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"Ep 8|East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 07:59 PM
Please keep all commentary on tonights show in this thread until it's aired in its entirety on the Left coast. Be safe! And, HAVE PHUN!

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"Merge Time!!!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 08:13 PM
EoE Da 19

Danni comments, the moment we have waited for, they get a scroll on how to spend your fire tokens...Amber let Rob have her fire token....he can get an advantage and buy an idol. See Parv doing Yoga, Rob and Amber kiss, they all head out....Rob has confessional

See challenge beach, see the challenge that ends with the vertical snake. the Survivors come in. They see Yul gone, wow all old school gone says Adam

Merged Ben: this merge is the most exciting in the game find out champion of champions....we have 11, about to have 12....returnees....missing, Sandra, raised the sail, denise: Wow.
interviews the EoE's....Natalie says, first night with nobody was rock bottom. Tyson, great sense of humor...he's emotional about his girls...he is humorous, it's a mask or a wall....see Amber thinking of her girls...Rob: met wife on island, have beautiful family...not on edge, worst place ever been, I gotta know all these people sent her there first because of me, look at us, we are all toehold school players, none of us are quitters

Race through obstacles, maneuver ball through long windy track...win and get a change to win 2 mill.

EoE Returnees challenge...atalie, dannie, tyson, rob each have an advance, don'e have to dig up their string, it's there waiting for you.

untie three bags of sticks...tyson first, Rob, then part, yuk danni...now bag two, son, rob...tyson through first section, next section untie knows...doesn't have to dig...ehtan doesn't have to dig, Parv has to dig, so does Amber...get a key to final phase of the challenge...Yul and Amber dig...Rob is tying the poles together to get the pole to reach the key to through the jail door. Parv is last, they all clap. Rob is first to try and get the key, Rob gets the key first...Rob to final phase.

Natalie and Tyson next, they both get it....Rob has the ball....Nat and Tyson also at the snake challenge with the ball. Rob drops, Tyson drops, Natalie in lead and she drops...Amber last her pole broke...Danni drops

Ethan drops....Tyson in lead, yuk and Rob in second...Tyson maneuvering...the last stretch, yuk drops. Rob in second....Tyson is inches away, rob on his tail....both in the same spot.....close.....dead even....Tyson wins!

Rob was right there. Rob tells him good job brother... Ben says it was insane.

Tyson back in the game....the rest go back to EoE....immediately be coming to Tribal council as jury

day 19, halfway point go to Sele beach

Tyson: EoE was tough, maybe I wasn't made out for this game, fatherhood made me soft, but winning the challenge boosted my confidence....maybe I can do this!

"RE: Merge Time!!!"
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 08:16 PM
Ben had the key merger interview.

Without the advantages, I think Yul would have won. He came close despite spending time to dig and not having a "practice" run like Tyson and Rob. Danni also did fairly well but not enought.

"RE: Merge Time!!!"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-04-20 at 08:55 PM
Actually there were TWO Balls they had to complete and only 2 or 3 actually completed their First Ball. This challenge took 22 minutes and probably the close up of Boston Rob and Tyson photo finish was actually Boston Rob's First Ball and Tyson's Second Ball.

"RE: Merge Time!!!"
Posted by michel2 on 04-05-20 at 11:16 AM
It wouldn't be the first time that they cut a full run. Do you know who completed their first run? Also, you write probably but is there evidence that Tyson was well ahead of everyone?

"RE: Merge Time!!!"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-07-20 at 02:51 PM
Adam has been hosting a Virtual Watch Party for the last two episodes where he answers questions during the commercial breaks and after the episode airs. I don't remember how many players Adam said completed the first ball (2 or 3 I think) but for sure one of them was Boston Rob.

He also said the challenge took 15-20 minutes (Press Images show it took 22 minutes) and that it wasn't really very close for completing the Second Ball.

"Hope they don't just vote Tyson out...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 08:21 PM
I sure hope they just don't vote out Tyson....he didn't have enough tokens to buy an idol....

Rob lost that challenge by a fraction of a second....

day 19, merge

Tyson sees the new merge menu, he can't buy anything says Tony, but thankfully the feast doesn't cost anything...
Sarah: to be one of 12 sitting at that table, but lines are so blurred don't know where one relationship starts and one stops.

They ask about Sandra...denise tells them...
Denise: I was the only that voted for Sandra, they all voted for me. Tony alls her the queen slayer. Sophie comments on they all thought that she now has a resume...

Tyson: I am honestly the only OG on this beach, I played 3 times before they even were born, if I we're these people I would get rid of me every single tie if you let me get my roots in I will build a hoe

Wendell: at this point you want the right team around you, we need more numbers, I need Jeremy, I can work with him, I really want to work on my relationships...

Jeremy tells Wendell that Denise is playing a better game than you think.

Jeremy: Wendell says that Nick is his right hand man, I want to get rid of him so I can be that

Tyson and Ben....Ben: tyson big players big names out left and right...Ben and tyson say the big targets are already out numbered so we need to look after each other, see Jeremy, Tyson, Tony and Ben talk about his....we have to break up the sleepers...

Tony says, there is no target on those people, the sleepers, so now is the time for me to get rid of all of them!

"RE: Hope they don't just vote Tyson out...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 08:27 PM
It looks like Tyson may have foundnd a niche: Tony is opening the door for it. They'd need at least two more...Sarah and Sophie maybe? Sarah is connected to both Ben and Tony.

"Parvati would have killed that Challenge"
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 08:30 PM

"RE: Parvati would have killed that Challenge"
Posted by Sheldor on 04-03-20 at 06:49 PM
FUNNY! I was just describing that post to the co-worker Survivor fan friend! Thanks!

"Big players will target the "sleepers""
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 08:33 PM
I guess the big targets are Jeremy, Ben, Tyson, Tony....they want to target the "sleepers" as of right now the targets are already outnumbered.

Koru day 21....RAIN@

They are soaking...
Adam: some of these people you would think they had never played S before, I went through a cyclone, this is nothing

Kim: we are miserable, we are freezing

Wendell says the denies took out the quiein, I want to get rid of her I want to get rid of people that have a resume. Get them away from this island

They march in, a cold day in Fiji. Sophie is really shaking, she cries...Ben says she is going to go quick. Sophie is crying before they even start.

Hold onto a pole and if you drop, you are out. Will also earn a fire token, and in addition the first woman and man win immunity.

So two IN's

Challenge on. they are all at the top of the pole. Adam is saying he is so scared. hard to hold on to, wet...

Sophie is slipping. Adam is moving down.
Michelle is out, took a big fall. Got hurt. That is a very long way down. Tyson is struggling.

Tony is half way down. Adam is down and out. Michelle is out. Sarah is out
Tyson is out

Wendell slipping.

Tony slipping. Wendell is out

Tony out

Denise Kim sophie fight for women.
Jeremy ben and nick for men.

Sophie is out

Denise and kim

Denise is slipping

kim is hanging on....Denise is Kim is out....Denise is winner

Ben is out. Show down between Jeremy and Nick. Nick is moving....Jeremy is adjusting...they are looking at each other. Nick on move....Nick is sliding. Jeremy is going to slip....Nick is out..Jeremy wins.

Jeremy and Denise win immunity, and one fire token each.

See Nick...see tyson...see Kim...

Jeremy: when you have this necklace you have power my plan is to go after Nick. Make no mistake, I want to drive this thing but I don't want everybody to know I am driving it.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-02-20 at 08:17 AM
Jeremy: when you have this necklace you have power my plan is to go after Nick. Make no mistake, I want to drive this thing but I don't want everybody to know I am driving it.

Jeremy really had a big turn for the worse, imo, in this episode. He'd been pretty chill up to this point. He has voiced before that he likes to be driving the game, but this was in your face. An epic fail. We saw him campaign hard to practically everyone. In the end it was he that went along.

It's so interesting to me that so many people consider him to be their number one. Michelle did. Denise still is drawn to him, even though he's throwing HER name out. (wonder if this will change?). Kim did not mention Jeremy when she considered voting one of the Yara's out if they had lost the challenge last episode, but she did mention Denise and Tony. At the merge feast I noted it was Adam on one side and Ben on the other side of Jeremy. Hmmmmm? Not good for Jeremy.

"Jeremy wins and wants to go after Nick..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 08:44 PM
He wants to be Wendell's numero uno. Not, Nick.

Back at camp Koru...

they are all so cold and well....getting wood...See Jeremy Ben and Tony. Nick and wendell they say. want to break up Nick and Wendell....Nick is a hyena says Tony, he's a scavenger...he buts in everyones conversations....ben says Nicks social game is good, never know when it is going to happen butting in conversations

Nick says Adam: I haven't been talking gae to them
Denise is super close with Adam... Sophie say she would prefer Wendell. Sophie says Wendell and Jeremy are constantly boring out....my sense is that a bunch of the big guys all got together and said maybe wendell, maybe Nick, alot of power came from Jeremy...Sophie tells Tony....Jeremy and Wendell are best friends....

Ben says that the group wants Wendell. Jeremy says that is a bad decision as he's a shield for us.

Jeremy says Wendell is on the chopping block. Wendell and Nick are voting Adam, so Jeremy says lets just vote for Adam..Jeremy does't think it is the right ove....to Sarah

See Jeremy go to try and talk them all in to Adam....im, Tony, Michelle all agree to vote Adam

go to Denise...Jeremy is talking to Denise...
Denise: adam has been one of my closest alliance members...but she would consider it.

Sophie tells Adam that Nick and Wendell are voting you, but I am voting Wendell.

Sophie says you are getting paranoid, she thinks it's either nick or wendell.

Adam: Go to ben: and he says he doesn't know what it is...tonight is about Survival and I am scared. I don't want to go home, and I don't want to go to the edge. Rain or shine Ineed to be here, I need to stay in the game.

"RE: Jeremy wins and wants to go after Nick..."
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 08:48 PM
...but he'll gladly go after Nick. Jeremy changed his mind quickly when some started targeting Wendell instead of Nick. Wendell has a powerful guardian angel, doesn't he? That alliance could carry him to the end.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 08:57 PM
Jeremy campaigning HARD for Wendell, moves the target to Adam. But, clearly they all saw Jeremy and Wendell Bro"ing out. Makes me think if Wendell survives this it will either be wendell or Jeremy next. fwiw.

I guess Tyson made it through as he wants the "big targets" to stay together. Also supports the Adam boot?

night 21, see the yellow spider

Jury arrives....Tyson....been voted out then get back in. game feels diff, don't want to go back with extinction....first he was loose goose in first round so now he's diff. Tony says that he is listening to strategic things, the dynamics of the game have changed....
Denise says the relationships that you have been building will be solidified.
Wendell says the vote will tell some things...you hope that you have the right ears...
Adam says that some of the conversations are quick...I am the type of person that wants to have that conversation with everybody
Nick: I want to double check too....
Sophie: the hardest thing is to be okay being a bit out of the loop, I have to prove to people in my alliance that I am okay, I trust them
Sarah: in past season you would see the punch coming, no one believes the name is going out until the end
Jeremy says they are sparring right now
Adam: I'm still not sure how things will or will not come together tonight, people don't want to talk
Tony says this is the ocean, need to stay with the flow, don't swim against the current and right now we are all willing to go with the current

Vote. Jeremy is first voter
Nick votes Adam: your reputation in the game has precede you, I am just going to roll with it.
Adam votes Wendell. It is either me or you tonight, I know that but do you?


No one plays an HII


Wow! That was fun. Jeremy is bummed. See Adam!

Wendell says good play guys. See Michelle. Nick says to Michelle: Did you know? Nick says me neither.
Gives Michelle and Nick his fire tokens.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 09:05 PM
FP, you noticed that Sophie (told) Adam that "Nick and Wendell are voting you, but I am voting Wendell". When I heard that and saw how the vote turned, I went: "Ding! Ding! Winner edit!!" Not only did Sophie get the credit for this vote, she was also shown has knowing what everyone else was planning. She's now in the enviable position that Jeremy wanted: Driving the bus but no one knows she's the driver.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-02-20 at 08:02 AM
Ha Michel! Excellent observation....it certainly was clear that Sophie was tuned in...and very assuring to Adam. Yes, Sophie is someone that KNOWS how to keep her mouth shut and frankly, I really admire that! Definitely would be how I opted to play the game. And, with that scene it really looked like Adam could now be beholding to Sophie.....

As for winner....idk. I still can't shake how she made me feel in the beginning of the game but Sophie is DEFINITELY in the mix for winner! Great to have her in this season.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-02-20 at 02:07 PM
I think the only negative thing for Sophie early on was her interview about Kim thinking she could be trusted when, in fact, she shouldn't have trusted her. First, I think a bit of evil isn't bad for a winner's edit, but also, Kim hasn't been presented in a favorable manner. Sophie appeared to have the upper hand on Kim, someone who was previously seen as a mastermind.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-02-20 at 03:53 PM
I think the only negative thing for Sophie early on was her interview about Kim thinking she could be trusted when, in fact, she shouldn't have trusted her. First, I think a bit of evil isn't bad for a winner's edit, but also, Kim hasn't been presented in a favorable manner. Sophie appeared to have the upper hand on Kim, someone who was previously seen as a mastermind.

Yes, all true. I recall a confessional where she spoke of the cool kids again, and I just thought that was so weak. Why does it always boil down for cool kids vs nerd kids....I just hated that she categorized everyone AGAIN....it came off poorly, imo. Made me not like her.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-02-20 at 05:23 PM
I guess I'm not paying as much attention as I used to because I don't recall that moment. It's funny how things hit us in different ways. You noticed the quote and it affects you even after this time, I heard the same comment and let it slide. It was the same line in "the play" but it had a different impact on different observers.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by Chez on 04-01-20 at 09:08 PM
If Adam only got 3 votes, that must be Jeremy, Michelle and Nick? Everyone else went for Wendell. We missed a lot of the discussion!

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 09:49 PM
Wendell had to be one of those three votes so Jeremy, bowing to peer pressure, actually voted for Wendell.

"RE: Tribal...."
Posted by Chez on 04-02-20 at 08:44 AM
Oh sure, of course. Michele, Nick and Wendell were the 'Adam' votes, and Jeremy caved in to vote Wendell. As FP says above, not a good episode for Jeremy.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 09:05 PM
See Nick with Adam and Michelle
Nick: It is now my duty to take everyone of these people that double crossed me
Nick to Adam and Michelle: We're doing Sarah, don't tell anybody else
See Sophie and Sarah talking
Sarah in confessional: Mistake brother, your ##### is now going to go home
Adam in confessional: this is madness, ewwww he's playing with so much fire, don't let it burn him

"So glad that Tyson made it through...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-01-20 at 09:09 PM
So, Nick is going to pledge to go after all of those that told him they were voting for Adam and not Wendell....Shooot. Last week Nick almost voted out Wendell himself.

Wendell and Jeremy were acting so buddy buddy and they didn't even know each other in the game, had to be from out of the game, so of course everyone would want to break that up....? Stoopid.

And, I think a few are on to Jeremy too. He was pretty under the radar until this episode he campaigned hard.

"RE: So glad that Tyson made it through...."
Posted by michel2 on 04-01-20 at 09:31 PM
I think the Jeremy-Wendell connection was very clear: They were the only two African American male winners.

The vote was basically NuDakal and Yara coming together against Nu Sele.

"RE: So glad that Tyson made it through...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-02-20 at 07:50 AM
The vote was basically NuDakal and Yara coming together against Nu Sele.

Excellent point, michel. I hadn't noticed that!

So nuDakal: Tony, Jeremy, Denise, Kim
Yara: Adam, Sophie, Ben, Sarah

nuSele: Michelle, Nick, Wendell.

BUT! Who did Jeremy vote for? Who did Tony vote for? Who did Michelle vote for. Michelle and Jeremy were a tight pairing in old Sale? They were the ones that wanted to go after the "sleepers"....Sarah could have spoken to Tony and changed his mind, Tony could have passed it on to Tyson. Jeremy wanted Nick gone and campaigned hard, but when others preferred Wendell, that's when he jumped on the Adam train.

I would LOVE to try and figure out the time line on this....totally confused. I thought it would have been a much closer vote. Tony said it best in the TC, he noted at the beginning of this merge it was better to go with the current rather than try and swim against it....

"RE: NTOS...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 04-02-20 at 03:51 PM
Commenting on the NTOS....

See Nick with Adam and Michelle
Nick: It is now my duty to take everyone of these people that double crossed me
Nick to Adam and Michelle: We're doing Sarah, don't tell anybody else
See Sophie and Sarah talking
Sarah in confessional: Mistake brother, your ##### is now going to go home
Adam in confessional: this is madness, ewwww he's playing with so much fire, don't let it burn him

With the NTOS promo, we hear Nick tell Michelle and Adam that it's going to be Sarah. So, most likely, Adam goes to Sophie, and tells her the plan. We see Sophie whispering to Sarah, then a confessional by Sarah.

Just saying I can see how it may be Adam that gets burned for playing both sides again next week....?