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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 1243
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"CBS Website Popularity Results."

Posted by RUTGERSpaul on 06-27-03 at 09:40 AM
Anybody else notice this?

From Episode 4 to Episode 5, Jon & Al's popularity rating on the official CBS site went from around 84% to 20%, all in one episode. I wonder what contributed to such a dramatic fall.

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"RE: CBS Website Popularity Results."
Posted by managerr on 06-27-03 at 11:10 AM
The CBS website poll is cumulative. So it's easy for one person who totally hates them giving them a zero over and over. It probably would take me 10 minutes to write a script to keep clicking the zero over and over to ruin Jon/Al's popularity while I was at work, so I have no doubt that someone is messing with the poll.

However, don't worry, as people visit the site, it will be self-correcting.

"RE: CBS Website Popularity Results."
Posted by RUTGERSpaul on 06-27-03 at 01:25 PM
Yeah, but with a poll that is visited by thousands of people daily, I don't see how one person's repeated votes could alter the votes tha have already been placed by so many others.

"RE: CBS Website Popularity Results."
Posted by managerr on 06-27-03 at 02:58 PM
I don't think a lot of people visit the TAR site daily, much less vote. I don't think I've ever voted in their popularity poll. If you have something going that can vote every 10 seconds, that's 86,000 votes. Have multiple processes of it running or running on multiple computers, and watch the numbers swell.

"RE: CBS Website Popularity Results."
Posted by magic_star on 06-28-03 at 02:41 PM
I'm pretty sure you can only vote one time per computer though. I tryed voting twice on one of the polls that shows the count and it had the same total after the second time I voted.

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