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"S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 07:44 PM
Please feel free to post all comments on the show as it airs in its entirety in this thread until the folks on the left coast have finished viewing. And, please, join in the PHUN!

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"Survivor 41...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:22 PM
It's been a while....Jiffy missed us. S started out as social experiment evolved to most complicated game ever. Now, inviting you inside the game, at times you will know what is happening before the players. Hiding an advantage....will lead into the dangerous kind of fun, 26 days, hit the ground running. small tribes, no rice, the unexpected, dangerous twists can take it all away, we will do it together. Game within the game for future S players...been too long, glad to be back

cut to the crew getiting ready for action....see the boats

Evie: really freakin excited, studied the game, love it...

Danny: it's been a yr and half quarantine, binge watched S all day, all night, former NFL, competitive spirit never leaves
Tiffany: S kept me going, I was an alternate, then being called 24 hours before I am going....now you can do anything, make your bed
JD: college student, born in 2001, after start of S, 3 constants, family me survivor
Voce: someone in the hospital, front lines, complete reset for me, beyond ready to play this game, then see the main safe twist
Shantel, I'm the mafia pastor, pray for you and walk you out
Sara: 2020 worst year of my life
Black guy has confessional?Don't know name

Sarah: S is let out of it's cage
Xander: this lis what I live and breath for
Genie: as soon as I set foot on barge...game on....this amazing game...best moment of my life
Welcome to 41 season....we are so happy you are here

Eric sgys his name is Abraham...it's a 10 to play this game

Sarah: We get to have this experience
Nassir: what is it that keeps everyone coming back. At this moment he is the happiest human being on this earth, learned english watching S

Heather: first started watching S 20 years ago, day one, what di you miss? This is routine to me now, a tradition in my family

Jiffy: this is why we make this show, for you

J says while you are out there if you want to talk about something, talk. Jiffy asks them is it okay to say "guys" come on inEvie likes it, does not feel excluded by him saying, guys come on in

Luvu is blue
Yasar is yellow
Ua is green

J: thesis shorter season, more difficult, relentless, see zoom in of Voce and Tiffany, then Xander. No rice, no food source and game play that has never been so dangerous, new era of S. First test: On this boat, 18 color coded paddles, get your 6 tribe members and paddles, jump to boat, go out to buy and around get the supplies. ,If you lose have to keep trying until you get them?

Look for 6 of your tribe colored paddles

then get off barge and in raft..blue is winning, now green...do they have all six, one more yellow to look for....they are all jumping in

see brad dive in...all the yellow are still looking....yellow cannot find theirs. blue is going, and now green is going....

Yasar cannot find their last oar...blue is really slow, Heather is doing terrible....
UA is winning....

No shot for Yasar....green is way out in front, and ua wins the first challenge, earns their tribe supplies...

Luvu will have to earn it another way....the girl, Lianna finds it, too little too late, Luvu, you did not unclip....dragging an anchor....

see a shot of danny as they leave the area....who will outwit, outplay, S: 41

Cut to Ua day 1, they arrive at the beach...

Sarah: last yr my grandmother passed away from Covid, she enjoyed S a lot..., I feel like I am here almost for her, they get their map...obv the fact that I lost her is very sad but I do feel her presence a source of strength

see them working, see brad: cattle rancher, 4th generation, used to working with my hands, on the ranch I was always dads right hand man...he died the week before I left....I will play and get the most out of it

they are trying to make a fire

JD says he can make fire with the flint....I was practicing all the time practicing with flint making that flame. see they get fire. All clap. As a super fan making fire was incredible

Tase day 1....Ok well that sucked

Alina: we didn't do well we all looked like idiots, no where to go than up
Evvie: see giant hour glass. choose one task to move forward, solve a puzzle of triangles, or other choice later enough water to fill to open barrels, 2 members, only have 4 hours to do each.......have to do one of these tasks.

Voce: so being a near surgeon, I want this option to be chosen, physical challenge only 2 can do it, but would be terrible to be sequestered from the rest of the tribe...terrible.

The rest of them decide for two of them to get the water, he's pissed, while the others socially start the game and look for idols

Blue tribe: what makes us think we can solve a triangle riddle....so Danny and another guy on the tribe carry the water, Danny it's a new era of S.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:47 PM
See Tase walking to TC...fire represents life...blah blah

Tiffany: first hours trying to find vibe....we are cohesive, exist in harmony...love each other and except our differences and we are showing the rest of the world that we did it in one day
AbrahamP the strength we have will propel us forward....this will get us further in the game
Tiffany: very good at speaking in circles, it's like a magic trick....
Abraham: I bring to the table, the stamina and the strength
Evvie: says challenge strength is extremely important
Jiffy: new twist if you draw that 17% shot, Voce corrects him 16.7% chance.
How does the shot in the dark change the game, at end of the day....it's not as scary as it seems.
girl: that can cause a ton of power, it can completely stir up the game.
Xander: this tribe has a bitter tastee of lost, we are not a david tribe, we are a strong tribe that works together very well. Jiffy reminds him that a david won that season
Evvie says that we will need each other


Xander wins the extra vote, he sticks it in his pocket....it was in the voting booth for him to collect. he said, "alright!"

vote read:


out! Abraham says he didn't t see that blindside hitting me. Enjoy this ride! did not see that coming....woo....

I was blindsided did not see that coming at all, great group of people had a great time playing

Next group comes right in....as the other tribe leaves.

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-22-21 at 08:29 PM

Wouldn't let me post earlier...

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-22-21 at 08:30 PM

Looks like a very interesting season so far. From a local perspective, two are from Toronto (Shantel and Erika). Also the most diverse non-gimmicky cast, with half of them being POCs.

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 08:33 PM
LOVE the diversity of the Cast!

LOVE seeing shots of Production!

LOVE the back home scenes!

So far, so good for this *new* Survivor...

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-22-21 at 08:37 PM
Also love that they seem like ordinary people, not as many heavily recruited bodacious supermodels/superathletes (or so it seems) like in many recent seasons.

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 08:44 PM
Agreed and the scenes from home make them seem more normal too though I'm sure there are some "mactors" mixed in.

Still I think this is a refreshing re-start.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:32 PM
HELLO Pepe, great to see you!!!!

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-22-21 at 08:41 PM
Howdy, FloPo!

"Post arrival at camp"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:30 PM
Deshawn is the other guy helping Danny retrieve the water for the blue tribe.

Ua: green....Genie is married to a wife....married for 20 years...I was about 25 and my now wife proposed to me, first she had to tell her mom, thought she would be upset, first thing she did is give me a diamond to give to Lindsay....she accepted me!

See Ricard...wanted to foster to be a dad, singe dad, we got married like 37 days later. I am leaving a daughter and my husband is woking a full time dad and he 's a pregnant transgender man....making a really big impact on my live.

blue camp: I believe that me and deshawn are making a strong idol, we are looking for an idol, and not getting water,

Nassir is looking to go find them and sees them looking for an idol....going behind our backs...

goes back to camp and tells the girls that the boys are looking for idols....the sand is almost gone....he does not think they are going to finish....Erika and Sydney not happy....Erika: this is waving red flags to us. Nassir says let's keep it simple, we are the final four of the tribe. they plan to vote them off!

"RE: Post arrival at camp"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 08:32 PM
Picking Deshawn for my winner pick is looking like a bad choice...

"RE: Post arrival at camp"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 08:43 PM
...thank goodness for Sydney!

"RE: S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by coldbrewer on 09-22-21 at 08:34 PM
WAVES....so happy Survivor is back!

thanks Agman!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:42 PM
Welcome back!!!!

"Post Danny DeShawn busted by Nassir"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:41 PM
Tase day 1

Voce and Xander are cramping up....

See evie and Lianna plotting to stay to gather....Evie: in the game I will not tell everyone that I am doing a pHd at Harvard, she's excited to play the ultimate survivor game.

See her talking with Abraham....

Abraham: we looked like a weak tribe in first challenge, If I can't win I need to find a fall person...he's plotting about one of the girls...Tiffany.

Lianna tells Tiffany that Abraham is talking about her

Tiffany: I am a reviver....mom died of Ovarian cancer, she had an oophorectomy and mastectomy bilaterally. Its time to take that title and make it survivor...

see green tribe....sarah and I are two youngest, JD....they are wanting to switch that up. don't want to be the guy talking strategy all the time, have little tiny conversations all the time, but at the same time, the game will go by fast, me being a super fan it's about to get real, real fast. (JD talks)

Ricard: JD is really intense and trying tho make connections with every person, he's untrustworthy. See shantel, sarah, ricard plotting about JD

Shantel: being about to create bonds with people that is the disguise, won't see me cutting their throat, see him promising she has JD's back to him....but it's a lie. have each others back.

then she goes to genie and brad.

then danny and deshawn ousting to get the water

Tase day 1....see xander and Voce....struggling, danny and deshawn are almost there....

Voce and Xander did it, they collapse...they both did it...it built us respect in our tribe

A girl goes to Deshawn and tells that Yassir came to them and told them they were plotting against you two looking for idols. So Deshawn says that Yassir has to go.

Love how these people have no loyalty to anyone! Raising all kinds of stuff!

"Post throwing each other under the proverbial bus...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 08:55 PM
If green loses I am getting JD vibes. If blue loses, I'm getting Nassir vibes! LOL

Luvu day 2....

S makes sense for me, I love to travel....Sydney says. I've been to 49 countries, S made sense....a boat comes with a visitor....he hands them a scroll...
DeShawn says wow, this is day 2. One person must get on this boat, make a journey. Sydney you should go. Deshawn says no, definitely not going. Danny says I'll go. Nobody wanted to go, it's a risk anytime you are away from the tribe. I want to play the game of S

Yellow: Xander decides to go....if you are okay with it. Evvie says he was the right decision...we picked the person we felt the best about.

See Green, and they picked a short straw...JD won...he pulled the white rock on day 2. So stoked to be a part of new S experience....there is a little fear of what will happen back at camp....may put a target on my back.

see the boats all going to the same place....Xander: what are we doing together, is this challenge or summit...they introduce each other....follow the path to the summit, take this time to get to know each other....JD says you have a trek get to know each other.

they all think he's a football player, ended in college, LSU...JD was a two time state champion in track...Xander didn't play sports....JD says that trek had me tased...but I think God for giving me this experience, my dream out here. growing up on always the brow with pretty teeth, short skinny glasses, wasn't cool, bullied. watching S made me feel I didn't need to fit in this mold, Want to abe like Ozzy, Woo, that is why S helped me become who I am, without S I wouldn't be the guy out in the jungle and starting fire, youngest kid out here. They get to the top. this is who I wanted to be my whole life.

Now separate and make a private decision before going back to camp.
JD wants to play the game with dudes he is vining with.
Danny says they would choose to all take the advantage.

protect your vote, or risk your vote. Protect your vote or risk your vote. ...Pro to protect, at next tc you don't have to worry, risk is you have a weapon to get you out of a sticky situation, but lose your vote at next TC. High risk, high reward....danny wants to protect his vote, he does't think the risk is worth the reward

If JD and Xander risk their vote, they will both have extra votes at TC....Xander pulls one way....we don't see.

"Protect your vote or Risk your vote...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:03 PM
the three dudes all bonded, and Xander noted that they came to play. Danny chose the Protect your vote option, but what did the others choose?

One more hour of Survivor to go!!!

Still getting JD vibes for boot, fyi

Blue tribe: Danny felt the pressure to let them know what really happened at the island. Each of you will make own private decision, risk your vote, if they all say risk your vote, they loose their vote at the next tribal council. Danny said he protected his vote.

they all believe his story

Xander at yellow, if everyone risks, then we all lose it, ....Xander chooses to risk it....evvie says he's smart...he knows he would get caught...an extra vote would be great

see JD, sits them all down, I have a story to tell...JD says he led the way. Xander and Danny both had the same
if one of us turn and one has risk, and 2 protect, someone gets another vote. he says he protected his vote. I think they ate it up...so

Ricard: he does't believe him, he's shady boots lying, so let s get rid of JD.

Can anyone explain how the protect vs risk vote works? I am so confused?

"RE: Protect your vote or Risk your vote...."
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 09:08 PM
All 3 Protect: All 3 Keeps Their Vote
All 3 Risk: All 3 Lose Their Vote
1 or 2 Risk: They get an Extra Vote

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:21 PM
JD and Xander both won an extra vote, while Danny got nothing?

"RE: So...."
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 09:24 PM
It appears that JD lied and Risked his vote but I don't think that was confirmed.

If JD disk Risk his vote then yes, JD and Xander win an Extra Vote and Danny keeps his vote (I think).

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 10:30 PM
Thanks, Sheldor! So glad that you caught it! Maybe the transcribing distracted me a touch....didn't quite grasp it!

"Post return back to camp"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:20 PM
So, it seems that two guys chose to risk the vote, and one chose to protect the vote....so what does that mean?

I think I was transcribing and missed to explanation.....d'oh!

Cut to the Challenge.....come on in guys!

getting first look at big first challenge. see heather, then nassier

Ricard says you asked us a question about come on in guys...ricard wants to drop come on in guys..all of us, so many brown, asian, queer people. Jiffy says he wants to change it too, he will change it. That was the last time he will say it, from now on it is , come on in!

twist: if you go to TC and you fear you are in danger, there is a shot in the dark die, gives you the power not to die and reach into a bag for a one in 6 shot of being safe. a hail mary. this decision will happen in private in the voting booth.

He then tosses them a bag to take back to camp

shows the II...race over and under obstacles to letd load with heavy puzzle pieces, load on sled, push to end of track 2 players solve puzzle. First and only tribe that win is safe, losing tribes go to TC, 2 people going home tonight, have to perform every single day or you could be gone!


up and over netting

now dig in saw dust get under....keep moving...all six to mat

then two people to lad the puzzle pieces on sled and then get sand bags to pad, to clear track....can swap out if you need....see them in slow motion abraham has two bags at once, and they win first....then green then blue, all very closeyassa in lead, blue forgot a bag...one sand bag is on the ground not on the mat, have to go back.....now fill sled and drag up a hill....green in lead....

blue is last....ua at the top....see the puzzle to solve on the side of the competition apparatus, fyi

green has big advantage. yellow going slow, blue is catching upYase is there and so is blue

now they are all solving puzzles...hear JD, we are good, just look we have time...green is kicking #####...Yasa in last place...green is missing a piece, she thinks blue is in first place....green finds another piece in bag...blue is kicking #####....Blue wins the IC!

Ua and yasa at TC!

Erika gets the idol...

see JD, see Xander....both tribes give jiffy the flint back. As they walk out see Brad and the tall girl from Yasa...?

"Post challenge...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:32 PM
Tase day 3

see a school of fish...

they return to camp

Holy crap Evvie apologizes. xander hugs her...

Liana: first challenge tough, but me and tiffany want abraham out, cause he wants tiffany out.

abraham talks to guys....tells them that tiffany was putzing around. Voce says the physical demand on us is tough, not personal says Abraham

we need to execute better, with parts that are not as strong, when we get rid of tiffany we will be stronger. tiff short track record but she is not going to be able to help us of the tribe gets decimated.

Evvie is talking about the guys vs the girls, don't want them to get rid of the weak, that's all the girls...Evvie is about getting Abraham out...don't want to lose ftiffany, we want to work together....see her talk to eve...she trusts her gut but this is survivor, don't want to be over confident...going to TC tonight, if there is a 1 percent chance so I went looking for an idol....see jiffy find it, and see her walk right by the idol, where Jiffy hid it....she didn't 't find it.

see green tribe come back...sara is crying, we had such a big lead...brad says a little twist makes u s a big loser. Sara will fight. see her plotting with ricard

we all wanted to get out JD, but sara and shanel messed up the puzzle. so it may be sara tonight....

Brad comes in....got to keep strength at this point, not JD, we need him....sara and shantel are on the table, what you are telling us this to our faces?

Sara wants to use the shot in the dark.

Brad tells JD they are chucking you under the bus...

JD says he wanted to work with Sara, Brad says that Sara is our only choice.
Shantel says he's nervous, it could be ou, but Brad says he trusts Shantel. Brad is wanting to do sara but ricard and sara want to do JD...see shantell talking to genie....if I can get the person I want out tonight it puts me in a really good spot to keep controlling this game.

"TC #2"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 09:57 PM
TC number 2, Green tribeomination by UA....Shantel....she felt joy that we conquered the first challenge, we got fire, build shelter. Ricard says we have not fought, we are genuinely just chill.

Brad says we will make a trade if you let someone stay

Shantel: we are a very namaste tribe....they expected JD to come back with rice. He came back with nothing, Sara says you have to have some skepticism in this game.
Sarah: we got a good start on the puzzle, we were in the lead, we missed one piece, that was a mistake that could have been avoided. Genie says there was on ly one chance to win.

Sara tells shantel: I'm so scared. sarah and shantel and ricard are talking....saying if we stay together we are good. Jd says that is terrifying, right there.
Sarah says that my name was thrown out to my face by Brad.
Ricard goes to JD and whispers Brad. JD says getting rid of Brad is a terrible Idea....JD and shantel are talking. shantel says I am with you....JD says I will do either sara or brad, which one do you want. Shantel tells him. Alright.

Ricard sarah and shantel are agreed. So....They all reach in their bag for their die....Shantel wants to vote. Ricard is first voter

JD gets his extra vote that he won, puts it in his pocket. See brad and sarah.


sarah is out. see shantell shake her head.

bye, good luck. we love you. see JD

Well, we got is all WRONG! LOL! Next week we should do better!

"RE: TC #2"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-22-21 at 10:46 PM
Well this time only showing us ONE Immunity Challenge was accurate for the 2 hours!

YASE: Booted their Oldest Man (51 Abraham)
UA: Booted their Youngest Woman (24 Sara)

In YASE case, Abraham is the Oldest person in the Tribe.

"Next time on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-22-21 at 10:07 PM
Shantel: Oh My God
See Brad running down the beach and dramatic music plays....

Brad: I dived right in there and sure enough, here they come, right down the trail. See JD and Ricard walking down the trail, Brad is hiding from them.
See Yassir throwing a rock at the top of a tree
Sydney: we were trying to learn as much as we could from him so we could boot him
Xander seen chopping wood
Voce looks up.
Xander: You got to throw all you know about S out the window,
See the three girls and one of them says: OH *****,
Xander continues: this is a new game