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"S41 | Ep 2 "Juggling Chainsaws | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 07:58 PM
Please post all commentary regarding episode 2 in this thread until it has aired in its entirety on the West Coast, and, HAVE PHUN!

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"Here we go.....Post tribal fall out"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 08:07 PM
Previously on S:

Ua Day 4:

See the tribe waking up, brad is taking nap...Brad is nervous about JD, at TC he was not consistent, loose canon...when I saw my name on the parchment, oh dear this could be it....sees JD and Ricard going to get water and you know what that means, he races them around the beach to hear them....runs to spy on them at water hole....
I look around find big bush...JD comments scary how quickly things flip, they are talking about him....JD feels a lot better than he did last night. Brad suspects he has an idol....they head off and he runs back

Shantel asks what happened

Shantel: Brad is unpredictable...spied on them at the well, he could do that to me, can I trust him?

Shan tells Ricard. Ricard has confessional about it, annoying that he's playing at all, I think he needs to go

Luvu: Day 4. See Deshawn trying to make fire, then Naseer gets it done. He has a confessional about it, grew up in SriLanka, no running water, no electricity, they were happy....within a minute he gets the fire going...

Sydney: it's clear that Naseer is absolutely essential about the survival of this tribe, leaning toward keeping Nasseer as we get to know him more. See Naseer get some kind of fruit down from a tree.

"fyi, there was no previously on S"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 08:16 PM
Yase day 4

schools of fish and one crab

See Tiffany and Voce....Evvie

Tiffany: it's only day 4 and I am completely exhausted, no food, no rice, this will be hell and we are in bad shape

Xander speaking to Liana...should we be worried

So liana and I are back at camp, never a good feeling, we decide to split up but I am not looking for those guys I am looking for an advantage....see a snake....and a spider, I need to be prepared, and we see him find the one that Jiffy hid, OMG...beware advantage if you take it you must do what it says, or leave it.

It's an advantage but it comes with a twist, could be something great or bad...already taken some big risks, do I want to take another one...he does

Congrats, you found a 3 way shared immunity, each tribe beach has one, in order to have power the others must have one too. You must say a secret phrase, once you say your secret phrase at TC ,the others that have them from he other tribes, must say their phrase as well.

Xander shares with Evvie and Voce, his closest allies...until you cannot vote at any tribal. he tells them he has an extra vote too.

Voce: Xander doesn't have a vote right now, terrifying,

Evvie: an alliance with me voce and Xander, right now he cannot use it but it's a lot of power so I want to go with the women....I am not letting the men get all the credit..., see Evie tell the girls that he has the advantage...they hug her...at some point she will have to say where she is, but for now, they all trust her.

"RE: fyi, there was no previously on S"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-29-21 at 08:19 PM
I'm amazed how you can take such good notes and watch at the same time!

Naseer seems to have repaired his reputation and Evvie continues to impress!

"Women in control at Yase"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 08:29 PM
Day 5, see the challenge...Sarah gone, Abraham gone...Jiffy asks them how they are feeling.
Xander: no food, delusional now.

see Brad.

One person swim dive out retrieve key, than the other 2 race over obstacles, then solve puzzle of turtle. First gets idol, and the second tribe to finish. In addition play for reward, a lot of fishing gear, second to finish, not as much but enough. loser, TC, and takes flint.

Heather sits out for blue.

Sydney, Genie, and Xander go first, swim and race to dive down get to key first...Xander first, then Sydney...Xander doesn't get it at first but Sydney does...Genie can't get it first either, then Xander has it, and Genie gets last....see dAnny over the obstacles...Fiffany is going, Danny over the beamBrad falls off the beam, Tiffany shimmying across....Naseer is going, Tiffany falls off, Naseer whipping through, now Shan in .....Naseer is going, and Tiffany is terrible...I'm sorry she says, a disaster in challenges....Blue is working on the puzzle, and shan is going slow but is across....Tiffany is horrible....Green is working on puzzle

Tiffany is still horrible, I'm dying....even Jiffy is telling her to go, finally she does and the other people are almost done their puzzles....Lianna going fast, blue is leading, then green, Luvu almost done, and they win! see Heather cheering....UA leading over Yase...Ua is stuck, Yase is still going....but now green is going and they win second

Yase loses!

Luvu: as winners 2 people will leave, take a journey and make a decision, choose one from Yase, they choose Evie...then they choose deshawn....taking the journey together....will return to camp before tribal.

Yase, TC tonight, see Tiffany, then Xander.

Tiffany really sucks in challenges

"RE: Women in control at Yase"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-29-21 at 08:32 PM
Even if Tiffany is terrible at puzzles it would have been better to have her on the puzzle with a partner then trying to cross a balance beam!!

"Post Challenge...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 08:40 PM
Yase day 5, Tiffany apologizes....I have no energy....Losing the challenge today sucked, maybe I lost a minute or two of time, I don't think it will effect my game too much, cause she's tight with the girls

the guys talking about Tiffany....Xander: she's physically bringing down the tribe...can't count on the merge...We are basically on life support right now says Voce, we need to come up with a plan to keep the tribe together, Tiff is a liability, I have all with eve and Xander so we need liana...see Voce talking to liana

Liana says she is very open togetting out Tiff. But Liana says that what Voce doesn't know is that we have a girls thing and we ant to blindside Xander...
Tiffany is talking to Lianna...

Liana: I hope that Evie does back soon I will need help with Tiff, worried she will do something stupid

cut to Evvie and deshawn....scary about being gone from the tribe right before TC, on th it's great to get an ally on another tribe would be amazing for me. See them climbing....obviously Yellow is in trupouble But I think we can work together, evie says she can't risk her vote tonight so I will protect mine and you risk and get another vote

Deshawn....just know all that my parents sacrificed in their life, I feel pressure to do well, I am not that smart but I work really really hard, decided to become a doctor....hard to get here and leave your career dream and come out here....deshawn says who will go home. Xander, she says....evvie wants deshawn to know that I am someone you can work with....do you know hw the idols work this season, she tells Xanders idol secret...she tells him that xander has it...wow...

risk your vote or protect your vote....evvie says she needs her vote, she's been gone all day, also I hope I have built some trust with deshawn, and maybe we can use that vote together.

"Pre TC"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 08:57 PM
Evvie spilled all the Yase secrets trying to build trust with Deshawn and company. I didn't hear Deshawn spill any secrets. ....fwiw.

Yase day 5

Evvie returns. Voce says he talked to liana about voting Tiffany

Evvie tells everyone that it was that you said. She protected her vote
Evvie: didn't know what to expect...tiff says
Evvie: us three girls will secretly blindside Xander...voce and Xander talk to Evvie about Tiff....got to win challenges.
Tiffany thinks that Xander has an idol. the only way to protect me is to put Voce's name down. That's what I think
Tiff: Xander has something that he has an idol that has to come together with other peoples idols, then I go home...Evvie said to Tiff that she read the note. He doesn't have a vote until his idol works.

Evvies says that Tiff is panicking, I know for a fact that Xander can't do anything. but she wants to vote out Voce. Evvie is having second thoughts about what to do....she tells liana that w could do tiff. Evvie in this group of five I am in the middle and I will decide who goes home tonight, tribal will be insane.

Jiffy tells us its either tribe strength or loyalty....

Tiffany: you had a tough day in challenge, what is it like being vulnerable? I can't be happy and social on 0 food and no sleep...you want to give up but you can't
Xander: have you been humbled. Yes, it's real...here and I have no idea what I am doing.
Voce: I'm used to being in an environment where you have to succeed....review your error so it never happens again, we have to figure it out.
Jiffy asks him about the decimal split. My mom was single mom, I wasn't smart, my mom gave me that drive to succeed....

Liana: we are trying to figure out where we are bleeding....we don't know what's going to happen.
Tiffany: who'll be easy for these 4 to cut you. Tiff says this is a social game, they won't just blame me on this one vote
Evvie: we want to win a challenge, we could very well swap tomorrow, and then irrelevant what our challenge strengths are, a balancing act.
Xander: tribe strength or alliance. Xander says the title, it's juggling chainsaws, we all should be just trying to get to the next stage. what ever gets us to the next day is good enough.
Voce is first voter

Xander doesn't get to vote. see Voce...see Evvie, see Tiffany, see Voce.

Vote read:


Voce is out

See Xander, Tiffany says thank you guys

It sucked says Evvie, and pats Xander on the knee.

Wow! Voce is kicking himself in the patootie for letting evie decide on Abraham, I bet....

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 09:04 PM
I have to say I am kind of rooting for Xander to succeed to the next level somehow....


see shan and brad hugging and excited about something
BradI'm loving all the twists and all the turns and all the danger
Liana: I was right there and I wasn't paying attention, maybe that's my million dollar mistake
JD: Ricard could have the idol.....see JD, I still haven't found it!
Sydney: This is a very dangerous season of S (see a boat arriving at night to a shack of some kind)
Sydney: Im scared, I really am scared

Voce: they got me good....It was a big let down...I came in with a mistrust, and I instantly put my trust in with a few people and not with everyone, that was my downfall, no regrets this was an adventure of a life time.

Bummer, would have loved to see him play!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-29-21 at 09:09 PM
I found Voce to be an interesting character in the first episode and I really didn't see his boot coming from anything last ep. I think historically the second boot is often a hidden boot. Did anyone else get vibes for him to go? Also, he was truly hidden in all the promos....no OFG theory, no CTTGirl theory....nothing. Thoughts?

"RE: Comments"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-29-21 at 10:34 PM
Unfortunately when searching for that Vidcap I ran into a spoilers that Voce would be voted out but I did think if Yase went to Tribal Council that either Voce or Xander would be voted out as the three women seemed very tight.

In NTOS Xander said: "You gotta throw all you know about Survivor out the window...."

So maybe all our old methods for predicting the vote won't work anymore.

Press Images only showed Luvu before the Immunity Challenge and NO Tribe Photos after the Immunity Challenge which is pretty different.

There was this one Vidcap in NTOS though...

"RE: S41 | Ep 2 "Juggling Chainsaws | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Puffy on 10-06-21 at 05:44 PM

Thanks for the East Coast Spoiler thread each week. I'm on the West Coast and always look forward to your posts.