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"S44 | Ep 4 | "I'm Felicia" | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 03:33 PM
Please place all commentary regarding tonight's episode in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, don't forget to have PHUN! Thanks Sheldor for all you do around here! <3

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"Here we go!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 08:11 PM
Soika day 8

see them in yoga pose on beach, Frannie guides them, broaden your attention on the surroundings

Josh: Last night Claire was voted out, I am close to Frannie and Matt and then also to Danny and Heidi, I'm in the middle

Danny talks to everyone but Josh...
Heidi, Josh thinks he's playing everyone, trying to blindside him and I don't think he sees it comoing

Tika: they see the X over the bird cage...
Sarah confessional: 2 red sticks woven into birdcage like an X...
Yam Yam, who put that in there
Carolyn: the truth is it was me...I found the idol but inside there was a fake idol and I need to do something with is...so she marked it wauith an X, then put one on the cage and stuffed the fake idol in a log and put the other iX over it...

she's explained g....an X got everybody going to look for it again
Sarah: we are all sitting around the campfire, and she spots 2 matching red sticks under our bench log....she digs with everyone there, she feels nothing then she looks down and finds a piece of clothe wrapped up in a bow, grabs it in her underwear...found an II....she has life in this game and she knows none of them have the idol...

Carolyn someone has the fake idol, my plan worked!

Cut to RC

Sling shots

Claire voted out last TC

climb ladder across cargo net, launch sand bags to target, each player must hit...playing for tarps
In addition one player will go on a journey from each tribe...

Franny sits out, Kane sits out

they race to climb and go over netting....Danny Brandon and Carson

Danny hits

Carson hits

Brandon hits

all tied

Heidi hits, Josh hits
Lauren hits
Carolyn has not connected

Matt hits
Danny wins the number one spot

Carolyn finally has one
Jaime hitsMatthew hits

Sarah hitsBrandon wraps it up and wins the reward too

Tika was the loser..who will they choose to go on journey

Josh from Soka
Carson from Tika
Jaime from Ratu

they are leaving from the RC

Jaime is so excited to get chosen...she wanted to go on the journey a huge opportunity to get an advantage

Posted by michel2 on 03-22-23 at 08:14 PM
It feels like someone will be surprised by the vote tonight!

- Josh feels great in Soka between 2 opposite Couples. Problem is that the couples are working together against him!

- Jaime thinks it's her magic wand that got her on the trek and she expects an advantage. Sounds like another player nicely set up for a vote.

Too bad there aren't 2 TCs tonight!

"Ship wheel island..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 08:25 PM
Day 8
Jaime is so pumped to go on the journey, wanted the chance to do all that is in S. She was happy that the others were chosen too to get to know each other...
Get to know each other on path...
Carson: hasn't found an idol or clue finally to get something of value, doesn't want to lose leverage with his tribe, they all go down their separate path.
Congrats: you have an immunity idol! they are all so happy...it has an expiration, once all players untie together it loses its power. You will not be returning to your old tribe, reach in the bag and choose your new tribe.
Josh: He was in a great position
Jaime thinks she hss two idols
Carson he's excited but now anxiety, bottom of a new tribe

Tika sees the boat, Carson...that's not Carson, that's Josh
Yam Yam: when I see him, my heart sank....the relationship I build with Carson is no more
Josh says they are ready to pounce...Josh is telling them he's a physical trainer, not a surgeon.
Says he didn't pass the Mcat
Sarah is not buy-in git...

see Josh...
Yam yam says he's a surgeon and he's lying to us
Yam Yam says he's lying, he makes me very nervous, I will be the first one to write his name down

Carson arrives at Ratu
Brandon: is he here permanent, a couple hours
Carson tells them....picking up new buff, wants to paint a perception as Tika being led by Yam Yam
tells he saw them as a pair, Carolyn and Yam Yam
Matthew says he's put so much leg work into Jaime, and he...
see Matthew and Carson playing....tells Brandon found it and played it...he tells him that Jaime found the new idol...Carson tells Matthew he trusts him

Matthew needs numbers to go far in the game

Soka and Jaime: I cam and saw and conquered at Ratu, now to do it here.
I am the new Josh she says...My first impression is she is open kind and genuine, only wrench is if Jaime has the hII....
Danny is wanting to go through her bag....see him do it

Danny says he feels low going through the bag, but the rules of home do not apply here.
Matt: I am not convinced that Jaime has some kind of idol, but we are all committed to staying together so she has really no shot of staying in the next few days.

"RE: Ship wheel island..."
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 08:27 PM
I was pretty sure all 3 would be given a Powerful Advantage and Immunity Idol made the most sense. I like that it expires at the Merge.

ALL 3 should use their Immunity Idol tonight if their tribe loses.

And even if Jaime tries to use the Fake One first, Jeff will say it is Fake and she can just play the Real One.

Would any of the 3 NOT play their Immunity Idol tonight?!

"That wasn't Random"
Posted by michel2 on 03-22-23 at 08:28 PM
Since Production couldn't know which path jaime, Josh and carson would choose, the only way to assure they'd wind up on new tribes was to wait and see which path each would take and THEN place the buff. That means Production actually decided where each would go. I've always believed that many random swaps were fixed so it's interesting to know that this one was.

"RE: That wasn't Random"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 08:50 PM
I was thinking that too!

They could leave the two other Buffs in the bag but then they have the problem of two drawing the same Buff.

"Pre IC...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 08:37 PM
Cut to the IC out in the ocean...

see Brandon

dive in ocean climb to top of tall tower leap off get key, then use keys to unlock pieces and solve the manta ray puzzle

Matthew and Jaime are sitting out

Danny Brandon, Josh in first

all have their keys...go over a balance beam...
Brandon first, then Josh then Danny

Sarah has key, Carson has one, Matt has key....Lauren does not get the key...missess itJam Jam has the key, Heidi has it
Brandon is going to swim back out to get another key, a big set back for Ratu

Franny has he key Brandon has the key

Yam Yam cannot get across the balance beam

Brandon is across, Heidi and Matt with a go advantage working on puzzle

Kane cannot get acrossthe balance beam now....

Carolyn is going to pass Kane

Now Kane is over the beam and now they are all on the puzzles

Soka wins the IC

Now it's between Ratu and Tika

Carson and Lauren doing puzzle and Josh and Sarah doing it for Tika

Ratu wins!

Tika to TC

Wow, epic finish

Lauren could get the key for Ratu...but they didn't give up and won second
See the dejected Soka

Josh: I don't feel 100%. feel better with my immunity idol in my back pocket but...

"Why Would he Keep a Temporary Idol?"
Posted by michel2 on 03-22-23 at 08:40 PM
It certainly feels like Josh is edited as the one going home but why wouldn't he play his idol? It was made especially for this situation.

By the way, I have a question: Was this the first time that 3 idols were simply GIVEN to players? They didn't have to look for it or solve a riddle, nothing! Just: Here it is...

"RE: Why Would he Keep a Temporary Idol?"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 09:53 PM
Definitely the first time THREE Immunity Idols were simply GIVEN to the players. However, for this Twist they HAD to give them an Immunity Idol or else they would be toast!

Better than making them Immune where they still had a choice to play the Immunity Idol or not and they were able to tease us that Josh might play his Immunity Idol on Carolyn.

The Tribes all should have thought there was a very good chance that the new player has an Immunity Idol or Powerful Advantage and vote out someone else for the first vote with the new player.

"Josh got the confessional of doom?"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 08:46 PM
So, the question is will he play the HII or not....He's a surgeon. Will he feel comfortable enough not to play it?

back at Tika: we hate to lose

Yam Yam: watching them do the puzzle and not make progress
It's going to be me or you and it's not going to be me....

they are making the Carolyn the decoy vote, heshe's pissed that she is the decoy vote

Sarah says we want to play with you....we want to vote out Carolyn...

Sarah: my main goal is to make Josh feel comfortable...I want to see him go home I want to ...

Josh: I cannot trust Yam Yam and Sarah...Caroly and Josh talk...I have an II, we both vote for Sarah and then she will be gone....Josh is telling that they are trying to vote you out, I have an II...so let's vote out Sarah

Carolyn says he wants to play his II on me...Carolyn is pissed...I did not come out here she is trying to weigh this out, do I let him play this idol on me and let him get voted out, or do I make him play it for h himself and then Sarah goes home. She will do what's best for her.

"RE: Josh got the confessional of doom?"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 08:48 PM
Seems like two choices...

Josh plays Idol for Carolyn, Josh get voted out.

Carolyn tell Josh to play his Idol for himself. Sarah gets worried and plays her Fake Idol. Sarah get voted out.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 08:57 PM
I do not know if I would ever play my idol on another player in this game unless I had more than one....just saying.

Josh: did you conducer when you went on the journey did you consider that you would not be going back
He's scared
Yam Yam says, it's like the new kid in the classroom...He says he doesn't want to be friends with her anymore

Yam Yam says he doesn't want to say bye Felicia
Carolyn says I'm felicia
Josh notes its chaos, their previous issues
maybe this is a charade to knock me off this game
He feels there are some he can trust and some he can't

see Carolyn putting her hands in her face...it's so hard. what's your pitch. I have been with this tribe for a lot longer, he is the new guy
is this all an act, I don't know
Josh says he thinks he has said all he has to say and what he said earlier is what he will do

Carolyn acts like she's having a melt down

Josh raises his hand to play the idol....for himself

Carolynn is freakin g


Josh and Carolyn hold hands

Wow! Poor Sarah, the force was not with her....

"RE: Tribal"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 08:59 PM
While it was good that I switched my Vote from Jaime to Josh...

It really did NOT make sense that any of the 3 that swapped would be voted out. And with the trend of women voted out I should have picked Sarah (or Carolyn). Argh!

"RE: Tribal"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 09:08 PM
Yes, you are right, Sheldor! I completely dismissed that Josh could have an idol, to be honest. And, why wouldn't they play their idols at the first TC....so should have guessed Sarah, as Yam and Carolyn have seemingly been close...

"RE: Tribal"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 09:50 PM
And I kept posting that I'm sure those 3 would have a Powerful Advantage or even Immunity and yet I still Voted for Josh?!

How dumb am I?! Don't even follow my own advice!

Certainly if we think New-Ratu or New-Soka is going to Tribal Council we should ASSUME that Carson or Jaime is SAFE!

"They Got Us!!!!"
Posted by michel2 on 03-22-23 at 08:58 PM
I really thopught Sarah had legs but it's fun to see that Carolyn is a player.

"RE: They Got Us!!!!"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 09:44 PM

Starting to think Carolyn might even be the Winner!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-22-23 at 09:06 PM
Matthew seen crying in conf: I've literally been training to be here for years...
See Matthew fall from the rocks
But, I wake up in so much pain....hugs Carson

Frannie: She (Jaime) doesn't know that Matt and I are really close....see them together
Kane and Carson seen walking: Carson in conf: Everyone is sharing with me and it gives me a lot of power!
see Yam Yam and Josh walking together
Carolyn in conf: Those two....hooooooo!
Josh laying against a log talking to Yam Yam: I just don't trust you...
Yam Yam in conf: Dude, what's up with the B!tch face?

Posted by Sheldor on 03-22-23 at 09:48 PM
Oh no, is Matthew going to be the Second Medical Evacuation?

Typically Episode 6 (next Episode) has been the last pre-merge Vote Off. I wonder if Matthew is a Medical Evacuation if they would still have a Vote Off?

Also wonder what Immunity Challenge they will do for 3 players with New-Ratu and New-Soka able to sit out 2 players!