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"Best Quote of the night"

Posted by Ontario TAR Fan on 02-09-05 at 04:14 PM
I was waiting for an official quotes thread to be started with a list of them, but what really had me ROTFLMAO was Rebecca saying in the Chinese cab "You can say anything to this guy and he would not understand. Adam has three testicles!"

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"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by TARJUNKIE999 on 02-09-05 at 05:03 PM

Decided to retire the "Top Ten Official Quote List" after TAR6. You're welcome to soldier on in my place for TAR7.

Here's some random thoughts of last night TAR6 finale.

Who can forget Phil's description of Hellboy during the recap at the beginning of the finale:

"...Adam is afraid of almost everything!....."

And how many ways can the Ugly Americans pronounce Xi'an?

Hayden: "Exxon"
Kendra: "Zen"
Kris: "Zion"
Rebecca: "Chin"

The top quote of the night has to go to Rebecca when she was describing Adam to the non-English speaking cab driver in Xi'an:

"He has three testicles!"

But the razz of the night goes to Kendra for her unfortunate critique of Gino's Pizza:


(Can you say "gag me with a spoon"!)

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by seahorse on 02-09-05 at 05:05 PM
That was funny, but when Kendra was talking about how they were so nice up till that point in the race, I was in awe.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by Surveysez on 02-09-05 at 07:05 PM
Adam made me laugh when they were on the train and he said to Kris "Your worst day more like her (Rebecca's) best". Rebecca did not look too happy. Just keep digging that hole, hellboy.

I child proofed my house and they still get in.

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by daddy brian on 02-09-05 at 07:37 PM
Now that's a great line

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by yensid on 02-10-05 at 12:18 PM
I enjoyed Rebecca and Adam at Gino's. On the way there were both excited about eating pizze then they get there and Rebecca is saying 'Do you have any soy cheese?' and saying that she doesn't eat cheese and Adam is saying he doesn't eat tomatoes.

Exactly what did these two expect to eat on their pizza?

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by peiklk on 02-10-05 at 12:45 PM
Most pizza has tomato SAUCE, not chunks of tomato (as I believe Chicago pizza sauce does).

I eat ketchup and tomato sauce, but do not eat tomatoes either -- they are disgusting. But in a race for $1,000,000, I would in a heartbeat.

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 02-10-05 at 12:48 PM
Exactly what did these two expect to eat on their pizza?

Maybe they thought they were going to be on Fear Factor...

Invisible to telescopic eye / Infinity, the star that would not die...

""Too much green tea" - Kris"
Posted by Jims02 on 02-10-05 at 12:38 PM
I still don't know what that Chinese taxi driver was laughing about...

Jims02: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate. Jims' Random Thoughts

"RE: Best Quote of the night"
Posted by choochoo on 02-10-05 at 07:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 07:10 PM (EST)

It was a throw away line, but I still thought it worth mentioning. Did anyone else hear Kendra's first reaction upon arriving in the great hall covering the terra cotta warriors guarding the first emperor of China's grave?

She actiually said, "Do we have to dig?"

What?! Dig?!, in a national treasure? Dig? Is she insane? LMAO
