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"Why no reunion show?"

Posted by ValenciaJoe on 07-20-05 at 01:59 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I wonder why there has never been a season-ending reunion show for TAR? Just re-watching season 1 had me wishing for a reunion show. It would have been great to hear the "post game" banter amongst contestants.

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"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by universityofkentuckyrocks on 07-20-05 at 02:51 PM
I think they don't have a reunion show b/c the peeps are just racing there not stuck on an island or in a house for a long period of time. They probably don't know each other real well but somewhat therefor there is no reason too have a reunion show. These peeps probably have no contact after the race unlike Survivor and Big Brother.

UL will always suck in my book!

"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 07-20-05 at 03:54 PM
Well, there's a semi-reunion show the next morning on CBS' Early Show involving the top three teams. And if you search the cbsnews.com site, I think you can still find the video from the last few seasons.

And it's not true that the teams have had nothing to do with each other after the Race:

* Uchenna has reportedly consulted Rob about a building project
* Kris and Jon vacationed with Jonathan and Victoria
* Aaron visited Jon's restaurant in AZ

For three.

For whatever reson, Jerry Bruckheimer hasn't seen fit to do a full-blown reunion show. Maybe he feels two hours on a Tuesday night is enough.

Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't NCIS (in the 8 PM slot) his show too?

"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by packrat on 07-20-05 at 08:26 PM
It would be nice to hear them talk about their experiences. Especially in particular cities where they had difficulties.

"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by karalott on 07-30-05 at 06:09 PM
And Colin/Christie became close with Dennis/Erika and Marshall/Lance. All three of those teams were at the TAR5 premiere party at the restaurant the bros own in Dallas, C&C stayed with D&E when they went out there for the Emmy's and were going to go on one of the vacations they won with them. Chip/Kim's website has pics of them attending Marshall's wedding, as well as other pics with different TAR5 contestants and reality show alumni. I think the TAR racers get just as tight as those on Survivor and Big Brother. I always thought they didn't have a reunion show because of all the people and everything that goes on; with commericials, you never really get to everything on the Survivor one and they have only had 16-18 contestants (except for last season). I would have loved to have had one especially for TAR5, with everything that went on. I wish they'd at least do an update show or something on one of the cable networks, like E! or VH-1.

"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by strid333 on 07-31-05 at 03:12 PM
I don't think a full reunion show would work very well with TAR because the teams don't interact with each other the way contestants do on Survivor and BB. I know that at pitstops the teams share quarters and that they probably do make friends and enemies but TAR is really showing the interaction of the team members in the teams and not how teams interact with other teams.

This show is a race and the focus is on the race. In the Olympics, do we care how much the American guy likes or hates the Ausie and that the Canuck is married to a Brit? No. We just care who wins. I'm sure that at that level of competition, some racers have made great friends and enemies from other countries but they never focus on that when they broadcast the race.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Why no reunion show?"
Posted by mikey on 08-01-05 at 09:26 AM
There is no reunion show because TAR is a class act.

They finish the race, everyone cheers and congratulates the winners, they take a group picture, the final three teams get to say a few words to the camera, and that is it and they can move on with their lives. It has the feel of the finish of a sporting event.

It is one reason why TAR has won two emmies -- it does not overstay its welcome.