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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 2014
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Original Message

Posted by mdomingo on 12-29-04 at 07:57 AM
I'm a huge fan of the Amazing Race, I think its the best reality tv show, which is why contestants like Kendra give it a bad name. I am appalled at this woman for her vile comments on Africa while she was there. She has no business calling the country a ghetto third world and neither does she have any right to call the people names. She should take a good long look at herself and reassess her values. She is the perfect example of beauty being only skin deep and shallow. Shame on you Kendra!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Kendra"
Posted by foonermints on 12-29-04 at 11:49 AM
She certainly is a shallow, spoiled little thing, isn't she? I hope somebody puts a pea under her mattress, so we can see all the black and blue marks. Victoria, on the other hand, gets hers more directly.

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"RE: Kendra"
Posted by lovetherace on 01-01-05 at 08:40 PM
I completely agree. It was disturbing to hear the way she spoke of the African people, saying they "keep breeding." Last time I checked humans reproduce, not breed. She is so ignorant. Everytime they get a clue, she wants to go back to the hotel and "research." What the heck does she want to research, how to catch a taxi? While she may be good looking, she and Jonathan are the ugliest people in the race.

"RE: Kendra"
Posted by volsfan on 01-01-05 at 08:55 PM
Shouldn't this be in bashers? After all this is bashing Kendra.

I don't agree with the things she says, she does have the right to her own opinion and she voices it...that's for sure.

"Doesn't belong in Bashers"
Posted by KMan on 01-03-05 at 11:28 AM
The caption under the Bashers page reads "This board is for those who came here because the show "sucks" and would like a place to bash it."

This implies to me that if you don't like the show you should post on Bashers. If you enjoy the show but want to criticize certain aspects of it, the post belongs on the fanatics forum.
I think the administrators should either change the caption of bashers or allow those of us that like the show to post here.