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"S41 - E3 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by michel2 on 10-06-21 at 08:11 PM
Form the second time we don't have a previously on Survivor.

Tiffany Brad and Sydney get a beware advantage that production put right in the middle of each camp, not even bothering hidding them anymore. They must sneak out at night and get on a boat or lose their vote.

Brad was funny, saying "early bird gets the worm" when he actually was the last one up.

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Messages in this discussion
"Late but finally here! MICHEL!!!!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 08:21 PM
Sydney, Tiffany, Brad at the island: Brad: if we all write steal a vote, we lose a vote, need one to not vote the same way.

Sydney: didn't have time for small talk...

Brad tells Tiffany that she needs a steal a vote....Tiffany wants tohe tarp and so does Sydney...Brad and Tiff want the steal a vote....

Sydney: she's playing too hard too quick...
Sydney says um? and we don 't know....
Brad says he feels like he has to play the game...
Win the game by taking risk...
Sydney doesn't trust Tiffany so it will be a tarp for her
Tiffany says she will make this a win/win for her, what's best for her game....

Brad voted for the steal a vote, so in the end he will get it as Sydney voted for tarp and we don't know what Tiffany voted for.

"RE: Late but finally here! MICHEL!!!!"
Posted by michel2 on 10-06-21 at 08:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-21 AT 08:38 PM (EST)

Hi Flopo, I wasn't much into this season still not sure about it but it's nice here

How would you play it: I'd forcefully say that I'm stealing a vote forcing one person to capitulate and take the tarp. Brad was lucky that Sydney was so pliant.

"RE: Late but finally here! MICHEL!!!!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 08:36 PM
Got to stay and play, michel....pretty please!

Sydney's on to him, but Shantel is really the one in the power position....hmmmm.

"Post secret meeting of risk it or tarp...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 08:35 PM
So happy that you are back, michel. You had me worried. Hope you are well and healthy!

Yase, then UA, then Luvu

Tiffany: I protected my vote and may have gained a little bit of trust on both tribes
Brad got the steal a vote.
Sitting with the three way immunity idol and the steal a vote....hopes the others have found it too, if not, he has no vote at the TC's....

Jump to the challenge

Voce voted out

7 days in, Jiffy asks does anything else surprise you. Genie: no rice
Brad: turning in to a twig, turning into broccoli tree, Xander looks at him...Xander says his saying, and then they both look
at Luvu and no one says anything....

One at a time, swim, cross rope bridge, dig up sand bags and land the on a series of targets, first 2 safe and win immunity, reward is fruit....ahhhhhohhhh.

losers TC ;and take your flint or keep your flint

Genie and

Shan, Deshawn and Evvie in first....narrow rope to balance feet, get from one end to other, Shan gaining....next goes Ricard.....Luvu in second....Evvie is slowest, now Liana....Ricard is quick, and so is Naseer, first and second. JD in Liana in, now Tiffany....Danny is flying now Sydney last tribe in water, Tiffany struggling, duh.....JD is moving fast....now Brad in. Sydney there, Tiffany is worst....finally in , now Xander....Blue is all in and they are throwing sand bags....blue and green battling first and seond, digging for one big sand bag. Luvu has it.

Yase digging up sand bag. Green has bag out, finally Yase has bag...all 3 in this, first 2 to finish...

Dany , Tiffany lands one, they are in the lead...JD throwing...JD throwing like a lay up.
Deshawn lands one, Xander lands a second...Xander lands 3rd...Blue lands 2nd and 3rd...Brad lands first

Brad hits second, third, Deshawn 4th, Xander 4th. Xander almost lands it. Blue wins immunity....one moreXander wins second!!!!

UA to TC.

Jiffy: What a challenge

Luvu: another victory, see Ricard look at them. Tiffany gets the idol.
UA see Brad, then JD. JD gives him the flint.

"Post IC drama..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 08:45 PM

Brad: Since Luv didn't say the phrase, my idol not activated. Now I've lost my vote...but JD says he always can do the jump shots, always over selling and under performing....so my plan is to get JD out. See him talk to Genie

Shan: I'm in camp and he has to use the bathroom, see a bird #####, after a while he comes back and there is a piece of paper out of his waist line...

JD tels Ricard and Shan: he has an extra vote. Ricard says he's pissed.

Shantel says he's sloppy, a little bit of trust would be better. I am not hurt, I just can't trust him

Ricard says there are prose and cons....JD is sneaky and if we save him, he's indebted to us, I don't trust Brad either

Ricard has confessional: Shan doesn't know who to vote for, hope she makes up her mind

JD: : Crap ihit the fan and and the challenge was crap. I'm worried that I lost trust with Ricard and Shan, and they may want to go for me....JD says he will had Shan his extra vote so she can hold.

She tells him that you will get it back when you are not grounded any more. He's in my pocket says Shan

She is the deciding vote. Every time I look at them I want to vote for them. I remember when my parents got divorced my mon and day wanted me to choose. When I chose my mom, my dad cried in front of me, and I remember that, this is what makes the game so difficult. She doesn't know what to do and they march off to TC.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 08:56 PM
So, my money is on a Brad boot, fwiw.

Shan, it's been a long day and we definitely didn't want to vote anyone off

JD: He takes the blame...I thought it would be easy, but it was hard and that's on me
Tribe strength or my personal alliances. Ricard says personal alliances for me
Genie says that Ricard doesn't trust me because she voted for Ricard
Brad: To build trust say what you are going to do and then you do it.
JD says he feels that he's lost a lot of your trust, even though I may have dropped your crustal, hope you don't drop mine. *crystals
Shan: says it is hard to put crustal back together once its broken
Brad: what is good that could come with this vote, what don't kill you makes you stronger, bitter sweet but healthy cycle
JD: My faith and my family are my foundation but S build me up....I could live vicariously through ozzy and malcolm. I have this hair and blah, I wouldn't be this guy that is so confident, I just wanted to play S. even if it is cut short. want to be that guy for kids.
Jiffy says it's so hard to snuff a torch

Brad cannot vote

JD votes Brad. This is a bigger shot in the dark than the shot in the dark guy
Shantel is last voter

Vote Tally:


Brad is out with 3.

Sent that country boy back to the ranch, wow they got me.

"RE: TC......"
Posted by michel2 on 10-06-21 at 09:03 PM
An African American woman wasn't going to eliminate an African American man. I feel this is going to follow this Summer's Big Brother where the Cook-out Alliance got all 6 African Americans to the end. This season we have Shan, JD, Deshauwn, Danny and Liana so it wouldn't surprise me that they hook up together. With 14 left, the merger could happen in two weeks so all 5 could unite soon.

"RE: TC......"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-06-21 at 10:52 PM
Yeah I watched Big Brother 23 and the Cookout Alliance and was wondering if this Survivor 41 cast might do the same thing but they are physically separated into tribes so wasn't sure.

Still I should have realized Shantel would not vote out JD(Jairus) because I was debating between Brad and JD for the vote off and ended up picking JD. Darn.

"RE: TC......"
Posted by michel2 on 10-07-21 at 11:37 PM
In BB they were in the same house of course but, at first, the 16 players were divided in 4 teams. That didn't prevent the formation of that alliance. Let's not forget also that on Fiji S14, Earl formed an alliance with the 4 other African Americans even if the editing never showed it. It's simply a natural bond that, I'M sure, will prove stronger than original tribes. They might bring in a player or two to solidify their numbers but I see those five trying hard to make it to F5 together.

"Next time on S....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-06-21 at 09:00 PM
So Genie must have voted for JD. She's so out of the loop again, as Brad couldn't vote. Ricard, JD, and Shantel voted Brad.

Next time:

Liana: Follow me it's so crazy
See Sydney pissed....
Erika: Sydney is very reactive and impulsive

JD....you played me!
Danny has confessional...but didn't catch it.

"RE: Next time on S....."
Posted by michel2 on 10-06-21 at 09:05 PM
Danny's confessional wewnt something like : "Deshauwn wants to throw a challenge but I'm a professional athlete so, to me, that's a sin."