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"S40|Ep 2 or 3|East coast spoiler thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 06:15 PM
*It's like a Survivor economy* ~ Please all commentary regarding the episode that airs tonight in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, don't forget....HAVE PHUN!

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""Is like a Survivor economy...""
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:09 PM
Day 4 EoE

Morning, see Amber and Nat....Amber says it was surreal not being at the other camp, with no EoE she would be super depressed there is possibility of getting back in, keep her head there

BR in AM....finds the fire token...this is not a good thing, got a fire token, they took my wife out of the game first, it kills me....it was really really really hard to leave the kids, makes it even harder...Rob tells Parvati....he does have other friends over there it could of been Sandra, if she voted my wife off this is war...

Denise and Ben collecting wood....last time he played it was all about finding HII's...to win this game he has to work on his social game and teaching people how to find idols is a good way to do that....Denise found it....holy vcrab cakes, without ben I would have not found this...must give other half of the idol to give to someone....it has no power without giving the other half away. I thought Ben might convince me to give it to him, but he didn't....so I think I can thrust him....

Adam: good news is Denise found the HI, but bad knows that she has it. She tells him ...what do you mean you want to give it to Parvati...she will know that you have it and vote you out....Adam tells her....Adam: makes way more sense to give me the other half of the idol, but the idea of playing this game with Ben makes me a little nervous

Dakal: Yul: trying to get some bread fruit....got a bg bamboo stick and trying to get it, he got it....at least I know the technique works.

Kim: Not used to playing on the bottom, but there is an upward trajectory, the idl would be a more important thing for me to have, see her looking....if this is meant to be, and she finds it...it's the half idol, must give one half to someone else. And Tony and Nick walk up....she says she's getting firewood...she thinks she was looking for it.

Kim thought she and sophie would be good together....she shows her the halves.....

Sophie: I am the last person that Kim should be telling her about it, I see Kim as someone who is socially aware everyone knows that that is why she won last time...she shouldn't be telling me, she could be next on the chopping block.

*I gotta say I am NOT a Sophie fan. I am so sick of the cool kids analogy....OMg, get over it! Now she's going to turn on Kim.....ugh

"RE: S40|Ep 2 or 3|East coast spoiler thread"
Posted by michel2 on 02-19-20 at 09:11 PM
The alliance between Rob and Parvati is both surprising and intreresting. They have a very natural way of talking to each other and that could be good for both.

I was hoping Kim would choose Yul for the half Idol.

"RE: S40|Ep 2 or 3|East coast spoiler thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:21 PM
Me too, Yul would have been a good choice!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:20 PM
So, Denise finds an idol that she has to share with someone while Ben is teaching her how to find idols. She gives the other half to Adam.

Kim finds the share idol and gives the other half to Sophie.

Day 5, EoE They go to the mail area...Natalie knows that it will lead to something that she can barter with for tokens...it's like a s economy where we are bartering back and forth...Amber is going to have to figure it out...they scoured the entire island
Amber comments back when she played there waere no hidden idols...looked all around the rice bucket, or maybe there is not something out there today....Natalie likes to be more proactive, at end of day not forgetting why they are here....she sees it, it's in the water....it's a clue for advantage, she has to sell it to someone that has at least one token left, tomorrow AM, she will sell it...she sends it to Jeremy, safety without power, doesn't cast a vote, but can't be voted out. She has my back, thesis huge for my game. I feel like I am on the bottom. I will buy it. These fire tokens are more valuable than you think, you can buy immunity, it's a war. I lost the battle but with the fire tokens I can win the war

Tony trying to occupy his mind, let's just build a ladder, we'll climb up, get fruit and eat it....see them all marching with the ladder.

Wendell says it's 150 #, and 20 feet tall....tied with flimsy twine...Tyson: he's surely joking...Tony says don't worry, it's designed to be like this...Sophie has a confessional about Tony....he climbs....Tony you don't want to be the first medevac

He gets some fruit, how is this guy still alive, that is the guy enforcing the law back home, maybe he believes he is the structural engineer...

Sarah and Tony trying to keep their distance, they are perceived as a pair..l
Tonyin Cagayan it didn't work for Sarah, but this tie I will make it up to her...Sarah says Cops are Us...now I know my partner, as long as nobody knows about cops r us, cops r us can work.

"HII and Fire Token count"
Posted by michel2 on 02-19-20 at 09:36 PM
Soon we'll need an spread sheet just to keep track but, for now we have:

- Sandra who has a temporary Idol (good for 3 TC)
- Kim and Sophie share an idol
- Denise and Adam share the other.

Everyone has 1 Fire Token except Amber while Rob and Natalie have 2.

"RE: HII and Fire Token count"
Posted by Sheldor on 02-19-20 at 10:27 PM

- Sandra who has a temporary Idol (good for 3 TC)
- Kim and Sophie share an idol
- Denise and Adam share the other.

- Jeremy has Safety Without Power

Fire Tokens
2 = Natalie, Denise, Rob
0 = Sandra, Amber, Danni
1 = Everyone Else

"Pre Challenge."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:32 PM
Day 6, challenge arena....See chests and obstacles....Rob sees no Amber, someone pats him on the back. Rob, gotta ask, is that personal...it's tough, it's a game I get it. Denise gives the idol back. race with cart to retrieve 3 keys, release heavy chests, disassemble cart get through barricade, reassemble, solve dragon puzzle.

Playing for reward too. spices

get the key off the post, Ben and Tyson getting it, now get the chest off and onto cart....red getting second key, and Ben. sele in leaden up again and tyson up, they are tied....now they have to take it apart, disassemble get pieces through, team work comes into play, they are heavy chests....Dakal ais through and so is sele.....now must build the cart again....Denise and rob for puzzle and sandra and Sophie for puzzle...

Dakal has pulled ahead, sele is stuck, Sandra and Sophie with early lead....Denise and rob closing the gap....two different approaches, Rob and denise are organizing...

Sandra and Sophie are way ahead...disaster on the puzzle...

Blow out says Jiffy....Dakal wins...Rob says my bad boys....

see Rob....

Parv: If you break it down to old and new so I want to make sure that there is no new school faction that is growing so one of them has to go

"RE: Pre Challenge."
Posted by michel2 on 02-19-20 at 09:33 PM
Even though Rob cost his tribe the IC, I think Parvati will get her way!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:42 PM
I don't think it will be Rob, because the name of next weeks episode is: "Out for blood". That has to be Rob. But, next episode could turn around and bite him? idk?See a shark....Sele day 6.... Rob is apologizing....let the craziness begin. Today was not my best day, first I find out my wife was voted out, and then I suck in the challenge. He feels secure in the relationships that I have secured. It could be Jeremy, Ben is a wild card. I don't trust him so he might have to go.

He and Parv and Ethan talk...

Danni: It's been 14 years since I played, I feel like I've been left out, I fell like it's me that could get voted out...Danni says that she on the outs with Parv, to Ethan and Ben...Ethan: we had a plan, but Danni right in front of ben, she feels she's on the outside and now she's telling Ben all of our news...

Ben: there is an old school new school thing, I don't want to be bamboozled by them

Ben tells Jeremy and Adam and Ethan is there

Danni and Rob talk...she feels like Parv flipped on me....Danni wants to get Parv...

Danni, in the beginning of this game she through my name out...

Adam says the old schools are turning on each other....
Danni through Parv under the bus, going against the godfather is really dangerous...

Parv: danni and I were connecting, now she is coming after me...Rob and Ethan and Parv talk Ben...

Jeremy and Michelle are talking...
Jeremy: the biggest name out there is Danni, he and Parv are controlling the game, I love to be the one pulling the blindsides

Adam suggests Parv to Michelle and Jeremy. Adam says it's all about choosing when to take these risks, but Adam knows he will never win this game if he doesn't take the risks.

Posted by michel2 on 02-19-20 at 09:45 PM
Everything was looking good for a simple Ben elimination but it quickly changed from that to either Danni or Parvati... To think it only happened because Rob, Parvati and Etham huddled without Danni. Paranoia can hurt even the best players.

"Old schoolers vs new schoolers"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 09:57 PM
TC: Night 6

Ben has to help Adam get his torch in ...

Rob: this gae is and always has been about relationships. My wife went to EoE because of a relationship...Ethan: is this relationship real or a new strategy
Michelle: says the reading people is the hard part. she was on the wrong side of the vote
People that have't played in a long time don't have experience with idols etc
Danni says it makes her feel old, she played a loyal game last time....Danni wanted to vote out Rob in the beginning....
Ben notes the paranoia....he watched Parv Rob and Ethan run around all day...
His point is that everybody is paranoid. Rob whispers to Jeremy, Parv whispers to Danni...Rob whispers to Ethan...Ben is talking about idols now...Rob asks Ben who has the idol/// let's all open our age and see who has the idol....they all open their bfs, denise passes hers off to adam...Why should everyone get to know who has the idol...Rob: what is the point of this, trying to find out the truth

Adam says about relationships. parv says they vote tonight is about relationships, and praying.

Jeremy is first voter.

Parvati says I hope this is the right risk to take.

See Ben and Parvati

No one plays an idol



Danni is out!

See Ben and Michelle...She gives her token to Denise.

Wow, did not see her cracking like that over Parvati not paying attention to her. Wow.

"RE: Old schoolers vs new schoolers"
Posted by michel2 on 02-19-20 at 10:55 PM
It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that players need to nurture their alliances. When Rob, Ethan and Paarvati started talking about Ben or Jeremy, THEY had to think about bringing Danni or at least IMMEDIATELY afterwards, fill her in on their discussion. It APPEARED as if they were excluding her so that APPEARANCE became her REALITY.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-19-20 at 10:07 PM
Jiffy: the hunt is on
See Adam ad Denise plotting, Adam tells her, "that's a big move"
Adam in conf: it's time to target big dogs in this game
See Parvati, then see Rob
Jiffy: But when you fight like an animal
See Sandra and Yul talking, Yul tells her, "Tyson is saying, "Vote out Sandra"
Sandra: If you come after me I better not find out about it
See Tony holding up a shark by the tail... and go running with it

Parv, Rob, and Tyson all in trouble.

"RE: NTOS...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 02-20-20 at 09:32 AM
This episode was a downer for me..... With all of these winners so f'g paranoid, their behavior is erratic. So erratic that it's completely a crap shoot as to who goes home. I think the new school way of playing is going to crash and burn. There are very few authentic relationships. I want to see methodical game play, with logic and reason. The audience needs clues and foreshadowing and misdirection to dissect and study, so they can rationally make deductions. But with this random chaos, there is no predictability and that is not fun.

Let's face it, in a season of alphas a beta will win. So let's talk about the betas, please.

"RE: NTOS...."
Posted by michel2 on 02-20-20 at 08:35 PM
It certainly was a downer for me also. During Guatemala, I saw Danni as a smart player, the only one able to see that Rafe was the one leading the tribe and that Stephenie was just his puppet. I figured she got in his good graces by pretending to be in awe over his "incredible" game skills. Now, I wonder if Rafe simply saw that she was dumb and simply used her to decimate his tribe.

Besides Danni, Kim was also one of my favorite winners but her dicision to tell Sophie about her idol makes me wonder about her intelligence. Shouldn't she have gone to Yul instead? Ok, maybe the fact that So Pathetic and One World were back to back seasons could have been a good reason for the two to bond but Sophie wasn't shown as a trustworthy player while Yul is unable to betray anyone.

"RE: NTOS...."
Posted by sj007 on 02-25-20 at 06:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-25-20 AT 06:16 PM (EST)

What has the game devolved into? Save us the incredible suspense and just give everyone an advantage or idol, what a joke. Question of the day. What's harder - a little kid trying to find an easter egg or a survivor player trying to find an idol? I'll go with the easter egg hunt. Another tribal that ranks up there as one of the stupidest. What really gets me is these are past winners. I don't get it. I would think they all know by now about fire tokens and advantages you get from people voted out. Why would you keep a threat like Rob in the game when he can get help from Amber on EoE? I don't understand why you would vote for Danni instead of a huge threat? You would think players would be aware who was on EoE and who their allies left in the game would be. The sooner you get allies together on EoE the less they can help each other. I haven't watched this game in years live or DVR. I catch up when I can on the internet. Not the same anymore. I would like to say thanks to Flower and others because they put a lot of work and effort into some of these threads.