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"Ep 9|Full Circle|East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 07:59 PM
All commentary in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast, and don't forget, HAVE PHUN!

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"Here we go....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 08:15 PM
Cut to challenge

Day 24, WaW....tie to take a moment lay down weapons, what and who you are playing for....family

Kin's husband and three kids.....they are shy, they are all crying....see Ben, Jeremy and Tony hug....see them all crying....

this is the best moment, to see their little faces....see Ben crying, best moments in my life!!!

Ben: Wife, Kelly and kids....YES! big hugs, they are all crying hard....Ben....we remember the last time you played, Kelly saved your life, what is the moment for you, the full circle, the reason why I am here on this earth, these three, the opportunity that you have given us, so happy for the decisions that have gotten me here

Sophie's fiancé, Bobby: big hug....Bobby is the most loving open caring person, most trusting person to have some one coming right now, there is only one that wants to marry me, ....

Sarah...Wyatt and her son.....Hi baby!!!! Tony seen Denise seen....Does it get any better than this, no, I have my world

How hard is it to leave such a little one? So hard, and wyatt went through this once, my fav thing, he loves me no matter what, at best and worst....so thankful for that

Denise: Husband Brad and daughter....have a daughter who is a young woman 15, we need each other as much as I did day 1...what is this like to see mom in different environment, so hard for her to not be here.

Nick fiance....You look great! at home everything is so fast, phone always buzzing, hard to put all that away and see what is right in front of you....so much clarity

Tony: Wife and kids....crying......big hugs, tears, see Tyson and Jeremy....OMG.....he's so happy, this is a fantasy come true, they are all crying. Tell me about the dad....this is what made us all bond, my wife didn't get a chance to come out....and here we all are....

Michelle's sister, Kim....big hugs, you smell good....sister bond...we are a year and a week apart, she's my sister my friend, she's my soulmate, she's proud of me, makes me proud!

Tyson....Rachel and one of his kids.....she runs to him.....Tyson is bawling....I love you! Be strong....Last time you played you played with Rachel...now a full circle moment have family with you. I've dreamed about this in a long long time, never experienced it, this is daddy at work....

Jeremy: Val and kids......Such huge tears....weeping.....4 kids....last time, Val whispered it's a boy.....since then another child....Lennox, Jordan and Cam....what would you write, miss them so much, think of them everyday, dream about them, reason why I almost didn't play and the reason that I played....

beautiful S moment....Jiffy thanks Fiji airways, once in a lifetime family bonding experience....Loved ones challenge. All the adults and teenagers leaving all kids to dig in sand....do something historic, no challenge, everyone goes back to camp....everyone will experience S and create more memories together, grab your tribe and head out....

"RE: Here we go....."
Posted by Bebo on 04-15-20 at 08:19 PM
I was getting ticked off when the children were coming out, thinking how cruel it would have been for them to only see a parent for a few moments.

"RE: Here we go....."
Posted by michel2 on 04-15-20 at 09:51 PM
Instead WE only saw them for a moment... This episode was typical Probst Survivor: Half talk show (where Probst gets to interview his guests), half game show (where Probst gets his cast to play silly games).

"Loving the love...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 08:24 PM
See them all

Ben: today was the biggest blindside in S history, no clue that we were getting this, this is our reward for giving so much for this game that we love, a full on celebration...

Sarah: everyone put their guns down, my sons playing with the enemy, we are humans right now....

Tyson: to have kids out here, whole families out here, I was genuinely happy for everyone that they got that moment


See a boat!

see Rob and Ethan

they think it is something bad

Natalie sees the families....they are all crying......Natalie's sister and her baby, all of Rob's kids
Yul's wife and children

Amber they are all so happy, we have escaped for a few moments

Parv: My husband here and our baby here......

Adam: Dad, so glad you came out, mom would be so proud of you I needed my dad to be here, giving my dad that opportunity to be here where my mom was here with me.... Him being able to come here made everything okay
Wendell's dad
Yul....his wife and kids....
Ethan and his wife....

Parv and her husband

see them

Ethan: always have that moment that I shared with my wife

Natalie: one time on S that you are yourself with your family....
Rob: Amazing having my kids here
Natalie with her baby....and her sister

"Loving the love...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 08:34 PM
Love that they all got to spend time with their families! Natalie's and Parvati's kids were infants! So hard for them to leave!

Challenge arena

Come on in, family is all gone


pull on rope balancing wobbly table balancing blocks, vertically must spell immunity. Also win 2 fire tokens.

draw for spots

See Ben, Jeremy....Nick places first, learning curve with the slack...everyone on first letter, Michelle and Sarah did it....over an hour for Michelle, and 14 minutes for Sarah

Tyson and Tony back with second block. Tyson, Tony and Nick in lead

Tony has fourth, kin with fourth, then Tyson and Nick, then Ben, then Jeremy

gets tougher the farther you go, Jeremy spills

Tony and Ki heading back with 5th

How fast do you move with the lead?

everyone in lead has slowed downKim moving slowly and topples

Tony in lead then Tyson, then Nick, then Ben

Tyson moving very slowly

but he drops everything

Tony, NIck and Ben in lead. Nick drops

Tony with seventh letter, Ben is in second....Tony and Ben in lead, Tony places 8th and final letter.....ahas to get back. Ben is in second....Ben drops.....Massive advantage for Tony Tony WINS

See Nick throw his block

Thank you so much, he says....see Sophie when they say one voted out

Ben: with 10 people left, this is a huge vote, someone will get hit tonight, tonight there will be blood!

"Ben had confessional of doom? "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 08:46 PM
Be and Tony hug...Tony: this is the first time in 3 seasons, in a game that requires patience, that is not what I am made of, I am fast and sloppy, when you have the power people come to you. See Tony and Jeremy talk he wants to break up Sarah and Sophie, but Tony says we can't do that....I don't get a voice says Jeremy, and it's frustrating.

Sarah wants to get Kim out
Tony: I would rather get Tyson out...
Sarah: I want to vote out Kim, she will win, but talking to Tony is like talking to a ?
they are arguing, this is a crucial decision, he's not listening to me. this is going to end badly if we can't get this straightened out, Okay, he agrees

Jeremy is talking to someone

Tony says, do you want to vote out Jeremy: Ben and Nick agree. He's got to go, he would vote Sarah out

Ki and Jeremy talk, and Tyson comes over....dwe all don't have an friends out here, I am done with it, I will play as hard as I can with you to the end, I have an idol. Let's vote Sophie, she will never see it coming

Tyson: I am worried, but Kim has an idol, maybe I can save myself for one more vote
Kim goes to recruit Denise

Sarah sasYs OMG, they have changed the vote again...Jeremy, tony tells her that Jeremy was saying her name

Jeremy tells Tyson that he has a safety without power, don't get a vote, But I can't get voted out, but now my alliance needs me, I'm a fire fighter we take care of people

Sophie says that Sarah has a steal a vote, I would prefer if she played it tonight, when the smoke clears who will be dead in the trenches.

So, it sounds like the vote is between Jeremy ~ Tony, Sarah, Nick, Ben will all vote Jeremy
But, Kim wants Tyson, Jeremy, Denise, Michelle to vote for Sophie

"Will Jeremy play his advantage?"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 08:58 PM
Jeremy has his safety without power, but he's a firefighter, will he leave his alliance high and dry when they need him?

Will Kim play her idol?


Nick: How are you feeling about this game? Last tie I was frustrated, but it feels like we are playing S now. Kim shispering to Michelle already. Now Sarah is whispering to Ben, they are all up and talking....Michelle asks, what do you want me to do to Ki. Michelle gets up....Denise says No no to somebody
Now they are all sitting down. Kim: what triggers that? You can't ever really know what is going on. Now Tony and Tyson whispering and Ben.
Jeremy: this is our season on steroids. this is madness. a lively tribal.
See Jeremy....says Ladies first. They both said Jeff's name, and now, time to vote....Sarah still says hey Jeff. she's ready to vote. Jeremy says NOPE, he's giving Jeff his advantage....Tony feels good, he's the only one with immunity.
Jeremy can leave TC right now, he cannot be voted out tonight and he will not vote in tonights TC....Jeremy goes.
Ben says Wow.
Nick and Sophie whisper

Denise anSophie says why dob'e t the five of us just make a decision.

Sophie, Ben, Tony, Sarah, Nick
Then it's Denise, Michelle, Kim, Tyson

Sarah is taking Denise's vote, steal a vote. Sarah votes twice, no voting for Denise
Tony votes
Ben is last voter

See Tyson, see Sarah See Kim see denise

Kim plays her idol for Denise



I'm says sorry Tyson

See you guys soon. Bye Tyson says Sophie

He gives the fire token boxes the finger. Sigh. Hate to see him go.

"NTOS: "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-15-20 at 09:07 PM
Jeremy: everybody has been lying to everybody, I don't know what's going on....see Jeremy sitting with Michelle
Kim to Denise: Tony has been trying to play double agent
Tony: I want to do damage, man (see him run away fast with his red bag)
Sarah to Ben, Kim at camp: What ever tony says, this is what we are doing, period.
Tony to Jeremy: They are trying to blindside you, kid!
Jeremy to Tony: who is "they"?
Tony: everybody
Tony in conf: I'm going to be golden if I can pull this off

Then when Jiffy tells the Jury they can go, Rob says, Hey Probst! Thank you, and they all run over to Jiffy and give him a group hug! <3

Posted by michel2 on 04-15-20 at 09:48 PM
His "Safety without Power" move was judged as a cowardly one by the jury. We heard them agreeing "that was his crew" that was left to scramble when Sophie gahered her Five. They even said Jeremy was "abandoning his ship". That, in Survivor, should be fatal.

Posted by Bebo on 04-15-20 at 10:53 PM
Jeremy is a perfect person to take to the final, because he wouldn't get any jury votes. It was 5-5 and he sold out his alliance.

"Wish we could see the votes"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-16-20 at 07:11 AM
Okay, who voted for who?

Jeremy ran. Sarah voted twice.

Who were the five with Sophie: Nick, Sophie, Sarah, Tony, Ben.
This left Kim, Denise, Michelle, Tyson alone after Jeremy left.

Interesting that Nick and Michelle were on different sides.

Is it safe to say that with Tyson gone that our next boot may be from the Kim, Denise, Michelle, Jeremy group?

"RE: Wish we could see the votes"
Posted by michel2 on 04-16-20 at 07:49 PM
"Is it safe to say that with Tyson gone that our next boot may be from the Kim, Denise, Michelle, Jeremy group?"

It's certainly safe to say it but will it be right? I have finally realized that there is a difference between New School and Old School: New School players are much less strategic. Instead of planning, they fly by the seat of their pants.

"Here we go again"
Posted by michel2 on 04-15-20 at 09:44 PM
Once again they didn't show the votes. Apparently it was more important to show that Probst was being thanked by the EoE residents. So who voted for whom?

We had 9 votes including two from Sarah. We saw:

2 votes against Denise
2 votes against Sophie
4 (and most likely 5) against Tyson.

I'd say Sarah put one vote on Denise, one on Tyson. Michelle and Kim voted against Sophie. Tyson voted against Denise to save his own skin and the other four members of Sophie's bunch voted for Tyson.

"RE: Here we go again"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-16-20 at 03:06 PM
"Once again they didn't show the votes."

Unfortunately they haven't been showing the votes for the past few seasons and resort to putting them up as a video on SurvivorOnCBS YouTube Channel and CBS All Access!

"So who voted for whom?"

2 votes against Denise (Sarah and Sophie)
2 votes against Sophie (Kim and Tyson)
5 votes against Tyson (Sarah, Ben, Nick, Tony, Michele)

Sarah did split her votes on Denise and Tyson.
Michele flipped and voted for Tyson.

Surprising split vote since Sophie's gang had 6 votes and should have split their votes 3-3 to be safe no matter who Kim played her Idol on (which of course Sophie knew Kim had an Idol as they shared both halves) nor whether or not Michele flipped.

Instead they split 4 Tyson and 2 Denise leaving them vulnerable to Michele voting with Kim & Tyson for Sophie and Kim playing her Idol on Tyson. In that case Sophie would have been voted out WITH her Idol.

It would have been fun if Sarah played her Steal A Vote first and stole Jeremy's vote and then Jeremy got up and played Safety without Power taking his Vote out of Tribal Council!

"RE: Here we go again"
Posted by michel2 on 04-16-20 at 08:01 PM
Michele did speak with members of Sophie's group so they probably knew she was voting against Tyson. Had Kim saved Tyson, Denise would have gone on the revote.

It would have been fun if Sarah played her Steal A Vote first and stole Jeremy's vote and then Jeremy got up and played Safety without Power taking his Vote out of Tribal Council!"

You know, the way TC was strangely edited, (Jeremy starting to stand, Sarah doing the same, the two playing chicken, Probst asking what they were going to do and then repeating the same pattern only for Jeremy to stand first and leave) it makes me wonder if that didn't actually happen only to have Probst forbid such a move. Sarah's hesitation before taking Denise's vote also could point to Jeff's interdiction. Sarah must have been thinking a long time on which vote to take so she probably had Jeremy in mind but was at a loss when she wasn't allowed to do so.

To make it clear, this is what "could have happened": Sarah said she was going to steal Jeremy's vote, Jeremy answering that he was leaving and wasn't even going to vote and Probst yelling "CUT!" because he had just then realized how stupid those two twists were playing out.

"A Question"
Posted by michel2 on 04-15-20 at 10:38 PM
How did Nick make his way into the majority?

"RE: A Question"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-16-20 at 07:20 AM
How did Nick make his way into the majority?

I have wondered that myself! Only thing I can think of is that he was with Sophie/Yul at the beginning, and somehow has proved his worth to her. Notice it was Sophie that said I would like to take this group of five over here....She is clearly the voice of the leader, imho.

I always knew despite the Lion alliance with Tony/Jeremy/Ben/Tyson, that Tony's loyalties are with Sarah. She and Sophie are at the heart of it, I think.

Kim, Jeremy, Tyson have been together, and I think that Michelle and Denise, together from the beginning are with Kim. With Tyson gone, will one of these four be the next to go. Interesting that just last week it was Kim that called out Michelle for being out of the loop, now she's with Kim.

"Tribal Council Voting: Tyson (Ep 10)"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-16-20 at 08:21 PM

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Tribal Council Voting: Tyson (Ep 10)
Outwit Outlast Outplay