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"S44-W09-E09 Title and Clues"

Posted by Sheldor on 04-20-23 at 07:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-23 AT 07:47 PM (EST)

“Under the Wing of a Dragon”

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"S44-W09-E09 Press Release"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-20-23 at 09:15 PM


“Under the Wing of a Dragon”Castaways must negotiate to earn a big pot of rice for the entire tribe. Then, the castaways will need to put their best foot forward to earn immunity at the next tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 26, (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.


Posted by Sheldor on 04-26-23 at 05:07 PM
They REMOVED this photo of Jeff at the Immunity Challenge from BOTH the Press Release and Press Photos!!! Is there a spoiler in this photo?!

"JP Should Jury Members be Sequestered "
Posted by Sheldor on 04-20-23 at 09:22 PM
This was published last week but I missed it so posting it here...

Jeff Probst addresses whether Survivor jury members should be sequestered individually

Three blowout votes in a row put the spotlight on if the group living situation at Ponderosa keeps the jury from going into the final Tribal Council with an open mind.

By Dalton Ross
April 18, 2023 at 10:30 AM EDT

Richard Hatch won the very first season of Survivor by a single vote. One season later, Tina Wesson did the same thing, barely edging Colby Donaldson with a vote of four to three. The final Tribal Councils were nailbiters. My how times have changed.

In the new era of Survivor that began with season 41, the last three winners have each won by a landslide 7-1-0 vote. Erika Casupanan, Maryanne Oketch, and Mike Gabler each cruised to a comfortable victory. Were they really that much better than their final three competitors, or had the jury come to a group decision before they ever stepped into the final Tribal Council?

On Survivor, when eventual jury members are voted out, they are sent to a group living situation called Ponderosa. As they arrive one by one, they discuss the ins and outs of what has transpired, sharing information — and often bonding for or against certain players still in the game. In the past, there have been concerns among both producers, viewers, and finalists that a type of groupthink develops in such situations, with the most dominant personalities influencing other jury members to form a consensus that might not exist if each player were sequestered individually and could not be swayed.

The problem with individual sequestration is the increased costs and logistics involved. Still, with three straight landslide 7-1-0 votes, is it something the host and showrunner Jeff Probst would consider?

"It's a great observation and you're right, sequestering the jury is simply not logistically realistic," Probst tells EW. "But you bring up an interesting question, and that is: Does it really matter?"

According to the host, the jury is voting on who played the best game, and conversations about that topic — whether they take place before or during the final Tribal Council — are part of the exercise. "Part of the jury's job is to form an individual opinion about who they think played the best game," says Probst. "But like any jury, the deliberation between jury members is part of the process in forming your own opinion."

Continues the host: "That's a long-winded way of saying I think the same thing would end up happening during the final Tribal Council anyway. And I know from talking to jury members, a surprising number of them come into final Tribal with an open mind. So maybe the last three winners have just been a very clear consensus by the jury."

From my reporting and having talked to countless jury members over the years, I have found that Probst is correct in saying that the majority of people voting for the million-dollar winner do claim to have gone into final Tribal Councils with an open mind, but almost all admit to having a lean towards a certain contestant while at Ponderosa.

However, those leans can be swayed. For example, much of the jury for Survivor 42 was leaning towards voting for Mike Turner as the winner as long as he could eloquently and persuasively take ownership of his game and explain why he deserved to be named the champion. When that failed to happen in a disastrous final Tribal performance, they voted for Maryanne instead.

"The real burden falls on the final three," says Probst. "And as we've seen in years past, some players are just better than others at making their case about why they deserve the title of Sole Survivor and the million dollars that goes with it!"

"JP Podcast "Editing Survivor""
Posted by Sheldor on 04-20-23 at 09:28 PM

43 minutes | Apr 19, 2023
Editing Survivor

The role of an editor on Survivor is to authentically and accurately represent each player's journey during their time in the game. Jeff pulls back the curtain on how a team of 20 editors tells the story of 18 Survivor castaways from moment to moment in each episode as well as across an entire season. We’re joined by editor Dave Armstrong to talk through the anatomy of a scene using three different versions of the same sequence, where Carolyn finds the idol without her team knowing. Plus, Jeff answers your questions about how the editors avoid bias, how the show’s music is selected and how long Tribal Council actually lasts!

"JP makes Survivor for kids"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-20-23 at 09:28 PM
Jeff Probst says he makes Survivor for kids

"My version of the show is seen through the eyes of kids. So that is my point of view.”

By Dalton Ross
April 20, 2023 at 08:00 AM EDT

Survivor is truly a show for all ages. Viewers from any demographic can easily get sucked into the strategy, the scenery, and the cutthroat competition. But when host and showrunner Jeff Probst is coming up with creative ideas for the program, he's got one age group in mind: kids.

The topic came up at the very end of the latest episode of the On Fire with Jeff Probst podcast during the "This Is Why You Suck" segment, in which the host responds to (often pretty harsh) email complaints about him. This week's entry was a doozy.

"Over the last several years the target audience of Survivor has shifted from being for the fans to being for yourself, Jeff Probst," began the email that was read to the host. "You are too focused on forcing a satisfying ending that you want that comes at the expense of drama and entertainment. Let me go ahead say that the shift from final two to final three is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to the show. And I'm not the only fan who feels that way. And no, I haven't forgotten about Edge of Extinction, nor the Hourglass. I get that you think it leads to better winners and more unpredictable finishes, but in practice it doesn't really work that way."

Hilariously, the missive — which came from someone named Anthony — actually ended with "the podcast is super insightful and the most I've liked you in years."

Probst began by saying, "People don't think I listen to their criticisms. I do. I have to digest it. It's sometimes personal." He went on to address Anthony's complaint that he only makes the show for himself and… agreed with him!

"I don't think he's wrong in that yes, on some level, I am making Survivor for me," Probst said. "But I will say that my version of the show, for me, is seen through the eyes of kids. So that is my point of view."

It's not uncommon for producers and studio executives to imagine their target audience as they map out stories to make sure they'll satisfy expectations of the people they're trying to reach, but it is unique for a network primetime show of over two decades to have that target audience be so young.

Probst continued, "Everybody knows that works with me, I say, 'Imagine a 7-year-old at home imagining they're the one making fire, they're the one who found an idol.' So when I meet a Survivor family on the street and they say, 'Our kids love the show,' the first thing I say is, "So how do you think you would do in the jungle? Do you think you could sleep with rats crawling all over you when the rain is coming down?' And they always say, 'Yes! I know I could.' That's the adventure that we're putting into their head."

While Probst agreed with the first part of his critic's complaint, he had more trouble understanding other aspects of the email. "I am a bit confused by him saying I am forcing a satisfying result at the expense of entertainment. To me that feels like the same thing — a satisfying ending is entertaining, but maybe he means that I'm forcing new ideas and they're getting in the way of the entertainment."

That's a subject Probst promised to delve into even deeper on next week's episode of the podcast, which will find the host unpacking some of the franchise's most controversial twists. Feel free to count down the seconds until then — if you happen to have an hourglass handy, that is.