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"Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"

Posted by Canada Girl on 06-27-03 at 10:15 AM
Does it seem like we're loosing teams to root for more and more? Aside from Russel and Cindy, all the teams booted so far could have been crowd favorites. I know that I would have been rooting for Steve and Debra, as they are so in love and supportive of each other.

Who's left? The clowns are looking better and better as my pick for nice guys.

Is your favorite still on or did they get the boot?

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"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by Bebo on 06-27-03 at 10:32 AM
I've been a fan of the clowns since early on. They're not being stupid, they're not treating the other teams badly, and they're treating each other well. I like how they're just willing to try go for it instead of moaning about the others.

And when they had their poo fight last night I was howling.

Bebo, Mistress of EVIL and your American Idol PTTE co-champ

"Speak for yourself!"
Posted by managerr on 06-27-03 at 11:08 AM
Steve and Dave were not crowd favorites. They were 2nd to last on the Fanatics Love List last week.

I definitely agree though that this is the most unlikeable TAR cast ever. There is no clear team to root for. At least not yet. In fact, there is something about almost every team that I hate...last season, even the team that I hated the most, Ian and Teri had likeable qualities.

The clowns don't come across as "real people" to me. At least not yet. All we ever see them do is cheer and hollar and hoot whenever they read a clue or do a task. Why were John Vito and Jill so popular last season? Because we saw their human side and their support for each other. We need more clown scenes like last night where Jon was rooting for Al when he did the eel things.

"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by smiles on 06-27-03 at 11:44 AM
I don't think all of the Happy people have been kicked off. I just think that the stress of the race is really beginning to show on some teams like Millie/Chuck and Chip/Reichen.

My favorites are the NFL wifes. I think they are supportive of each other and they seem to be doing well. Most of the other teams still get a blah rating, but I do like the NFL wifes, the Clowns, and I even root for Millie/Chuck.

"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by karalott on 06-27-03 at 08:58 PM
Jon and Al are 1 of my picks to make it to the final 3. They remind me of the Festers and Cha-cha-cha from seasons 1 and 2, and I think every season needs one of them. I also like the Supremes (when they got stuck in the mud, did anyone else have a flashback to when Shola and Doyin got stuck in the sand?) I have several others that I like, and then there are those that I either hate are am not sure about.

I agree about the casting this season- to me, they all have similar personalities, no one really stands out, and I don't have anyone I'm really rooting for or that I really want gone. Steve and Dave were kind of a lost cause. They stayed in the race, but they didn't really seem to give it their all.
But maybe this all because it's the 4th season and they've all been able to see the show before. I'd like to see different kinds of relationships make it onto another series, considering CBS does AR5 (any word on if and when they will?)

"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 06-28-03 at 03:53 PM
I like this season, much, much better then last-no team really called out for me to root for-except maybe the doublemint twins, but that was because everyone else was out to get them.
This year, my favorites were Steve/Josh-I am in the minority, I know but I really wanted a parent/child team to do well for once. I am really like the NFL wives and the Clowns more and more as the season goes on...I think the problem is that in the beginning there are so many teams, it's hard to find one you really like right off the bat, or if you do find a team, they are eliminated right away. It all has to do with the editing...there needs to be a way to make the teams more likable or maybe just more seperable in the beginning.
~Just my .02 worth

A Kyngsladye Original
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by Serendipity on 06-28-03 at 06:18 PM
Most of my favorites are only part of a team. I love Jaree; can live without Tian. Chuck can stay; Millie must go. Steve was a nice man and I really liked him; hated Josh.

Never thought of any of the eliminated teams as "happy" though. We didn't get to see much of Debra/Steve, and while they were certainly in love and supportive of each other, Steve seemed a bit intense (i.e., the crying in the hotel room. Chris also seemed very intense on the show, and I was glad to see him go because I hated the way he talked to Amanda. Can't say I've changed my mind about him from his interviews either. Thought Steve was a very nice man, but Josh was sulky when in trouble and arrogant when in victory. Russell & Cindy. I think, we almost all agree on.

Don't know that I would describe any of the remaining teams as happy either. The clowns are certainly on, but that's the trouble. They're playing so hard to the camera that I don't feel I know anything about them. Still like NFLettes, Models and Gay Marrieds though, and hope at least one of them does well.

"RE: Why are all the happy people getting kicked off?"
Posted by Edgeless Grass on 06-28-03 at 09:10 PM
Actually I kinda like Steve and Josh after the 1st episode. Josh seem rather clever and father Steve look compromising. But then, they disapppointed me...poor thing that they don't even get too much of air time for their final race.

I like the crown...they are really having fun!! I suppose they must have seen alot in their life that they know how to enjoy their time in TAR.

I would like the NFL wifes more if they would have done some smart move to get themselve out of the mud....rather than just calling for help and ...if there isn't going to have that truck come by, will they just stuck there forever?? Come and think of it... could it be the crew actually call up for some help?

I kinda like Kelly...not for her personality of course! But I found her 'imaginary hate' against Millie produce some drama here and created some level of entertainment. So I would like to see her stay abit longer...

I don't like Tian/Jaree...no matter how useless your friend is, one should never scold or shouted a friend in that way!! They choose each other to come to this race, they should at least show some respect to each other!

------------- Bye!! --------------

"Worst. Cast. Ever."
Posted by TeamJoisey on 06-29-03 at 00:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-29-03 AT 01:01 AM (EST)

There's no one I like.
There's no one I hate.
No one knows how to play the game.
There's no reason to watch.

Chip/Reichen... arrogant a-holes with zero personality.
Monica/Sheree... stupid, pampered cheerleaders.
Kelly/Jon... the worst the eighth grade has to offer.
Millie/Chuck... dysfunctional duo wasting their lives.
David/Jeff... the stupidest TAR team ever.
Jon/Al... I want to like them, but their shameless mugging is killing me. Someone please tell them a TV screen is somewhat smaller than Ringling Brothers arena.
Tian/Jaree... Tian could win the race if she can Zach her way around the world with that Flo-bag teammate.

Worst. Cast. Ever.

Edited to note that this is the Fanatics Forum, so I was kind.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Worst. Cast. Ever."
Posted by managerr on 06-30-03 at 10:02 AM
A friend of mine that I watch TAR with the "Survivor Thailand" of the TAR series. Which I am totally agreeing with at this point.

(However, I'll still take the worst TAR over many of the "best" other reality shows)