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"S45|Ep 4| East Coast Update Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 07:24 PM
Last week I took a vacation! Totally forgot all about Survivor and it was nice! But, alas, this week is here and this is the place to drop all commentary regarding the episode before it airs on the left coast. And, do remember to HAVE PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"Thank you for dumping the ECST on me..."
Posted by michel2 on 10-18-23 at 07:42 PM
Just kidding, it was fun to do the write up but I'm really glad you're back. I could never manage to write fast enough.

"RE: Thank you for dumping the ECST on me..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 07:54 PM
Ha, michel! You are awesome at whatever you do!

"Let's get this party started!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:04 PM
Camp red....you found the idol, says friend of Drew...

Blue: taking bad smack about Bruce
Yellow: back to TC, 3rd straight time, see Emily and Kaleb plotting...

Sabiyah, decides to risk it and sacrifice her vote, see Ryan cringe....at night

Lulu night 7...see a bat

Ryan laughs....well played, bring it in, did not see that coming, sorry....the plan tonight did not go as I thought it would, I'm dumbfounded says Ryan
Kaleb loves Emily and they hug

Ryan: they got close and planned that blindside without me, I'm at the bottom...wish I was in on it....ugh

I feel like Emily is the first person I can trust says Kaleb, it was awesome considering how much I have invested in Emily

now Emily and I and Sean....tail between his legs, if you are willing to move forward I am, says Sean

Emily notes his personality like a chameleon, he's 180'd his emotions, not very genuine....see Sean going on and on about it, never my idea to vote you out says Sean

I went from on top to the bottom....hope there is a swap coming my only chance of saving myself right now says Sean

cut to intro

"Post intro..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:08 PM
See the red tribe coming into the challenge arena...Morning Jeff

Then comes the losers, Lulu...Sabiyah voted out. Whoa...

Katurah. a big reaction to a vote out...came as a shock...that TC must have been wild....did not expect that. Sabiyah was one of there strongest players...
Emily...I do take some kind of perverse dynamic, no one wants to be in the tribe that is cut in half

Someone mentions a mix up in the tribes, and Jiffy notes he does have a tay full of buffs, we are switching tribes!

"Drop your buffs"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:16 PM
switching tribes...
Kaleb takes his buff off and spits on it....ha

Kat says no matter what Belo strong


and take a spot on new meat Lulu all got on different tribes

4 people from belo headed to Lulu
Ryan and Sibo are with dee

Reb riba: sido dee Julie Sean jay. Note that all the Lulu ended up on different tribes, there are 4 reds on his tribe

Lulu: 4 belo members with Jake, bruce Kat and Kaleb and one girl with dark hair....
Belo: Kendra and brando, Austin and ddrew and Emily. 2/2/1

Austin and Drew are together...Kendra and Brando from old belo.

Kellie: on lulu complete crap shoot...seperates a good from a great S player says Kellie

"The Swap"
Posted by michel2 on 10-18-23 at 08:18 PM
The Spoiler was accurate and when Jiffy said it was unreal to see the three Lulu players drawing different color buffs I mostly agreed: It was NOT a real random draw.

"Post swap..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:33 PM
Lulu...they arrive...

Bruce is crying...this is Tika....where he was I think...

Bruce: when I arrived didn't expect to have the feelings I had, see the spot where I was taken away, took me back to that scenario, needed to get those emotions out...now its time to play the game...

Kaleb: so looking at tribe, 4 belo 1 Lulu...work his way up, must be the most trustworthy and try to get in an alliance...
Katurah was wondering about what the other tribe told them about the journey

bruce likes Kaleb, but Katorah...she thought I was lying to them...
Kaleb and Jake hug and walk away...let's get something going...got to be careful, like to help him but don't want him to bite my hand...Jake is talking to him carefully...

Kaleb: I don't think that Jake openly trusts me right now, but he's open to it...

Jake: got to feel bad for him he's outnumbered, an opportunity for me to create more opportunities, got to be ready to jump ship and Thank God I'm a good swimmer, laughs

Camp belo...

this is the me/drew/Kendra Brando Emily. most mixed of all the tribes...Emily is someone we were curious about meeting. Kendra says we found a good fishing spot
Emily; strategy is play low key, get to know them, kind and generous. they make fire... This is breathing new life for me in this game.

she's telling them she was on the outs of her tribe. Kaleb taught me lessons, get to know them first...these people can give me a new slate.
Emily is talking an d talking...she is giving them info regarding
Sabiyah finding the idol, she walked out with that idol.

Drew says impressions were wrong, she was built up as mean and she's normal

drew this is a tribe that will fight tooth and nail about who Emily will go with, we need to get her on our side, says Drew

camp Reba: welcome home says Gil
Sean is so happy to be with this group, I have stories. I am with 4 original Reba members....if we lose I am the next one out, but S is so much more complicated than that. are they reba strong or are their cracks to wiggle into.

J Maya is psyched to have Sean, amazing positive energy could be a positive ally. see she and Sean walk away...

Do we think he really doesn't have an idol. Should we go through his bag...Dee says she likes him but they are going through his bag...the strings in his bag are tight tight, so they can't get in...tried to tie the red bag like his so they could tie it back...there's nothing....even if he does get in, he's on the bottom

J Maya and Sean making alliance, if her and I could ever get together...Sibu says he doesn't have an idl, but we don't know, we can't trust him...he's on the outs.
Sean plans to capitalize on this crack...definitely hope for me at the reba tribe. J goes to the other girls and tells them he told Sean about Sifu....but Julie and dee want to keep Sifu as they need strength.

Julie: She wants to blindside Sifu and I don't see how I can change her mind, at least Sean brings good energy, how that translates into challenges we will see

"Pre challenge..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:44 PM
Belo day 9
Emily: a bit of a sticky situation, could be a flip vote or key to the others...she's very talkative...I do feel like there is people more my speed, make connections that I didn't have the opportunity before

drew and Austin at rebo....me and drew together, huge tight bond, but we are stacked, idol, good will advantage and a safety with us. Drew looks at Emily as an opportunity, Austin, views her as an opportunity. she will decide who takes charge moving into the merge....she wanted to work with them so bad she tells them at the water hold. if you are with me, I am with you. We are straight shooters, she hugs them!

Emily: Austin and drew approached me, we could be a thing, go to the end tougher the three. they want to work with me, not telling me what to do, but asking me, feel so good
Drew: she's a very rational decision maker, hoping to win the power struggle, get Julie and dee and with Emily too!

at Lulu....Kellie is so happy she is there, has to keep her eye on bruce, work with what I have, bruce and Jake. Bruce told me I am his number one. Kaleb joins Kellie and bruce......it is scary being on the bottom...my hope is that there might be something goin on....Kat sees Kaleb going away with Kellie and ekllie

plan was to get Kaleb alone says Kat. She tells him Bruce is a lie....we do genuinely like each other but our first plan is bruce...says Kat to Kaleb.

She really hates bruce...she's annoyed by him...for me, thinking about your safety, says Kat

I'm looking for somebody to get a common goal, let's get to the merge...

Kaleb: somebody is finally telling me something that is going on, she and bruce area at odds, now it's time for me to forge the trail I am going to walk down....he's happy

"RE: S45|Ep 4| East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 08:59 PM
Come on in....IC

swim to cage, climb up and then carry cage up beach where one has to dig up from under, rest of tribe shoots balls into very tall baskets, get 3 in, win immunity. losers someone out. Lulu still fighting to get your flint for the first time.

ready, go...
everyone swims to the cage, get into cage when all five are there, Jake was first. belo is there first, then Lulu...up and over, release two pies, use to lift the cages...lifting up and moving toward shore. Reba is struggling to figure it out....now they area ll going, ges heavier when out of the water. Lulu is in lead......very heavy. Lulu is pulling ahead, then blue, then red.

Lulu in front....big lead now they can start throwing the balls, reba is in next, then blue belo...Lulu digs and one person needs to go underKellie is out for Lulu, and gets the ballskellie has to rebound the balls. Kaleb shoots the baskets and gets onekaleb is trying agin and gets a second basket...

kellie passes ball, Kaleb misses. Julie is out for reba, and Brando out for blue

Kaleb scores and wins! easily...

Julie and brando passing balls, blue gets one in. Julie can't get them the balls back

Austin shooting and scores number 2.

Sifu scores for red

Austin shooting, miss

Sifu shoots, miss
Austin shoots miss
Sifu scores with second

Austin miss
and then Austin scores...Red reba to TC

Emily is crying she's so happy!

Kaleb gets the idol and the flint after 9 days

belo, Emily gets the idol! so happy

Reba will be going to TC. a new experience for all except Sean. Jtakes their flint. will earn it back. They lost as they are a physically weaker tribe
J Maya says this loss will give me a chance to are a move, convince the girls to vote out Sifu tonight.

"RE: S45|Ep 4| East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 09:00 PM
there are 2 girls that have such animosity toward one other player, so much so that it may ruin their own games. Katurah and J Maya. Kat is after Bruce with a vengeance and J Maya cannot wait to get Sifu out. But, clearly this will back fire on them one way or the other?

"For Sure"
Posted by michel2 on 10-18-23 at 09:11 PM
They would be better off to stay with their tribe. The others will notice the early betrayal and that will put them in the dog house if they survive.

"Lulu Wins!"
Posted by michel2 on 10-18-23 at 09:01 PM
What a surprise....not actually looking at their new line-up. Belo is second and Reba winds up losing. DFee mentions they have less muscle than the other 2 tribes yet J, wants to blindside Sifu? Weird. It will turn against her.

"Post challenge drama"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 09:10 PM
we reversed the Lulu curse...Kaleb: finally have some competent people on the tribe, I know we can win games, felt games...show us that flint, and bruce has lost it...but he faked them out...

Kat shaking her head

not having it until night 9, unprecedented, look forward, my fav day in this game.

Reba day 9

Sean: I cannot believe we lost the challenge, coming in here I felt so good, so I had every reason to believe that we would win today, and we lost, now I'm deflated

These reba members have been together since day 1, definitely daunting, not my own world
Sean talks to Sifu....riba is pretty strong...if I'm with you I'm loyal, he tells Sifu
Sifu: it's riba strong and that's his bad luck in this game...if he stays in this game, then everyone would be pointed at Sifu, just go the Sean route and vote him out

girls talk...Julie wants Sifu, as he's strong. but tonight it's our best bet to get Sifu out. I don't think him coming to merge is good for my game. take him out before it's too late
Dee says that cut Sifu and pull Sean in, then merge...
Julie wants to try and win with Sifu, he's so physical, if we had not had him today, we would have lost soooo bad. best way to not go to TC is to win. best way I don't go home is to keep the numbers

Julie and Dee talk to Sean and want to get Sifu, we will tell him, you are lkout...we don't want him to play anything.

Sean says may be they are making me feel comfortable. at tribal, we will be taking reba strong, but we will vote him out...
Sean is worried, he wants to trust hthem but what other options do we have.

Sifu: the plan is to vote Sean....they could be playing me, it will take a lot of trust if not, I am the fool
I didn't expect the Sean story to be going to TC every single time. Will I be in S any\y longer?

"Sean or Sifu? TC"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 09:26 PM
Sean viewed the swap as a positive. He's bonding with them...
J says how to get a tribe down to it's best challenge strength formation...Sean did you pick up on that crack, I know that Reba wants to get strong on challenges, Sean says he's a number for you, and you need numbers. he's loyal.
Dee says we don't know Sean but for 24 hours, but I know the others.
Sifu: says as soon as he met Sean a very positive energy but it's not the server I want...

Sean Sifu's comment makes me feel great my energy is calm and positive it's authentic

Sean what did you get out of S. He's experienced ton of failure but reminds him that failure is good it helps us grow it teaches us what we need to grow....he has so much love and respect for all of you.

sharing growing up in a mormon world, he tried everything to live a straight faithful mormon lifestyle, so because of all the time I lost, S was an opportunity was making up for lost time, I know that my dream is back home with my husband Matt, my dream is at home, respectful when you vote to night please write my neame down on the parchment

Jiffy: Sean what just happened....he's had time to reflect, what means the most to you here, my husband. write my name down and you can be riba strong.

Jiffy wants to make it clear. you are telling them to vote for you and engineering quit. what is different from leaving on day 9 instead of day 26?
He will think about this for the rest of his life, he wants to spend every single moment he can with hhis husband. Dee is still whispering Sifu to Julie.

Dee votes Sifu

Julie is talking to herself in the booth, doesn't know what to do.

Vote tally:


Sifu says, who voted Sifu?

when he hugged Sean, he asked him, did you vote Sifu? And Sean told him no.

"A Second Quitter."
Posted by michel2 on 10-18-23 at 09:29 PM
This season is threatening Palau's record of 4 quitters.

How dumb was it to vote Sifu after Sean had decided to call it quits? It takes extraordinary circumstances to turn away from a free vote. (Shawna in Amazon was the rare exception)

"RE: A Second Quitter."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 09:37 PM
This is so crazy with all of these QUITTER LOSERS! Really, the casting staff is cracked! Such a HUGE disappointment. We are tuning in to watch entitled lucky chosen people who GET TO PLAY THIS GAME and QUIT?


"Palau 4 Quitters?"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-25-23 at 10:24 AM
"This season is threatening Palau's record of 4 quitters."

I know Janu quit in Episode 10 on Day 27 (1 more day than new era Survivor!).

And even though official Quitter lists don't include Ian, he did Quit the Immunity Challenge and Ian told Tom to vote him out as a sign of integrity. Since the challenge ended at late night and it was too late to conduct a Tribal Council, Ian was verbally eliminated by Tom.

However, who are the other 2 Quitters in Palau?

Jonathan and Wanda didn't Quit. They were not selected for either tribe, and were thus eliminated immediately.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-18-23 at 09:35 PM
Sifu: Seeing my name it's like a volcano ready to go
Austin: I look down the periscope and I see tribes ripping themselves apart
(See Katurah, see Julie,
Brando to Emily: We'll be your numbers (Brando, Kendra, and Emily standing together)
Austin in conf: They are gonna get my revenge, this is war!

It' looks like Jake falls over, and a girl asks: You okay?
Jake in confessional: If I'm gonna go out of this game, ????

Sean: If I wanted to get to the end I have no doubt I could've gotten there. blah blah blah....QUITTER!

"Summary in Bashers"
Posted by michel2 on 10-20-23 at 09:07 PM
I've been writing summaries in Bashers if you have time to read.