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"S40|Ep 5|The Buddy System on Roids|East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 07:56 PM
All commentary regarding the episode that airs tonight will be kept to this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, HAVE PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"The Buddy System on Steroids...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 08:08 PM
See Tony day 12....Sandra talks....Nick: I was so relieved to get Tyson out, now we are a cohesive unit, and he found the token that Tyson left him, it changes his thoughts about Tyson, a token of appreciation and I don't take it lightly

Yul talks to Sarah...Yul tells them about Jonathan Penner and his wife, needs 24 hour care, can't do anything, feels so bad for them Yul gets a confessional, we became friends....see Stacy as she comes out to be with him on Cook....No cure right now....they are under a tremendous amount of strain financially and emotionally, Yul cries with Wendell and Sarah....if there e is something that I can do to help them, I will do it, Sarah gives him a hug, a good person for being there for the.

That was lovely! Yul is a great guy, selfless!

At challenge beach....see them see Tyson gone...

drop your buffs, switching tribes...Ben says stay blue, stay true
Boston Rob ays this is the part of the game that he doesn't like very much, hopefully cards will fall in my favor

two tribes to three

Ben Rob, Sophie

michelle: how did I get on an island with my ex boyfriend....Michelle, Wendell, Yul, Nick and Parvati....Wendell says they are strong
Tony, Sarah, Denise, Jeremy, Kim.....unbelievable that all of the sets are in the same tribe together

Rob, Adam, Ben, Sarah, Sophie....Green has to build a new shelter....

Adam: I should be ecstatic by this swap, but this is a fractured trio, we burned alot of bridges with each other and that could be catastrophic for my game. ....

These tribes are so fixed it's PATHETIC!!!

"RE: The Buddy System on Steroids...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-11-20 at 09:25 PM
You're right about the fixing!

I can't believe we have 3 idols in the same tribe (Sandra, Kim and Denise). The two girls in Yara are protected and Rob is left alone with his two Sele enemies. He didn't really stand a chance.

"RE: The Buddy System on Steroids...."
Posted by Sheldor on 03-12-20 at 12:38 PM
"I can't believe we have 3 idols in the same tribe (Sandra, Kim and Denise)."

...and Jeremy has Safety Without Power so if Jeremy suspects one or more Idol might be played and he could be the target of a Vote Split he can play Safety Without Power and walk out of Tribal Council before they vote. If all 3 women play their Idols then Tony would be the only one who could receive a vote!

"RE: The Buddy System on Steroids...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-12-20 at 02:33 PM
Now that would be funny and poetic justice for the guy who bluffed his way about a "super-idol".

"RE: S40|Ep 5|The Buddy System on Roids|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 08:25 PM
Yul, Wendell, Nick all on the same tribe.

Sandra Tony on the same tribe, with Kim

Rob, Adam, Ben....with stupid Sophie and Sarah....

Adam gets the post swap confessional. Hmmmm. Makes me think his tribe is doomed. But, once again it won't be Adam going home....ugh.

Dakal Day 12..they see the camp that Wendell built...Jeremy: the dakal camp the shelter is so much better, I am george and denise is weezie and we are moving on up
I need to find who is on the outs so, I need to know who is on the outs....Kim is talking to Jeremy

Jeremy: kim seems he is on the outs, seems she is the weak link, so that is who I am looking for....Denise and Kim are bonding..Denise says that she may be willing to step out and join Jeremy and I, there is a little bit of security cause I have an idol, but I don't think we are down and out

See Sandra and Tony...we have to be very careful there will be hyenas and lions....I don't want to get eaten by a hyena...I will try my best to convince her, so we can stay together....see Kim and Tony
Kim: I am not sure that Dakal strong is the best option for me....they are eating eel...Kim: they are probably the people that I have the least trust with, in this tribe I am smack down in the middle, says kim

Parvati takes them to Seke beach. Nick is thrilled with the tribe, he won the lottery...Wendell says the shelter needs some TLC....I have alot to do over here
Sele is out numbered, we need to work our way in. see Parv going to Yul....but he told me that his wife loves me and I am her favorite player, maybe it's an in.

Nick says to Parv that she was his high school crush...Parv: that was awkward..Michelle used to date Wendell and it wasn't on good terms...So wendell is a locked box...I move slowly...I am cringing for her, can't imagine dating some one and they are on the same tribe....no where to go

Did you ever think you would be stranded with ne?
Wendell: there are people, the is the season of hx and past relationships....we kicked it before...some of mine will spill over into this game. t
Parv and Michelle say that they are so happy....Wendell when he got here he kept his distance....Wendell is sending you up text, she says new season, who dis? really hard to have Wendell here, you broke my trust in real life and broke my heart too...of course I don't want to get burned in this game, it's a gae for 2 million and I will take him out if that's necessary.

Green tribe....Ben: arrive and it's not the prettiest of beaches, on paper we should sitting pretty, but 3 to 2. I am here with Rob and Adam, the two people that have blown up my game. Sarah tells them about Tyson...Sarah tells Rob it was Tyson that put Ambers name out. Sarah: right now I have the steal a vote advantage so I can save Sophie and I for one vTC....They tell them that Ethan was not a unanimous vote.
Sarah: Sophie and I were asking them Q's and you could feel the tension.

See Sarah says to Ben, if you are tight we are screwed....they are all telling them all the things that were going on.
Sarah and Ben shake, I am with you....
Sophie: first convo got me excited, because there are so many cracks. we all assume there is a HII, so they all go look...
Rob: traditionally there is always a hit...Rob ha confessional, trying to adapt, but I have very little experience, I have more questions than answers, tough season, and sophie got it...DAMN.

Sophie says she can't be seen looking happy, found the IN...give one half to another player by sundown...Sophie tells Sarah....gives Sarah half...they hug...being in a minority in a tribe full of cracks may be even more powerful than a hidden immunity idol.

"Pre Challenge"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 08:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-11-20 AT 08:35 PM (EST)

Day 14 Challenge arena

It's a f'g baseball throwing challenge....

race through obstacles, use sand bags to knock blocks off a ledge and then stack the locks with no repeating colors on the sides.

Adam has no arm....

under and over, launch yourself. sele out quick and get everyone over....dakal is the slowest....ben and rob throwing....Nick throws, dakal in dead last.....Kim and Wendell and rob throw...Ben throwsRob, Ben throws and they are first....

no repeating colors on any sideSophie and Adam are on the puzzle...Sele is good to build the blocksDakal struggles

Rob should have done this puzzle, geeez

Dakal is now working in the puzzle

Wendell and Parvati win it ....sophie is throwing the challenge....it appears

Sophie and Adam are choking, starting over
Now Dakal has it

Sophie and Adam must be throwing it.

See Rob when they lost

See Rob. Rob: It' never good to lose immunity but in retrospect we have expendable members here all we have to do is to decide which one of them is going home.

Yup, Rob has the confessional of doom.

"RE: Pre Challenge"
Posted by michel2 on 03-11-20 at 09:27 PM
Rob's confessional had all the ingredients necessary to set up his blindside. I'm sure he knew he was in deep trouble but the story we were presented gave the impression that he had a chance.

"So obvious....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 08:45 PM
This was pathetic. The green tribe was the first tribe done, and they couldn't do the puzzle. Sophie, the queen of puzzles. Had to have thrown it.

Sophie: I felt my game potentially slipping through my fingers.

Guys go off together....

See Sarah tell Sophie that I feel comfortable with Adam and ben.
Sophie says she is in the minority and could e dangerous. The boys shake they are not writing your names down tonight.

Adam says that Sophie is more aof an asset in challenges. so vote Sarah.
Rob, how do we go from notw to TC without getting sketchy with each other. unless they vow to stick together and not go off at all without anyone else.

Rob: in the past I use something like this the buddy system so they can t try to crate any kind of commotion and I feel like I am bring ing back a little bit of my game
Adam: ben and I are in the same position, he's makde it very clear that he wants to work with us and we will vote out one of sash or sophie and robs way is to have nobody leave camp all day.

See them all day....

it's just boring. nobody can leave or talk, doesn't let us play or maneuver
Ben: rob this entire game has wanted to control every aspect of the game, I have to trust my gut here.
Sarah: Robs energy at camp is really negative, it would feel more legit, if I could talk with Ben and Adam

Sarah hoping we vote Rob out tonight

She has the steal a vote, takes one of the boys votes away, and gives it to us, I would like to hang on to it as it will get messier,
Sophie says that she has the idol, but she is dreaming of a glorious blindside tonight. Never thought winner at war that I would be going in to TC with 2 strangers, the most that they have given me is a thumbs up or a wink. sometimes y ou have to trust the wink.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 08:57 PM
Sophie blah blah blah

Adam says that out seasons of S the early stages is about not being terrible
Ben says traditionally you have one that dictates too much

Rob Ben and Adam vs you and Sophie

Sarah says the crack was about 7 words ing for me, that is how much they spoke to me. these three marched off to the well, they didn't talk to me...it was like the command was down and that was it.

Sophie finds an issue with the word crack...they want to build an alliance with the, we would love to stay in the game...

Rob: there doesn't have to be a wedge to better everybody's....they are the uniquely threee of sele to sit here, and wit 5 there is little room to hide and negotiate

Ben says it is a numbers game...you go with your experience...
Rob says sometimes less is more
Rob won his season by corralling people....if it wasn't rob, these idiots ....Rob says people to together working together works and people go far that way.

Time to vote.

Rob votes Sarah, sorry just got on the wrong side of the numbers

Sarah votes Rob

Sarah and Sophie hold hands

Sophie doesn't play her idol.


Sophie sniles at Sarah

Well in a season called winners at war made there is no such thing as a simple vote.

"RE: TC...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-11-20 at 09:29 PM
I'm sure that Sophie and Sarah had more than a wink to go on. That's the only explanation for both of them to sit on their advantages.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-11-20 at 09:09 PM
Adam: The wicked witch is dead and we can do whatever we want
See Ben.
Tyson: I'm doing something sneaky and hilarious

Jiffy: Both of the losing tribes will vote someone out of the game.

Rob gives his fire token to Parvati.

Posted by michel2 on 03-11-20 at 09:30 PM
"Rob gives his fire tokenS to Parvati."

"RE: Correction:"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-12-20 at 01:19 PM
"Rob gives his fire tokenS to Parvati."

...and now Parvati has FOUR Fire Tokens!

"RE: Correction:"
Posted by sj007 on 03-18-20 at 10:35 PM
I hope they start singing "Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!" Nice. What a pleasure it was seeing Rob blindsided and the look on his face. After so many blindsides and backstabbing he orchestrated. That is called just desserts. Can't wait to see the look on Amber's face when she first sees Rob. More poetic justice. Since stupid production doesn't show the votes anymore at the end are we to presume Sophie and Sarah didn't use their advantages? So Ben or Adam or both voted with them? I wonder how that went down when there was no strategizing at camp before tribal.

"RE: Correction:"
Posted by michel2 on 03-18-20 at 10:37 PM
I'm sure the strategizing happened BEFORE the Immunity Challenge.