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"S45|Ep 10|Vote Thread|“How Am I The Mobster?”"

Posted by Sheldor on 11-29-23 at 05:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-29-23 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-29-23 AT 05:52 PM (EST)

Time to vote! Choose the DAW of the DAY, put it in your subject, then the rationale in the body. And, have some PHUN!

Reba-1/Reba-2: Austin
Reba-1/Reba-2: Dee

Reba-1/Belo-2: Drew
Reba-1/Belo-2: Julie

Belo-1/Lulu-2: Bruce
Belo-1/Lulu-2: Jake
Belo-1/Lulu-2: Katurah

Lulu-1/Belo-2: Emily


_9th Belo-1/Belo-2: Kendra
10th Belo-1/Lulu-2: Kellie
11th Lulu-1/Lulu-2: Kaleb

Pre Jury

12th Reba-1/Reba-2: Sifu
13th Reba-1/Reba-2: J. Maya
14th Belo-1/Belo-2: Brando
15th Lulu-1/Reba-2: Sean

16th Lulu-1: Sabiyah
17th Lulu-1: Brandon
18th Lulu-1: Hannah

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by Sheldor on 11-29-23 at 05:55 PM
I feel like the Reba 4 (Austin) Dee, Drew, Julie) will try to flush Bruce's Idol with Emily and Katurah splitting their votes 3 Bruce and 3 Jake.

However, Emily and Katurah will vote with Bruce and Jake and the Four of them will take out one of the Reba 4. I think Dee will win Immunity (holding herself up the longest on the slide). They might suspect Austin has an Idol and they think Drew is a bigger threat than Julie.

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-29-23 at 06:00 PM
I think last week's rather sudden softening of Bruce was his swan song:
- We saw a personal scene with a flashback of his life
- He talked about how he is recognizing how his behaviour is affecting his game and how he wants to change in real life once he gets home (going to ask his daughter about his approach)
- I don't think Bruce was seen at all during the post-IC scrum? You'd think they would show us his strategizing with the others trying to secure his vote as a IC winner
- Two IC wins in a row; target on his back getting bigger by the day
- Katurah has been gunning for him for weeks; her story line basically ends once Bruce goes

There's likely a vote split to take out his idol, and surprise, Bruce doesn't play it or plays it for someone else thinking he's safe.

Posted by coldbrewer on 11-29-23 at 06:40 PM
Bruce wins immunity again. Emily proposes the Reba 4 + Katurah dog-pile on Jake. Bruce pulls out his HII and uses it on Jake. Jake & Bruce vote for Drew and Emily votes for Austin. Drew is out. Outlandish - sure.

Posted by Chez on 11-29-23 at 07:04 PM
Hi everyone! Thank you all for your great analysis this season as always.

I haven't watched the TV ads too closely but isn't Katurah the person giving that long-winded description of the Survivor game on the previews this week? It sounds like something a person would say in a post-eviction speech, so i am guessing her for that reason.

Posted by michel2 on 11-29-23 at 08:14 PM
For the reasons Pepé outlined plus he his goose is overcooked.

PS. Hello Pepé, nice to hear from you.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-29-23 at 08:18 PM
For all the reasons Pepe (WAVES***) outlines as michel notes, ditto. Bruce can hit the road....he was so arrogant, or at least he came across that way and he fixated on folks for all the wrong (personal) reasons. *crosses fingers*