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"S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 07:31 PM
Please post all commentary regarding the episode that airs tonight until it's aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, as always, don't forget to have PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"Ep 5"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:11 PM
At night...that was draining, back at coco
Cassidy conf: we were all going to vote Geo, but then Lindsay, we told Ryan and Geo at the last minute, I also got a vote. I know it was either Geo or Ryan....Geo says it was him. In this game it's about choosing your battles, but I want to go after people who are writing your name down. Geo blames Ryan for it....Ryan and Geo think they ah\ghave the numbers but they are at the bottom. Revenge best served cold

Geo in conf: I put a vote on Cassidy, she doesn't trust me now, or later. I have the numbers...

Karla says they keep them comfortable...talking about Geo and how he thinks he's running the show, Karla in conf: she will be watching and waiting for them to make a mistake, either one.

Camp Baka: Girls talking, when alone we are looking for HII, says Elie in conf. Still a\lot of days, we see this tree it's lit up in it's survivor glory, Janine is checking....and so she pokes in one hole and it's not there and then finds it, covered with ants...OMG....beware advantage...must do what it says, it's covered in ants....Elie....I'm shell shocked I found the beware advantage, Elie hugs her....but, there is risk...in that moment do I trust my all. do I need my vote....they open it. she feels secure with Elie and Samy but in her mind he is a nervous player so a bit of a question mark...Gabler has an idol...but may not know it's still valid

Janine reads the note...about the beads...She asks Elie if everyone will give her your bead, and Elie says who knows

Owen walks up on them finding it, reading it....we know that we are caught...she shows it, my first thought was I could mess some things up...get her out the next time we go as she has no vote.
Playing with Gabler is tough...Owen gives her all his beads.
Elie tells Sami that Janine found the beware advantage...he has to act happy, but in his head he has been plotting against Elie and Janine....

Gabler at camp, Janine wants to make a bracelet with beads, Gabler will give them to her...
Janine says she is doing well...Gabler gave him some, but she needs a different one....he was going to use that bead for his daughter, Elie says confessional: boom, we ar over,....lGabler will trade her the bead for other, and they got it!~
Janine says thanks for giving it me. Samy wants to let Gabler know about the idol that they got....the beads that you gave her gave it to her.

Gabler says now the game has changed not in our favor...Janine is now protected, she could give it to Elie...went from a very simple to a very complicated game....she got me, I'll say that, she got me says Gabler.

"RE: Ep 5"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-22 at 08:13 PM
For a while there I thought my Gabler vote was working out but Sami messed that up! Now it might be Elie getting voted out or even Owen (though Owen wasn't in the Promo video).

"All three Beware idols are now active"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:23 PM
Cody, Karla and now Janine all have idols. (Beware advantages)

Samy is a double agent. Janine, Elie, think they are tighter with Samy. Samy Is tighter with the guys. But acted surprised when Elie told him about the beeare idol. Samy told Gabler about it after Gabler had already given her his bead.

Day 11

See the challenge

4 members tied together, work to get thru obstacles, with water transfer to get enough water to lower the gate, throw three balls onto a platform...playing for reward...tarps.

large tarp, dry and in shade, and a smaller tarp.
Showed Dwight and Jesse when 5 person voted out was said, fyi


stage one work together to find path through all these sticks...vesi and Baka are doing well, get through and then over and under more obstacles co through first...get water and over teeter totter...dump water and then go back....besi dumps their water, Ryan is back for second...baka is taking a really long time.

Blue is across first....Ryan is rolling balls to platform, now vesi rolling balls

dwight is rolling balls for vesi, Samy rolling balls for Baka

has to come to a rest at the top of the platform, Coco has one, Dwight has oneSamy has one

Ryan has second, Dwight has second

Dwight wins

Ryan has two, now Samy two

Ryan knocked all three balls off
Samy wins
Coco will lose and go to TC...

Vesi gets another victory

See geo, then James

Vesi has to choose one to go on a journey


then choose Janine

Jesse goes..TC tonight. See Karla, then Ryan

Ryan: I think it's time to let something out of the bag...he made the decision to throw the challenge...he's been trying to get Cassidy out for a long tine, I know that fifth person to be voted out will be Cassidy.


"RE: All three Beware idols are now active"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-22 at 08:25 PM
Again... it looked pretty good for Baka losing and maybe Gabler getting voted out.

Instead, Ryan THREW the challenge to vote out Cassidy! Hmm, I think Ryan (or Geo) is likely to get the boot!

"Ryan or Geo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:35 PM
After last week I feel like we should consider anyone in Coco except Karla or James.

"RE: Ryan or Geo"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-22 at 08:49 PM
LOL! Yeah I figured Karla and James were very safe tonight.

Seems like it is back to Geo or Cassidy...

"Post IC Coco loss"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-22 AT 08:42 AM (EST)

Ryan says he threw the challenge....cause he knows Cassidy will go.
That gives me serious Ryan vibes. just sayin'

Team coco returns

Ryan apologizes

I looked upset but I was really happy. Now we go to tribal and vote Cassy out

We tell Cassidy me, as I messed up. We have 4 spiders ready to eat her.

Ryan tells Cassidy. We have three votes and we will put it on Geo...Cassidy asked James if he trusted Karla, and he said yes

Cassidy says if we target Ryan I will be safe, she's worried that geo will get an advantage from rock idland
Cassidy talks to Ryan...Ryan says I would rather you vote me...acting so noble....says Cassidy, I'm like you are so full of BS...cassidy tells Karla what Ryan told her...I don't want you to be on the wrong side of the numbers. Karla tells er that I am not afraid to vote out Ryan

Ryan says if this plays out, I will have some survivor income.

then we cut to the three going to big rock island

Jesse: On the journey we pulled up to little island, come to a table and potentially get a reward, we pull up to pontoon with a clue...board the boat and paddle to the sand spit to make group decision

it's a little dingy bandits a really rough day at sea

see them paddling....making progress

geo says he thought he would be voted out...he's not being honest with Jesse and Janine so they would help me...maybe they feel bad for me, so they don't risk their vote...milking the moment says Geo...he will risk everything he can to be safe. Janine is not buying this underdog story...
Jesse is taking a risk, but Janine is out her to play. For me I have to think through wether to risk it or not...

Jesse says its dangerous to risk

they all risked it. Janine says I have a 33% chance to get it. Jesse says he came out to set example for his kids.

Geo is worried, but thinks they still have enough votes to get Cassidy out...

"Pre Tribal council drama"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:44 PM
Vesi day 11

no use in being dishonest, they know what I went out there to do....so I will be honest. He told them the truth...I have a little shell, opens it with the rest of the tribe, you risked and lost....so, he took a big swing and lost...Janine now

Janine says its crucial that I know what I have in there before my tribe mates....you risked an lost!

So we know that GEO WON THE risk it idol. Dang. So it should be Ryan....?

Janine is honest with them...she risked and lost, cannot cast any votes at next TC...
Samisays we all have the knowledge, it's a funky and crazy way to play, as soon as people know that you are playing harder then everyone else....

Geo comes back....me Ryan James voting Cassidy out. I don't want her to know that I risked my vote

he tells Karla....Karla tells him that we have the numbers...he lied to the tribe and told them he didn't risk it. He won it. His is the ting that he asks someone if they have an idol or an advantage, and if they do, they have to give it to him.

Karla is the one that has the idol...hshe has to do something about this. James says we should vote Geo....Cassidy is nervous, she wants to vote Ryan. Karla says she is starting to freak out, hope this is not a Lindsay thing...she got paranoid and got voted out. easy to say sorry Cassidy, you can just go, but Geo has an advantage....

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-19-22 at 08:54 PM
Anyone else noticed that when Jeanine had her confessionals, the blemish on her chin was barely noticeable? Then back to 'real time' where there's still a chunk taken out of her chin.

"Hi Pepe!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:58 PM
Very fishy....

"RE: Hi Pepe!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-19-22 at 09:00 PM
Means we can't count on her being out any time soon - probably needs another few days for that blemish to clear up enough.

... and just as I was saying that, we see next week's promo of a merge, and Jeanine's face has much less of a blemish on it.

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-22 at 08:59 PM
PepeLePew!! Welcome!

I wasn't paying close attention. I'll check that out on re-watch.

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-19-22 at 09:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-22 AT 09:35 PM (EST)

Snipping away to a confessional during the part where she told the tribe, "you guys, I risked my vote"... clothing is different as well.

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-20-22 at 08:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-22 AT 08:41 AM (EST)

Great observation, Pepe & Sheldor! Editing....Means we can count on Janine + (?)Elie making it further than at least next week....

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-20-22 at 07:00 PM
In that Confessional, Jeanine (not Janine) is wearing the Coat she is holding in this Press Image...

And you see her wearing that coat when she runs into the jungle in this episode.

That Confessional location with Jeanine not showing much of a scar anymore on her face and wearing that coat is used THREE times in the last episode.

First when Jeanine is on the island and talking about Geo saying he is risking it and Jeanine says "I'm not sure if I buy this underdog story"

Note: In the Promo commercial they chopped up that audio and used it as a voice over on a close up of Jesse to make it seem that Jeannine is talking about Jesse and says "I'm not sure if I buy this <Cut In Audio!> underdog story"

Second: The Confessional Pepe snipped where she is talking about looking at the what she got before she tells the tribe.

Third: In Next Time On Survivor where she says "The game is starting. I'm so excited!"

"RE: S42 | Ep 5 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-20-22 at 07:20 PM
That last picture looks like the same confessional scene as the one I posted and appears like it could be from the opening episode as "The game is starting" could apply to either the start or to the merge.

But... in the pic I posted, you can see a faded colour just above her chin. There's some manipulation going on.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 08:57 PM
see a spider....

Cassidy: can you feel momentum...she does believe in it, it shifterd, but it can change again
Ryan says it's a group effort, synergy...he says he dropped the ball
ids it fair to put blame on person that dropped the ball...he said he was ready for it. no hate...
Cassidy: how was that info received....she respects it, but doesn't see it
Ryan has to stay true to himself, alwasys been a giver
Karla says you just want it to be easy...part of her is ready with the knife, why not
Geo: what are you feeling, I'm uneasy because I wasn't there at camp...James did you ask geo....he told us what happened (he told them he didn'tt risk it)
geo says he needs to hear everything and will trust his gut
Karla: does he really not know what the three of you are planning?
Karla says yes. they trust in their alliance because that is the way he will survive Tribal

Ryan says he wants to keep people unified that he cares about
kind hearted soul...kill them with kindness says Ryan
Cassidy says if she survives they will be more unified.

time to vote

Geo votes Cassidy

Cassidy said you think you can play me but I put blanks in your gun, and I have the real bullets

vote read:


Ryan's mouth falls open. Wow.
Karla says sorry
Cassidy smiling
Karla whispers I'm sorry to Ryan

finally geo is out....lol

"RE: TC"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-22 at 08:59 PM
CONGRATULATIONS on the Vote Off FlowerPower!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-19-22 at 09:07 PM
boats, the tribes come together
Samy on shore sees the other two tribes coming and yells BYOB, where's the party at?
Janine in conf:The game is about to begin right here, I'm so excited!
Cody in conf: we're at Normandy here, it's about to hit the fan...
See Jiffy at challenge: One final twist.
See Samy shake his head at the challenge
Samy: Somebody's dream is going to end right here
Cassidy: there is no where to hide right now
Noelle in conf: I'm scared to death about what's coming next