-06 at 00:18 AM
This is just horrible. I hope whoever did this is found and forced to compete on Eco-Challenge.


"RE: Lyn Robbed!"
Posted by seahorse on 12-21-06 at 09:59 AM
She definitely had some bad luck.