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Thread Number: 2656
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"Build the ultimate TAR team!"

Posted by Estee on 07-28-05 at 10:14 AM
-- using bits of past contestants. We're going to play Frankenstein here by taking the best traits of those who have gone before and combining them into two entirely new monsters that are destined to win -- if we're lucky. Given the way the seasons typically go, it'll probably finish last in the first leg... (For those who prefer monsters they can go after with pitchforks and flaming torches, there's a sister thread over in Bashers.)

The rules, such as they are:

1. A 'trait' is a physical attribute, mental quirk, piece of clothing -- just about anything you want it to be.
2. No more than two traits per post. Spread it out a little.
3. No overriding. Once an individual monster has been given X's eyes, the next person can't replace them with Y's. But you can do X's eyes and then add Y's glasses. And a trait can be assigned to either or both members of a team, so you can give Teammate #1 a given contestant's language skills and assign a few more foreign tongues to Teammate #2.
4. The monsters have no determined gender or sexuality, so feel free to take from the entire TAR contestant pool.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Estee on 07-28-05 at 10:16 AM
Starting off:

This team has to work together, so I'm going to assign both members the Festers' Comraderie. It'll also help if they can get along with the natives, so one of them had better have Chip's Friendliness.

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 07-28-05 at 11:23 AM
I would add Colin's Competitive Drive and The Clowns' (Jon and Al) Sense of Humor to both teammates. It might make an explosive combination, but hey, they'd be fun to watch!

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Cleveland Guy on 07-28-05 at 01:42 PM
I would add Kris and John's positive attitude, and Donny and Osmands resourcefulness

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 08-04-05 at 02:02 AM
>I would add Kris and
>John's positive attitude,

>and Donny and Osmands

And don't forget shopping skills, anyone who can go shopping in the middle of the race (in Hong Kong no less) and still come in first has my vote.

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by JohnMc on 08-04-05 at 11:42 AM
>I would add Kris and
>John's positive attitude,

>and Donny and Osmands

Psst. It's Donny and Oswald. But that's ok, because I keep thinking the other one is DAnny instead of DOnny.

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by coolbluepig on 07-29-05 at 09:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-05 AT 09:47 AM (EST)




"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by jbug on 08-03-05 at 12:23 PM
Paige & Blake's white teeth smiles.
Wil's stocking hat.

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Bebo on 07-29-05 at 11:42 AM
Zach's patience

"RE: Build the ultimate TAR team!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 08-04-05 at 03:50 PM
I'd say the looks of Kami/Karli or Lena, but that hasn't seemed to help much. So how about the bald head of Uchenna?

A MysticWolf original!