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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 1914
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Original Message

Posted by pmspml5 on 11-21-04 at 00:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-21-04 AT 08:02 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-21-04 AT 07:58 AM (EST)

Welcome to the race. Is everyone ready? Good then GO!

The teams must all hope that their teams are shown with the ever important clue. Some teams (Hayden/Aaron) seem to almost always have it in their hands while others (Jon/Victoria)seem to put it away almost immediately. Total points: F/K-16, D/MJ-19, A/J-21, A/R-20, G/H-15, H/A-25, J/V-12, K/J-16, L/K-17, L/B-17, M/M-19

Almost all of the racers seamed to forget that this is a race - not F/K, H/A, or L/B they all received points for remembering this.

All of the teams were surprised that there was no Road Block in this leg and none of them wanted to say the dreaded words - the last team to arrive may be eliminated.

Arriving at the beach the teams needed to decide to climb a cliff or go for a boat ride - only A/J, G/H, and J/V made the mistake of taking the boat ride and payed in more ways then one.

Proving that being the slowests teams to arrive at the airport is almost always a good thing F/K, D/MJ, L/K, and M/M all got on the plane that arrived in Iceland first.

Quote of the episode "Just because there are signs doesnt mean I can read them". I think this was the theme of Leg 1 since only the team of H/A were not shown getting lost.

So the team totals are: F/K-32, D/MJ-28, A/J-(-2), A/R-26, G/H-13,H/A-42, J/V-15, K/J-32, L/K-32, L/B-26, M/M-29

zombiebaby & emydi - you are the first team to arrive - 74 pts. For being the winners of this leg you may pick the team you want for the next leg before anyone else. You have until Monday at noon to make your picks. Remember that each team may be picked twice so you may pick anyone you like.

bighair & KOBrien_fan - you are the second team to arrive - 68 pts.

newsomewayne & Starshine - you are the third team to arrive - 64 pts.

Neobie & Molaholic - you are the fourth team to arrive - 57 pts.

712 & bdemoney - you are the fifth team to arrive - 54 pts

Seahorse & ssshaw - you are the sixth team to arrive - 52 pts.

tribephyl & Road Kill - you are the seventh team to arrive - 47 pts.

VAslim & Gracie_TAR - you are the eigth team to arrive - 45 pts

Corvis & Dizwiz - you are the ninth team to arrive - 44 pts

Jims02 & cleamsonbeav- you are the tenth team to arrive - 30 pts

ARnutz & hookem - I'm sorry to say you are the last team to arrive and have been eliminated from the race - thanks for playing.

Please all remember that teams may only be picked twice from now on so once a team has been picked 2 times it is no longer available.

Individual Scores that carry over to next week:

zombiebaby-32, emydi-42, VAslim-32, Gracie_TAR-13, Jims02-32, cleamsonbeav-(-2), Corvis-29, Dizwiz-15, newsomewayne-32, starshine-32, seahorse-26, ssshaw-26, bighair-26, KOBrien_fan-42, 712-26, bdemoney-28, Neobie-42, Molaholic-15, tribephyl-32, RoadKill-15


1PT - Each time a member of your team is seen in a hat
1PT - Each time a member of your team talks to a local resident
2PT - Each time a member of your team says the word run
3PT - If the second member of your team performs the road block
5PT - If your team choses the safer but longer Detour and is not eliminated
9-1PTS - Order of finish
10PT - If your team is "currently last" and ends up one of the first 3 teams to arrive

-3PTS - If your team argues about a performance of either the road block or the Detour
-5PTS - If your team is "currently first" and ends up one of the last 4 teams to arrive
-20PTS - Being eliminated

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by ARnutz on 11-21-04 at 08:02 AM
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Good luck to everyone!

Posted by Molaholic on 11-21-04 at 11:44 AM
Let's see ... as a team neobie and your's truely finish fourth ... not to bad. Individually, I've got 15 racers to catch. Makes me feel so --- GUSish. Thanks Neobie for the ride!

TAR5 Casino Game "Foundation" Player
sigpic a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV

Posted by Neobie on 11-21-04 at 11:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-21-04 AT 11:45 PM (EST)

No prob. My turn to be Gus this week.

(Not that I'm choosing him.)

Can we say, like, Victoria/Jonathan, so we get the bonus if Jonathan does the Roadblock?

Posted by pmspml5 on 11-22-04 at 07:05 AM
No - it is how they are listed on the official website.

Posted by Jims02 on 11-21-04 at 01:21 PM
That was close. I had a good week (+32) and I almost got eliminated! Beav, I toldya we should have done the Ice Climb!

Cool peoples join the TAR6 Casino Game. Sign up today!

"RE: Whew..."
Posted by clemsonbeav on 11-21-04 at 02:23 PM
I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It's my "logical" brain that says 7 sq. miles is a small area!

<--I was there 11.06.04!

Posted by hookem on 11-21-04 at 10:03 PM
I've been philiminated.

Have a good time playing this game.

"Hayden Aaron"
Posted by emydi on 11-22-04 at 10:29 AM
I'm sticking with them!!! woohoo ZBABY....WE TOTALLY ROCK!!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"12:00 CST"
Posted by pmspml5 on 11-22-04 at 12:20 PM
Please note that in the original rules I stated that times were CST (that is because that is the host's time zone) I will allow these pics this week but in the future if your ORIGINAL post is before the alloted time your pick will not count.

Thanks - PMS

"RE: 12:00 CST"
Posted by emydi on 11-22-04 at 03:47 PM
Wait, I couldn't pick until 1:00pm? I'm sorry I thought bc I won I got first pick as soon as you posted like in Survivor???

Courtesy of the Amazing Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: 12:00 CST"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-22-04 at 03:50 PM
Your post was fine Emy, she was referring to the rest of us...

"RE: 12:00 CST"
Posted by seahorse on 11-22-04 at 06:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 06:38 PM (EST)

Why not just say 1 PM EST/ 12 CST. I am in the CST time also, but since the board time in EST that makes it easier for most.

Also, your post this week is the first time the time limit came into effect and it states noon without any time zone.

"Hayden/Aaron - 2"
Posted by Road Kill on 11-22-04 at 11:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 12:11 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 11:55 AM (EST)

I hope they keep it up.

ETA: Does this count? My clock said 12:00, but apparently my clock is fast.

ETA: Looks like I am also legal, thanks

Posted by VA Slim on 11-22-04 at 11:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 12:03 PM (EST)

It is past 12:00 EST and I don't see any other Kris/Jon entry besides Gracie so I think I'm legal now.

LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 11:57 AM (EST)

The clock on this system is slow! It was 12:02 EST when I put my entry in! Stickin' with the horses I rode in on!

Posted by Gracie_TAR on 11-22-04 at 11:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-22-04 AT 02:08 PM (EST)

Kris/Jon - 2

VASlim was my partner on the last leg and is clearly smarter than me!

Sorry for jumping the gun. Out here on the west coast, I'm used to adjusting for east coast time. I'll do better next week!

"Kris/Jon - 2"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 11-22-04 at 03:12 PM
I'll get this right eventually! I couldn't edit the subject line, so hopefully this will fix my mistake.


"Freddy and Kendra"
Posted by bdemoney on 11-22-04 at 12:01 PM
Gonna try going with Freddy and Kendra this week. Can't wait to see how they do.....

"Jonathan Victoria"
Posted by seahorse on 11-22-04 at 12:08 PM
I'll go with Blue Hair

"Adam/Rebecca - 1"
Posted by newsomewayne on 11-22-04 at 12:10 PM
Hook 'em Horns!

It's like science. It really can't be explained.

"Lena/Kristy 1"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-22-04 at 12:15 PM
I'll take the Mormon twins.

Posted by ssshaw on 11-22-04 at 12:17 PM

"Johnathan / Victoria"
Posted by Jims02 on 11-22-04 at 02:08 PM

Cool peoples join the TAR6 Casino Game. Sign up today!

"Freddy/Kendra "
Posted by Corvis on 11-22-04 at 04:26 PM
Hope they give me some good points!


"Kris/Jon #2"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-22-04 at 04:29 PM


"CARP! Allright Lori/Bolo 1"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-22-04 at 04:58 PM
Unless of course you see fit to give me the opportunity to pick my team before Gracie_TAR or VAslim does.
But, I understand if not.


"Lori / Bolo 2"
Posted by bighair on 11-22-04 at 05:24 PM
She who hesitates...

"Adam & Rebecca 2"
Posted by 712 on 11-22-04 at 06:36 PM

"Merideth/Maria 1"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 11-22-04 at 06:54 PM
Dang it, I showed up late. Sorry Jim!

Icey finally gave me a bouncing beaver!

Posted by zombiebaby on 11-22-04 at 07:47 PM
I am late! I hope I can still do this!

Yay Emy!

Holiday Gift from Surveysez Bounce courtesy of IceCat

"Ooops! Gus/Hera-1"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-22-04 at 07:48 PM
I see Freddy/Kendra has been picked!

Holiday Gift from Surveysez Bounce courtesy of IceCat

Posted by Starshine on 11-23-04 at 03:10 AM
Just lulling you all into a true sense of security - Sorry partner

"Merideth/Maria - 2"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-22-04 at 08:09 PM
This sucks being stuck at work unable to post until 5pm PT. So I'll hope for a miracle.

TAR5 Casino Game "Foundation" Player
sigpic a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV

"Donald/Mary Jean 1"
Posted by Neobie on 11-23-04 at 12:18 PM
Yay to myself. Why must I be so late to post?

There's no choice now eh?

Sorry Molaholic. I told you it was my turn to be Gus.

"RE: Donald/Mary Jean 1"
Posted by pmspml5 on 11-23-04 at 12:37 PM
Neobie - you change teams each week and I have already drawn the teams for tonights episode - good luck

"Old Farts 2"
Posted by Dizwiz on 11-23-04 at 07:58 PM
Guess that makes me Donald & Mary Jean 2. I had to work (for once) all week and almost forgot! Sorry!

Handcrafted by the very sexy RollDdice