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"S40-W06-E06|Vidcaps|"Quick on the Draw""

Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 00:46 AM
All vidcaps, promos, press images in this thread, thanx

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Messages in this discussion
"Next Time On Survivor"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 00:47 AM

Survivor Winners at War: Episode Six Preview/Final Words
ZP Survivor

Mar 11, 2020


Jeff: Next time on Survivor...

(See Admin Smiling)

Adam(confessional): The Wicked Witch is dead and we can do whatever we want now.

(See Ben Smiling in the ocean washing his clothes)
(See Sarah and Sophie Smiling and Cheering in the ocean washing their clothes)

(Lady sings: "Winners at War. Hungry for more. Winners at... Waaaar!")

Boston Rob: Yo!

(See Edge of Extinction shoreline)

Boston Rob: Ty! You coming back?

Tyson: I'm doing something sneaky and hilarious...

Jeff: Both of the losing tribes will vote somebody out (see Wendell) of this (see Ben, Sophie, Sarah, Adam) game (see Kim)

Kim: Oh my God!

(See Michele)

(See Boston Rob give is TWO Fires Tokens to Parvati)

Boston Rob: All right Parvati. Make a run at it.

"Jeff Probst Recaps Episode 5"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 02:13 AM

Survivor Season 40: Jeff Probst Recaps Episode 5
SurvivorOnCBS(via Outwit, Outplay, Outlast channel)
Mar 12, 2020

Jeff Probst recaps all of the big events from Episode 5 of Survivor: Winners at War, including the crazy Tribe swap that upended the game, Sarah's clutch Idol find, and Ben taking on "The Godfather" Boston Rob. Watch all-new episodes of Survivor: Winners at War on Wednesdays at 8/7c on CBS and CBS All Access.


Jeff: Hey Survivor fans. Jeff Probst with the biggest most interesting and compelling moments from this week's episode of Survivor: Winners at War.

It's time for a tribe swap.
It's an iconic moment on Survivor, especially when we go from two tribes to three tribes because it really does blow up alliances and now it becomes a situation of a new group of players having to decide...
Do I stay loyal to my original alliance some of which those members are now on another tribe or do I just go with the flow and make new relationships in this new tribe

Drop your buffs. We are switching tribes

Ben: Stay blue guys. Stay true.

Jeff: If you look at the three tribes, the Dakal tribe has a division where Jeremy and Denise are on the bottom

Eh. You could argue it's good or bad. There have been so many fractures on alliances come up and that's what they're betting on. And they're hoping to find it in Kim

Does Kim feel solid? Is Kim willing to shift or make a deal or bring somebody in?

Jeremy(to Kim): You don't trust them? Those two? (See Tony and Sandra)

Kim: So we gotta be careful
Jeremy: Yeah

Kim: It was a big eel!
Sandra: It tastes good.

Kim: Tony and Sandra. They're probably the people I had the least trust built with and I do feel like i'm making a connection with Jeremy and Denise
In this tribe at this moment. I am smack dab in the middle and that could be a really good spot for me

Jeff: On the Sele tribe. Could it get any more interesting than this?

In real life Michelle and Wendell dated

And now in real life they're playing Survivor and they're not dating anymore

And there's some history there and they don't go into a lot of details but it doesn't sound like Michelle is super happy with how things went and now they're on the same tribe and now they have to figure out what to do. It's one of the most compelling tribe swap results we've ever had.

And I really applaud both of them for not hiding this story. They were out with it. They said this is a part of our life. There's no way we can get around it. Everybody knows and so for the audience we've invested in these players for 20 years I think it's a cool payoff to actually see that the two of them met dated broke up and are now playing together again in a very competitive game.

Parvati(confessional): I can't even imagine having dated someone having it ended badly and then being on the smallest tiniest tribe with them like... Nowhere to hide nowhere to go.

Michele: You're stranded with me now, did you ever think of that?

Wendell: Sucks to be me.

Michele: Did you ever think you were going to be stranded with me on a God forsaken island?

Wendell(confessional): This is the season of like histories and past relationships. That could be the theme of this season: Past Relationships

Michele: Wendell right now is sending me the "You up?" text and I just want to be like "New season. Who dis?"

This is a game for two million dollars and better believe that I can separate my relationship with Wendell from playing this game and I will take him out

Jeff: On the Yara tribe super interesting because you have Adam, Ben and Boston Rob. Nothing goes together there. Those three nothing about it works

Adam has been weird with Rob and Rob weird with Adam
Ben doesn't like the way Rob's playing. He doesn't maybe just doesn't like the Godfather approach
Rob is leery of Ben. He should be! Ben is very very good at this game
And neither of them really can trust Adam and they shouldn't

Ben: I got blindsided by Adam and Adam was a double agent. Flip-flopper
Rob(to Sophie): Adam kind of got his hand slapped because I rattled him out
Adam(to Sophie): Ben blindsided me.
Sophie: Yeah
Adam: Rob tried to vote out me
Ben(to Sarah): Rob, tried voting Adam out
Sarah: Ok
Ben: and Rob was dictating the whole beach

Jeff: On the flip side...

You have Sophie and Sarah two excellent players

Sophie may be one of the... Sophie may be the most underrated player this season. She is so smart and so clever and so subtle

She finds an idol goes to Sarah. Now. They've got a bond and now they can make something happen

Sophie(confessional): Everybody assumes there's a Hidden Idol at this beach and it's going to be critical as to who finds it

Rob(to Ben): We need to find it before they do.
Ben: I know.

Sophie: While the whole group was looking for the idol, I found this lovely new bracelet

Congratulations, you found a hidden in the idol. You must give one half to another player by sundown.

Sophie(to Sarah): Um. I found the Idol.

Sarah: You did?! Oh, awesome! Where was it?

Sophie: Listen. We've got to do this quickly. It's a weird Idol.

Sarah: Okay

Sophie: I have to give half to someone before sundown... or else it won't be activated.

Sarah: Okay

Sophie: I'm going to give you half.

Jeff: So at the Immunity Challenge Yara loses we go back to their beach with them and you watch Rob employ or try to employ what he did in Redemption Island, which is basically nobody talk, nobody move.

Rob: We need to be with each other all the time these girls are around so that they can't try to create any commotion. So far so good and I feel like I'm bringing the game back a little bit in my direction

Jeff: And even when you're watching that scene you can feel what you would be saying, especially if you're a proven player. You've won this game you're saying this is B.S.
I'm, not playing this way. First of all, Rob. You're not my dad. You're not my boss. You're not the leader.
And secondly, I want to talk to people. Mainly because I want you out

Ben: Rob this entire game has just wanted to control everything and every aspect of the game
I have a decision to make I can stick with the guys keep my mouth shut and listen to the Godfather
Or I can go with the Dakal women. But either way I have to trust my gut here.

Jeff: He's a historically dangerous player. He's incredibly good. He understands odds. He knows how to work people. He has an uncanny way of getting out of jams.
Ben has known this from the beginning. Ben has been on to Rob and Ben finally got his way
And Rob is sent to the Edge of Extinction
And now the question is...
What will he do out on the edge? His wife is there. Tyson's there.
Rob's not done yet. Still a lot of game left to play

Jeff: Sixth person voted out of Survivor Winners at War... Rob. That's three. That's enough. Need to bring me your torch.

Let me know what you're thinking about this season on social media and i'll be back next week with more behind the scenes info on Survivor Winners at War

"S40-W05-E05|Secret Scenes"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 02:21 AM

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Secret Scene: Comedy Hour at Dakal
Mar 12, 2020
Outwit Outplay Outlast

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Secret Scene: My Best Friend Out Here
Mar 12, 2020
Outwit Outplay Outlast

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Secret Scene: Tyson the Day After
Mar 12, 2020
Outwit Outplay Outlast

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Secret Scene: Yara Builds a Shelter
Mar 12, 2020
Outwit Outplay Outlast

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Secret Scene: Yara Gets Treemail
Mar 12, 2020
Outwit Outplay Outlast

Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 03:00 AM

Survivor - Quick on the Draw (Preview)
Mar 13,2020

The immunity challenge weighs heavily on castaways when two tribes are sent to tribal council. Also, one castaway on Edge of Extinction is acting sneaky, on Survivor: Winners at War, Wednesday at 8/7c. Only CBS


Jeff: Survivors ready?

(See Dakal minus Sandra, Yara, Sele minus Michele standing on a platform in the ocean)


(Blur Filter on the camera lens)

Jeff: Only the first tribe wins Immunity

Kim: Oh my God!

Jeff: Both of the Losing tribes will vote somebody out of this game.

Yul: OH!

Adam: That's a Double Elimination!

Jeff: GO!

(Players have to jump in the ocean, swim/wade to their boat and retrieve 3 heavy sand bags.
See: For Sele see Yul handing a sandbag down off the boat to Parvati with Wendell and Nick in the foreground carrying sandbag to the grid wall)

Jeff: Every single second matters

(Players need to bring the sand bags to the grid wall and squeeze the sand bags through a circle.
Then Players have to climb up and over the grid wall

See: Dakal with Denise over the grid wall pulling on the sand bag Jeremy is shoving through the circle. See Kim just starting to climb the grid wall.
See: Yara with Adam just starting to climb the grid wall and Sophie starting to stuff a sand bag through the circle with Ben carrying a sand bag standing next to Sophie
See: Sele with Nick and Parvati stuffing a sandbag through the circle
See: Dakal with Jeremy and Tony carrying a sandbag up the beach, Denise trying to help, and Kim failing around
See: Yara with Ben, Sophie, and Adam running coming out of

"S40-W06-E06|Sneak Peek 1"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 03:01 AM

Survivor - Quick on the Draw (Sneak Peek 1)
Mar 13, 2020

The immunity challenge weighs heavily on castaways when two tribes are sent to tribal council. Also, one castaway on Edge of Extinction is acting sneaky, on Survivor: Winners at War, Wednesday at 8/7c. Only CBS


Edge Of Extinction - Day 15

Rob(to Amber): It's a nice place you guys have here.
Amber grins at Rob.
Amber(seeing Tyson walk up): Oh boy...

Natalie: He's carrying a frickin log back.
Ethan: Now we have to bring them all back up.
Danni: Whatcha got there Tyson?
Tyson: A log with a note on it.
Amber: I'm thinking God no! Not another log challenge?!

(Tyson reads the note on the log)

"It's anoter chance to earn a fire token."
"There is something hidden on the Edge."
"The more stones you turn, the more chances for success."
"Then again, sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time."

Danni: Really? Just turn over every stone you come across.

Rob: Let's go. Let's do it.

(See Danni turn over a white stone on a ledge)

Tyson: I don't have a Fire Token yet and there's four people here that do.
So I need to be the one to find that thing. Especially with Rob here I didn't want him to find it.

Rob(to Amber): Is there a cliff up here?
Amber: Yes.
Rob: There is?
Amber: Yup?
Rob: That's where it is Amber. Somewhere on the cliff.
Amber: Up here...
Rob: Edge has a double meaning.

"S40-W06-E06|Sneak Peek 2"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 03:02 AM

Survivor - Quick on the Draw (Sneak Peek 2)
Mar 13, 2020

The immunity challenge weighs heavily on castaways when two tribes are sent to tribal council. Also, one castaway on Edge of Extinction is acting sneaky, on Survivor: Winners at War, Wednesday at 8/7c. Only CBS


Day 16

Jeff: Come on in guys!

Jeff: Dakal and Sele getting your first look at the new Yara tribe...

Jeff: Rob voted out at the last Tribal Council

Sandra: OH!
(and everyone else reacts)

Jeff: WOW! The biggest reaction by far of the season.

Jeff: All right. Shall we get to it? First thing first. Gotta take back both pieces of the Idol.

(See Wendell fake throwing the skull to Jeff)

Jeff: Really? You're going to throw even that?

Wendell: I'll hand it to you sir.

Jeff: You were going to throw...

Wendell: From me to you.

Jeff: ...half of the Immunity Idol

Wendell: No sir, no sir, no sir.

Jeff: Wow!

Wendell: Nah. I like that thing.

"S40-W06-E06|Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-14-20 at 03:39 AM

Only ONE Camera for Episode 5 Press Images!

Cam-1 | PDT = UTC-7  | Robert Voets    | SONY ILCE-9

Fiji Standard Time (FJT) = UTC+12
So the conversion to FJT for each Camera is:

Cam-1 | PDT = UTC-7 +19 Hours = FJT | Robert Voets | SONY ILCE-9

Day 15 - 6/05/2019 - Edge Of Extinction

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115093_29607b.jpg Cam-1 6/04/19 03:10 PM PDT +19 Hours = 6/05/19 10:10 AM FJT

Day 15 - 6/05/2019 - Sele Tribe Camp

115093_29733b.jpg Cam-1 6/04/19 05:52 PM PDT +19 Hours = 6/05/19 12:52 PM FJT

115093_29811b.jpg Cam-1 6/04/19 06:00 PM PDT +19 Hours = 6/05/19 01:00 PM FJT

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115093_30550b.jpg Cam-1 6/04/19 07:32 PM PDT +19 Hours = 6/05/19 02:32 PM FJT

Day 16 - 6/06/2019 - Immunity Challenge

115093_30586b.jpg Cam-1 6/05/19 02:26 PM PDT +19 Hours = 6/06/19 09:26 AM FJT

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"RE: S40-W06-E06|Press Images"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-15-20 at 08:35 PM
Thanks for posting all of these, Sheldor! You da BOMB! xoxo

With Boston Rob on EoE, I wouldn't be surprised to see more footage of EoE.

Sure looks like the blue tribe is struggling in the challenge. fwiw.

"RE: S40-W06-E06|Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-17-20 at 07:52 PM
You're welcome FlowerPower

"With Boston Rob on EoE, I wouldn't be surprised to see more footage of EoE."

There are a lot of EoE Press Images this week! However I assume they did something last week and just didn't show us.

"Sure looks like the blue tribe is struggling in the challenge. fwiw."

Actually I think Sele(Blue) is in the lead. At least I think they are the first one to get all their 3 Heavy Sand Bags through the Circle.

In the Preview video we see Nick and Parvati squeezing I think their last sandbag through the Circle but in the far back you can see that Green and Red are still working on their sandbag(s).

In the this Press Image, Nick and Parvati are the first tribe shown carrying a sandbag up onto the beach

Meanwhile it appears Dakal(Red) is really struggling getting their sandbags to the Table

Press Image of Tony carrying a sandbag by himself

Preview Video of Jeremy, Tony, and Denise struggling to move the sandbag and Kim can barely walk!

Notice: Michele from Sele(Blue) is looking to her Right so I think Sele(Blue) already is working on opening their sandbags(s) or has completed that task.

First we see Press Image of Yara(Green) trying to open their sandbag

Then we see Press Images of Dakal(Red) trying to open their sandbag(s)

NO image of Sele(Blue) trying to cut open their sandbags.
I think they might be in the lead.

Then we see Ben running with Green in his hands so I think they got all of their keys(?) out of their sand bags

From Sneak Peek 2 Video we see that the final puzzle is a ball maze puzzle which you move with two handles attached with strings. Not sure if one person has to do this or one person on each handle.

So I think Sele(Blue) is in the lead but maybe they have trouble with the ball maze puzzle and Yara(Green) passes them and wins.

And in Episode 4 the only Tribe Press Images were of Dakal(Red) and they lost the Immunity Challenge.

For this Episode the only Tribe Press Images are of Sele(Blue) so maybe Sele(Blue) gets passed by both Yara(Green) and Dakal(Red)?!

"RE: S40-W06-E06|Press Images"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-18-20 at 01:27 PM
Great job, Sheldor!j

Green is certainly ahead here, can see I think Kim, on Red, in the background and we see Jiffy turning back...


Then we see Ben, Adam, and Sophie running, could be in first. If the green wins then the red and blue tribes go to TC and vote one off....

"RE: S40-W06-E06|Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-18-20 at 04:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-18-20 AT 04:11 PM (EST)


FYI: You need to remove the "s" in "https" for the image to show up here.

And even though for sure Dakal(Red) is in last place here we have seen big come from behind wins this season.

It all depends on who is good at the ball maze!

And still strange that Press Images only show Sele(Blue) Tribe at Camp.

Is Sele(Blue) the only Tribe that does NOT go to Tribal Council?

Or is Sele(Blue) the FIRST Tribe that goes to Tribal Council?

Posted by Sheldor on 03-18-20 at 05:41 PM
I also forgot that Parvati has 4 Fire Tokens and can buy a Challenge Advantage for Sele(Bluue)!

And the rest of Sele has 5 Fire Tokens (2 Nick, 1 each for Michelle, Wendell, and Yul) so Sele has a total of 9 Fire Tokens so they could purchase TWO Challenge Advantages. Maybe that is why we don't see much of Sele(Blue) in the Immunity Challenge Press Images.

Also Dakal has a total of 5 Fire Tokens (2 Denise, 1 each for Kim, Jeremy, and Tony) and they could buy 1 Challenge Advantage.

Yara only has 3 Fire Tokens so they can't buy a Challenge Advantage and if they ask each other if they can pool their 1 Fire Token to buy a Challenge Advantage they will find out that Sarah used her Fire Token to buy something.