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Thread Number: 3160
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"TAR9 PTTE FInal Results and Scores"

Posted by yensid on 05-21-06 at 11:50 PM
The 9th Edition of the Race has come to an end and in my opinion, this was a pretty satisfying ending. Of the final 3, The Hippies were the ones that I wanted to see come out on top.

As for our little game, the winner should come as no surprise to anyone that has been following the game. HOOBIE is the winner of the 9th edition of TAR. The win is well deserved. Hoobie led the game from the very beginning and never let up.


Rank/Player/Score (Score w/o changes)

1. Hoobie 16 (22)

2. esquire 20 (22)

3. Max Headroom 21

4. bystander 22
neobie 22

6. popeave 24

7. ontheroadagain 26 (20)
byoffer 26 (34)

9. vennui 28
gerk 28
dragonflies 28

13. cahaya 30
Breezy 30
ARnutz 30
CygnusX1 30
girlgeek 30

18. warp_core breach 32
beau_30 32
greeneyes 32 (32)

21. qwertypie 33
_Cheyenne 33 (28)

23. corvis 34

24. Jims02 36

25. mikey 46

Thanks to everyone for playing. I hope to see you all in the fall for the 10th edition of The Amazing Race.

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Messages in this discussion
"Congrats to Hoobie"
Posted by esquire on 05-22-06 at 00:37 AM
Congrats to Hoobie on a great game. I tried, but just couldn't quite catch you. I therefore hand you my PTTE title and make you the new defending champion.

Yensid, thanks for running a great game. As always it was a lot of fun

"Well done, Hoobie"
Posted by Max Headroom on 05-22-06 at 02:20 PM
Thought I could catch you, but it wasn't meant to be. Great job with your picks!

Thanks to Yensid for running the game!

"RE: TAR9 PTTE FInal Results and Scores"
Posted by Hoobie on 05-22-06 at 05:45 PM
Thank you very much to my formidable competitors and illustrious host. I humbly accept the crown.

Hippie power!!