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"It's the best we could've hoped for"

Posted by davwav02 on 12-10-06 at 11:19 PM
I think it's good that the boys won. I was hoping against the moms, and I would've been okay with the couple, but it was a very boring finale, to be honest.

It was interesting to see the plane rides actually make a difference in the show. Similar to TAR 4, a team got left behind on the last leg of the race and it actually made a difference. It was good to see karma come back to visit the moms.

I had to laugh at the product placement on the show. The Sprint call at the end was something new, and maybe next time they'll bring the whole family. In addition, the unexpected Ez-Pass placement was actually pretty good, considering it pretty much decided the race. All in all, it wasn't too exciting.

Here's waiting for next season.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by cahaya on 12-10-06 at 11:43 PM
the unexpected Ez-Pass placement

That says it all.

A wonderful sig-gift from Nutz.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by davwav02 on 12-11-06 at 00:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-11-06 AT 04:00 PM (EST)

The new logo...

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 12-11-06 at 00:30 AM
Wow- after the bama moms lost the airplane ride to New York, they were never heard from again . . .

Except to run to the end.

A Shar Christmas original

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 12-12-06 at 09:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-06 AT 09:04 AM (EST)

Check the insider videos for what happened to the Lyns in NYC. The News Building was more elusive than they figured.

(I'd link to it, but I couldn't come up with a URL.)

ETA: lordassmonkey already noted this downthread.

Tribe strikes again!
You've been warned, so don't complain.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by mia rules18 on 12-11-06 at 07:34 AM
Yes, it was quite a bit of a boring finale. As for the airport scene where Rob and Kimberly got on the plane, at first it didn't look like Bama or the boys were going to get on. I'm willing to bet that production had to get involved a bit to get those boys on the plane or there would have been no race to the end in NY, just Rob and Kim getting off the plane and headed towards the finish line.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by ladybugen on 12-11-06 at 08:56 AM
I'm willing
>to bet that production had
>to get involved a bit
>to get those boys on
>the plane or there would
>have been no race to
>the end in NY, just
>Rob and Kim getting off
>the plane and headed towards
>the finish line.

I'm thinking the same thing. And while if it had been a team I really liked in Rob and Kim's place, I would have been upset that the producers stepped in.....at the same time I have to admit that it would have been too boring if one team was on the flight by themselves.

I was very excited about the help from EZ Pass!

This is one of the few seasons that ended the way I hoped (well at least once we knew who the final three were).

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-11-06 at 09:36 AM
I've been wondering lately about if the producers get involved with airplane and other transportation issues. The first couple of seasons it seems teams fell way behind at airports and lost but it hasn't happened recently. Uchenna & Joyce being the most obvious example but also 'bama got on a closed flight this season. James & Tyler made last nights flight, Lori & Bolo suddenly got a train in the middle of the night and I'm certain there are more examples. I'm wondering if it is just the mere presence of the camera crews that make the airport workers more likely to bend the rules or if there is active input from the production.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 12-12-06 at 05:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-06 AT 05:53 PM (EST)

First, I strongly disagree with anyone that the producers are setting up freed seating ahead of time to insure the seats are available for racers.

When you are a front line rep. having that 'Camera' staring at you and realizing that millions are watching has a powerful effect.

I also notice the places more distance from America are the places that the 'Camera' has less effect. Japan has been hell for racers who are late for their flight!

However, I am sure the producers are not 'as pure as the driven snow'. In a case like we just saw, I would not be surprised that the producers offered cash (or at-least upgrades to business-class) to any other travelers on stand-by to give up their coach-class seats. This also makes sense of the fact that the Bamas still did not get on, not everyone will give up their flight and there limited number of business-class seats available. Plus the lineup is still first come, first serve. If the producers on the other-hand had pre-paid for seats like some have suggested it makes more sense to book seats for all the teams just to make the show more interesting.

"Getting on the plane"
Posted by railfan on 12-14-06 at 06:39 AM
Well, since they have to get four tickets per team, to include camera man and sound, when it comes to the last flight to the destination city I would think the producers might plan to have a standby crew waiting in the U.S. so as to free up two seats on the plane, if necessary to ensure a competitive race to the finish. If a crew is waiting you don't need two crews on the flight.

"RE: Getting on the plane"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 12-14-06 at 11:33 AM
Yes, additionally you really need only one crew even if three teams are on the plane. Not many places for them to go.

I wonder how often the crew flys business/first class to keep coach seats free? Could this be where seats originally appear from sometimes? The first racers to arrive book 4 seats in coach, but if the following racers can not find seats maybe sometimes the producer upgrade a crew to business/first class! And 'bang' two seats appear for the other team to get on!

"RE: Getting on the plane"
Posted by Karchita on 12-14-06 at 02:15 PM
I have often wondered about that myself. It is conventional wisdom here that four seats are needed, but I don't see how the production of the show would require more than one camera crew to fly on a plane with several teams of racers.

"RE: Getting on the plane"
Posted by dabo on 12-14-06 at 02:48 PM
Actually, sometimes it seems they may just hire a stew on the spot to point a camera a few times, a lot of the very brief in-flight stuff gets voice-overed by Phil anyway.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Joe Clay on 12-11-06 at 09:42 AM
I certainly agree with what everyone has already said. The skydiving Detour was disappointing as I thought it was too easy....what do you guys think of graduated degrees of difficulty? And, I must confess, I was kinda disappointed the boys weren't jumpin' up and down and rolling on the ground excited. Okay, I admit it, I'm pouting because the Cho brothers didn't make it.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-12-06 at 07:33 PM
I was kinda disappointed the boys weren't jumpin' up and down and rolling on the ground excited.

I would have paid good money to watch that.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Starshine on 12-12-06 at 07:08 AM
If that was the case then (for the first time) I think Karlyn might have had an argument for being hard done by

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 12-11-06 at 09:39 AM
what a waste of an hour. To think I waited all day for the finale. once the Bama's didnt get on the plane I lost ALL interest in the show. James and Tyler=BORING even the BQ's would have been better to watch and I hate them.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by maryellennaco on 12-11-06 at 09:58 AM
YAWN.... Ho-hum... I got so bored last night I actually FELL ASLEEP!!! I couldn't figure out where the Bamamamas even WERE after the other teams arrived in NYC!! And, was it just me, or did Mr. Cameraman seem to be zooming on the BQ's every other second at the end of the race?? Good Gawd Almighty, I thought THEY"D won for a minute. Bleechhh.... And next we'll have:TAR RETREADS.... Ugh, get me the barf bag!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by SilverStar on 12-11-06 at 11:34 AM
I liked Tyler and James, so I'm glad they won. They didn't do a lot of bickering (I think last night was the only time I remember them fighting with each other) and they were generally nice to the other teams. The same can't be said for either of the other 2 teams.
Congrats, boys!

Oh yeah, and they were nice eye candy.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Breezy on 12-11-06 at 12:02 PM
The "dude"ing, got a little annoying last night. But yes of the three, they were the least offensive.

Ho Ho Ho

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by NewFan on 12-11-06 at 05:02 PM
Not quite as annoying as Rob calling Kim "dude" all season!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by MKitty on 12-11-06 at 12:08 PM
I am soooo happy that the boys won as I couldn't stand the other two teams...Way to go model boys!!

A Tribe original!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by louislam on 12-11-06 at 12:16 PM
A quite boring finale, maybe because there's no D/K in the race.

haha, LMAO when I saw L/K went to Orly instead of CDG airport, they didn't know which airport was bigger and had more international flights? There's no karma, they just screw it up. And I was happy that we didn't see them once they missed that flight!

Actually, I also think that the producers did something to get T/J to board that plane so there's still competition. So it's a pity that R/K didn't win at the end, I think it's a bit unfair.

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by bampote on 12-11-06 at 02:22 PM
Although I don't think they had really thought it out this way, L/K's gamble with going to Orly was actually fairly intelligent. They had little to no chance of winning if they were on the same flight as the other teams, so why not risk it and try to find a "secret" flight out of Orly that would give them a nice head start? It obviously didn't pay off, but it had potential to flip things in their favor.

"alternate flights"
Posted by Peetah on 12-14-06 at 04:49 PM
I was wondering if they couldn't get an overnight flight to London or Manchester and then a flight to New York from there.

I wonder if any of the racers tried this.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 12-11-06 at 01:02 PM
Yeah, a rather boring finale. I kept thinking that they must be going to have it be a two-parter. No such luck.

I'm glad the boys beat Rob & Kimberly but I think I'm amongst the minority who wanted Bama to win.

I wish they'd had some sort of actual task to do once in New York. All they had to do was travel. Boring!

I hate it when it's an airplane that puts a team behind. I'd love a three-way race to the mat with all the teams within minutes of each other. That would make for a heart-pounding finish. (I don't want an actual foot-race to the mat but having the teams be withing five minutes or so of each other so you don't know which team will arrive first)

As for the "producers helped them get a flight" thing....I think it's bunk. Thought it last time everyone was in an uproar about it with Uchena and Joyce. Think it now. Totally plausible that only two seats opened up. Two people traveling together don't show up, very believable.

dressed up for the holidays by Tribe

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Breezy on 12-11-06 at 02:27 PM
But it's not just two, it's four. It's never shown but there must also be room for the camera and sound dude. Teams always have to get four tickets.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by michel on 12-11-06 at 02:34 PM
I don't want to start conspiracy theories but all CBS had to do was bump 4 passengers to first class so that 4 seats open up in economy. There's always room for VIPs. It then came down to T/J having been put first on the waiting list.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-11-06 at 03:02 PM
Weren't Tyler & James the first to arrive and get on the waiting list - How did Rob & Kimberly get tickets first?

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by michel on 12-11-06 at 05:10 PM

They got in contact with a supervisor who made the arrangements.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 12-12-06 at 06:08 PM
It not just all!

I agree that the producers may have tried moving up people to first/business class or out and out pay people on stand-by to dump the flight. But there are only so many first-class seats available, and a large number of people were not going give up their seats.

The Bamas booked their stand-by seats late and there were just too many people ahead of them on stand-by for even the producers to create an openning. The models not only got stand-by seats but booked a later flight, just in-case. The Bamas booked their stand-by then seemed to give up. If they tried they may have pulled of what Rob and Kimberly did, but from the edit it did not look like they tried.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by dabo on 12-11-06 at 03:35 PM
I was rooting for the 'Bamas only because I thought they could make the best use of the money (whatever's left after taxes), but I'm glad the oh-so-boring models won instead of those Ugly Americans Rob and Kimberly. Yuck. Good luck to them, they deserve each other.

Last episode was kinda meh, follow the clues, the Road Block and Detour tasks were awful (the French fashionazi had her moments though). The trek to the East Village would have defeated Lyn and Karlyn anyway, there is no way they could have covered that ground on foot as quickly as the other two teams.

Oh, well, on to TARAllStarz!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-11-06 at 03:39 PM

"I wish they'd had some sort
of actual task to do
once in New York. All
they had to do was
travel. Boring!

Getting a NYC cab to drive all the way upstate is a task and I was surprised the teams had no trouble. Most of the time cabs here don't even want to take you to outer boroughs like Queens and Brooklyn. I'm thinking the presence of a camera crew made the task much easier - lol.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by lordassmonkey on 12-11-06 at 04:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-06 AT 04:10 AM (EST)

What I thought they could of done is at least show BAMA finnaly getting to NYC. If you go to the cbs website they have footage we didn't see last night. BAMA running around nyc having a hard time finding the buliding.. It was the same thing last season with RAY and Yolanda in the middle of the episode they vanished so it wasn't as intense as to who was gonna win. I think they should of eddited it to make it look like it was a closer race even though it wasn't.. You kinds expected the models to win after the whole Ez-Pass thing


"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-11-06 at 05:45 PM
I thought the same thing. And why didn't we see them asking/negotiating the price? It should have been an expensive cab ride since most cabbies would charge you double since they don't have a fare back to the city. I was surprised they all had enough money left. Those cab drivers were DAWs themselves!

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by MsShel330 on 12-11-06 at 07:39 PM
Yeah, I was wondering how much money they had. Someone (I think Bama) was shown counting $1 bills in Paris, so I assumed that they weren't given much cash.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by BFlix on 12-12-06 at 04:42 AM
In a completely unprecedented finish, two hot, athletic guys win the tenth installment of The Amazing Race. What's that you say? This has happened before? The first, second, fourth, and ninth seasons? Wow. I guess putting all my money on 'Bama was a bad idea, then, huh? http://blog.meevee.com/my_weblog/2006/12/amazing_race_mo.html#more

UGH!!! I missed the whole second half of the last episode! My DVR didn't compensate for the game earlier in the day!

Well I'm glad the guys won. Almost all of my favorites were out pretty early in the race, and these were my final two favorites left. I just wish I could have seen it happen.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for All-Stars.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by mysticwolf on 12-12-06 at 11:21 PM
I missed it, too. Thanks to the %^$#^$#@$@@$#% time slot and the fact that I had a concert that night. I was so po'd I didn't even watch the part that got recorded. Sounds like I didn't miss much.

Guess I'm glad the models won, but, like you, I would have liked to actually see it.

A Tribal Christmas blogging's scary

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Peetah on 12-14-06 at 04:46 PM
I wouldn't say BJ/Tyler fall into the same category as the others you mentioned. Eric/Jeremy would have been more appropriate.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by seahorse on 12-12-06 at 08:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-06 AT 11:31 PM (EST)

Based on what we had for the final three, I am very happy with the outcome.

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by foonermints on 12-12-06 at 11:20 PM
Whoo Hoo! Now I don't have to use this:

"RE: It's the best we could've hoped for"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 12-14-06 at 05:35 PM
Not that I cared about Lyn and Karlyn that much, but on the final leg, the producers ought to reserve enough seats on the first flight out so that all the teams can make it to the final city if they make it to the airport in time. That would eliminate the questions we've had on this race and in the Romber race.
I also missed the competition they've had right before the finish line -- the flag in the last TAR and the map in the TAR Family.