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"S43 | Ep 6 | "Migratory" | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 07:53 PM
Please feel free to leave any comments in regard to the episode that airs tonight in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, don't forget to have PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"Here we go...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:08 PM
Day 12 Coco

Treemail. James brings it up and reads, screams...game is about to change drop your buff merge. boat will puck you up
Karla: it's S, last 2 seasons merge doesn't come easy...
Ryan: for me it's perfect timing, I felt left out went from top to bottom, perfect time imo

Vesi: reads theirs...Jesse: just learning the ropes, excited but nervous gotta prove yourself it really gets going

they arrive at Baka beach

Jeanine: game is starting so excited look forward to this moment...

Cody: we've been competing vs these tribes, man you all are liars it's Normandy it's about to hit the fan....if can't beat em might as well join them

Noelle: don't know what to thing, no buff...Imm scared to death about what's next

Owen: I wish I had the writing on the bottom of the screen so many things out there in Jeffs bag of tricks

gabler has idol
Jeanine has HII but lost vote
Vesi: Jess doesn't have a vote
Noelle has a steal a avote
Coco someone could have idol
this is Owen trying to keep track of everything

see them all talking

they are talking about cody...Noelle is telling them how Cody cut all the beads off of the bags and put on hat, so Elie knew that Cody has the idol. she tells Jeanine, and they recognize that Noelle doesn't know that Cody. has it

Elie says she is in her mode, I am way better than I thought.....in conf

at challenge arena and do see a challenge

here they all come

a red and blue side. See Gabler last

taking back tribal idols...no longer in tribe stage of game.
you are at the threshold trying to transition. 2 teams of sic, to heavy pile of debris, get slit collect 6 crates to build stair case retrieve ring of keys, unlock box, solve S word puzzle.
Winners safe at TC and earn meal
Losers not the same story, no buff, no food no immunity, will have to survivoe the vote to make merge. Everyone goes to TC

if draw grey rock, choose team to ride or die with...not compete

they all draw


reveal and we cut to commercial

"RE: Here we go...."
Posted by Sheldor on 10-26-22 at 08:12 PM
"if draw grey rock, choose team to ride or die with...not compete"

Kind of boring compared to the Hour Glass...

"First challenge to decide...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:22 PM
which team will be vulnerable at TC, and winning team will be immune at TC, and win the merge feast. Everyone will go to TC and vote. Odd person out with gray rock will pick which team they want to be on but they cannot compete in this challenge

Reveal....Noelle has the gray rock...

Blue: gabler, karla, Jesse Ryan Janine Karla, Dwight

Red: Cody, elie, Cassidy, James, Owen, Samy

Noelle has to choose. and she chooses blue

she went with Dwight

get all 20 sandbags on your platform, red is working quickly Red hs theirs, then blue, dead even

load the crates on sled and move onto next station, blue is leading now...
now the led is crazy heavy, red is winning now red keeping crates on sled and building puzzle staircase

Karla smashed her fingers, can't move her fingers

Red is making progress. Owen is untying ring of keys now they are getting up the ramp
Biggest ramp in S history

elie is up, now Cassidy...Cody is up all of red is up

Ryan is trying to get them all up ...

Owen and Elie are working the puzzle
Karla falls down
Red in lead, blue having a very hard time getting up

now gabler is up, then Ryan
Now Dwight and Janine in puzzle

they are really close with the puzzle, both teams are whispering
James figured it out fast
Dwight and Janine are killing it
blue with momentum
and blue wins

So red team goes

Cassidy, Elie
James will go

one will be voted out tonight

Samy: the rest of the six of us, one night short. there are 3 yellows, James, Cody,Cassidy.

"RE: First challenge to decide...."
Posted by Sheldor on 10-26-22 at 08:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-22 AT 08:35 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-26-22 AT 08:34 PM (EST)

3 Idols on Blue(Immune): Jeanine, Gabler, Karla
1 Steal-A-Vote on Blue(Immune): Noelle
2 Lost Votes on Blue(Immune) Jeanine, Jesse

1 Idol on Red: Cody

3 Baka: Elie, Sami, Owen
2 Coco: James, Cassidy
1 Vesi: Cody

11 Votes with 2 No Votes

I assume someone else on Red will have Individual Immunity leaving only 5 options.

"RE: S43 | Ep 6 | "Migratory" | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:32 PM
So the losing group, no food, and at risk at Tribal are:

Elie, Owen, Samy, James, Cassidy, Cody.

So many ways this could go! And, I think that ALL of them get to vote....

Merge day 13

they return

Elie crying, she apologizes...I volunteered to be on puzzle
Cassidy: right now we are in migratory....anyone of us is going home, nowhere to hide

James and Cody talking

then Owen and Elie talk....James is sketching him out
Elie wants to vote out Cody...
Elei: I have been getting the best vibes with red tribe, want to work with us, they would be comfortable with a coco going first, I will lie to them and tell them we vote cody first but really vote one of them out.

see elie and Cassidy talking

elie telling Cats that it will be cody

Cassidy that means cody tonight

elie tells James who to vote for...like to work with coco, don't want to vote out Baka or you. so cody

James didn't want to give me a name, but I am not with her, I don't trust her. says James.

Noelle is going to stuff as much as possible in her mouth...
\Karla says does anyone want a been, gabler does
we are having a great time because we are safe, there is theis tension

Karla says what going, Ryan suggests lets be the final seven...
Jeanine is not interested his pitch, I have my own alliance at this point
Noelle says he does have a good relationship with Cody
Gabler said he's like to keep Owen and Samy...elie went thru my bag on day three. and Janine is sitting right there
Karla is says very evident that Baka is fractured
Japanning says I was shocked...my mouth dropped
Everyone is fractured when throwing Elie's name out there was to target her. one plotting against me, we are voting elie out today. important for me to walk the walk and talk the talk and I am walking that woalk tonight!

Gabler says he's telling everyone to vote for Elie!

"Post merge feast"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:44 PM
Sh!t will hit the fan now when Jeanine goes back and tells Elie she's the target.....this will be shun!

Day 13

Ryan hugs Karla and Cass

Elie says that Cassidy threw Cody's name out, but we can split votes on Cast and James
Cody is the only vesi member, easy for them to say pick off cody, but fortunately, they want to vote out James, so I don't have to play idol

Janine tells Elie she was served up

see a snake

elie goes to him and calls him out. Gabler says Samy told me

Gabler says they he wants to know who went through his bag
Gabler says you didn't tell me that Janine has idol
Elie says you have now putting you on the chopping block. so now I have to talk to Samy
elie calls Samy out

Samy now elie is suspicious of me, so we have to make her feel comfortable
Owen: she s panicking for being a snake and afraid everyone will vote her. she wants to vote out James
Samy: James would be an easy target but elie is such a threat, and she has to go tonight

Gabler now talking to Janine....right in front of Ryan and says why didn't you tell me that You have an idol

Janine is pissed. we need to saty Baka strong, says Janine to the rest of them
Gabler doesn't know if he can play in the game with her
gabler gave me his word

we need to keep things cool says Samy

see James and Elie....talking cody

James: elie is saying Cody's name, need to talk to everyone
James sya it has to be elie tonight
Jesse says that elite is out her ego make moves, oalready out here by gabler

Jesse tells dwight and cody, we need to break up elie and janine
elie says it's James or Cassidy, they tell Ryan and Ryan says alright
gabler wants elie out
Ryan goes back to tell the blues
elie was targeting cody and now she's targeting me. a lot of people that don't trust her and that 's good for me

Gabler is really scrambling to get me on board, but I know what's going on here, I will vote Elie tonight

Janine and elie talking.
Janine says if she has any inclination it will be her, I will give you my idol

"Finally a good TC is looming!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:46 PM
Reds are voting Elie
Blues are voting Elie
But, Jeanine will probably give her idol to Elie, so whoever Elie and Janine vote for could be going home. lol?

Who would they vote for? James? Samy? Gabler has his idol and he's immune anyway. Could be SAMY! or James.

"RE: Finally a good TC is looming!"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-26-22 at 08:49 PM

So why was there a Press Image of Jeff on the Third Day of this episode? Day 14 Sun 5/15/22?!?!

"Tribal council"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 08:58 PM
I wonder if Gablers idol will be good for one more TC since he's immune at this one?

I get Samy vibes for tonight? But, would not mind either going, Elie? Samy?

they all come in....alot of people!

7 safe, 6 people still have to get to merge
gabler: a little talk of strategy and then we walk back in and boom, have not stopped talking all day
Cody: complete chaos. almost nauseating
samy: what are you feeling. as soon as we lost, how scary it is tone vulnerable
Cassidy: hard to know what dynamics are going to shift, could be truth or lie, causes chaos
Janine says so different than a tribe vote, what is every other imdivi'l thinking is best for their game
elie: have to look at game from everyone's point of view
elie was thrown, her name came to the surface...I flelt panicked...
Owen: is it this tight...trust is the only currency we have out here
carla: had to be talk of advantages, shot in dark etc
9 people in journeys, don't know what people have
gabler when have an advantage don't want to play if don't have to
discussions about who has what
if you said you have sonebones back....basicallly says iff you don't tell me you have something then you don't trust me
James says
sometimes a big move is to not make the big move...
Jeanine, this is a paranoia vs gut...time to vote. Janine is going. she cannot vote

see Noelle
see Elie
James writes Ellie
Jesse cannot vote
Elie votes James


they all look

no one plays an idol!!!!!



Janine's mouth has dropped open

she said: Ya'll see what trusting Gabler will get you? Gabler says, right back at you!

see Janine, Cassidy, gabler...all made the merge

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-26-22 at 09:12 PM
Karla to Jesse: I have a feeling that Noelle is calling shots. They turn to look at her
Jesse in conf: You can watch Noelle accumulate power or you can make a move now!
See a rolled up scroll u under the shelter
dwight to Janine and others in the water: There is a major power hidden under the shelter
Dwight in conf: the alarm bells go off for me like OMG!
See the shelter
See Samy with a very muddy face
Samy in conf: None of us know what to do, like what's happening?
Noelle to a group, Jesse is right next to her...."He's found something"
Ryan to Noelle in the group: What do you mean he found something?
Gabler in conf: An alligabler(?) came up to the service and now I am ready to strike

Here are the votes for the night:

Cody: Elie
Dwight: Ellie
Noelle: Cass

James: Ellie
Karla: Owen
Ryan: Eli
Cassidy: Elly

Gabler: Elli
Samy: Elie
Elie: James
Owen: James