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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 2019
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Original Message
"TAR 6 Week 7 Changes "

Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-29-04 at 12:31 PM
Scores remain the same after a boring recap episode. Seahorse, I've changed your score, and dizwiz you have a red flag waving. If you are going to change your picks, please, please, please do do not edit them. I do not go back to see if posts have been edited...it's just too time consuming.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!

ARnutz <2>

esquire <6>
hookem <6>
Neobie <6>
Seahorse <6>

Bdemoney <8>
emydi <8>
Molaholic <8>
Mjewel <8>
Popeave <8>

Railfan <9>

Spidey <9>
Survivor Maniac <9>

My Office <10>
Sittem <10>
VikingCrown <10> (8)

mikey <11>
VA Slim <11>
Yogi <11>

Whoami <13>

Plumblossom <14>
Zombiebaby <14>

Yensid <15> (7)

FairyPrincess <17>

Jims02 <18>

FairyPrincess <17>
newsomewayne <18> (11)
Ohmyheck <18> (18)
redbaronii <18> (19)
StarShine <18> (13)

Corvis <19> (16)
dreamerbeliever <19>
pmspm15 <19> (8)
Serendipity <19> (9)

BennyBoy <20>
Greeneyes <20> (14)
Rothschild <20> (19)

Buckeyegirl <21> (25)
Dizwiz <21> (19)

Probably Clueless <22> (11)

Gracie_Tar <23> (17)

mtommy <24>

Breezy <26> (22)

Now for the fine print….

Here's the way that the scoring will work:
1) You do NOT want points... they're bad... it's like golf. Every point counts against you in the standings, so try to avoid them.
2) Points will be awarded to every contestant in the game after each episode of Amazing Race 6. They will be awarded as the difference between where you thought this week's eliminee would finish and where the eliminee actually finished. If it is a non-elimination episode, then no points will be scored for that week.
For example: If episode 1 of TAR5 had just aired, and you thought Dennis and Erika would be the third team eliminated you would have two points, as they were the first team eliminated. If you correctly guessed that they would leave, then you would have zero points.
3) You will be given 4 points every time you change your PTTE after the first episode has aired... but it's only 4 points, so change it if you think it will help you out.
4) If you do not enter before the first episode, you will start with a score equivalent to 8 points per episode you missed. That means that it's possible to join the game after several episodes but you have better chance of getting a good score if you enter early.
5)You will not be penalized for any changes made before the first episode airs. The four point penalties will come into play after the first episode has started. Basically you have until 10:00pm November 16, 2004 to make your picks.
Housekeeping Procedures:
1) A point total will be posted by me shortly after each episode. I will try to get these up as soon as I can.
2) After the first show has aired please do not edit your post to make changes. Just start a new post if you want to change your PTTE. It's very important not to change your original picks-if I make a mistake or my computer crashes, it's the only proof I have of your original picks.

A J-Slice Christmas Creation

Table of contents
  • RE: TAR 6 Week 7 Changes ,ARnutz, 01:05 PM, 12-29-04
  • My First Changes,VA Slim, 06:36 AM, 01-03-05

Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR 6 Week 7 Changes "
Posted by ARnutz on 12-29-04 at 01:05 PM
Still in limbo here... maybe next week we'll have some excitement!

BEG, did you get our changes from the previous thread or should we put them here?

"My First Changes"
Posted by VA Slim on 01-03-05 at 06:36 AM
I think that I finally need to change my list, so here goes!

11. Avi/Joe
10. Meredith/Maria
09. Lena/Kristy
08. Don/Mary Jean

07. Freddy/Kendra
06. Jonathan/Victoria
05. Gus/Hera
04. Lori/Bolo
03. Adam/Rebecca
02. Kris/Jon
01. Hayden/Aaron (Winner)