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"S46-E09|Vidcaps|“Spicy Jeff”"

Posted by Sheldor on 04-22-24 at 01:40 PM
Please place all vidcaps and discussion on said vidcaps in this thread, note, "no sourced spoilers", thank you!

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Messages in this discussion
"S46-E09 NTOS"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-22-24 at 02:13 PM

Survivor 46 Episode 8 NTOS + Final Words HD
HMP Contests

Apr 18, 2024

"Extra 1: Nuinui Name"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-22-24 at 02:17 PM

Survivor - The Nuinui Name

Apr 17, 2024

The merged tribe chooses their name and paints their flag.

"EW Deleted: Who’s Got Me"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-22-24 at 02:32 PM

Episode 8 Deleted Scene - Who’s Got Me

All Winners Survivor

Apr 18, 2024

Featuring Ben and Maria

Survivor 46 exclusive deleted scene shows Maria confronting Ben

Suspicion still swirls over Siga's missing immunity idol.

By Dalton Ross Published on April 18, 2024 08:00AM EDT

The ghost of Jem Hussain-Adams still looms large on Survivor 46. While Jem’s Beware Advantage hijinks on the Siga beach may seem to be a thing of the past, they are still very much causing chaos among her former tribemates, and we have an exclusive deleted scene from this week’s episode showing the mistrust still swirling as a result.

In the scene, which can be watched above, Maria Shrime Gonzalez confronts Ben Katzman on the way to the water well, trying to get to the bottom of that missing Siga idol (that actually left the game in Jem’s pocket).

“So, did Tim go home with your idol in his pocket?” Maria asks Ben about Tim Spicer’s exit the previous day. When Ben responds, “I had no idol,” Maria immediately comes back with, “Was it Tim that had the idol?” A confused Ben then says, “I don't even think Tim had an idol.”

Maria Shrime Gonzalez and Ben Katzman on 'Survivor 46'. CBS

“After Tribal Council, I did not get a chance to talk to Ben,” Maria then explains in a confessional interview. “Someone's a hundred percent being dishonest. The fact that nothing ever came of that Beware Advantage, and I gave Ben an opportunity today to be like, ‘Alright, I'm going to extend the olive branch, but I'm going to need you to give me something that I believe. My trust is not easily doled out.’ And I think that someone definitely pulled one over on me.”

After we see more of Maria in interrogation mode and Ben claiming to only know what she knows, Maria tells us that “Ben is trying to give me all kinds of lies and trying to save himself, and I see right through it.” (Whoops!)

The talk between the pair then turns to what happens next, and things definitely do not get any better. “So in your mind, what's your move? What's your plan to stay?” she asks.

Maria Shrime Gonzalez and Ben Katzman on 'Survivor 46'. CBS

“I don't know,” Ben answers. “I'm devastated. I feel like I have to rough it out on the bottom for a bit. My only way I know how to operate right now is just try and communicate with you a little bit. Try and communicate with Charlie. I don’t know what to do ... I almost feel dumb for not strategizing more now that he's gone. It's like I haven't hung out with you and Charlie for two days. You know what I'm saying?”

It is at this point when Maria drops the hammer. “I just want you to know from my perspective, the fact that now you want to hang out and talk? Now that your right-hand man is gone, it's like suddenly you’re Siga strong again and now you want to hang out with Charlie and I. And it's just like, so now we're convenient to you? Whereas before…”

Her assessment to us is even harsher. “I'm not going to buy that now suddenly your number one is out and now somehow you want to work with me or with Charlie again. That's just juvenile to think that.”

Ben Katzman on 'Survivor 46'. CBS

It’s an interaction that rattles Ben, who ends up by himself in tears down by the water. “It totally sucks because they're never going to believe you,” he tells the camera. “I’m really, really down today. It feels like other situations in my life where in the music business, everybody wants to work together because there’s money involved, and then the second a band breaks up or a project falls apart or something's over, it's like, ‘What, you guys don't want to hang out anymore? This was all just a ruse that we were bonded by.’”

Charlie Davis eventually makes his way down to the water to comfort Ben. “I’m just realizing Maria's faith in me is shook,” Ben tells him. “And I know it's a game, but I can't put a game face on. I'm not a liar. In my personal life, I've always had my biggest fears being misunderstood and I hate being treated for something I didn't do. And I knew that was going to happen, but I didn't think it was going to happen within our crew.”

It's a very emotional and moving scene and once again shows the absolute mayhem that can be caused by a simple lie by another player much earlier in the game. Check out the scene for yourself above and make sure to read our full episode recap.

"4/19/24 Promo AD HD 30 Sec"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-22-24 at 04:59 PM

Survivor 46 4/19/24 Promo AD HD 30 Sec
HMP Contests


"Challenge Vidcaps"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-24-24 at 05:43 AM

"S46-E09 Sneak Peek 1"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-23-24 at 03:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-23-24 AT 03:58 PM (EST)

Survivor - Spicy Jeff (Sneak Peek 1)
SurvivorOnCBS (via All Winners Survivor)

Apr 22, 2024

Featuring Kenzie and Q

"S46-E00 Sneak Peek 2"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-23-24 at 03:57 PM

Survivor - Spicy Jeff (Sneak Peek 2)
SurvivorOnCBS (via All Winners Survivor)

Apr 22, 2024

Venus Confronts Hunter. Episode 9 Sneak Peek Survivor 46.

"S46-E09 Press Photos"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-23-24 at 05:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-24-24 AT 05:46 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-24-24 AT 05:37 AM (EST)

Note: All Photos are Screen Grabs WITHOUT Date/Time Info

Day 17 Mon 6/19/23 - Merge Camp

Siga(Ben, Maria); Nami(Hunter); Yanu(Kenzie)
What are they looking to the Left and Up at?


Day 17 Mon 6/19/23 - Reward/Immunity Challenge

Hunter, Q, Charlie, Ben, Venus, Tiffany, Maria, Kenzie, Liz


This looks like this is a Three Stage Reward/Immunity Challenge done in 3 Teams of 3 Players just like last season. Last season they were asked to form 3 Teams before going to the challenge. Not sure if everything is the same as they changed from carrying a disk with handle balancing a ball to using two poles balancing a buoy between them.

Stage 1A: One at a Time cross Teeter Totter in the middle Grab 2 Poles

Stage 1B: One at a Time cross Balance Beams holding buoy between 2 Poles

Stage 1C: All Three dig up 3 Ropes

First Two Teams to finish Stage 1 Advance

Last Team to finish Stage 1 is Eliminated, and all three LOSE their vote, and go on a journey to try and earn vote back.

(Note: Last Season Austin, Emily, and Katurah were the first team eliminated and had to solve Math problem on their journey. Only Austin solved it and got his Vote back)

Stage 2A: All 3 simultaneously build a Rope Bridge and cross it.

Stage 2B: All 3 Toss 3 Balls onto Rings up high like basketball.

Last Team to finish Stage 2 is Eliminated

Winning Team Wins Food Reward and moves on to Stage 3 Individual Immunity Challenge

Stage 3: "Uncomfortably Numb" Individual Immunity Endurance Challenge

Winner = Individual Immunity

Stage 1 Colored Lanes:

  • Purple Lane: Maria, Hunter, Charlie
  • Green Lane: Venus, Liz, Q
  • Orange Lane: Kenzie, Ben, Tiffany

    Stage 1A: Orange Team: Kenzie


    Stage 1B: Orange Team: Ben


    Stage 2A: Purple Lane: Hunter, Maria, Charlie


    Day 17 Mon 6/19/23 - Merge Camp

    (Charlie, Liz) (Kenzie, Hunter, Q) (Maria, Ben, Venus, Tiffany}


  • "Reward/Immunity Challenge"
    Posted by Sheldor on 04-24-24 at 06:10 AM
    Stage 1 Colored Lanes:
  • Purple Lane: Maria, Hunter, Charlie
  • Green Lane: Venus, Liz, Q
  • Orange Lane: Kenzie, Ben, Tiffany

    Stage 1A:
    Purple Lane: Maria
    Green Lane: Venus
    Orange Lane: Kenzie on Teeter Totter blocked from view; On the Left waiting: Ben, Tiffany

    From Survivor 46 4/19/24 Promo AD HD 30 Sec

    Stage 1A: Orange Team: Kenzie


    Stage 1B: Orange Team: Ben


    ELIMINATED in Stage 1 and LOST their VOTE!

  • Orange Lane: Kenzie, Ben, Tiffany

    Stage 2 Colored Lanes: (Note: Green Lane removed)

  • Purple Lane: Maria, Hunter, Charlie
  • Orange Lane: Venus, Liz, Q

    Stage 2A: Purple Lane: Hunter, Maria, Charlie


    Stage 2A: Orange Lane: Venus, Liz, Q
    Q on the Left finishing his last Rope on the Rope Bridge
    Venus and Liz (celebrating finishing Rope Bridge with a KICK) on the ground.

    From Survivor 46 4/19/24 Promo AD HD 30 Sec

    Stage 2B: NOT SHOWN

    ELIMINATED in Stage 2

  • Orange Lane: Venus, Liz, Q

    Competing for Individual Immunity in Stage 3 "Uncomfortably Numb" Individual Immunity Challenge

    Maria vs Hunter vs Charlie

    Stage 3:

    From Survivor 46 4/19/24 Promo AD HD 30 Sec

  • "RE: Reward/Immunity Challenge"
    Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-24-24 at 01:36 PM
    Great job breaking this challenge down, Sheldor! Wowsa!

    I think you have it. First group out is likely Ben, Tiff, Kenzie. Q, Liz, and Venus make it through to be eliminated by Charlie, Hunter, Maria.
    With the endurance part of the challenge, my money is on Maria for the win...

    "RE: Reward/Immunity Challenge"
    Posted by Sheldor on 04-24-24 at 03:39 PM
    Thanks FlowerPower

    Since we see Charlie/Hunter/Maria on the Purple Bridge and then we also see Venus and Liz in front of the Orange Bridge with Q in the background about to finish; I'm pretty sure Kenzie/Ben/Tiffany lose Stage 1.

    And since we see Maria doing what looks like Uncomfortably Numb challenge; I assume they won Stage 2 (winning food reward) and Maria/Hunter/Charlie are competing for Individual Immunity.

    And yeah, I think Maria will win this challenge too.