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"Did CBS alter the contestants' bio or am I seeing things?"

Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 06-27-03 at 03:48 PM
I was surfing the CBS website today to see if they had any exclusive clips like they did for last season, and I happened to read Tian and Jaree's bio. I'm pretty sure CBS altered their bio coz I remembered reading that Tian "likes girls" in the previous bio and how Jaree would not talk to her anymore or something like that if Tian ever hit on her. Now those statements are no longer there. I don't know which other contestants had their bios altered but I remembered T/J's bio pretty well coz I was reading it with my lesbian friend and she was pretty psyched about having a lesbian on the show.

PS: Do they still have the exclusive videos this season? I couldn't access it from the CBS website. The Amex logo and link were blocked automatically coz I installed ad-blocking software on my computer. A posting of the clips' URL will be appreaciated

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"RE: Did CBS alter the contestants' bio or am I seeing things?"
Posted by mikey on 06-27-03 at 04:13 PM
You are correct, I remember that was in there as well. Hmm, and now Jaree and Tian don't seem to be talking to each other anymore. Wonder what happened? And how did Uncle Cameraman miss that?

Another note, last season they added an "After the Race" interview with each pair on the website after the whole race was completed, this year they are adding them when a team is eliminated. (Steve/Dave not up yet, and Cindy's answers are there but not Russell's).

"RE: Did CBS alter the contestants' bio or am I seeing things?"
Posted by managerr on 06-27-03 at 05:35 PM
They change the bios all the time. Jon's (of Kelly and Jon) bio originally said he had a "fear of fat people". But that was removed.

As for Russell, Cindy noted that he wasn't up doing all the exit interviews and stuff for the show and didn't do any press the week he was booted. So they probably don't have anything on him.

"RE: Did CBS alter the contestants' bio or am I seeing things?"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 06-28-03 at 01:18 AM
I missed the original bio for T/J. But I was thinking that the contestants were boring this time around and thought that a lesbian couple would be good, since they have had a few gay men on already. Hopefully they can come up with some new relationships for the next race. These couples who want to be married, but just can't seem to make it to the alter are BORING!!