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"S39-W13-E14 Title and Clues"

Posted by Sheldor on 12-13-19 at 02:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-19 AT 02:47 PM (EST)

"Mama, Look at Me Now"

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"S39-W13-E14 Jeff Probst Tease"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-13-19 at 02:52 PM
Dalton: There is still a game going on out there with Janet, Tommy, Dean, Lauren, and Noura all still vying for the million dollars. What can you say about next week’s finale?

Jeff: This has been a very unique season with so many different powerful moments and light shed on so many topics. But simply from a game point of view — the Island of the Idols twist has really had a big impact. So many of the visits and tests with Sandra and Rob have resulted in game changing moments back at camp. The finale is no different! There is one more visit to Island of the Idols, and it could change the entire game. I love finales, and this is a good one!

Survivor host Jeff Probst talks about first player ever ejected from the game
By Dalton Ross
December 11, 2019 at 09:00 PM EST

"RE: S39-W13-E14 Jeff Probst Tease"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-14-19 at 11:25 AM
So, the F5 are: Lauren, Tommy, Dean, Noura, and Janet.

Of this F5, the ONLY one that has not gone to I of the I's is Tommy. Seriously, he's going to get an advantage? Or, will they all go? If Tommy gets an advantage at this stage, he's golden.

This finale seems very predictable. Janet has to go at F5, with her, "We've got to play this HII", and then Dean with his idol nullifier and he KNOWS who has the idol.

Tommy has a very real chance at winning the final IC anyway. If he wins an advantage to the IC, he's in. If he goes, who will he take? Noura?

Leaving Dean and Lauren to fight it out at fire making?


"RE: S39-W13-E14 Jeff Probst Tease"
Posted by coldbrewer on 12-14-19 at 04:13 PM
My gut is telling me Tommy is the decoy winner. Prediction:

F5 Janet via nullifyer
F4: Lauren. Dean wins immunity and takes Noura. L/T Duke it out.

I have this weird feeling Dean wins.

"RE: S39-W13-E14 Jeff Probst Tease"
Posted by michel2 on 12-14-19 at 06:07 PM
"I have this weird feeling Dean wins."

In a Final 3 format it's always dumb to keep a member of the minority tribe because they have a lot of jurors waiting to get revenge on the majority. But I think Tommy wins this because he's had the best edit outside of Janet whose "Hero" edit is great but she seems doomed to fall at 5.

"RE: S39-W13-E14 Jeff Probst Tease"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-15-19 at 03:34 PM
I agree with Coldbrewer that I too have a feeling that Tommy is the decoy winner. But, I feel like the best player of the game that we have been shown in editing is Lauren. I will never forget when Tommy felt he was going next, he cried to Lauren, and she talked him off the ledge. She is the strategic one of the two. Now we see that he's trying to throw her under the bus. When the loved ones visited we heard Lauren's last words to her husband...."I'm going to WIN, I'm going to WIN!" So, for me, I really think that Lauren has been edited as the winner. She has also heeded Rob and Sandra's advice throughout the season. Last episode we heard her say she could ride to the end, or she could make a move like one of her mentors, Sandra. But, we saw that plan fail, as Janet didn't take the bait.

Regarding Dean. He's made alot of enemies along the way. But, no question, he's gaining momentum now.