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"Speculation on Tribe Swap (SPOILER?)"

Posted by coldbrewer on 10-12-23 at 10:42 AM
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpoiledSurvivor/comments/17601fb/45speculation_tribe_swap_spoiled_by_fantasy/

Lulu 2.0: Kaleb, Katurah, Jake, Bruce, & Kellie

Reba 2.0: Sean, Sifu, Julie, Dee, & J

Belo 2.0: Emily, Kendra, Drew, Brando, & Austin

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"RE: Speculation on Tribe Swap (SPOILER?)"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-13-23 at 08:36 AM
Coldbrewer: I think definitely allowed (and not sure who has permission to remove posts here anyway).

CBS staff spoiling the Swap Tribes via their official Fantasy League! Classic.

Wow! What a crazy Random Swap Draw!

Lulu 2.0: 1x Lulu-1.0: Kaleb, 4x Belo-1.0: Katurah, Jake, Bruce, Kellie

Reba 2.0: 1x Lulu-1.0: Sean, 4x Reba-1.0: SIFU, Julie, Dee, J. Maya

Belo 2.0: 1x Lulu-1.0: Emily, 2x Belo-1.0: Kendra, Brando, 2x Reba-1.0: Drew, Austin

"RE: Speculation on Tribe Swap (SPOILER?)"
Posted by michel2 on 10-16-23 at 09:14 PM
Like Sheldor wrote this is certainly allowed. It is a spoiler thread after all. You also added the source spoiler warning to let us decide if we want to know or not.

Also like Sheldor wrote, Moderators have long left this site go. It has survived only because of people like FP, Sheldor, Aruba and yourself.

this tribe swap reminds me of the horrible swaps that were done in All-Stars and Guatemala.

In All-Stars, it was done to destroy the Romber showmance since the general public reaction to these showmance is negative. When that obvious rig failed, they embraced the showmance, built the season around it and eventually paid for the wedding!

In Guatemala, the reason for the fix was obviously to save Their darling Stephenie but putting her in the stronger tribe that also, just by happenstance, put her with her biggest fans, Judd, Jamie and Cindy. So glad that Rafe's plan was to secretely destroy Steph's game!

So, who was production's favorite this time? If the spoiler is right, then the answer is obvious: Emily becomes the power player between 2 Reba and 2 Belo. If she saligns with Drew and Austin she, s suddenly in a very favorable position.

At a lesser level, Bruce is helped by giving Katurah another target in Kaleb.

It is also noted that Kaleb and Sean on one side and Brando and Kellie on the other, are the only strong pairs separated. Sean also is set between 2 pairs.

"RE: Speculation on Tribe Swap (SPOILER?)"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-17-23 at 12:47 PM
Seems like 5 Belo-1 on Lulu-2 might try to throw the Immunity Challenge to vote out Lulu-1 Kaleb!

However, the 5 Reba-1 on Reba-2 might also try to throw the Immunity to vote out Lulu-1 Sean!

And yeah, Lulu-1 Emily is definitely the Swing vote between

2x Belo-1.0: Kendra, Brando
2x Reba-1.0: Drew, Austin

Since Emily bonded with Kendra when she came over to visit Lulu before the First Tribal Council (and Kendra secretly voted for Brandon); I think Lulu-1 Emily will align with 2x Belo-1.0: Kendra, Brando