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"S43|Ep9|"What about the big girls"|East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 08:50 PM
You know the drill! All commentary will remain in this thread until the episode has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, don't forget to HAVE PHUN!!!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S43|Ep9|"What about the big girls"|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 09:01 PM
Crazy! Everyone ended up voting for James & Ryan!

"Here we go! Double Trouble..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:12 PM
Return at night....Owen and Samy...Samy: everyone wanted to vote out Jeanine, easy, simple, abut not what I wanted to do....
Owen grabs Gabler and tells him that James lied to his face and told he they were voting Ryan...Samy telling them that James is watching him....Owen is grateful that Gabler told him it was Jeanine...Owen: who does he think he is the F'g Godfather? I'm sick of it, he left me out of the vote, it's time to get him out. James wanted to talk to him, Owen said no....James recognizes that Owen is not on his side...

Owen voted for me before so I don't trust him, if you break trust with James you go home...
Day 17

see the challenge arena

Come on In...

hold onto handle clamping ball in jaws, if you lower, ball drops and you are out. Twist : 10 players, divide into two teams fo5...both groups got to tribal and vote someone out...last one standing earns reward for their five. PB and J, in addition get advantage, winning five go last to TC so can see who was voted out first.


Red: Cassidy, Jesse, gabler Ryan cody
blue: Owen, samy noelle, James Karla

challenge is on:

keep pressure on handle as that is what keeps ball trapped...Karla working with one bad hand...Jesse is first out

Noelle just barely save hers, and Cassidy saved, and then Cassidy is out
Noelle is out
James is out
Gabler is out
Owen is out
Ryan vs Cody
Samy vs Karla

Karla said: what a babout the big girls
Samy is out
Karla wins

Ryan's ball slipped a bit

Karla is out

so down to Ryan and Cody

Ryan slipped with his ball again
Ryan is out
Cody wins

earned PB and J

Karla isays she is capable of things that I never thought I could..
Blue tribe goes back to Vesi beach
Karla: I was abler to pull off a win and I still have stitches in my hand, can't believe I did it, it's all because of the power of believing in me.

"Who is In Trouble?"
Posted by michel2 on 11-16-22 at 09:27 PM
Right now it looks like Cassidey (nice personal video) and Owen so it most liklely won't be them. James and Ryan is still on the table!

Although I don't have any idea who has idols and advantages. Seem to remember Cody has one and James has a steal-a-vote but besides that? Feels weird not to be in touch as much as I used to

"RE: Who is In Trouble?"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:36 PM
Cody, Jesse, Karla have idols
James has the knowledge is power, can steal someone's idol or advantage
Noelle has the steal a vote

"RE: Who is In Trouble?"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 09:37 PM
Blue Team
Karla: Idol
Noelle: Steal-A-Vote
James: Knowledge-Is-Power

Red Team
Cody: Idol
Jesse: Idol (was Jeanine's)

"RE: Who is In Trouble?"
Posted by michel2 on 11-16-22 at 09:47 PM
Thanks for the menu guys. Half the people have something which makes this a lottery not Survivor and the reason why I can't really get into it anymore.

"Post challenge, pre-tribal drama"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:24 PM
They return to the beach, winners...
Cody: finally won immunity and it came with food...so needed

Gabler: once we got back, first priority was to break bread and fill out bellies, once the food was gone the game was on...

See Ryan and Gabler plotting Cassidy

Ryan: I've been trying to get Cass out for a very long time...see gabler and Ryan talk to Cody...Ryan wants to break open the coco tribe
Cody and Cassidy and Jesse say Ryan...
Cody says he doesn't know what to do...not committing to Cassidy that he will vote Ryan

Cassidy: I want to believe Cody and Jesse I hope they are on my side
This game never stops, takes a lot to deep your game alive...when it's hard out here I draw strength from my family, my sister passed away a couple of years ago, I always say a prayer and kiss my necklace that has her ashes in it....everyone who has come after me in this game I have sent home, hoping it's Ryan

Karl still basking in her IN glory, I'm a freaking bad #####. had to go to vesi camp, we are stuck here. James is a crucial part of my alliance, he wants to vote out Owen, have to see careful, hope we can trust the group

Noelle and Samy and Karla talk...and Noelle suggest Owen...
Karla: Owen is going to be going home....that's a crappy place to be in...Owen and James are talking...how else can I prove that I can work with you...
Owen calls him out
Owen: who does he think he is, I am getting votes, I am tired of it, and I am reaching my breaking point...Owen tells James that everything is his fault

Owen tells all of them that yesterday James lied to him, and told him it was Ryan...

James: Owen is mad at me even though he wrote my name down twice....Owen cursed at him

I have no sympathy for the guy and I have the numbers so he can go home.....says James.

"RE: Post challenge, pre-tribal drama"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 09:26 PM
Either the editors are pulling our leg trying to make us think Ryan and James are over confident and are in for a big blindside...

Or they are hiding a boring vote of Owen and Cassidy

"Post challenge drama"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:35 PM
Day 17

see cody and Jesse talking...
Jesse: tonight is extremely important, Ryan or Cassidy...even tho it's this five it will impact the group when we get back together...they say James and Karla would not be happy if Cassidy goes...she's a part of their alliance, she's super social super strategic
Ryan is not a strategic threat, but he's a physical beast.
Jesse reminds that they have the advantage of going last.
Cody: have to decide who your all is going to be and this vote is setting up the remaining part of the game. Gabler is a free agent that will be loyal, that's somebody I want to pick up

Gabler: Cody approached him and asked if he could work with them...he is telling Gabler his plan, it will depend on who the other tribe votes out. Cody says gabler is rock solid with Jesse and I, if tonight's vote is good, we are on the autobahn for a million dollars

back to blue:
Cassidy wants to get James out of the game, who's running everything, I want to make James feel comfortable enough and I woke up this am wanting to make a big move.
Noelle brings Owen and Samy in on it

Won: use Noelle's steal a vote against me, but we will turn the tables and vote out James

Samy and Karla talk:

Samy asks Karl what is the best option....Samy saYs Karla's opinion matters the most to me...so Samy tells her the plan....to vote James..l
Karla asks how bad would it be if James in not here...
Owen is expendable....she won't have the steal vote anymore...
Karla says why would she get rid of one of my numbers. I have Samy voting with me, want to make the decision that works best for me and for the people that I want to work with.

Samy is such a LOSER. His chance to make a big move and he cares more about Karla....OMG

"RE: Post challenge drama"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 09:38 PM
SAMI! Why did you tell Karla?!

"RE: Post challenge drama"
Posted by michel2 on 11-16-22 at 09:52 PM
That was dumb indeed

"Karla voting out James...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-21-22 at 09:41 AM
Perhaps Karla decided to vote out James because of the KiP. She has an idol, and while he is her ally, as it gets closer to end game he still has the power to trump her. We saw how that factored into her Geo vote, so I'm thinking the same applies here.

"RE: Karla voting out James...."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-22-22 at 03:25 PM
Yeah I think James KIP was definitely a factor but also I think Karla felt if she gets to the Final 3 with James that James would get the credit for all the moves they made together.

"Tribal Councils...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:47 PM
First up will be Karla's group. Karla, James, Samy, Owen, Noelle

See Jeanine.

recap: Karla wins immunity, you got sent back to vesi....Owen extra kick in the backside...crappy afternoon
James says the no eating frustrations all get to us
Samy tells Jiffy: Owewenb to water well, a little back and forth with each other....can't get along in the game...is this an argument or a discussion.
Owen tells him how frustrated he was with James lying to him, I lost my cool, raised my voice...
Noelle: there was yelling..Jiffy is laughing

're taling at the well, what else can I prove to you that I am open for business...James says you are frustrated, don't act like it was my fault

Samy turns to Karla and asks her who to vote for, and she shakes her head

now have to get to vote. Karla sys it's hard, I don't know if what people are telling me a lie or the truth, trust myself and go with that
James is talking about advantages...
Noelle: other side of an advantage is if someone has one could disrupt my game. I will use this with my alliance, not just for me...
See Karla and Samy....Noelle is opening her advantage...steal a vote...she is stealing Owen's...

Noelle will vote twice...

James votes Owen
Noelle votes James twice

Karla is smiling

see James


WOWSA. they did it!

Good move guys, like for real man

he'll take it as respect...Karla is smiling and so is Samy....wow. didn't see it going that way...
James said he'wasn
't a big fish to fry. When Cody and Jesse see him, they look worried.

"RE: Tribal Councils...."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 09:49 PM
Noelle stealing Owen's vote was an even better plan than I had thought was going to happen. TOTALLY fooled James into thinking he didn't have to play his Knowledge-Is-Power and that Owen was on his way out.'


NEXT. Let's vote out RYAN and save Cassidy!

"One Down one to go!"
Posted by michel2 on 11-16-22 at 09:49 PM
Always happy to see the confident player get the boot. Problem is Jesse and Cody see James out so they were saying that would turn them against Cassidy but why not make ot too big guys in a row. It would be fitting in an episode dedicated to the big girls.

"Tribal Council #2"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 09:58 PM
James said he was not a big fish to fry...

you see James on jury, Jesse, surprised? he's shocked, I know he had advantage, so I thought he'd be abler to make a move
Ryan didn't expect to see him either, he will go and talk to everyone and figure it out...
Cassidy : what was the vibe at camp,. glorious to get PBJ, and now back in small tribe dynamic, cody is protected by the golden monkey....some level of concern for everyone
Ryan is scared...
Cassidy is getting used to seeing some walk down the beach others are having...it's tough
Cody: you are in great spot, but still have long term plan...I'm the man of the hour, they all want to talk to me, it's a heavy position, my vote could be heavy as to who goes home tonight...
Is it clear that Cody was central tonight. Ryan noted that people talked longer with him../
Ryan will all out if he gets chosen with his giant clams

time to vote...
Jesse looks at Cody...
Ryan votes Cass, he's been left out since the beginning and he's trying to get the power back.
Cass: votes Ryan: this is the final vote for me to get revenge, ironic as I know you are voting for me tonight.

vote read:


Cassidy is smiling.
Cody saYs we'll go hungry now...

Cassidy looked so relieved.

That was a fun episode. Especially cause James was voted out when he was the most confident! Karla karla karla....who knew you could vote out your BFF?

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-22 at 10:09 PM
Cassidy talking to Cody: It's time to start getting out the big threats in this game....Cody agrees
Samy talking to Jesse: Noelle?
Noelle in conf: Samy? I can't freakin' trust the guy...
Jesse saying to ? : We can get Gabler
Gabler talking to Owen: They're looking at you
Owen in conf: the speed of the game has been absolutely relentless
Cody and Jesse talking: We're steering this _______ ship, bro. Jesse smiles
Jesse in conf: I feel great about where I'm at....
Gabler and Karla: Gabler tells her....: Jesse and Cody.They are running the show, we need to deal with them. Karla nods in agreement

WOOOHOOOOOO! We all got the boots this week! Now, that was PHUN!!!!

Posted by michel2 on 11-16-22 at 10:11 PM
I'm riding coattails but that is often a good way to win!!!

"RE: Congrats!"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-22 at 10:32 PM
Big Congrats Flowerpower, ColdBrewer, Michel, and Sheldor!

Over at Sucks Mess Hall vote your GUT the consensus was by far Owen and Cassidy. Oops!

James and Ryan was so fun to watch them get blindsided!

"RE: Congrats!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-17-22 at 07:51 AM
Congrats for getting the ball rolling, Sheldor! I had been considering the James boot all week, but I did not take him to be that out of touch. He had an advantage that could have stolen the others advantage and he didn't think he needed it....he knew Owen was out to get him, but he never figured that Karla would turn on him!

Karla....I don't know if that was a really bad move for her game or not. Before this move I thought she and James were indeed in the drivers seat. Now her only minion is Cassidy. Oh, and Samy