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"Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"

Posted by okaychatt on 08-11-04 at 01:24 PM
Not sure if this belongs here or on OT, but since the location is a part of TAR, I thought I'd start here.

Has anyone here been lucky enough to have seen the Hermitage in person? After last night's glimpse, I think it would be a destination unto itself. The palace alone would be worth the trip, but with the addition of all the art, I'd be in seventh heaven.

Like her or not, but Charla seemed to appreciate her surroundings. I'm not sure about Mirna. As did Chip/Kim.

I like to think that's how I'd play the game as well - enjoy the destinations as much as possible in the short amount of time there. Chances of winning aren't terrific, so at least I'd have something to bring home with me other than a lot of frustration and anxiety.

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"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by BOYmeetsREALITY on 08-14-04 at 05:11 PM
Good Point, OKAYCHATT!

One of the reasons I enjoy TAR so much is living those experiences through the eyes of the racers and the camera crew.

While I travel a lot for work, I have never been to most of the places they show on TAR. I love seing what the rest of the world is made up of!

Props to TAR for exposing its viewers to some of the most beautiful scenery in the world!!!

"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by Molaholic on 08-14-04 at 06:41 PM
Sorry, but with all due respect, I must disagree with the sentiment that TAR exposes racers and viewers to beautiful scenery or cultures. We whisk through fabulous sites. Think of the Hermatage challenge ... did any of the racers pause to enjoy any of the exhibits. The brothers just pointed aimlessly at paintings, not even looking at them. And as soon as they did find their goal, zimm-zamm, out they ran.

Many former racers have expressed their consternation that they didn't get the opportunity to "see" the sites they went to.

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"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by BOYmeetsREALITY on 08-16-04 at 11:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-16-04 AT 11:56 PM (EST)

>I must disagree with
>the sentiment that TAR exposes
>racers and viewers to beautiful
>scenery or cultures.
>Many former racers have expressed their
>consternation that they didn't get
>the opportunity to "see" the
>sites they went to.

I was expressing why I like the show.

I cannot be held accountable for what other viewers or the racers get out of it.

If viewers can't see the beautiful scenery while watching at home, then they just aren't paying attention.


"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by Mr Canuck on 08-15-04 at 06:28 AM
As we brefly glimpsed, yes the Hermitage is well worth seeing. In fact it is Huge (as everything else in Russia... they have a saying... if it ain't huge, it ain't Russian). In fact, if you paused in front of each painting and looked at it for about a minute... you would have enough to fill three days. Unfortunately I did not have that much time to dedicate to it but it took me at least 4 hours to see it all (mind you we were whizzing by several collections..Never been a big fan of Picasso)

It's too bad they don't have 48hrs rest periods interspersed throughout the race to allow the contestants to go and visit. It could be filmed as a documentary and contestants could give their impressions (as long as it's not always Bellissimo that's being yelled!). Just a thought

One day I'm gonna own a big sports bar!

"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-16-04 at 07:58 AM

>It's too bad they don't have
>48hrs rest periods interspersed throughout
>the race to allow the
>contestants to go and visit.
> It could be filmed
>as a documentary and contestants
>could give their impressions (as
>long as it's not always
>Bellissimo that's being yelled!).
>Just a thought

I like that idea, too... the only trouble is that it would take away from any advantages the leaders would have over the last place teams -- the last place teams might be exhausted and frantic just trying to get to the pit stop, and with a 48 hour rest (as compared to 12 hours), they'd be a lot more re-energized and more likely to come from behind.

Still, wish there was a way for the teams to go back and enjoy the various stops they went to without having to use up all their winnings. Perhaps CBS could consider setting up a public relations caravan with week-long visits for a press junket and a chance to explore the sites in their free time as the shows are being shown on TV. Probably too much work for CBS on their dime, though.

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"RE: Hermitage - Enjoy the Moment"
Posted by okaychatt on 08-16-04 at 09:08 AM
:"Perhaps CBS could consider setting up a public relations caravan with week-long visits for a press junket and a chance to explore the sites"

Oh, I like that idea. Show the race in prime time, then show the travelogue on the weekend in a not so prime time slot. Maybe they could include little outtakes or Behind the Scenes from the filming - perhaps some of the mundane stuff that show the racers visiting and eating, and maybe even looking at how they prepare for the next leg. I know I'd love that!