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"S44 | Ep 2 | "Two Dorky Magnets"| East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 08:59 PM
Here we go! Please place all commentary in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And...don't forget to have PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"Previously on Survivor..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:11 PM
See TC....as a S fan, congrats on being the first one to play the Sin the Dark successfully. Matthew tells who he played the shot, so no one would know where his alliance was

Lauren tells them all that she has an extra vote, it's in her bag, I am the powerful one now. Brandon calls out Kane....Kane: it went as poorly as it could for me...I'm the only guy left here that voted for him, the Q is whether he can repair his relationship with Brandon.
Brandon conf: he was a shocked....he's trying to act Cool...he is mad, but he doesn't trust Kane at all!

see a hammerhead shark

Soka day 4

talking about dogs and puppy...Matt tells them about his dog, his Gf has it...was it mutual, sorta, she broke up with me

Matt conf: I was vulnerable, got out of a relationship that meant the world to me, now he lost his vote for the next 2 TC's....even though Matt stock is low, I found an incredible connection with Franny

see them working on the shelter, they want to go fishing, he's talking about his big long rod

she's really cute, the snorts, makes my heart push...I would 100% ask her out, I think she trusts me too....he tells her that he lost his second vote too...
Frannie: the fact that he trusts me, but worried that others may see us a a pair....

Heidi is freakin her out...she tells Matt that we should spend some time apart

so hard because Matt and I can't stop talking two big dorky magnets
Claire: are they serious, they are digging their holes deeper being so close to Matt

Tika day 4....As much as we try to gel as a tribe says Helen, that bird cage is in the back of everyones mind...they want to find the key
they decide to lets get the key

Helen is nervous there are people you are working with, see Carson and Sarah, and people you are not working with, see Carolyn...what if it ends up in the hands of them?

Yam yam....he doesn't know what is in there but he's going to get it

Carolyn, wants to get it, she doesn't click well with them...she is climbing a tree...as she is digging she finds a snake int he tree

Ratu day 4....see Kane looking,
conf: he's worried about voting for Brandon...idol got flushed so he is looking for a new one

Lauren and others talk about him looking...Matthew and Lauren and Brandon go looking for an idol too

he finds a crab and calls Matthew to get it...

Soka....Danny looking for an idol...Claire says we can't keep up with Danny...she's the cihief laziness czar

he is going to find it and does...

the others are all back at camp...he's not going to tell anybody

he dances around...

"RE: Previously on Survivor..."
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:13 PM
Said Danny: I don't know what is the best way to find an idol but I know that the worst is not looking for itéé

So, while Soka was resting, he found the key. He still hasn't gotten to the cage though.

"RE: S44 | Ep 2 | "Two Dorky Magnets"| East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:15 PM
Seems like Probst just spoiled that there will be a season 45

"Danny found the key to birdcage"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:23 PM
He's not going to tell anyone ....at this point.

see a snake...at Tika day 4

Carson is going, he doesn't want to see the snake...carolyn says she told her self do not give up! tells a story about her son loosing his tooth, dug through his tooth in his poop....oh gawd!

She finds it! she says don't be too silly, don't be voted out...she goes back to camp and tells them she found nothing....snakes

back at Soka...he goes to the bird cage, afraid someone was behind him, he gets the bag...it's an old school IN, but also found a coin, that ha son power but what you do with it is totally up to you....meanwhile Clair and Matthey go look at the cage and it looks the same...

crazy carlen...so happy that she found it, she will have to be sneaky with his, a game of deception....she has to be better at playing S. Is she terrified to open the cage...she was battling in her head, so she goes off to do it, opens the cage....she ran away with the bag, and she came back to camp...then she thought OMG...the cage is open and I am the only one who has been away from them...she runs back, she can hear them coming...she left it in the cage, and now she has the idol...and some beads of nothing, so she doesn't know what she will do with it...Carson sees that the bag was left open....sonee has gotten it

Helen in conf: it's been opened...

Carson: it's been messed with...it's not one of. us...he knows about body language and how to figure out who is lying...Sarah looks like she doesn't have it, Yam Yam looks like he's pissed. Helen looks like arms are crossed like she is holding somehtghing in...she's hiding something.

everyone is showing that they don't have anything in their bag. Yam yam thinks Sarah has it

Sarah says she things that Yam Yam has it. they say that Carolyn is going to freak out that someone has it...Carson and Sarah show her...I'm so scared that they think I will have it. In my gut, I thnbnk that they don't think I have it, but I get paranoid...

"Dumb is a good Decoy"
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:25 PM
Purple all think someone else has found the idol but no one thinks it's Carolyn. She coudn't possibly have it, too dumb for that, isn't she? She is actually starting to impress me in a weird sort
of way.

"RE: Dumb is a good Decoy"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-08-23 at 09:57 PM
More like:

Producer - "okay, I know you all know it's Carolyn, but can you just put on an act for the next five minutes so we can create some doubt in the editing room? Thankee."

"Pre Challenge...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:36 PM
Danny and Crazy Carolyn have the idols from the bird cage.

cut to the challenge arena...

Come on in...

race up and over obstacle, get pile of large sand bags, empty to find ball, get ladder to go up, cut rope, raise bridge, then one tribe member maneuvers ball to scale a snake maze.

reward...fishing gear...and smaller amount of fishing gear. losers, get their flint taken away as well.

Claire sits out again. Volunteer or tribe decision jiffy asks, she says both


up and over the triangle. Danny over before the nil football player...get sand bags and open them, look for a colored bag with a ball in. Danny finds it first off the bat....others didn't find theirs, they get their ladder up, one person up throws rope down, Carolyn finds the small bag next....Hiedi has the cross and then they all come up...then green slides down and they have the last ball for orange....Helen opens the gate for the purple tribe, ....they are down...Josh will be on the snake maze

Ratu, dead last, a familiar spot for them....

Sara for Tika...on the snake maze

Matthew will be for Ratu

learning curve Jiffy says....

Matthew almost caught Sarah quickly. Matthew has it figured out

Josh drops again...Sarah drops...now Matthew in the lead

and he gets the ball through...Ratu wins!

Tika or Soka...Josh is doing better finally...Sarah is on his tail

Josh is so closed he does

Purple is going to TC...they all hug Sarah...

Matthew said he asked his tribe if he could do it, he built a replica out of plywood and practiced this....against drs orders he said, took his sling off.

Sarah gives away the flint.
Carolyn: losing today's challenge sucks, scared I might be a target, I'm having a battle of whether or not I want to play this idol....

"Why Matthew Why?"
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:39 PM
Did Matthew just win the challenge but lose the game? Why not say he was lucky, that it just came to him? NOOOOOO, the guy had to tell everyone he built a replica and had been practicing. My question would be: How many challenges has he practiced? Knowing that Survivor has the same challenges over and ver again, Matthew's answer was just the worst thing he could have admitted.

"RE: Why Matthew Why?"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:48 PM
Yes, thought the same thing, what an idiot to tell the entire cast that he's practiced every puzzle challenge. what a loser! he's way to over eager, he n needs to calm down. But, is it too late?

"Pre TC drama...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:46 PM
ee a school of fish....then the Tika sign...they talk about how can we beat someone that built in in their back yard...
Carson prepared for S but pricing challenges on his three d printer, that would put a target on him....he's studying to be a rocket scientist, he has a lot of problem solving ability, he does't want them to know he's more intelligent then they are....

Carson and Helen talk...they want to keep us more sustained....tells them Carolyn...she has confessional about Carolyn how emotional ...vote C out...they are al on the same page...

Sara doesn't have a vote....she lost hers at ship wheel island....she is locking in Helen, Yam yam and Carson.

Yam yam: the plan that everyone is throwing out there is Carolyn, but I really go with Carolyn we are old crazy people but I am here to play....he tells Carolyn...they want to get rid of Carolyn...

Carson comes to them. WE have to stick together...Carson got to Carolyn...target is Helen...
Carolyn in conf: he has it good with everybody...what is the benefit of going with me and Yam yam...I'm scared that Carson Is lying

she talks to Yam yam...I worry is it going to be me? she is so scared.

Carson and Sarah talk...

Carson likes to play both sides...see him hug Helen, and I also like the chaotic side of Carolyn and yam yam....I'm kinda split...angel on one side, devil on other and usually the angel wins but sometimes the devil can come out.....

"Is the fix on ?"
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:47 PM
Carson voting against Helen when he has an easy vote for Carolyn doesn't make sense. Is production working to keep Carolyn?

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:48 PM
....you mean the winner of this season? Ugh! She's definitely final 4.

"RE: Carolyn...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 09:57 PM
Is that your impression or is there a spoiler out there somewhere?

"RE: Carolyn...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:59 PM
Going by the past 3 seasons......the least likely one to win seems to win.

"RE: Carolyn...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-08-23 at 10:01 PM
As far as I know, there are no spoilers. But Carolyn definitely gives off vibes of being the "one we carry to the end because nobody'll vote for her" goat that almost every season has.

Plus I'm 90 percent sure the others in the tribe knew Carolyn was the one who got into the bird cage, so Helen got the votes with the hope that Carolyn would waste her idol.

"Greetings Pepe!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 10:09 PM
Hiya Pepe! So nice to see you! You raise some excellent points. Clearly, they were all with each other constantly except for Carolyn. They must have suspected her! Definitely goat material. But, that's what I thought of Gabler too. So, who knows!

"RE: Carolyn...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 10:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-23 AT 10:47 PM (EST)

Good point, Pepe. We heard Yam Yam suspecting Helen and Carson suspecting Sarah but that was selective editing.

"RE: Carolyn...."
Posted by coldbrewer on 03-08-23 at 11:52 PM
Man, I keep missing out on the vote off prediction. Um, to answer michel2's question, there is a spoiler out there. That's all I'm saying.

"TC #2"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 09:57 PM
Night 5

Yam yam: what happened when you got back from camp...definitely tension...
Helen: fear is that if I am talking to someone I think I know what is going on, but is that reality?
are you going on tribe strength or alliance mates

we need to be strong and start winning challenges. Sarah thinks trust matters so much
Carson notes that Bruce was their strongest...everyone thinks he's a teen ager but I try my best to have a filter...
Carolyn what is going on...she's crying, she's scared, and Helen reaches over and touches her.
Yam yam notes she gets emotional, she's grateful that she is hear...a little bit of past tense in her...it comes down to who is woking with me, who is strategizing with me...Yam yam, we need to know where this family stands...let's see what happens.

Carolyn is first voter.

Carolyn notes that the voting booth was like a haunted house

Helen voted for Carolyn
Sarah cannot vote
time to play the idol...she is not going to play it.


good luck she says..

Carolyn says bye Helen

see Carson

see Yam Yam and Carolyn are very excited....wow. A power trio is born, perhaps?
2 nuts and a rocket scientist!

"2 nuts and a rocket scientist!"
Posted by michel2 on 03-08-23 at 10:01 PM
or a teenager chosing some parental figures. Do you remember that old «Family Final Four» theory?

"RE: 2 nuts and a rocket scientist!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-09-23 at 09:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-23 AT 09:25 AM (EST)

Yes!! Carson said everyone thinks he's a teenager! Lol

His resume is quite impressive however old he is. He seems like he's Dave, the rocket scientist, Christian Hubicki, and young Will all rolled into one. I love him. And, he likes to play a little devilish....what's not to love? Go Carson!

Forgot to mention that he has an EGO like Hatch!

"RE: TC #2"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-09-23 at 01:51 AM
Congratulations Flowerpower on your correct Vote Off pick for Helen! (My winner pick!)

Sigh. I should have known better.

Helen Li joins a long list of East Asian heritage women who were voted out at their FIRST Tribal Council!

  • Her 1st Tribal & 1st Tribal in the Game S30 So Kim
  • Her 1st Tribal & 1st Tribal in the Game S33 Rachel Ako
  • Her 1st Tribal & 2nd Tribal in the Game S33 Mari Takahashi
  • Her 1st Tribal & 2nd Tribal in the Game S35 Simone Nguyen
  • Her 1st Tribal & 3rd Tribal in the Game S42 Jenny Kim
  • Her 1st Tribal & 2nd Tribal in the Game S44 Helen Li

  • "Next time on Survivor"
    Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-08-23 at 10:06 PM
    See Kane playing with the immunity saber...

    Kane: I am up against the dark evil, I want to be a hero to people
    Matthew: I never intended to play an honest game

    See Frannie and Matt hugging
    Claire or Heidi? Those two, they are a huge liability

    Then see Carson look over down the beach and see Yam Yam just fall sideways, I don't know if he has fainted?

    See Danny crawling on the jungle path floor: I'm Peter Pan running through the woods. then see him eat some of the parchment that came with the idol in the bird cage....

    Poor Helen: she said that she waited so long for this and never intended to be the 3 one out....

    "RE: Next time on Survivor"
    Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-09-23 at 09:12 AM
    So, it appears that we have some boot candidates per OFG theory for next week.

    Frannie and Matt drawing a target?