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"S40|Ep 4|Revenge|East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 08:53 PM
All discussion regarding tonights episode 4 to be kept in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast, and don't forget to have PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
"Ep 4...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 09:14 PM
At night..snakes..night 9 Sele....Rob: I felt bad for Eathen....
Adam: TC was tough I thought that Parv was going hone....he betrayed me

Rob and Parv talk

Adam I was left out of the vote by the people that I was supposed to be aligned with....Ben: dadgummit Adam
Michelle: Now you see what happens when you tell what we want todo
Adam: I need to make an apology tour...I will not work with Parv and Rob
Ben: Adam is the little weasel, he's lucky that they biggest threats in the game...they are good at what they do, they will take the rope and hang you


Dakal...Yul, day 10!....Yul hugging everyone...the happy times are important, winning we are on a roll...we all like each other and continue with illusion that we are tight with each other...Yul is sounding very arrogant, not good

Sophie has confessional about the prison blah blah, it scares me cause se thinks that they one is miserable

See Amber at tree mail....Amber says you each have a chance to earn a fire token, tremendous effort bring down all 20 pieces of the fire wood, bring one at a time down, then must complete the task by sundown to earn one fire token.

so they all set out to do it....twenty trips up the steps is going to be tough....they are all complaining...winded....

Ethen: first trip up was good, 20 times this won't be so bad...have till sundown, piece of cake. see them all doing it

Almost more footage of EoE than the tribes still in the game

Dannie says it's like a running a marathon, no sleep no water

Natalie, she is not human...amber says that Natalie is a monster...I have 3 fire tokens, I don't want to be greedy but I want as many as possible, she's a cross fit trainer, for me self doubt crept in at log 10, I wanted to be first, then I realized I just gotta get it done.

Natalie says she just needs to get it done

Amber kept thinking she wants this to be over, completely depleted, nothing else in me

see Ethan, pick it up, he's ready to faint...struggling to get through it, going as fast as I can....go until my legs collapse or the sun goes down, I may not finish but I an not going to stop, he's falling down

medic comes, your bp is low, if it feels that if you are going to faint, you will. Ethan is disappointed in himself just wanted to complete this for himself, he had to quit at 16....Amber and Natalie, give hi high five as they go by, then the medic says you can carry on as long as you take the rests....

I kept saying to myself when you we're getting spinal taps and chemo...see Natalie....finishing it. then it all came flooding in, she goes in the water and cries....then Amber finishes and cries in the shelter...I just did wone of the hardest things that I have ever done in my life ad I needed to let it go....then Danni finishes.....then see Ethan....remember 7 years ago, you were locked in a hospital room...so they all join Ethan to finish the last leg....Ethan gets his last leg, Amber realizes the bond that they have created in a very short time

"RE: Ep 4...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 09:16 PM
That's the type of challenge they should have for immunity, not freakin' puzzles.

"RE: Ep 4...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-04-20 at 09:30 PM
Tony would be dead by about the 12th trip with the way he runs.

"RE: Ep 4...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 09:40 PM

"Back at Sele"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 09:23 PM
Rob and Michelle bonding....

Adam is working at camp...going to get water for everyone.
Jeremy: all of a sudden Adam is working harder than everyone at camp, like one of my children....and as long as he doesn't go back to his old ways, being sneaky, we will keep him around...

Rob and Parv

Parv: now it is just Rob and I on the bottom...she wants to use Ethan's fire token to avenge his blindside.

Adam is with Rob and Parv,
Adam: Rob and Parv want me to say something to make a mistake...Rob: adam is not saying anything, I'm sorry ad at the end of the day, I've got to lie

Rob goes to Jeremy and lies that Adam is trying to pull crap with hi

Michelle: adam opened his big mouth again...I'm sick of it
Jeremy: Adam is a liability, he's got to go, I m done with it


Tyson and Sarah are smelling each others breath

Sarah: with all of us veterans, we are taken advantage of our playground...tyson says he can do infinite number of bicep curls...
Sarah says that she and Tyson mesh together....she's having a ball with Tyson
Tyson says the cgame is eerily calm, but he knows the game is going one all the time...wendell nick yup sophie are so under the radar. Tyson says to Tony and Sandra that the people that are unconnected are all together, we will get popped one at a tie.

Sandra; it's shady and a lie...you know what tyson, you threw the first stone with me days ago, you are in deep do do

"RE: Back at Sele"
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 09:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-04-20 AT 09:40 PM (EST)

Wow! That was surprising. Adam persevered while Rob and Michelle saved the day. It's strange though that they chose Adam for that confeessional. First of all. ALL the post-IC interviews I can remember where from the losing tribe. To have a winner speak is in itself odd but to have Adam instead of Rob is even more surprising. Also, it sounded like a winner's quote so that certainly makes me go Hmmm....

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 09:36 PM
Sarah hands the idol back.

4 tribe members attached to boat with 3 members in to tower, climb up, retrieve keys, unlock puzzle pieces wins. Reward is 4 egg laying chickens Se eRob when they say someone voted out

Sandra and Tony sit out

swimmers have to pull the boat......tyson is a good swimmerKakal is there first, sophie up first, then denise, sophie misses, and denise misses....Nick gets first key, then Parv misses, kim gets it, Adam gets it, a big fall, Nick has the third key....Parv does not get it....Adam has the second key.....Dakal is doing the puzzle...Parv cannot reach it...misses, Adam, he misses

Nick is doing the puzzle. now adam goes again.....and he misses, they are so freaking short.....Misses AGAIN!!!! Disaster for sele....Dakal, one piece at a time to solve the puzzle....adam is about to cry.....i'm trying he says....one of the biggest blow outs in S.....hope is dwindling, and he finally gets it.....sele is swimming to the puzzle....Rob and Michelle on the puzzle...same that struggled in the last challenge, move quickly, be right more than they are wrong

Sele is catching up one piece at a time...Rob is flying through it....Sele is in the lead, Dakal is taking their puzzle apart....Rob is solving it all by himself....They WIN!!!!!

Sele wins immunity! Dakal goes to TC....Jeremy and Ben and Rob all kissing, Ben: never give up!

Sele, gets the immunity! 4 egg laying chickens!!! see Dakal....See Tyson....Adam: My mo told my teachers that when Adam decides that he is going to do something, there is absolutely no stopping him, and she was right!


Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 09:41 PM
It's Nick?? No, I think it's Tyson.

"Dakal loses!!!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 09:46 PM
See a bee hive

Nick apologizes about the puzzle..Tyson says it is the puzzle makers fault...Tyson wants to go with Nick, she mentions Nick to Sarah...Tyson tells Yul that its nick, he doesn't do much at camp, and he blew the challenge. Tells Tony....

Tyson says it will keep us the most united...
Wendell: all of our eyes are on tyson, he's a dead man walking....tyson is the biggest threat on this beach cause he's well connected on the other side...they all tell Nick...
Nick: he's got it out for me, it sucks because he was kind of one of my fav players, I'm nervous because everyone here knows how to lie,

Tyson tells Tony we need to stick together, or we will be popped.
Tony: so far it's been real smooth for me so far, I would rather get rid of Nick, Tyson is more of a target than I am, I don't want to lose him

Tony and Sarah discuss, the only shield we have is tyson....Kim is good with saving tyson, we need to band together, it all hinders on Sandra, if she is not on board, we can't do it....

Sandra says that tyson is right, tony is right, tyson is a bigger target but Sandra thinks he's dangerous.
Sandra says she has had issues with Tyson since he threw her name out but she loves revenge but she loves 2 million dollars even more.

go to TC

"Red Herring Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-04-20 at 09:47 PM
Should have known that if they show Dakal WAY ahead in the Press Images and Sele not even at the Puzzle that they are hiding a major come back!

And with NO photos of Sele this week likely that Dakal goes to TC.

I suspected this but dismissed it as hiding the obvious of Sele going to TC. ARGH!

"RE: Red Herring Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-04-20 at 09:50 PM
... and sneaky episode Title "I like revenge" and leave out Sandra saying "...but I like 2 Millions Dollars better"!

"RE: Red Herring Press Images"
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 10:12 PM
Last week had pictures of Sele way behind and they did lose so there's no way to know until we see.

"Nick or Tyson..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 09:58 PM
Yul and company want it to be Tyson.

Tony, Sarah, Kim and maybe Sandra will vote for Nick...it's up to Sandra.

Night 11 Tribal Council

Tony: it's hard for you to believe, the bonds we have formed already surpasses those on a game level...
Yul: I haven't been doing alot of math....problem is if you expose lines ...Sophie: we would like to not reveal groups within the group..who is the person that we can unite against...
Sandra wants us all to go back to camp and be happy again...
Yul, you have watched these poeople play....he thought tony was going to be an #####, but he's really a very caring person!
Kim is a huge fan of the game, she's star struck too
Sophie says it's hard ....
Tyson says you could be excited to take down your idol in this gane
Sandra does not get star struck
Nick: Yes, do get star struck, Parv was my idol. We need to control it, it's leading to a lack of confidence in this game, he feels responsible for the loss. He was told a plan and he will do it tonight

Time to vote

Yul is first voter

Nick votes Kim! He's afraid that Tyson has an idol
No one plays an idol



Tyson said it was too easy, he should have seen it coming.

He got voted out because of his relationship with Rob.

He gives his fire token to Nick....there is a fire token from your hero, Nick.

"Why bummed?"
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 10:14 PM
I'd think you'd be happy that Rob is safe. Granted, Tyson is more fun than Nick but I'm happy that Tony didn't get his way.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 10:03 PM
Jiffy: Next time on Survivor....

Jiffy: every body drop your buffs, see Robfadda
Rob in conf: this is the part of the gae that I really don't like too much but hopefully the cards fall in my favor
Michelle in conf: OMG, how did I get stuck on an island with my ex-boyfriend? Laughs

"RE: NTOS...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 10:16 PM
I missed the Survivor gossip: who is Michelle's ex? It can't be Yul or Tony so it would have to be Nick or Wendell...

"Nick is engaged, I think....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 10:33 PM
So, it must be Wendell. LOL!

"who is Michelle's ex?"
Posted by Sheldor on 03-04-20 at 10:36 PM
Survivor: Winners At War: 10 Connections Between Contestants That You Had No Idea About
Survivor: Winners at War pits past winners against one other for a prize of $2 million! But, what connections do contestants share with each other?

JAN 29, 2020


Michele Fitzgerald & Wendell Holland Dated For A Short Time

Michele and Wendell dated for a short period following their two respective wins. After causing the first-ever tie during the game's final million-dollar vote, Wendell narrowly pulled out the 'W' in Survivor: Ghost Island, and Michele became victorious during Survivor: Koah Rong.

Regardless of their past, Michele and Wendell might need each other as some of the only newbies with no prior connections. Do we think the pair have created a pre-game alliance, or will decide to work together only when their backs are up against the wall?

"This whole game had been about Rob so far...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-04-20 at 10:35 PM
I can't believe that all of these winners are so so threatened by Rob, with his dad bod. Natalie got out because of Adam. Amber was voted out because of Rob. Danni and Ethan were both voted out to weaken Rob. And, now Tyson is voted out so he can't get back with Rob. GEEEZZZZZ.

Rob is a dead robfadda walking. It doesn't matter where his cards fall, he's going to be toast....

"RE: This whole game had been about Rob so far...."
Posted by Sheldor on 03-04-20 at 11:30 PM
Here's a fun fact...

Winners At War players that are in the Xfinity TV Survivor Hall of Fame

2010: Parvati, Boston Rob, Sandra
2012: Ethan
2013: Kim
2016: Tony

Only one voted out so far is Ethan!

"RE: This whole game had been about Rob so far...."
Posted by michel2 on 03-04-20 at 11:57 PM
No, there are so many permutations that the cards could fall in his favor. Imagine this swap: Rob + Parvati + one more Sele + Tony + Sarah. That could work for him.

"RE: This whole game had been about Rob so far...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 03-05-20 at 09:37 PM
I think the only way he survives is if his tribe wins immunity.