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Thread Number: 1996
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"Jon's "Illness""

Posted by shamimadam on 12-22-04 at 03:25 AM
I read a local newspaper here in Singapore that featured an interview with the most recently eliminated couple a week after their departure. This week's article was on Don and Mary Jean. This is what Don had to say about Jon.

Nothing specific but hinted at an "illness."


Asked to give the low-down on other teams, especially those
whose behavior bordered on maniacal at times, the duo
painted a positive picture.

"We had a really good relationship with all of them," said Don.
"All of us were under incredible stress and what you
see is just one minute of 100 minutes of footage sometimes."

He went on to defend Jonathan Baker, an entrepreneur whose
treatment of wife and race partner Victoria has been appalling.

"You see him at his absolute worst. But he was an absolute
gentleman in quieter times and he was the first to give us money
when we had none in Senegal."

Don then let slip a clue about Jonathon's behaviour, alluding
to an "illness," before deciding not to reveal more.


He did not say anything more about Jon but if you want to read the whole article, it's at this website. No direct link but click on the pdf or text version, go to the Dec. 22 issue, and it's on page 35 of the `plus' section.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 12-22-04 at 09:31 AM
The illness was talked about at cepth in a National Enquirer magazine a few weeks back. They called it a life threatening disease. It was an unusual disease - I believe one that weakens the immunity system. He found out about it days before going on the race - rather than bow out he decided to still race. The article also says that Jon says that his relationship with Victoria is now stronger after the race.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-22-04 at 11:39 AM

> The article also says
>that Jon says that his
>relationship with Victoria is now
>stronger after the race.

Stronger, or strong-armed????

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by Joools on 12-22-04 at 02:48 PM
I think Don is truly a gentleman and is being very decent, but I also think he's giving Jon far too much credit. I'm sure they're all under a lot of stress and I can see having a few moments of hostility under the circumstances, but with Jon it's just neverending. If it's not Victoria, it's Gus. If it's not Gus, it's the ticket agent. If it's not the ticket agent, it's the cab driver. It's always something with him and according to him he's perfect and never makes mistakes. It's just sickening, really.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by motormouth on 12-22-04 at 05:32 PM
I agree, even if Jon has "gentleman" moments, it does not erase all his a$$hole moments, of which there are plenty. I also think it is much easier to act nice then it is to pretend you're an abusive, controlling maniac.

*Courtesy of IceCat*

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by Teya on 12-23-04 at 01:46 AM
You know, I think at one point they started to tranq Jon during the pit stops, but as the effect wasnt lasting long enough they seem to have stopped. Or he became immune to one more in a probable long line of medications. They really need to find something else to give him real soon, or maybe he'll just have an TAR accident and have to leave, since they dont seem to be losing fast enough.
As for him acting like a big drop, you can tell from some of his actions that he is an abusive person, and its not just a recent thing.
So anyways, illness or not, it doesnt really explain his behaviour. Its just a lame drop excuse.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by okaychatt on 12-25-04 at 08:26 AM
<illness or not, it doesnt really explain his behaviour

Illness is not an excuse for a mean spirit.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by FCCreferee2k4 on 12-31-04 at 02:18 PM
TEYA STATED "You know, I think at one point they started to tranq Jon during the pit stops."

I can tell you right away, they did nothing like that. It would be a violation of Section 508 of the Communications Act. Drugging a contestant would be taken as an attempt to predetermine the outcome of the contest, and such attempts are unlawful.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by okaychatt on 12-25-04 at 08:26 AM
<even if Jon has "gentleman" moments, it does not erase all his a$$hole moments

A true gentleman shows grace under pressure. Jontheass does not qualify.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by udg on 12-31-04 at 04:47 AM
But, he's always sorry and brings me flowers afterwards. He doesn't mean it; he can't help himself. He's very nice the rest of the time. /battered wife syndrome

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Jon's "Illness""
Posted by LatinWlf on 12-31-04 at 11:49 PM
> /battered wife syndrome

>Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop
>Shop 2004


I completly agree!