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"Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"

Posted by TARJUNKIE999 on 11-24-04 at 00:52 AM

Top 10 list of "memorable" quotes from TAR6 Episode 2

10) Lena: "Oslo, that rocks!"

9) Meredith: "The men in Oslo are very handsome."

8) Kris(?): "Who is that?... I think it might be Botox!" (talking about Victoria)

7) Victoria: "There is NOTHING on here, there is nothing on here, there is nothing,

nothing, nothing..."

6) Aaron: "You're pissin' me off!" (to Hayden)

5) Freddy: "Oh my god!....I hate this place!"

4) Don: "THE AXE SUCKS!!!"

3) Adam: "If you ever tell me to take my glasses off again, I will never talk to you for

the rest of my life!" (to Rebecca)

2) Jonathan: "I am so proud of MYSELF!!!"

...and the number one quote of the night is:

1) Lori: "On accuracy, you got to be accurate!!!"

....feel free to add your own to the list......

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"
Posted by ARnutz on 11-24-04 at 07:39 AM
Jonathan: SHUT UP!!!! WE'RE IN FIRST!!!!!

"RE: Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"
Posted by Coconut on 11-24-04 at 08:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04 AT 08:51 AM (EST)

Hera: "How do we get to the airport?"

Gus: "Follow the signs that say AIRPORT."

I'm probably paraphrasing, but I sure laughed.

ETA: Horrible Hayden telling Aaron "Try to see the humour in this, baby" while he was falling on his butt every two seconds.

Slicey says "Say 'No' to Cool Whip!"

Posted by popeave on 11-24-04 at 09:40 AM
...and the number one quote of
the night is:

1) Lori: "On accuracy, you got
to be accurate!!!"

By far that was the loudest laugh out of me all night when wrassler girl said that!

"RE: Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"
Posted by mikey on 11-24-04 at 09:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04 AT 09:44 AM (EST)

Mary Jean -- " I am pissed" or something like that.

Adam -- " I am jumping on the tracks."

One of the Mormon sisters -- "Would you have helped us if we were big hairy men?" (By the way, how did that kid get home?)

Mary Jean -- "This is not our car"

"RE: Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"
Posted by Urban_Kitten on 11-24-04 at 11:24 AM
Please!! - Hellboy-in-a-Closet as he's careening down the sky slope:
I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!"""""

"title of episode 2"
Posted by trigirl on 11-24-04 at 01:52 PM
Don't forget the "I'm not his wife, he doesn't have to yell at me" quote.

"RE: title of episode 2"
Posted by Supergrass on 11-24-04 at 07:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04 AT 07:41 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04 AT 07:39 PM (EST)

>Don't forget the "I'm not his
>wife, he doesn't have to
>yell at me" quote.

Awww man.I missed it.Who said it?

"Welcome to the Traditional Viking Village"-several racers(cant recall).They said it one after another.

"RE: title of episode 2"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-24-04 at 07:54 PM
Meredith or Maria said about Jonathan who was yelling at them in the boat. He is so repulsive - I don't know who I hate more, Johnny Fairplay from Survivor or Jonathan.

"RE: Official quotes from TAR6 Episode 2"
Posted by Supergrass on 11-24-04 at 08:13 PM
Thanks kidflash212.Anyway heres another by Don.
"Is there a senior discount for old people".Its hilarious!!LMAO!