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"S44-W03-E03 Title and Clues"

Posted by Sheldor on 03-09-23 at 10:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-23 AT 10:49 PM (EST)

“Sneaky Little Snake”

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"Press Release “Sneaky Little Snake”"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-13-23 at 03:19 PM



“Sneaky Little Snake”A budding romance could become an easy target for one tribe. Also, one castaway hopes to convince the tribe of their worth to stay another day, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.


"Misdirection clues"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-15-23 at 08:46 AM
1. A budding romance could become an easy target for one tribe Clearly the Soka tribe with Matt and Frannie. A reason that could lead to a boot story. But, with the way that Jiffy and company love the love I get a distinct feeling the love birds will survive another day. The one the editors choose to be the conflict with them is Claire, with the faces and the eye rolling and the comments. Will she be the one to point the gun at them, and then she goes home somehow?

2. One castaway hopes to convince the tribe of their worth to stay another day

Not sure if this refers to Kane or Matthew. Kane voted against Brandon and it's coming out. There is a reason to think Kane could be in trouble especially with Brandon. He could be the boot? But, we see him with the sword and commenting on his love of fantasy and then he plays around with it, we also saw him ingratiating himself with the Canadian National Anthem....?

Matthew noted that he had built a challenge maze in his back yard and practiced it, in front of the entire cast....we see him in confessional saying he didn't plan on playing an honest game...could lead to a boot.

The misdirection clues most likely point to a Soka or Ratu loss. I'm leaning Soka.

"JP Podcast: “Advantages and Idols”"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-13-23 at 03:34 PM

43 minutes | Mar 8, 2023
Advantages and Idols

From the iconic Hidden Immunity Idol to the new Beware Advantage, this week we take a deep dive into Survivor's Idols and Advantages. We examine why we have them, how we come up with them, and what's new about them in Season 44. Then, Jeff tells a few never-before-heard stories of advantages that were on your TV screens... but were never seen or found by players. Later, Jeff answers fan questions and we cover yet another reason "Why Jeff Sucks!"


"Advantages that were never found"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-13-23 at 03:37 PM
Jeff Probst reveals secret Survivor advantages that were never found
One in particular sounds a a little fishy.
By Dalton Ross
March 08, 2023 at 10:00 PM EST

Idols and advantages. They're everywhere on Survivor. And there's a reason for that: They keep majority alliances from simply steamrolling through the game. No matter how down in the numbers a player may be, they always have that hope of finding a lifesaving advantage that may completely change their fate in the game.

There have been many memorable advantages put into play over the years, but there have also been some that were not so memorable. And that's because they were never discovered.

On the latest episode of his On Fire With Jeff Probst podcast, the Survivor host and showrunner revealed two particular advantages producers painstakingly laid out for players… who then either did not find it or did not realize they were staring right at a clue for one.

The first example occurred just last year on Survivor 42. "We wanted to put the idol nullifier advantage into the game," Probst explains on the podcast."(Executive producer) Matt Van Wagenen… had an idea. 'We should put an advantage inside a fish.' He's pitched it for years… and for whatever reason we did it this season."

An advantage hiding inside a fish? We're listening. "So the tribe wins reward and it's fish, exactly as Matt has it laid it out," Probst continues. "They go back to their camp and now they're going to clean the fish and get them ready to eat. The problem is, the guy who decided to clean the fish was Jonathan — big Jonathan who can do anything."

Uh-oh. What have you done, Jonathan? What have you done?! "He's nonplussed by cleaning fish," Probst recounts. "He does this every day, he's the guy that's always out there cleaning the fish. So he's absentmindedly cleaning the fish and does not see that in the fish is this little bamboo advantage that could change the game. And he literally cleaned the fish and threw the guts and the advantage in the Pacific Ocean, where it is still floating somewhere today."

JONATHAN! Hot damn, man! How could you? The best part about this whole story is that you can actually see where it happened in the episode. "If you go back and watch that episode, it's episode 4," Probst notes. "Paramount+, you can see all this. It's about 11 minutes in. You can see it happen. You can see him with the knife, and it's right there. The audience didn't see it. Jonathan is hearing this right now, first time he's heard it as well."

It turns out that's not the only time a player has had a game-changing object right in front of their face and didn't realize it. Probst also uncorked another doozy on his podcast. "Millennials vs. Gen X, the players don't know this either," he reveals. "It's the merge episode, which is episode 8, it's about six minutes in, season 33. They merged, and we always give them a merge basket and there's some paint supplies and a tribe flag."

Ah, but there was something else as well. "When they open this basket, it said, 'Congratulations, you have made the merge'… Underneath it was a very strange note… It says, 'Most all initial liaisons begin relaxingly. In new groups, societies always disclose very advantageous news to all. Gregarious, engaging, flirtations, indifferent, narcissistic, defensive, inauthentic. The facade is revealed starting today.'"

You've probably already figured it out by now, but the players on season 33 certainly didn't. "We thought for sure that this note, which was so odd, would spark some curiosity," remarks Probst. "Nobody thought twice about it. Had they studied it for a minute, they might have discovered that the first letter of every word — a very fifth-grade sort of puzzle to solve — formed the following sentence: 'Mail brings advantage, find it first.' And they would have gone to Tree Mail and they would have found an advantage."

WHOOPS! The moral of the story is, when you get a note on Survivor that seemingly makes no sense, it's probably for a pretty good reason. There are many more juicy tidbits to chew on from the podcast, so check out On Fire With Jeff Probst yourself for the full meal (no secret note included).

"JP blames himself for the Tyler Perry Survivor super idol"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-13-23 at 03:40 PM
Jeff Probst blames himself for the Tyler Perry Survivor super idol
"I would look back and go, that’s another one that I got wrong."
By Dalton Ross
March 09, 2023 at 12:47 PM EST

Survivor host Jeff Probst has been using his new podcast, On Fire With Jeff Probst, to make big announcements, like inviting a medically evacuated contestant back to play again. He's also shared juicy behind-the-scenes intel, like revealing unfound advantages from a few different seasons. But he also has no problem taking shots… at himself!

Not only does the podcast feature a segment titled "This Is Why You Suck" (which features Probst responding to people telling him how terrible he is), but the Survivor host and showrunner also doesn't mind sharing stories of things that did not work out on the show and why he was to blame.

This brings us to superstar Tyler Perry. A certified Survivor superfan, Perry convinced Probst to put a new super immunity idol into play for season 28, Survivor: Cagayan. Dubbed by fans as the "Tyler Perry idol," this immunity idol was different from others in that it could be used after the votes were read, meaning a player did not have to guess whether they were on the chopping block and risk burning their idol if they were safe and didn't actually need it. It was the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.

Just one problem: Perry's new super immunity idol was not, in fact, new. Back in season 12 (Survivor: Panama) and season 13 (Survivor: Cook Islands), hidden immunity idols could be played after the vote. In fact, they were so powerful that Yul Kwon rode one all the way to victory in Cook Islands — which is why starting on the following season (Survivor: Fiji), idols always had to be played before the votes were read.

So why did Probst put his famous friend's idea back into the game? The host told the story on his podcast and lays the blame solely at his own feet.

"Tyler Perry is an idea machine," says Probst. "He will send texts that are so long, and they are full of ideas… The super idol, I got intoxicated with the fact that Tyler Perry thought we should bring it back because he's a really smart guy. What I didn't realize is: You already learned this lesson, dude! We just talked about it. It doesn't work, It's too much power. So even though it was a fun moment and (Tony Vlachos) used it and went on to win the game, I would look back and go, that's another one that I got wrong. I am the one who said we should put it into the game, and I'm not the one who said, 'Wait a minute, we already did this two decades ago. It doesn't work.'"

Of course, Perry is not the only celebrity sending Probst ideas for the show. Mike White helped get rid of the Redemption Island twist and later was responsible for killing off Fire Tokens. And the host shares a story on the latest pod about Jimmy Fallon also getting an idea onto the show. "It was Fallon's idea for Rob and Sandra on Island of the Idols to be able to watch Tribal Council from a secret booth," says Probst. "That entire Tribal was designed around that one single idea."

For more Survivor scoop and behind-the-scenes info, check out On Fire With Jeff Probst.

"Mike Bloom Tweet - Fake Idols!"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-13-23 at 04:37 PM
I wasn't sure where to put this but decided to post it here...

Mike Bloom

Upon reviewing the #Survivor44 birdcage idol finds, it looks like each tribe's real idol is indeed the fake idol of another tribe:

Ratu - Beads     (real), Medallion (fake)
Soka - Medallion (real), Coin (fake)
Tika - Coin (real), Beads (fake)

We are in for chaos at the merge!